


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s (to minimize polar effects inherent in the deletion mutants).
2 M), but not to the wild-type or a fra island deletion mutant.
3  all five putative PFOR mutants and in a PFL deletion mutant.
4  find that slrA mRNA accumulated in the pnpA-deletion mutant.
5 iratory nitrate reductase activity in a mobA deletion mutant.
6 lysozyme with a higher catalytic rate double deletion mutant.
7 compared with infection with an isogenic hla deletion mutant.
8 A) mutant was stronger than that of the pulM deletion mutant.
9  segment and the attenuated phenotype of NSs deletion mutants.
10 ful, although there have been successes with deletion mutants.
11 ions, we utilized c-di-GMP regulatory enzyme deletion mutants.
12 nt phenotypes in kn1 missense and tm1081(lf) deletion mutants.
13 n and striatal spinogenesis defects of Foxp2-deletion mutants.
14 this surface shell of [PSI+] deposits in the deletion mutants.
15 esis of strain 4295, which consists of three deletion mutants.
16  an isogenic combinatorial collection of NEF deletion mutants.
17 e diploid strains that are homozygous double-deletion mutants.
18 ds to moderate toxicity and the emergence of deletion mutants.
19                               Using a double-deletion mutant (12203) of CPXV, we show that direct pri
20 n IgM ligand binding in the cytoplasmic tail-deletion mutant, 2) enhanced cap formation in FcmuR upon
21 nd single-cell studies have shown that mtDNA deletion mutants accumulate in a clonal fashion in vario
22                                       A ctpJ deletion mutant accumulated Co(2+) , indicating that thi
23                                     The pvdO deletion mutant accumulates dihydropyoverdine, and this
24 cell function, we analyzed how an endogenous deletion mutant affected Pdx1 expression embryonically a
25                 Using a systematic series of deletion mutants (all containing the intact DNA-binding
26    Genetic analysis of DNA methyltransferase deletion mutants also indicated that proper reprogrammin
27 n in the endocarditis model with the new acm deletion mutant although not as great as that previously
28                       We constructed an efbA deletion mutant and demonstrated that its virulence was
29 ntly, we generated a nonpolar markerless acm deletion mutant and did not observe a delay in growth.
30          Moreover, the virulence of the fbsC deletion mutant and its ability to colonize the brain we
31                       Using an isogenic NalP deletion mutant and NalP complementing strains, we show
32              Analysis of a slr1270 insertion deletion mutant and respective wild-type revealed that t
33            Successful generation of a BbhtrA deletion mutant and restoration by genetic complementati
34 sis genes were still transcribed in the cccA deletion mutant and the quinol oxidase genes (cioAB) wer
35 sed to compare the transcriptomes of an rppH deletion mutant and the wild-type strain incubated at 20
36                   Further studies using recA deletion mutants and a cloned rstC gene showed that the
37 111 and C112, in domain B and found that the deletion mutants and a double mutant lacking the C94-C11
38                                  Using HDAC5 deletion mutants and co-immunoprecipitation studies, we
39 racellular and surface-associated capsule in deletion mutants and complemented strains further implic
40 ng activity we generated GFP-YpkA N-terminal deletion mutants and performed coimmunoprecipitation exp
41 screened Keio collection of Escherichia coli deletion mutants and revealed that deleting genes for re
42 d characterized sncRNA species from two ABI3 deletion mutants and the wild type P. patens that were s
43 ion for the hypomorphic phenotype of the CTR-deletion mutant, and further suggests that Reln mutation
44 several variants of p53 and SUMO1, including deletion mutants, and those with modified sequences cont
45                                         CKS1 deletion mutants are severely impaired in hyphal growth,
46 ves an essential function in vivo, as bb0405-deletion mutants are unable to transmit from ticks and e
47 ar to the Etl4(lacZ) and Skt(Gt) alleles our deletion mutants are viable and fertile and show only mi
48 ern of yeast Pex11 in all non-essential gene deletion mutants, as well as in temperature-sensitive es
49 etermined that in cells infected with an NS4 deletion mutant (BTV8DeltaNS4), there is increased synth
50  vivo Secretion was impaired in a propeptide-deletion mutant but could be restored by co-expression o
51 ology defects of the actin-like protein MreB deletion mutant by restoration of PBP1 localization.
