


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e properties by impacting lipid signaling in dendritic spine.
2 3V mutation reduces CaMKIIalpha targeting to dendritic spines.
3 aused no alteration in the density of apical dendritic spines.
4 injured neurons, including those formed onto dendritic spines.
5  in a significant decrease in the density of dendritic spines.
6 th AD by preventing tau from accumulating in dendritic spines.
7 asticity is influx of Ca2+ into postsynaptic dendritic spines.
8 tion at the base-, neck-, and head-region of dendritic spines.
9 as LTP-dependent structural modifications of dendritic spines.
10 on of neuronal ATP, concomitant with loss of dendritic spines.
11  with disrupted structure of synapse-bearing dendritic spines.
12 ging zinc levels modulate Shank3 function in dendritic spines.
13  density and prevent formation of dysmorphic dendritic spines.
14 ents and promotes the short-term dynamics of dendritic spines.
15 c motor/cargo pair directly into hippocampal dendritic spines.
16 signaling leading to actin polymerization in dendritic spines.
17 athies by promoting the missorting of tau to dendritic spines.
18 ates in stabilizing the expanding synapse in dendritic spines.
19 of excitatory synapses in the brain exist on dendritic spines.
20  changes in the structure and composition of dendritic spines.
21 ing associated with structural plasticity of dendritic spines.
22 ting functional and structural plasticity of dendritic spines.
23 d by cAMP-PKA-potassium channel signaling in dendritic spines.
24 irectionally in dendrites and are present in dendritic spines.
25 onsistent with its localization in the small dendritic spines.
26 side nerve cells, such as synaptic clefts or dendritic spines.
27 density with eccentricity was confirmed, and dendritic spines, a new feature of melanopsin cells, wer
28                                              Dendritic spine abnormalities have been reported for man
29 tes excessive protein synthesis and corrects dendritic spine abnormality in Fmr1 knockout mice.
30 M2 overexpression failed to restore mushroom dendritic spines after EB3 knockdown, while in contrast
31 ences lead to progressive, clustered loss of dendritic spines along the apical dendrites of layer (L)
32 ading to aberrant axonal growth and impaired dendritic spine and synapse formation.
33                                              Dendritic spine and synapse impairments are features of
34 ], disrupts dendrite arborization and causes dendritic spine and synapse loss in the cortex and hippo
35  examined the effects of CARM1 inhibition on dendritic spine and synapse morphology in the rat hippoc
36 ritic atrophy along with an increase in thin dendritic spines and a reduction in stubby spines in the
37     The early phase of injury causes loss of dendritic spines and changes to synaptic activity.
38 molog of ZNF804A, was present in a subset of dendritic spines and colocalized with synaptic proteins
39 ndent synaptic plasticity: fasting increases dendritic spines and excitatory synaptic activity; feedi
40 eurons in these animals' brains have reduced dendritic spines and glutamatergic synapses.
41 articularly enriched in the neck and base of dendritic spines and largely absent from spine heads.
42 f PERK using GSK2656157 prevents the loss of dendritic spines and rescues memory deficits after TBI.
43                    Pin1 has been detected in dendritic spines and shafts where it regulates protein s
44  mature features, including the formation of dendritic spines and spontaneously active neuronal netwo
45 aMKII-dependent BDNF release from stimulated dendritic spines and subsequent TrkB activation on these
46 cipants in the development and plasticity of dendritic spines and synapses.
47 re, knockdown of ARID1B resulted in aberrant dendritic spines and synaptic transmission.
48 f dynamic MTs promotes tau-dependent loss of dendritic spines and tau hyperphosphorylation.
