


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 acid (ACPD), was therefore injected into the demyelinating lesion.
2 injected with lysolecithin to induce a local demyelinating lesion.
3 s the effects of a single acute inflammatory demyelinating lesion.
4  early axonal pathology outside inflammatory demyelinating lesions.
5 R4.1 immunoreactivity is retained or lost in demyelinating lesions.
6 es at the rim of chronic active white matter demyelinating lesions.
7 reactive astrocytes in both rodent and human demyelinating lesions.
8 ursor cells with the distinct environment of demyelinating lesions.
9 the maturation of OPCs that are recruited to demyelinating lesions.
10 ons support using MTR to monitor symptomatic demyelinating lesions.
11 rocytes and Schwann cells, and recovery from demyelinating lesions.
12 ver-ground locomotion in the adult rat using demyelinating lesions.
13 ises the regenerative response to subsequent demyelinating lesions.
14 ukin (IL)-18 and IFN-gamma were expressed in demyelinating lesions.
15 ed mononuclear phagocytes in and adjacent to demyelinating lesions.
16 EV was found predominantly on macrophages in demyelinating lesions.
17 lized with viral RNA and was associated with demyelinating lesions.
18 4AP) can sometimes cause ectopic activity in demyelinating lesions.
19                  All presented with cerebral demyelinating lesions and gadolinium enhancement.
20 osaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA) accumulates in demyelinating lesions and has been implicated in the fai
21       We determined that PH20 is elevated in demyelinating lesions and that increased PH20 expression
22 ation and neuropathology in inflammatory and demyelinating lesions, and reduced paralysis in a mouse
23 loped neither neuropathological symptoms nor demyelinating lesions, and SJL P1-Tg mice developed sign
24 is (MS), axonal injury precedes inflammatory demyelinating lesions, and the distribution of axonal da
25 r Th cells that can drive the development of demyelinating lesions are phenotypically diverse or aris
26 croglia and foamy macrophages present within demyelinating lesions as well as in perivascular infiltr
27 ltiple sclerosis (MS), who showed at least 1 demyelinating lesion at the same cord level.
28 ocal source of these molecules around active demyelinating lesions, but not chronic plaques.
29 dicate that BDNF may play a role following a demyelinating lesion by regulating the numbers of progen
30     Local increases in BMPs at the site of a demyelinating lesion causes upregulation of gliosis, gli
31  of CPS by making unilateral electrolytic or demyelinating lesions centered on the spinothalamic trac
32 s delayed significantly in response to focal demyelinating lesions compared with wild-type animals.
33 S autoimmunity characterized by inflammatory demyelinating lesions confined to optic nerves and spina
34  sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) accumulate at demyelinating lesions creating a nonpermissive environme
35 ies and 32 autopsies that contained actively demyelinating lesions defined by stringent criteria.
36 hite matter, immediately beyond the actively demyelinating lesion edge.
37        We tested the hypothesis that OPCs in demyelinating lesions express a specific hyaluronidase,
38                               Previous focal demyelinating lesions followed by recovery did not resul
39  prevented motor and sensory dysfunction and demyelinating lesion formation.
40 onounced acute axonal damage in inflammatory demyelinating lesions from children compared to adults.
41  on myelin-laden macrophages in eight active demyelinating lesions from four autopsied multiple scler
42 ination were identical among multiple active demyelinating lesions from the same individual, but diff
43 d dorsal column of adult rats in which focal demyelinating lesions had been produced using ethidium b
44  oligodendrocyte differentiation following a demyelinating lesion, however, the endogenous sources of
45 pable of myelinating axons, are preserved in demyelinating lesions; however, why these precursors do
46 e B cells in vivo increased fourfold after a demyelinating lesion in corpus callosum, indicating that
47                 This neurotoxicant induces a demyelinating lesion in the corpus callosum that is reve
48                                              Demyelinating lesions in Abo mice showed virus-specific
49                     TSC was increased inside demyelinating lesions in both groups of patients, wherea
50 yelin formation, but their role in repair of demyelinating lesions in diseases such as multiple scler
51 tients with unusual symptoms associated with demyelinating lesions in extrapontine locations.