52 ed cells infected with each of the five VMAP deletion mutants by electron tomography, which is necess
53  analyzed the functionality of several CCBE1 deletion mutants by generating knock-in mice expressing
54                      We demonstrate that the deletion mutant can serve as a platform for the isolatio
55                                Although this deletion mutant cannot form amyloid, significant amyloid
56 ated to complement the Escherichia coli panD deletion mutant cells, in which panD encoding aspartate
57 icrobeads loaded with CASPR2, but not with a deletion mutant, co-localize with transfected CNTN1, sug
58 sources, such as ORFeome clone libraries and deletion mutant collections, are fundamental tools for e
59                         Furthermore, an mrpJ deletion mutant colonized the bladders of mice at signif
60 1 (A/blue-winged teal/MN/993/1980) and an LR deletion mutant, combined with mutational analysis, we s
61 and transcriptome were altered in the sdg8-5 deletion mutant compared to wild type, within the contex
62                     The analysis of in frame deletion mutants confirmed the role of a hydroxymethylgl
63  as such was immunologically inert; however, deletion mutant conidia with modified surfaces could act
64                           Furthermore, SRSF1 deletion mutants containing the protein RNA-binding doma
65 ential for StAR activity, and the N-terminal deletion mutant continued to interact with VDAC2.
66 nd a monomeric CaMKII oligomerization-domain deletion mutant control.
67  immunoreactivity against a series of PLA2R1 deletion mutants covering the extracellular domains.
68 eq) screening of a pooled collection of gene-deletion mutants cultivated as biofilm and planktonic ce
69                                            A deletion mutant, DeltaalyA1, grew as well as the wild ty
70                                    The Clg2p deletion mutant (DeltaClg2p) had altered appressorium fo
71      A M. tuberculosis cytochrome bd oxidase deletion mutant (DeltacydKO) was hyper-susceptible to co
72                                   The FgSCH9 deletion mutant (DeltaFgSch9) was defective in aerial hy
73                                  The FgVPS27 deletion mutant (DeltaFgvps27) exhibited a reduction in
74 any effect on virus production; however, the deletion mutant (DeltaG209) showed a very low titer when
75                 Here, we synthesize a single deletion mutant, DeltaG25, with the aim of sterically hi
76 ureus (MRSA) strain (MW2), its isogenic graS deletion mutant (DeltagraS strain), a nonameric extracel
77 d with familial frontotemporal dementia, the deletion mutant DeltaK280 and the point mutant P301L.
