


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  YAC framework map that further confirms the deletion map.
2 satellite instability and were excluded from deletion mapping.
3  providing an informative basis for detailed deletion mapping.
4 domain mediates neurexin binding as shown by deletion mapping.
5  N-terminus in enzyme binding was defined by deletion mapping.
6 mutations were located by DNA sequencing and deletion mapping.
7                                     Internal deletions mapped a shorter sequence between residues 251
8   Using traditional and DNA microarray-based deletion mapping, a 7-bp deletion was found in an exon o
9                                              Deletion-mapping analyses, using the extensive series of
10                                In a detailed deletion mapping analysis of 67 normal-tumor DNAs utiliz
11                                              Deletion mapping analysis revealed that a 78-amino acid
12                                              Deletion mapping analysis showed lowest ANXA7-promoter a
13                                              Deletion mapping analysis showed that inhibition by E1A
14                                              Deletion mapping analysis suggests that formation of an
15 ological subtype were selected for PCR-based deletion mapping analysis using 15 highly polymorphic mi
16                                              Deletion mapping analysis with various GST-fused Fas cyt
17                                              Deletion-mapping analysis identified amino acids 40 to 6
18                                              Deletion-mapping analysis of the HBV core promoter and i
19 CGTG recognition sequence, we have performed deletion mapping and amino acid substitutions within the
20                                      Further deletion mapping and domain swapping experiments with PA
21                                        Using deletion mapping and green fluorescent protein chimeras,
22 site for Peptide 3 on Mdm2 was determined by deletion mapping and lies adjacent to the binding site o
23                                              Deletion mapping and mutagenesis studies unveiled that p
24                    The leads gained from the deletion mapping and physical maps should expedite the i
25                                              Deletion mapping and point mutagenesis defined a region
26                                  Conversely, deletion mapping and point mutation analysis of PIF3 for
27                                           By deletion mapping and scanning mutation analyses, we have
28                                              Deletion mapping and sequence analysis showed that the R
29                          We report here that deletion mapping and site-directed mutagenesis identifie
30                       In this report, we use deletion mapping and site-directed mutagenesis to determ
31 cose sites in Drosophila Notch, we conducted deletion mapping and site-specific mutagenesis and then
32                                     However, deletion mapping and the analysis of variable inactivati
33 nt in the proximal region were identified by deletion mapping and transcription assays.
34                                        Using deletion mapping and transient transfection, we show tha
35                                          EST deletion maps and the consensus map of group 1 chromosom
36 mapping, linkage disequilibrium mapping, and deletion mapping, and new high-throughput sequencing met
37  but has not been amenable to alignment with deletion maps because the identity of most RLGS fragment
38 ity of GLRB mutations using splicing assays, deletion mapping, cell-surface biotinylation, expression
39                                              Deletion mapping confirmed that hRap1 is tethered to tel
40              We have previously collated the deletion mapping data of 24 Jacobsen patients with the p
41 interest, perhaps because of the conflicting deletion mapping data.
42                               Truncation and deletion mapping defined a 51-amino acid sequence betwee
43                              High-resolution deletion mapping defined a consensus region of deletion
44                                              Deletion mapping defined two minimum regions of deletion
45                                              Deletion mapping demonstrated 10q loss in 14 of 67 infor
46                                              Deletion mapping demonstrated that DISC1 has distinct in
47                                              Deletion mapping experiments demonstrate that a 118-base
48 also has a discrete <20-nt poly(A) tail, and deletion mapping experiments identified an element homol
49                               ApoAI promoter deletion mapping experiments indicated that ERalpha plus
50                                              Deletion mapping experiments indicated that the amino te
51                                      Through deletion mapping experiments, we demonstrated that the b
52                      Further analysis of the deletion map for the invasive epithelial ovarian tumors
53 ed methylation analysis with high-resolution deletion maps from microarray-based comparative genomic
54                                            A deletion map has allowed us to delimit a smallest region
55                                              Deletion mapping has defined a region of common loss fla
56                                              Deletion mapping has localized the beta-catenin binding
57                                              Deletion mapping identified a 7-Mb critical region flank
58                                  Previously, deletion mapping identified a central, conserved region
59                   Saturation mutagenesis and deletion mapping identified residues 156-202 of SNAP25 a
60  but not unr or PTB4, bound to hIR mRNA, and deletion mapping implicated a CCU motif 448 nt upstream
61                                 In addition, deletion mapping in combination with loss of heterozygos
62                                              Deletion mapping in combination with promoter activity a
63 transferase) domain identified previously by deletion mapping in recombinant yeast Gcn5.
