


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rtical orientation of labelled axon-like and dendritic processes.
2 the soma but instead were located throughout dendritic processes.
3 , with the protein localized in the soma and dendritic processes.
4 dal cells and transported to the more distal dendritic processes.
5  the length of their synaptic junctions with dendritic processes.
6 f melanocytes and accentuated at the tips of dendritic processes.
7  golli proteins in neurons was in axonal and dendritic processes.
8 bnormal because of the paucity of TH-stained dendritic processes.
9 explants exhibit enhanced growth of neuronal dendritic processes.
10 ings include Purkinje cell loss with swollen dendritic processes.
11 les and PM; these could be quantified in the dendritic processes.
12 m that differentiates the cell body from the dendritic processes.
13 ites and is efficiently trafficked to distal dendritic processes.
14 s had a broad, convoluted cell body and thin dendritic processes.
15 lated CD11c, MHC II, and CD86, and expressed dendritic processes.
16 -out microtubule orientations throughout the dendritic processes.
17 tracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in dendritic processes.
18 sts in dentin and osteocytes in bone contain dendritic processes.
19 he development and maintenance of axonal and dendritic processes.
20 e also found in association with fluorescent dendritic processes.
21 ut was essentially absent in spines and fine dendritic processes.
22 in elaboration and maintenance of axonal and dendritic processes.
23 ation of lamellipodia-like structures and of dendritic processes.
24 bcompartments were composed predominately of dendritic processes.
25 ed by the appearance of synaptic clusters on dendritic processes.
26 anule cells, mitral cells, and mitral/tufted dendritic processes.
27  their operational homes on neuronal (mostly dendritic) processes.
28 significantly expressed in D1-immunoreactive dendritic processes (60-75% colocalization) and spines (
29 rt(s) of osteocyte, the cell body versus the dendritic process, acts as a mechanical sensor.
30 y wall involves interactions between growing dendritic processes and as yet unidentified signals that
31 observed Purkinje cell loss, degeneration of dendritic processes and associated neurological dysfunct
32 eder layer showed abundant AbetaO binding to dendritic processes and associated synapse deterioration
33                     EGFP often extended into dendritic processes and could be identified either nativ
34     Furthermore, newborn neurons with apical dendritic processes and growth cones in the granule cell
35 midal cell spines and shafts, as well as the dendritic processes and soma of GABAergic interneurons.
36 n secondary microcephaly it is the number of dendritic processes and synaptic connections that is red
37             These cells exhibited veiled and dendritic processes and were as efficient as rare, matur
38 ely distributed in neuropil, including along dendritic processes and within neuronal somata.
39 rical properties of spines promote nonlinear dendritic processing and associated forms of plasticity
40 rns are thought to effectively engage active dendritic processing and storage mechanisms, thereby pot
41 ing controls spine distribution along select dendritic processes, and distinct secreted semaphorin si
42 IAA-RP immunolocalization in cell bodies and dendritic processes, and in some myelinated axons and pr
43  position, morpohology, somatic orientation, dendritic processes, and laterality of spinal projection
44  localization to mitral cells, mitral/tufted dendritic processes, and olfactory nerve glial processes
45 alcium signals within dendritic spine heads, dendritic processes, and the soma of pyramidal neurons f
46 ected mice revealed that their Purkinje cell dendritic processes are abnormal, do not react with MAP1
47         Regulated growth and arborization of dendritic processes are critical to the formation of fun
48                         Osteocytes with long dendritic processes are known to sense mechanical loadin
49 ular compartments, including one or multiple dendritic processes arising from the cell body, and a si
50 d neuronal cell bodies as well as axonal and dendritic processes, as visualized by confocal microscop
51 anisms sensitive to interspike intervals and dendritic processing beyond simple summation exist at le
52 y reflected a retraction of widely ramifying dendritic processes, but for the most part this was due
53 , as well as in the most proximal portion of dendritic processes, but not throughout most of the dend
54                                          The dendritic processes contained polymerized actin as well
55               Calcium dynamics in individual dendritic processes could be examined for extensive peri
56 tic processes showed that, of the somata and dendritic processes exhibiting GPR177, 32% contained MOR
57 ts results in use-dependent proliferation of dendritic processes, followed by partial pruning, of lay
58 and CD83 expression, as well as formation of dendritic processes in CI-treated myeloid cells, and str
59 se transporters (GLUTs) from the surfaces of dendritic processes in hippocampal neurons.