78 directionally transcribed miRNA locus, and a deletion mutant (Deltamir) lays no eggs and is completel
79 e NDH-2s in Synechocystis, by constructing a deletion mutant (DeltandbC) for a corresponding protein
80 old or more) up- or down-regulated in a scmR deletion mutant (DeltascmR) Metabolically, the DeltascmR
81 ad not previously seen a defect of the TgPL1 deletion mutant (DeltaTgPL1) during acute and early chro
82 isease-susceptible C3H/HeN mice with the arp deletion mutant demonstrated significantly reduced tibio
83                              The analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the globular domain a
84  in a moderate to severe growth phenotype in deletion mutants, demonstrating a key role for each enzy
85  B. anthracis Ames strain and isogenic toxin deletion mutants derived from the Ames strain to examine
86                                The VZV ORF54 deletion mutant described in this study represents the f
87 sues exhibited by mice infected with the arp deletion mutant did not directly correspond to reduced u
88                                An Mtb rv0888 deletion mutant did not grow on sphingomyelin as a sole
89 ype 5 (Ad5) E1B 19-kilodalton (E1B 19K) gene deletion mutant did not repress macrophage NF-kappaB act
90   Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 developmen
91 C. elegans intestinal epithelium, and sdpn-1 deletion mutants display phenotypes indicating a block i
92                                       AaGPx3 deletion mutants displayed increased sensitivity to H2 O
93                      However, lspA3 or lspA4 deletion mutants each exhibited a tan phase variation bi
94              By screening a panel of 39 gene deletion mutants, each lacking a different ubiquitin bin
95  nuclear localization of the PA-X C-terminal deletion mutant enhanced shutoff activity, highlighting
96                               The SAM domain deletion mutant, EphA2DeltaS-GFP, also underwent further
97                                              Deletion mutants exhibited a range of translational phen
98                                   C-terminal deletion mutants exhibited a reduced tendency to solubil
99          In this study, we found that rcan-1 deletion mutants exhibited cryophilic behavior dependent
100 yl-terminal GPI anchor, while the GPI anchor deletion mutant exhibits dominant negative activity and
101                                     The sspA deletion mutant exhibits irregular sporulation septation
102                             C. albicans sap6 deletion mutants failed to accumulate intracellular zinc
103 osa, and compared the wild-type strains with deletion mutants for crc.
104 ll extremities, whereas in anucleated cells (deletion mutants for mukB), the Tsr clusters are closer
105 n of Tsr clusters at the poles is smaller in deletion mutants for Tol-Pal than in wild-type cells, al
106 ng prompted us to generate a series of Mcl-1 deletion mutants from both the N and C termini of the pr
107 d approach, this method allows us to combine deletion mutants from different experiments and sources.
108 sembly and function in strains in which loop deletion mutant genes are the ONLY: sources of uL4 or uL
109                                   Individual deletion mutant gra7 or rop18 was partially attenuated f
110                                     When the deletion mutant grown at 28 degrees C was examined by EM
111                              The selD CRISPR deletion mutant had a growth defect in protein-rich medi
112                                   The FgSSN3 deletion mutant had a nutrient-dependent growth defects
113 ssion of the C-terminal (amino acid 362-396) deletion mutant had no effect.
114 sion electron microscopy studies of two VMAP deletion mutants had suggested retention of connections
115  In corticosteroid-treated mice, a DeltacalA deletion mutant has significantly attenuated virulence r
116                           We showed that the deletion mutants have increased binding to human-like re
117 e strategy for Burkholderia, but single-gene-deletion mutants have not provided complete protection.
118                                     As these deletion mutants impose less inhibition on exocytosis, w
119  stem-like cells using a conditional genetic deletion mutant in a mouse model of platelet-derived gro
120                        We constructed a pil3 deletion mutant in a Pil3 overexpressing variant (Pil3+)
121 ptional profiling and functional assays of a deletion mutant in the A. baumannii sensor kinase gene,
122                                    An ESX-5a deletion mutant in the model system M. marinum backgroun
123 verall, as the first report of targeted gene deletion mutant in U. virens, our results showed that Uv
124 from FMN-hydroquinone to its partners, three deletion mutants in a conserved loop near the FMN were c
125  C. elegans, we utilized the individual gene deletion mutants in E. coli (K12).
126 ecular analyses using defined virulence gene deletion mutants in that lineage as of yet.
127 plied our method to a set of newly generated deletion mutants in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia
128                                  Four single deletion mutants in ttn.2 or ttn.1 resulted in four phen
129 he expression of a CD81 carboxy (C)-terminal deletion mutant, increases cellular dNTP content and HIV
130 the most highly upregulated gene in the nmoR deletion mutant, independently of MexT.