52  these macrophages to extensive inflammatory demyelinating lesions in infected SHP-1-deficient mice.
53 omyelitis (TMEV-DA) virus induces persistent demyelinating lesions in mice and serves as a model for
54 ling is activated in oligodendrocytes within demyelinating lesions in multiple sclerosis and EAE.
55     Eosinophils are abundant in inflammatory demyelinating lesions in neuromyelitis optica (NMO).
56                       We now report actively demyelinating lesions in patients with multiple sclerosi
57 MEV but receiving no RCA I, had inflammatory demyelinating lesions in the anterior/lateral funiculi.
58 ignificantly higher viral loads and apparent demyelinating lesions in the central nerve system (CNS)
59 us (TMEV), results in immune system-mediated demyelinating lesions in the central nervous system (CNS
60 nges associated with individual inflammatory demyelinating lesions in the optic nerve.
61  transplantation into experimentally induced demyelinating lesions in the rat spinal cord.
62 ave been detected in the vicinity of the CNS demyelinating lesions in these animals.
63                                              Demyelinating lesions induced by intraspinal injection o
64                                        Focal demyelinating lesions induced in cerebral cortices of IL
65 s to infiltrating T cells and macrophages in demyelinating lesions, it is also possible that astrocyt
66 ter cuprizone treatment, suggesting that the demyelinating lesion itself elicits a decrease in BDNF.
67 ntrols, we examined the relationship between demyelinating lesion load in three volumes of the cerebr
68  system (CNS) characterized by inflammatory, demyelinating lesions localized in the brain and spinal
69 rian degeneration of axons transected in the demyelinating lesions makes a major contribution to the
70            Other less common mechanism being demyelinating lesion, mass effect, infection, hemorrhage
71  Acute optic neuritis due to an inflammatory demyelinating lesion of the optic nerve is often seen in
72                          Furthermore, in the demyelinating lesions of multiple sclerosis, CD44 expres
73 ells in perivascular cuffs and inflammatory, demyelinating lesions of SJL mice chronically infected w
74 drocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) recruited to demyelinating lesions often fail to mature into oligoden
75 y should be considered for acute tumefactive demyelinating lesions only once criteria of disseminatio
76 ssion in healthy control brain in all active demyelinating lesions, remyelinated lesions, and peripla
77 ia consisted of the presence of early active demyelinating lesions--required for immunopattern classi
78 e plus photon irradiation producing discrete demyelinating lesions sufficient to stop axonal conducti
79 t and topography of OG destruction in active demyelinating lesions suggests that in subsets of multip
80 neoplasms, abscesses, lymphomas, tumefactive demyelinating lesions (TDLs), or encephalitis.
81 aptic morphological abnormality secondary to demyelinating lesions that are in an anatomically linked
82 e the roles BDNF may play in the repair of a demyelinating lesion, the cuprizone model was used and t
83 oligodendrocytes during the progression of a demyelinating lesion to a chronic state and determined w
84 ats with focal dorsal column inflammatory or demyelinating lesions to determine whether DTI measures
85 ptimal spatiotemporal positioning of OPCs in demyelinating lesions to receive local proliferative and
86 lt in selective localization of inflammatory demyelinating lesions to the optic nerves and spinal cor
87 ied to identify and characterize the primary demyelinating lesion, using a variety of histological an
88     Importantly, in adults, remyelination of demyelinating lesions was also accelerated, at the expen
89  enters the spinal cord and colocalizes with demyelinating lesions, we used ultrasmall superparamagne
90                              Mouse and human demyelinating lesions were assessed for hyaluronidase ex
91 ith early-stage multiple sclerosis, cortical demyelinating lesions were frequent, inflammatory, and s
92                                              Demyelinating lesions were induced in the rat spinal dor
93                                              Demyelinating lesions were not centered on the injection
94                                  T cells and demyelinating lesions were observed in the CNS at a late
95 d do not mature into myelin-forming cells in demyelinating lesions where HMW hyaluronan is present.
96 ng ages, including acute and chronic, active demyelinating lesions with macrophages and lymphocytic p
97  junction or within the gray matter, causing demyelinating lesions within cortical areas.
98 ar syndrome) and at least two characteristic demyelinating lesions within the brain were randomized t

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