49 ed rats showed an increase in the density of dendritic spines and the frequency of medium-sized spine
50 ner, MAP1B restricts the access of AMPARs to dendritic spines and the postsynaptic membrane, contribu
51 ve role in neurite formation, maintenance of dendritic spines, and activity-dependent structural plas
52 ing for all three Nav subtypes on dendrites, dendritic spines, and axon terminals, but the proportion
53                                              Dendritic spines are a morphological feature of the majo
54           When in vivo imaging revealed that dendritic spines are dynamic structures, their addition
55                           Those SDC2-induced dendritic spines are frequently associated with presynap
56                                              Dendritic spines are key elements underlying synaptic in
57                             Abnormalities in dendritic spines are manifestations of several neurodeve
58                                              Dendritic spines are mushroom-shaped postsynaptic compar
59                                              Dendritic spines are postsynaptic structures in neurons
60                                              Dendritic spines are protrusions along neuronal dendrite
61                                              Dendritic spines are small postsynaptic compartments of
62                                              Dendritic spines are small protrusions from neuronal den
63 and neurodegeneration.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dendritic spines are small protrusions from neuronal den
64                                              Dendritic spines are specialized structures, extending f
65                                              Dendritic spines are the major transmitter reception com
66                                              Dendritic spines are the postsynaptic compartments of gl
67                                              Dendritic spines are the primary site of excitatory syna
68 thening and the corresponding enlargement of dendritic spines are thought to be essential for learnin
69 itudes of the ensuing Ca2+ transients within dendritic spines are thought to determine the amplitude
70  5), a protein associated with maturation of dendritic spines, are largely excluded from geniculocort
71 deprivation-induced structural plasticity of dendritic spines, as well as for correct sensory learnin
72 atase DUSP1 triggers tau phosphorylation and dendritic spine atrophy in mouse cortex.
73 lates the long-term structural plasticity of dendritic spines by triggering MMP-9 activation and ECM
74 n in cellular microdomains such as synapses, dendritic spine, cilia and more.
75  factor withdrawal- and amyloid-beta-induced dendritic spine collapse and neuronal apoptosis, suggest
76          In the absence of betaIII spectrin, dendritic spines collapse onto dendrites.
77  rescue of synaptic NMDAR currents and fewer dendritic spines, consistent with other reports of spine
78 nt the most abundant neuronal type and their dendritic spines constitute the major postsynaptic eleme
79                           We first show that dendritic spines contain a locally enriched pool of G-ac
80 ynaptic contacts are formed, and the loss of dendritic spines correlates with the loss of synaptic fu
81       Calcium signals in objects as small as dendritic spines could be resolved at video rates, provi
82                                      Reduced dendritic spine densities are common in the neurodevelop
83 sudil transiently reduces prelimbic cortical dendritic spine densities during a period of presumed me
84 to Eurl impair the long-term positioning and dendritic spine densities of cortical projection neurons
85  that maintenance of neuronal morphology and dendritic spine density (actin dynamics in particular) a
86 hell (NACsh) neurons, including increases in dendritic spine density along with enhanced motivation f
87 ockout mice have reduced mEPSC frequency and dendritic spine density and a contrasting higher frequen
88 , but not in WAVE1 D1-KO mice, a decrease in dendritic spine density and a decrease in the frequency
89 substrate by which the loss of UBE3A reduces dendritic spine density and disrupts cortical circuitry.
90 es dendritic arborization and decreases both dendritic spine density and excitatory synaptic transmis
91 4A in mature neurons resulted in the loss of dendritic spine density and impaired responses to activi
92           In addition, VNS therapy increased dendritic spine density and improved cognitive function.
93 postnatal hippocampal neurons led to reduced dendritic spine density and maturation and impaired syna
94 mpanied by increased local p-tau, changes in dendritic spine density and morphology, and upregulation
95 solutes such as p-tau and lead to changes in dendritic spine density and morphology.
96 peritoneally in LE, re-establish hippocampal dendritic spine density and prevent formation of dysmorp
97 lecular mechanisms through which E2 mediates dendritic spine density in CA1 and mPFC.
98 es and reverses cocaine-induced increases in dendritic spine density in NACsh neurons, and these morp
99  action-outcome conditioning correlates with dendritic spine density in prelimbic cortex, suggesting
100 K activation decreased neuronal activity and dendritic spine density in striatopallidal medium spiny
101                                 In addition, dendritic spine density in striatopallidal MSNs signific
102               Ctcf CKO mice also had reduced dendritic spine density in the hippocampus and cerebral
103 s microglia-mediated neuronal remodeling and dendritic spine density in the medial PFC.
104                                  Analysis of dendritic spine density in the NAc showed that wheel acc
105 experience with high-fat consumption reduced dendritic spine density in the PFC at both time points.