131  production of 128 proteins in the oxyR gene deletion mutant, indicating its global regulatory role i
132 phenotype is similar to that of MGAS5005 sse deletion mutants, indicating that the enzymatic activity
133                                        An E3 deletion mutant induced protein kinase R (PKR) and eukar
134   Infection of Swiss cells with an EHEC espW deletion mutant induces a cell shrinkage phenotype that
135            We discovered that the terminator deletion mutant is highly resistant to neutrophil-mediat
136                    Regulation of a CLH-3b AD deletion mutant is reconstituted by intracellular perfus
137                                      An mbfA deletion mutant is severely defective in iron export act
138 h DiGeorge syndrome and in experimental Tbx1 deletion mutants is associated with thymus aplasia or hy
139                                    An alphaS deletion mutant lacking amino-acid residues 71-82 binds
140 red in two independent cerk1 null mutants; a deletion mutant lacking D14L, and with D14L complemented
141                            We investigated a deletion mutant lacking only this alpha-helix in stable
142                      We then constructed two deletion mutants lacking C-terminal regions and mutants
143 s less constrained, whereas in the D219/E220 deletion mutant, little orientational preference was obs
144 f Mafa(-/-) and pancreas-specific Mafa(panc) deletion mutant mice demonstrated a primary role for Maf
145 then crossed these animals with the NDL (Neu DeLetion mutant) model of ErbB2-induced mammary tumorige
146                                   The MoSYN8 deletion mutant (Mosyn8) mutant exhibits defects in endo
147 he BERosome complex, as observed for a NEIL1 deletion mutant (N311) lacking the CTD, not only inhibit
148 ions, two without the N66S mutation, and one deletion mutant not encoding the PB1-F2 protein.
149                       We report that an htaA deletion mutant of C. diphtheriae strain 1737 is unable
150         We therefore generated a cytoplasmic deletion mutant of CD27 (CD27-trunc) to study the role o
151                                    A defined deletion mutant of cysE was attenuated in C57BL/6 wild-t
152 ransgenic plants expressing the F-box domain deletion mutant of FOF2 (FOF2DeltaF), or double loss of
153                            Here we created a deletion mutant of gene all3922 encoding isoaspartyl dip
154 endotoxicity and CAMP resistance of a double deletion mutant of lpxE-eptA was similar to that of a si
155                                    Herein, a deletion mutant of MAB_4780, encoding a dehydratase, dis
156 h ICP8 and BALF2, a 60-amino-acid C-terminal deletion mutant of Orf6 was generated, and the protein w
157                                  A quadruple deletion mutant of PpCSP1 and three closely related PpCS
158                                  Moreover, a deletion mutant of rovA, previously shown to be moderate
159 with PTEN for binding to DLG-1, unlike a PBM deletion mutant of Tax1.
160 in the absence of ligands, and a well folded deletion mutant of the Bacillus stearothermophilus enzym
161 a role in Ca(2+) homeostasis, we studied the deletion mutant of the HTT ortholog in the model develop
162           To confirm this, we created a ccpA deletion mutant of TX82, which also exhibited a slight d
163                        We constructed an fnr deletion mutant of UPEC CFT073 and compared it to the wi
164                          As expected, the A6 deletion mutant of VACV failed to replicate in noncomple
165 ed metabolomics analysis of an S. cerevisiae deletion mutant of YDR109C revealed ribulose as one of t
166                                              Deletion mutants of Agrobacterium lacking monoglucosyl d
167 pproach to produce a library of >9000 random deletion mutants of an artificial RNA ligase enzyme repr
168  different perturbations (e.g., antibiotics, deletion mutants of assembly factors, oxidative stress,
169              We show that spoIIQ or spoIIIAH deletion mutants of C. difficile result in anomalous eng
170                                       Single-deletion mutants of chtA or chtC use Hb-Hp iron in a man
171 lting in reduced nucleosome-barrier, such as deletion mutants of histones H3/H4 themselves and the ge
172  characteristics, and produced isogenic gene deletion mutants of important CA-MRSA virulence determin
173               In an application to data from deletion mutants of kinases and phosphatases in S. cerev
174                                  We examined deletion mutants of luxO, opaR, and aphA for in vivo fit
175                      By screening a panel of deletion mutants of mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) a mutan
176  A recent study by Laplante et al.[3], using deletion mutants of myp2 and myo51 and the mis-sense mut
177 tion of the mammalian host by using unmarked deletion mutants of the F. tularensis live vaccine strai
178                                              Deletion mutants of the seven genes within one LSR (G-LS
179 el trafficking to the membrane, we generated deletion mutants of the TRPC4 channel.