64                                              Deletion mapping in tumors over the past decade has narr
65                       Using a combination of deletion mapping, in vitro mutagenesis, an analogue-sens
66                                              Deletion mapping indicates that main chain interaction(s
67                                              Deletion mapping indicates that the proteins bind within
68                                              Deletion mapping is the primary method used for fine-sca
69                                         Such deletion mapping is usually conducted using polymerase c
70                                              Deletion mapping localized the dopamine receptor-FLN-A i
71                                              Deletion mapping localized the major NF-kappaB activatin
72                                              Deletion mapping localized the site of dopamine receptor
73                                              Deletion mapping localized the sites of interaction betw
74 o aldolase was characterized by biochemical, deletion mapping, mutagenesis, and co-immunoprecipitatio
75 rosatellite loci to create a high resolution deletion map of 150 squamous cell carcinomas of the lary
76               To construct a highly detailed deletion map of chromosome 11p, we used 13 polymorphic m
77 ctal carcinoma in situ cases and completed a deletion map of chromosome 16q by means of paraffin-embe
78             We constructed a highly detailed deletion map of chromosome 17q21 based on PCR amplificat
79 in 6q, we have constructed a high-resolution deletion map of this chromosome arm in 46 MMs.
80                                              Deletion mapping of ACE3 revealed that an evolutionarily
81                                              Deletion mapping of an ARS element linked to the HO gene
82                                              Deletion mapping of chromosome 13q was performed in four
83                                     Detailed deletion mapping of chromosome 6q has shown that the hig
84                                     Detailed deletion mapping of chromosome 6q sequences in invasive
85                                              Deletion mapping of domain I identified the C-terminal 3
86                                              Deletion mapping of ERT protein suggests that the transa
87                                              Deletion mapping of INrf2 revealed the requirement of KE
88                                              Deletion mapping of IQD1 demonstrated the importance of
89 suppressor gene to a 3 cM region on 17q25 by deletion mapping of microsatellite markers in breast tum
90  we developed a novel and general method for deletion mapping of non-recombining regions by solving "
91                                              Deletion mapping of ori-beta identified two required com
92 ed translocations and supportive comparative deletion mapping of PSS subjects, we have uncovered evid
93                                              Deletion mapping of Rpa1 defined three domains.
94                                              Deletion mapping of the 2468-base COX-2 mRNA 3'-untransl
95                  In our studies, detailed 3' deletion mapping of the 5'-DPRS narrowed down the negati
96                                              Deletion mapping of the BRCA2 promoter identified three
97                                              Deletion mapping of the C terminus of the alpha1-subunit
98                                              Deletion mapping of the Cp 3'-UTR indicated an internal
99                                              Deletion mapping of the Egr-1 promoter revealed that the
100                                              Deletion mapping of the human presenilin-1 (PS1) promote
101 omic hybridization (CGH) and high-resolution deletion mapping of the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q) in
102                                              Deletion mapping of the NS5A protein found that an 85-aa
103                                              Deletion mapping of the PC3/hchr7 tumors obtained after
104                                              Deletion mapping of the Rpa2 subunit identified the doma
105                                              Deletion mapping of the TNFalpha gene revealed that the
106                                              Deletion mapping of the X-chromosome implicated 5 Mb of
107                                              Deletion mapping of two Mad members, Mad1 and Mxi1, demo
108 d (RH) mapping in conjunction with a natural deletion mapping panel.