106 ition of miR-188-5p rescued the reduction in dendritic spine density in the primary hippocampal neuro
107 tions in neurons were observed, with reduced dendritic spine density lasting >1 year after injury.
108                                          The dendritic spine density of mGluR5 KO spiny stellate neur
109 excitatory/inhibitory balance despite normal dendritic spine density on dentate granule cells.
110 avone rescues action selection and increases dendritic spine density on excitatory neurons in the OFC
111                                        Lower dendritic spine density on layer 3 pyramidal cells in th
112 ure aggressive encounters and an increase in dendritic spine density on nucleus accumbens (NAc) neuro
113 anges in microglia corresponded with reduced dendritic spine density on pyramidal neurons in layer 1
114    In D2 MSNs, exposure to HIV-1 Tat reduced dendritic spine density significantly, increased dendrit
115         Furthermore, a significantly reduced dendritic spine density was observed in T1R3KO mice toge
116 -damage model was associated with changes in dendritic spine density without any signs of dendritic d
117              We observed significant loss of dendritic spine density, abnormal spine morphology, redu
118 istration reverses the sustained increase in dendritic spine density, an effect mediated by TrkB sign
119 -Cox staining to assess neuronal morphology, dendritic spine density, and arborization in brain corte
120 ammation, increased striatal and hippocampal dendritic spine density, and improved motor performance
121 ic VNS therapy on brain insulin sensitivity, dendritic spine density, brain mitochondrial function, a
122 is includes Tat-induced reductions in D2 MSN dendritic spine density, increased dendritic damage, and
123 2R-MSNs exhibited a significant reduction in dendritic spine density, markedly suppressed electrical
124 uces the motivation for cocaine and reverses dendritic spine density, suggesting a potential target f
125 injected 17beta-estradiol (E2) increases CA1 dendritic spine density, the molecular mechanisms regula
126 ntial relationship between the regulation of dendritic spine density, the molecules involved in synap
127              Tomo-1 overexpression increased dendritic spine density, whereas Tomo-1 knockdown (KD) d
128 l neurons increased Tomo-1 protein level and dendritic spine density.
129 ns in surface AMPARs, synaptic strength, and dendritic spine density.
130 y, decreasing cell apoptosis, and increasing dendritic spine density.
131  a key factor controlling the Wnt-5a-induced dendritic spine density.
132 y altered social interactions, and decreased dendritic spine density.
133            The formation and modification of dendritic spines depend on rapid assembly and dynamic re
134 function led to defects in dendritic growth, dendritic spine development and radial migration during
135 anism to maintain the high actin dynamics in dendritic spines during neuronal development and to indu
136  in imaging ERK and PKA activation in single dendritic spines during structural long-term potentiatio
137 menting the plasticity of prelimbic cortical dendritic spines during the formation of new action-outc
138  an in vivo analysis of the role of CDKL5 in dendritic spine dynamics and synaptic molecular organiza
139 lays an important role in maintaining normal dendritic spine dynamics.
140 ut not binocular deprivation (BD), increased dendritic spine elimination over 3 days in the binocular
141                              This MD-induced dendritic spine elimination persisted during subsequent
142 tsynaptic currents decreased, accompanied by dendritic spine elongation and thinning.
143 DZ-binding motif in CaV1.3L induced aberrant dendritic spine elongation.
144 dditionally, LTP and LTD are correlated with dendritic spine enlargement and shrinkage that are accom
145  the visual cortex of sensory-deprived mice, dendritic spine enlargement correlates with recent spine
146            Photo-agonism of GluN2A at single dendritic spines evokes spine-specific calcium elevation
147 4 genes involved in actin polymerization and dendritic spine formation (nominal P=0.0031).
148 pine loss, impairments in learning-dependent dendritic spine formation and deficits in multiple learn
149 n, is critical for the effects of cocaine on dendritic spine formation and for cocaine-mediated behav
150 -5/PDGFRbeta is critical for ERK activation, dendritic spine formation and neuronal activity in stria
151 Csh neurons is necessary for cocaine-induced dendritic spine formation by using either localized TrkB
152  vivo shortened neurite lengths and impaired dendritic spine formation in hippocampal neurons, reflec
153 s as a secreted growth factor that regulates dendritic spine formation in rodent hippocampal neurons,
154 rom repeated cocaine administration, de novo dendritic spine formation occurs in NAc MSNs.