180 gical changes and altered gene expression in deletion mutants of two N-myristoylated PPs.
181                                              Deletion mutants of unc-68, and in particular the point
182 ues the viability of a S. cerevisiae cofilin deletion mutant only when the stiffness cation site is s
183 itopes with fibroblasts infected with a UL11 deletion mutant or the parental strain revealed that und
184                                          The deletion mutant phenotype was reproduced by using transf
185 he mutant OGTs that did not fully rescue the deletion mutant phenotypes had reduced or no activity.
186 atory imbalances that are not uncovered from deletion-mutant phenotyping.
187 paring parental B. pertussis to an rseA gene deletion mutant (PM18), we sought to characterize the ro
188                      Most interestingly, the deletion mutant possessed a higher thermal stability and
189            We tested several candidate miRNA-deletion mutants post gamma-irradiation and identified c
190 ygen-dependent alginate synthesis inhibitor) deletion mutant produced alginate also in the presence o
191  showed that inoculation with a DeltaprrF1,2 deletion mutant protects against future challenge with w
192 f PE in the phosphatidylserine decarboxylase deletion mutant (psd1Delta) cause decreased respiration,
193     In this study, we showed that the Fgsrp1 deletion mutant rarely produced conidia and caused only
194 on of the NCR169 gene into the dnf7-2/NCR169 deletion mutant restored symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
195 in no flagellar formation although this FliI deletion mutant retained 40% of the ATPase activity, sug
196                       Interestingly, the NTR deletion mutant retained 61.5% and 19.5% enzymatic activ
197 alysis of peptidoglycan sacculi from an rlpA deletion mutant revealed increased tetra and hexasacchar
198                    Phenotypic analysis of TF deletion mutants revealed complex relationships among vi
199           Proteomic analysis of efp and poxA deletion mutants revealed decreased levels of several vi
200 plementation experiments performed with PstP deletion mutants revealed marginally compromised surviva
201    Studies using the 1.9-kb SK1 promoter and deletion mutants revealed that basal and FGF2-stimulated
202 , a nonbiased screen of transcription factor deletion mutants revealed that the phosphate-responsive
203 ing site within the APLP1 E2 domain as APLP1 deletion mutants revealed.
204  holoenzyme containing an RIIbeta C-terminal deletion mutant (RIIbeta(1-280)), which is missing the C
205 h cDNA clone of SL-CoV WIV1 (rWIV1), an ORFX deletion mutant (rWIV1-DeltaX), and a green fluorescent
206  capsule-switching mutant and with a capsule deletion mutant showed that the capsule protected S. mit
207 e corresponding C. elegans clec-49 and fat-3 deletion mutants showed delayed biofilm formation and ab
208            Analysis of RGB-derived K3 and K5 deletion mutants showed that while the K5-mediated downr
209 of CSQ1 or a C-terminal (amino acid 388-396) deletion mutant significantly promoted the association o
210 ion between SK or its COOH-terminal Lys(414) deletion mutant (SKDeltaK414) and active site-labeled [L
211                                    A MakatG1 deletion mutant strain (DeltaMakatG1) showed decreased c
212                                      An ibeA deletion mutant strain (NRG857cDeltaibeA) was constructe
213 e, a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) SEIPIN deletion mutant strain and a plant (Nicotiana benthamian
214    In this study, we determined that an rpoE deletion mutant strain BHM2578 compared to the wild type
215 s of a wild-type strain and an isogenic fabT deletion mutant strain found that between 3.7 and 28.5%
216 strain; in situ reconstitution of fnm in the deletion mutant strain restored adherence.
