


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e highly resistant to DDT but susceptible to deltamethrin.
2            Bioassays showed no resistance to deltamethrin.
3  site overlapping with those of both BTX and deltamethrin.
4 ive analog DAP 1855 antagonize the action of deltamethrin.
5 ng voltage-gated sodium channels targeted by deltamethrin.
6 ovirus metabolizes deltamethrin to 4-hydroxy deltamethrin.
7 rethroids examined, including permethrin and deltamethrin.
8 20-fold less sensitive than the wild-type to deltamethrin.
9 trasted resistance levels to the insecticide deltamethrin.
10 artially reversed the channel sensitivity to deltamethrin.
11  in sensitivity to a pyrethroid insecticide, deltamethrin.
12 ither alpha-scorpion toxin or the pyrethroid deltamethrin.
13  than 3% of total Na(+) channels modified by deltamethrin.
14 6, rendered the channel greatly resistant to deltamethrin.
15 pmental exposure to the pyrethroid pesticide deltamethrin.
16          Rats were acutely exposed to either deltamethrin (0.3 - 3 mg/kg) or permethrin (1 - 100 mg/k
17          Comparison of the actions of NA and deltamethrin, a calcineurin antagonist and potent inhibi
18 fected with C alpha-PKA is blocked by 800 nM deltamethrin, a calcineurin inhibitor.
19                                 In contrast, deltamethrin, a specific protein phosphatase type 2B inh
20                      The Hill slope of 2 for deltamethrin action on the wild-type channel and the mut
21 while, they were 7x for cypermethrin, 6x for deltamethrin and 5x for imidacloprid within the Asia-II-
22  from multiple S6 segments were critical for deltamethrin and BTX actions.
23 own adjacent kdr mutation at position L785F, deltamethrin and BTX were probably situated next to each
24                                              Deltamethrin and cypermethrin were not detected above th
25 e I (permethrin and bifenthrin) and type II (deltamethrin and Lambda-cyhalothrin) pyrethroids but not
26 acological blockers of CN (cyclosporin A and deltamethrin) and peptide inhibitors of CN [the Xenopus
27              Permethrin was less potent than deltamethrin, and its binding to all channel types was n
28 gate whether domestic livestock treated with deltamethrin (applied by a sponging method) would prove
29                                              Deltamethrin at 10 microM elicited weak gating changes i
30 del yielded a complex in which a pyrethroid (deltamethrin) binds between the linker helix IIL45 and t
31 a-cyhalothrin, fluvalinate, fenvalerate, and deltamethrin) by APCI were studied.
32 y discovered kdr mutations and predicted new deltamethrin-channel contacts.
33 trostatic netting or a standard long-lasting deltamethrin-coated bednet (PermaNet 2.0).
34 nophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, deltamethrin, cyclosporin A, and okadaic acid each alone
35     Mice exposed to the pyrethroid pesticide deltamethrin during development exhibit several features
36     In one group livestock were treated with deltamethrin during the malaria transmission seasons of
37                  Calmodulin, 200 nM Ca2+ and deltamethrin have no effect on Po,peak in the absence of
38 a-cyhalothrin, permethrin, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin) in lettuce.
39 ase calcineurin with either cyclosporin A or deltamethrin increases the rundown.
40 n D2:S4-S5 cytoplasmic linker), enhanced the deltamethrin-induced maintained current by approximately
41    In this regard, the calcineurin inhibitor deltamethrin inhibited the Ca2+ ionophore-induced dephos
42 r residual spraying (IRS) with a pyrethroid (deltamethrin) insecticide in the first year and a carbam
43  probit analysis estimates for cypermethrin, deltamethrin, monocrotophos and imidacloprid.
44 ca were exposed to similar concentrations of deltamethrin on electrostatic netting or a standard long
45 ses at 2 Hz further augmented the effects of deltamethrin on Nav1.4-I687M mutant channels so that app
46 ryptophan reduced the channel sensitivity to deltamethrin only by 3- to 10-fold, indicating that an a
47       Furthermore, intracellular dialysis of deltamethrin or cyclosporin A, the specific calcineurin
48               After deployment of the ITNs a deltamethrin persistence of 9 months was observed despit
49 nce to both type I (permethrin) and type II (deltamethrin) pyrethroids.
50                      We hypothesize that the deltamethrin receptor and the BTX receptor are situated
51                   In this study, we examined deltamethrin resistance in An. sinensis from China and i
52  a P450 gene responsible for the majority of deltamethrin resistance observed in the QTC279 strain of
53 n the brain-specific insect P450 involved in deltamethrin resistance shed new light on the understand
54  activity were significantly associated with deltamethrin resistance, with monooxygenase activity pla
55 ila melanogaster showed that CYP6BQ9 confers deltamethrin resistance.
56 ant, Nav1.4-I687M/N784K, exhibited a partial deltamethrin-resistant phenotype but was completely resi
57 ore than a 200-fold higher expression in the deltamethrin-resistant QTC279 strain when compared with
58 n this study, we found that three additional deltamethrin-sensing residues in IIIS6, Ile(3i12), Gly(3
59 ain when compared with its expression in the deltamethrin-susceptible Lab-S strain.
60  enzyme expressed in baculovirus metabolizes deltamethrin to 4-hydroxy deltamethrin.
61          This study assessed the effect of a deltamethrin-treated net (100 mg/m(2)) attached to a one
62                                          The deltamethrin-treated net significantly reduced (nearly t
63 ated net; C - with cattle and protected by a deltamethrin-treated net; D - no cattle and no net.
64    The Na+ channels deactivated slowly after deltamethrin treatment, the resultant "tail" currents be
65 s of the pyrethroids permethrin (type I) and deltamethrin (type II) on Na+ currents were investigated
66 osquito strains when a 15-fold lower dose of deltamethrin was applied and when the exposure time was
67             The resistance of A. funestus to deltamethrin was monitored using bioassays.
68         The rate of internalization of (14)C deltamethrin was significantly slower in a resistant str
69 itivity of the double mutant M918T+L1014F to deltamethrin was similar to that of M918T alone, whereas
70                                         When deltamethrin was used for IRS, incidence rates in the LL
71 zuron, emamectin benzoate, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin were measured in water, sediment, and biota
72 secticide susceptibility to 4% DDT and 0.05% deltamethrin WHO-impregnated papers was determined with

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