109 alignment (number of matches, mismatches and deletions, mapping quality score returned by the alignme
110                      Effective and efficient deletion mapping requires both extensive genomic coverag
111                                              Deletion mapping revealed a 71-bp-long minimal replicato
112                                              Deletion mapping revealed a minimal region of overlap be
113                                              Deletion mapping revealed four potential candidate regio
114                                              Deletion mapping revealed that the minimal PampC extends
115 sis, combined with proteolytic digestion and deletion mapping, revealed the organization of L into a
116                 To improve the resolution of deletion mapping, screens were planned to distribute del
117                           These physical and deletion maps should prove useful for identification of
118                                              Deletion mapping showed that intact extracellular cadher
119 es upstream of the transcription start site; deletion mapping showed that Pcdh15 harbors suppressor a
120                                              Deletion mapping showed that the MLD included a symmetri
121                                              Deletion mapping showed that the N terminus of YopE was
122 R structural analyses and the combination of deletion mapping, site-directed mutagenesis and LDL rele
123 r these deficits in X-monosomy by means of a deletion mapping strategy.
124 ts into mouse L cells and performing allelic deletion mapping studies against this mouse background.
125                                       Recent deletion mapping studies have broadly implicated a 1.6-M
126                                              Deletion mapping studies have delineated a 3.5 Mb candid
127                              These and other deletion mapping studies have suggested the existence of
128                                              Deletion mapping studies have unambiguously identified a
129                                              Deletion mapping studies indicate that amino acids 1-100
130                                        Finer deletion mapping studies localized the smallest regions
131 d cosmid clones has been isolated for use in deletion mapping studies of patient DNA.
132                      Previous functional and deletion mapping studies on cervical cancer (CC) have im
133                                              Deletion mapping studies showed that the C-terminal regi
134                                              Deletion-mapping studies indicate that the carboxy-termi
135                                      Further deletion-mapping studies suggest the presence of two int
136     By a combination of microcell-fusion and deletion-mapping studies, we previously established that
137                                     A recent deletion mapping study of chromosome 9p has also identif
138                                              Deletion mapping suggests that a 37-aa segment present a
139                                              Deletion mapping suggests that DNA sequence homologies b
140                                   We show by deletion mapping that processing of NF-(kappa)B2(p100) t
141 ve of 15 (4.0% of the sample) had a 2.5-3 Mb deletion mapping to 22q11.2, a rate higher than that rep
142 istance at 6p25 and a second site of 10.3 cM deletion mapping to 6p21.3.
143 s a receptor region previously identified by deletion mapping to be important for ligand binding.
144                   Here we employed iterative deletion mapping to elucidate how the NTD of HSPB6 influ
145 for additional VH gene families and utilized deletion mapping to explore the extent of VH gene family
146 ave used cross-species sequence analysis and deletion mapping to facilitate the identification of the
147                             Genes and a 3-Mb deletion mapping to human chromosome 22q11.2 have been i
148 action between ICP0 and ND10, we carried out deletion mapping to identify the domains of ICP0 respons
149 ese loci demonstrated that the 10p region of deletion maps to 10p11.2.
150                                        These deletions mapped to a poly-T-rich tract just 5' to the i
151 tants possessing amino acid substitutions or deletions mapping to either the repeat or interrepeat re
152 n breakpoints from two patients with de novo deletions mapping to these distal LCRs.
153  bladder and upper urinary tract by detailed deletion mapping using 31 microsatellite markers on 9q.
154                                   Additional deletion mapping using microsatellites localized to the
155 ons on chromosome 5, we performed a detailed deletion mapping utilizing 66 normal-tumor DNAs from mal
156                               The SSLP-based deletion map was confirmed and genetic distances were de
157                                              Deletion mapping was employed to determine the physical
158                                              Deletion mapping was used to identify the domain of Bub1
159 dization (CGH) to lesion-induced mutants for deletion mapping was validated on a midoleate x-ray muta
160 ups into defined intervals of the Tyr-region deletion map, which facilitates the identification of ea
161                       By coupling nullisomic deletion mapping with meiotic linkage mapping, loci know
162 explain the high prevalence of focal genomic deletions mapping within very large genes in human tumor

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