217                       Here we generate a new deletion mutant strain, CVS-N2c(DeltaG), and examine its
218 h more resistant to oxidants than a catalase-deletion mutant strain.
219 ing, mass spectrometry, and the use of a p13 deletion mutant strain.
220 m were significantly upregulated in the fabT deletion mutant strain.
221           Individual DeltatrxA and DeltatrxC deletion mutant strains each show a greater abundance of
222                                     Notably, deletion mutant strains were more resistant to ciproflox
223  surface in both the E. coli parent and aceE deletion mutant strains.
224 s of lipid A isolated from the corresponding deletion mutant strains.
225 nalyses of ert-m and ant1 single- and double-deletion mutants suggest Ant1 as a closely linked gene e
226 ce that was comparable to that in the bb0238 deletion mutant, suggesting that BB0238 may contain a fu
227  examination of the inferred fitness of gene deletion mutants suggests that secondary replicons evolv
228 geneity was more pronounced in the D219/E220 deletion mutant than in the E220A mutant, indicating tha
229 ion of wild-type Pdcd4 and Pdcd4(157-469), a deletion mutant that binds to translation initiation fac
230 tive PARP6 mutant, or a cysteine-rich domain deletion mutant that has significantly reduced catalytic
231 himeric dimers of aS (syn-syn) and by the aS deletion mutant that lacks the C-terminus, i.e., aS (1-9
232             We identified 56 diverse E. coli deletion mutants that enhance dauer formation in an insu
233 zing ability: nonmotile E. coli MG1655 flhDC deletion mutants that grew 15% faster in vitro in mouse
234 ave successfully generated a B. hermsii fhbA deletion mutant (the B. hermsii YORDeltafhbA strain) thr
235                                      Also in deletion mutants, the distribution of Tsr clusters diffe
236      Here, we constructed a C. burnetii pmrA deletion mutant to directly probe PmrA-mediated gene reg
237      The failure of the AcrB DN beta-hairpin deletion mutant to engage with TolC leads to the drug hy
238     These six basic amino acids enabled a PA deletion mutant to suppress protein expression at a leve
239 eficient EBOV VP40 double PTAP/PPEY L-domain deletion mutant to wild-type levels.
240            We constructed relA and relA spoT deletion mutants to assess the contribution of (p)ppGpp
241 is study, we used a set of androgen receptor deletion mutants to identify the microtubule-binding dom
242 ival, as determined by the inability of vapA deletion mutants to replicate in host macrophages.
243                   Subsequently, we subjected deletion mutants to suboptimal temperatures that are kno
244 nes that are differentially expressed in the deletion mutant under both culture conditions conformed
245 tion of ace to be virtually absent in a grvR deletion mutant under the conditions that increase ace e
246 ALS3 and integrated into the ALS3 locus of a deletion mutant, under control of the native ALS3 promot
247         The NMR structure revealed that this deletion mutant undergoes a dramatic structural change c
248 fined using a series of alanine scanning and deletion mutant variants.
249  I2 and allowed construction of the VACV I2L deletion mutant vDeltaI2.
250 optosis induced by infection with an E1B 19K deletion mutant virus did not repress macrophage proinfl
251 density and the infectivity of a class II IN deletion mutant virus.