155 h alterations influence cocaine's effects on dendritic spine formation remain unclear.
156 signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation and dendritic spine formation through Rabex-5/platelet-deriv
157 substrates essential for axonal development, dendritic spine formation, and synaptogenesis.
158 pho-TRBP recapitulates BDNF-induced neuronal dendritic spine growth in a Lin28a-dependent manner.
159 epsin B release prevented the maintenance of dendritic spine growth induced by Hebbian activity.
160   These transient polymerization events into dendritic spines have been demonstrated to play importan
161 ced and stress-induced structural changes in dendritic spines have been well documented, few studies
162 gulated during memory formation: one pool in dendritic spine heads that was initiation dependent and
163 e sole cytoskeleton compartment presented in dendritic spines, however, recent studies demonstrated t
164 ural long-term potentiation (sLTP) of murine dendritic spines, implicating the localized, coincident
165                         Decreased density of dendritic spines in adult schizophrenia subjects has bee
166             Strikingly, lysosomes traffic to dendritic spines in an activity-dependent manner and can
167  small neuronal compartments, such as single dendritic spines in brain slices.
168 ric G proteins regulate Wnt-5a signaling and dendritic spines in cultured hippocampal neurons.
169 e authors examined the density and volume of dendritic spines in deep layer 3 of the auditory cortex
170 ed near the PSD and at perisynaptic sites of dendritic spines in extinction-resistant S831A mutant mi
171 atory presynaptic terminals and postsynaptic dendritic spines in G2019S SPNs were similar to wild typ
172                Furthermore, there were fewer dendritic spines in GluN2B S1413L-expressing neurons.
173 transgenic mice produced a 17 +/- 1% loss of dendritic spines in layer 1 of retrosplenial cortex.
174  abnormal development of dendrite arbors and dendritic spines in newly generated dentate gyrus granul
175 r, our results suggest a fundamental role of dendritic spines in shaping Cl(-) diffusion, which could
176  clinical observations of reduced numbers of dendritic spines in the brains of patients with major mo
177 as associated with structural alterations of dendritic spines in the CeA and, moreover, whole-cell pa
178 and rapid changes in the morphology of their dendritic spines in the expression of conditioning evoke
179 ted BCCAO-induced loss of total and mushroom dendritic spines in the hippocampal CA1 region.
180 ted decision-making strategies and had fewer dendritic spines in the oPFC.
181 orphology of layer 5 pyramidal neuron apical dendritic spines in the primary visual cortex of control
182                      D1R are concentrated on dendritic spines in the primate dlPFC, where their stimu
183  in vivo, Lphn2 was specifically targeted to dendritic spines in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare, wh
184 ins, as well as the detailed architecture of dendritic spines, in mouse brain circuitry.
185                     Astrocytes can eliminate dendritic spines, induce synapse formation, and regulate
186 nduction of LTP and structural LTP (sLTP) of dendritic spines inhibited these forms of plasticity in
187                  Here, we show that actin in dendritic spines is dynamically phosphorylated at tyrosi
188 on and restores neuronal activity as well as dendritic spine levels in vitro.
189    Although PIP2 is also concentrated at the dendritic spines, little is known about the direct physi
190 uggest that S-palmitoylation is required for dendritic spine localization and axonal targeting of BAC
191  CNS nerve tracts remodels circuitry through dendritic spine loss and hyper-excitability, thus influe
192 (2017) report that sickness-induced cortical dendritic spine loss and impaired memory formation is me
193     Notably, TGF-beta1 prevented hippocampal dendritic spine loss and memory impairment in mice that
194       Notably, TGF-beta1 reduced hippocampal dendritic spine loss and memory impairment in mice that
195 vels or plaque load; however, it does rescue dendritic spine loss and prevent neuronal loss in 5xfAD
196 f Ephexin5 expression eliminated hippocampal dendritic spine loss and rescued AD-associated behaviora
197 xons, we show that axotomy causes retrograde dendritic spine loss at directly injured pyramidal neuro
198                                              Dendritic spine loss is recognized as an early feature o
199 interinjury interval is increased to 7 days, dendritic spine loss is reinstated.