60 principal neurons, promotes the extension of dendritic processes in immature forebrain neurons, and a
61 1) perikarya in the ganglion cell layer, (2) dendritic processes in the inner plexiform layer (IPL),
62 uggests that the glycocalyx of the osteocyte dendritic process is required for forming strong integri
63 y in development and then on cell bodies and dendritic processes later is consistent with roles for b
64 tory molecule expression, tendencies to form dendritic processes, loss of CD14 expression by monocyte
65                       The G(oalpha)-positive dendritic processes made close contact with all cone ped
66                                Through their dendritic processes, melanocytes distribute melanosomes
67 ry neurons detect environmental signals with dendritic processes near the skin, but the molecules tha
68                                          The dendritic process of a third specialized neuron terminat
69                                 The ciliated dendritic processes of 10 neurons lie in the amphidial c
70  amphid is innervated by 13 neurons, and the dendritic processes of 10 of these extend nearly to the
71 -Cl(-) cotransporter protein was observed in dendritic processes of CA1-CA3 hippocampal pyramidal neu
72 rvous system and that it is localized to the dendritic processes of cultured neurons, GC-GAP may play
73  of alpha-synuclein immunoreactive puncta in dendritic processes of cultured neurons.
74 e presynaptic specializations to form in the dendritic processes of GABA-expressing motor neurons dur
75  the intact and spontaneously active retina, dendritic processes of ganglion cells exhibit rapid and
76 solateral nucleus of the amygdala), with the dendritic processes of identified layer 5 corticospinal
77 ique, we seamlessly reconstructed axonal and dendritic processes of intact individual retrovirus-labe
78 itates parcellation by extensive staining of dendritic processes of MGd, MGm, and lateral posterior n
79 esicles in excitatory synapses on somata and dendritic processes of multipolar GABAergic interneurons
80 to subcellular sites, such as the axonal and dendritic processes of neurons.
81  contacts were made on the soma and putative dendritic processes of opsin- and VIP-immunoreactive CSF
82 d 5-HT reactivity were detected close to the dendritic processes of primary and secondary spinal moto
83  defects in the sensory cilia located on the dendritic processes of sensory neurons.
84 AGl cross and possibly make contact with the dendritic processes of single medium spiny neurons.
85                                          The dendritic processes of the LGMD1 and -2 in the lobula ar
86  body neuropil was a result of growth of the dendritic processes of the mushroom body intrinsic neuro
87 H and 5-HT reactivity closely apposed to the dendritic processes of the nucleus of the medial longitu
88 or osteocyte, first appearing on the forming dendritic processes of these cells.
89                                              Dendritic processes of two specialized neurons leave the
90                                To understand dendritic processing of bursts during up-states, changes
91 se data provide direct evidence of nonlinear dendritic processing of correlated sensory and motor inf
92                                              Dendritic processing of glutamatergic synaptic inputs wa
93  cyclic nucleotide-gated cation) channels on dendritic processing of subthreshold excitatory postsyna
94 s, and consequently altered the motoneuronal dendritic processing of synaptic inputs.
95 mechanical loading was applied to either the dendritic processes or the cell body.
96  and the volume and membrane surface area of dendritic processes per neuron within layer V of the con
97 ivity in adult rat and rabbit hippocampus to dendritic processes, primarily to dendritic spines.
98 y short bursts of spikes, probably caused by dendritic processing, rather than by isolated spikes.
99                                Some of these dendritic processes received symmetric synaptic input fr
100 henotype with retracted cytoplasm, prominent dendritic processes, reduced stress fibers, and accumula
101 embrane association and transport throughout dendritic processes requires palmitoylation of cysteine
102 king AII amacrine cell of the mouse retina a dendritic process sharing organizational and functional
103  of GPR177 and MOR in striatal somata and in dendritic processes showed that, of the somata and dendr
104 s are only active at the small tips of their dendritic processes, suggesting another function for Cx4
105                      These cells possessed a dendritic process that extended toward the lateral ventr
106                          They have prominent dendritic processes that are oriented transversely and e
107                                   Somata and dendritic processes that contained both GPR177 and MOR m
108 d and an elaborate, highly branched arbor of dendritic processes that envelop the animal with a web-l
109 idence for an anatomical border comprised of dendritic processes that separate striatal compartments.
110 PSPs was formed by the recruitment of active dendritic processes that transformed the ongoing action
111 yer of the epidermis, and form multiple long dendritic processes that transport melanosomes from the
112     Within mineralized bone, osteocytes form dendritic processes that travel through canaliculi to ma
113 3.4% of IXN synaptic relationships were with dendritic processes that were also contacted by unlabele
114 ty (86.6%) of IXN afferent endings were with dendritic processes that were not in apparent contact wi
115 ctivity in neurons is generally initiated in dendritic processes then propagated along axons to synap
116 y minimal growth of primary axonal and whole dendritic processes through the last time point examined
117  approximately 60% increase in the number of dendritic processes undergoing NK(1) receptor endocytosi
118 ll layer and extend their rudimentary apical dendritic processes upon a radial glial scaffold.
119  located in layer 2/upper layer 3, and their dendritic processes were commonly aspiny and sometimes h
120 ns and either TH-immunoreactive or unlabeled dendritic processes were examined at the electron micros
121 t, neurons differentiate distinct axonal and dendritic processes whose outgrowth is influenced by env
122 d elongation of keratocytes and extension of dendritic processes within 3-D matrices, without inducin

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