252 -type L. lactis strain KF147 but not an xylA deletion mutant was able to grow using xylose as the sol
253 id of transport activity, but remarkably the deletion mutant was active, as were mutants obtained by
254                        Furthermore, the ccpA deletion mutant was attenuated (P = 0.0024) in a mixed-i
255                                       An OGT deletion mutant was created and found to exhibit several
256 baumannii response to zinc limitation, a zur deletion mutant was generated, and transcriptional chang
257                                   One Uvhog1 deletion mutant was identified after screening over 600
258                                       A pglA deletion mutant was impaired in both pathogenesis and gu
259                                  A lipA lipB deletion mutant was more sensitive than the wild-type pa
260                                     The amd1 deletion mutant was normal in growth and conidiation but
261                                 A K0326Y QPM deletion mutant was null for the 27- and 50-kD gamma-zei
262                              When the CpGV-M deletion mutant was repaired with pe38 from isolate CpGV
263                        We found that an ompU deletion mutant was sensitive to bile salt stress but re
264                                   The asp f3 deletion mutant was sensitive to ROS, and this phenotype
265             Furthermore, we showed that each deletion mutant was significantly attenuated in comparis
266             Importantly, we showed that pil3 deletion mutant was unable to colonize mice colon as com
267 GABA-induced transport currents by all three deletion mutants was diminished, and the charge-to-flux
268 n, and that the survival of prophenoloxidase-deletion mutants was impaired when fed several plant phe
269                               Using a domain deletion mutant we demonstrated the involvement of the C
270 negatively charged residues of the D219/E220 deletion mutant, we measured more unfavorable entropic a
271 yces cerevisiae) vps23Delta bro1Delta double-deletion mutant, we showed that the Vps23p ESCRT-I prote
272 dy, using a variety of chimeric proteins and deletion mutants, we define the features necessary for a
273  protein-tagged components or from different deletion mutants, we determined the molecular architectu
274              Using a variety of chimeras and deletion mutants, we found that in addition to a functio
275  By coexpression of the wild-type TRPC4 with deletion mutants, we found that the 23-29 amino acids of
276 y characterizing a series of PA-X C-terminal deletion mutants, we found that the first 9 amino acids
277 chemical and crystallographic analysis of HD deletion mutants, we show that the HD is an autoinhibito
278                              Cells of a porV deletion mutant were deficient in chitin utilization and
279  between full-length ORF6 and the C-terminal deletion mutant were observed with the short DNAs, bindi
280 hese chromosomal mutations as well as a pslG deletion mutant were still capable of forming Psl biofil
281 ominently increased replication of the SPI-1 deletion mutant were subjected to a secondary screen.
282                            We found that all deletion mutants were capable of forming caffeine- and r
283  bpsl2248, tex, rpiR, bpsl1728, and bpss1528 deletion mutants were constructed from the wild-type str
284 ine how eIF4G recruits the mRNA, three eIF4G deletion mutants were constructed: (i) eIF4G601-1196, co
285         The hptA, hptRS, and uhpT markerless deletion mutants were generated by an allelic replacemen
286                                         Both deletion mutants were much more sensitive to O2-mediated
287                                      Capsule deletion mutants were not lysed by this phage, suggestin
288                       The N1, N2, N4, and N5 deletion mutants were significantly impaired in T4P-medi
289                           Twelve single gene deletion mutants were under selection in this assay, and
290                                  Isogenic P1 deletion mutants were used to reconstitute the previousl
291  interaction and functional analyses of XND1 deletion mutants were used to test the importance of RBR
292 NB-B), and here, we characterize a recurrent deletion mutant where the last 14 residues are missing.
293               We have generated a DeltaPpcmt deletion mutant which demonstrated that PpCMT is essenti
294                           We generated a dpr deletion mutant which displayed normal early-log-phase a
295 n of P. patens PpMET we generated DeltaPpmet deletion mutant which lost (m)CG and unexpectedly (m)CCG
296 ortant for virulence, we created a Deltacps1 deletion mutant which was unable to cause disease in thr
297 not essential for virulence, because the Mip deletion mutant, which failed to form dimers, was still
298 We identified two HSV-1 ICP27 amino-terminal deletion mutants with a similar release defect.
299         A comparison of the binding of eIF4G deletion mutants with BTEs containing mutations showed a
300 into a pool of 4653 homozygous diploid yeast deletion mutants with unique barcode sequences, followed

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