200 removal of synaptic AMPA receptors (AMPARs), dendritic spine loss, and synaptic depression.
201 und that peripheral immune activation caused dendritic spine loss, impairments in learning-dependent
202 -day interval between each mTBI do not cause dendritic spine loss; however, when the interinjury inte
203  function, as a synaptic protein crucial for dendritic spine maintenance.
204 synapses in the mammalian CNS are located on dendritic spines, making spines convenient proxies for e
205 urons from Upf3b-null mice display deficient dendritic spine maturation in vivo.
206 zes the scaffolding protein PSD95, promoting dendritic spine maturation.
207 esponse to neuronal activation and regulates dendritic spine morphogenesis and plasticity.
208 caine use was discontinued 45 minutes later, dendritic spine morphology and AMPA to NMDA ratios were
209  is localized to synapses where it regulates dendritic spine morphology and interacts with the C term
210 N modulates neurotransmission and changes in dendritic spine morphology associated with synaptic plas
211 on of actin filaments, leading to changes in dendritic spine morphology of NAc medium spiny neurons (
212 s of t-SP were assayed during reinstatement: dendritic spine morphology, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-meth
213  behavior, behavioral inflexibility, altered dendritic spine morphology, and macroorchidism.
214 ts role in neurite formation, maintenance of dendritic spine morphology, and responses to activity-de
215 f the P2255T variant on dendritic branching, dendritic spine morphology, protein and messenger RNA st
216 c regulator MeCP2, bringing to disruption of dendritic spine morphology, synaptic plasticity and plas
217 e better we understand the regulation of the dendritic spine morphology, the better we understand wha
218 uch as nesting and marble burying as well as dendritic spine morphology.
219 rain and to play a role in the regulation of dendritic spine morphology.
220 rt, glutamate-mediated synaptic currents and dendritic spine morphology.
221 iverse effects on NADPH oxidase activity and dendritic spine morphology.
222 ropose that EB3 is involved in regulation of dendritic spines morphology, in part due to its associat
223 metrical (putative excitatory) synapses were dendritic spines, most of which were M2R(+) .
224 but is present in an appreciable fraction of dendritic spine necks, including some projecting from de
225 ore potent than the epimer HA09, can enhance dendritic spine number and alter morphology, a process a
226 recedes any observable defects in synapse or dendritic spine number or structure in arg(-/-) mice.
227 ion alters their mobility and also decreases dendritic spine number.
228 at five hours of sleep deprivation decreases dendritic spine numbers selectively in hippocampal area
229 creases in the formation of LA axon boutons, dendritic spines of ACx layer 5 pyramidal cells, and put
230 croscopy, we monitor TrkB activity in single dendritic spines of CA1 pyramidal neurons in cultured mu
231 patial arrangement of synaptic inputs to the dendritic spines of individual pyramidal neurons in laye
232 (PD28-42) increased the density of long/thin dendritic spines of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the adu
233 t REM sleep prunes newly formed postsynaptic dendritic spines of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mou
234  RNA, and longitudinally imaged postsynaptic dendritic spines of layer V pyramidal neurons in the mou
235  expressed in the nuclei, dendrites and near dendritic spines of mouse dorsal hippocampal CA1 neurons
236 binds the glutamate receptor, GluRdelta2, in dendritic spines of Purkinje cells.
237 ously found that polyribosomes accumulate in dendritic spines of the adult rat lateral amygdala (LA)
238                                       Mature dendritic spines on CA1 pyramidal hippocampal neurons de
239 ure influences the density and morphology of dendritic spines on medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the n
240 e is known about the density and function of dendritic spines on midbrain dopamine neurons, or the re
241        There were also fewer and less mature dendritic spines on OGT knockout neurons.
242 he indirect pathway accompanied by decreased dendritic spines on the indirect pathway medium spiny pr
243                                              Dendritic spines on the principal pyramidal neurons of t
244 ing rodents reveal that drugs of abuse cause dendritic spine plasticity in prelimbic medial prefronta
245                                              Dendritic spine plasticity in the S1 cortex appears with
246 ular evidence to support the hypothesis that dendritic spine plasticity is a mechanism of cognitive r
247 impaired motor learning and learning-related dendritic spine plasticity through tumor necrosis factor
248                                              Dendritic spine plasticity underlies the formation and m
249 ng that new action-outcome learning involves dendritic spine plasticity.
250 ar matrix remodeling to support long-lasting dendritic spine plasticity.
251 ysiological studies of mutants reveal excess dendritic spines, pre- and postsynaptic structural defec
252 rmacologically and that loss and recovery of dendritic spines predict impairment and restoration of c
253  regulates the actin cytoskeleton supporting dendritic spines, produced spine loss in cortical pyrami
254 f consciousness and a transient reduction in dendritic spines, reflecting a loss of excitatory synaps
255 al enrichment of actin monomers (G-actin) in dendritic spines regulates spine development and plastic
256 isual deprivation and subsequent recovery on dendritic spine remodeling of layer 5 pyramidal neurons
257 on, require appropriate experience-dependent dendritic spine remodeling.
258 euronal populations at single-cell or single dendritic spine resolution in awake monkeys, the techniq
259 lts indicate that CD44 contributes to proper dendritic spine shape and function by modulating the act
260 ippocampal neurons, simultaneously modifying dendritic spine shape.
261  to diminished basal dendritic branching and dendritic spine size, compared with wild-type Kal9.
262           Furthermore, we found that average dendritic spine sizes were decreased and increased follo
263 hrough NMDA receptors.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dendritic spines, small structures that are difficult to
264 napses are formed onto appendages resembling dendritic spines, spines have not been found on TH cells
265                                              Dendritic spine stabilization depends on afferent synapt
266 dogenous PSD-95 with the S561A mutant blocks dendritic spine structural plasticity during chemical lo
267 tic insight into the regulation of PSD-95 in dendritic spine structural plasticity through phosphoryl
268                                              Dendritic spine structure is defined by filamentous acti
269 ing hormone (CRH) on synaptic physiology and dendritic spine structure that mediate the profound effe
270 s suggest a key role of CaV1.3 in regulating dendritic spine structure.
271 ogether with a reduction of PSD-95 levels at dendritic spines, suggesting a reduced number of functio
272 e morphogenesis of presynaptic terminals and dendritic spines, suggesting that glutamatergic neurotra
273  Abeta(1-42) or 1-5muM monastrol reduced the dendritic spine/synapse density in hippocampal cultures
274 ted by TBI and can promote the retraction of dendritic spines/synapses, which are critical for inform
275  model mice undergo a greater elimination of dendritic spines than wild-type mice during the end of t
276  to form synapses and an increased number of dendritic spines that are not in contact with a presynap
277 ently been shown to polymerize directly into dendritic spines, the postsynaptic compartment of excita
278 neuronal activity positions lysosomes at the dendritic spines to facilitate synaptic remodeling throu
279                                              Dendritic spine turnover becomes limited in the adult co
280     We examined the contribution of Lynx1 on dendritic spine turnover before and after monocular depr
281                       Here we show that high dendritic spine turnover is a universal feature of GCs,
282 ges in S1 extracellular glutamate levels and dendritic spine turnover.
283 ivities of two signaling molecules in single dendritic spines undergoing structural plasticity.
284 evoked, time-locked BDNF release from single dendritic spines using BDNF fused to superecliptic pHluo
285                                              Dendritic spines usually have a mushroom-like shape, whi
286 Synaptic activity reshapes the morphology of dendritic spines via regulating F-actin arborization.
287    Two or more weeks of B exposure decreased dendritic spine volume in the mPFC, whereas higher dose
288 sis of presynaptic glutamatergic boutons and dendritic spines was performed on SPNs 1 hour and 1 week
289 n an idealised, but biophysically-plausible, dendritic spine, we show that SK-channels regulate calmo
290                                              Dendritic spines were analyzed using Diolistic staining
291 mitochondrial function, brain apoptosis, and dendritic spines were determined in each rat.
292     About 95% of dendritic shafts and 60% of dendritic spines were M2 immunoreactive (M2R(+) ).
293                                              Dendritic spines were present on dopaminergic neurons at
294        Spatial receptive field properties of dendritic spines were strikingly diverse, with no eviden
295  cluster at excitatory synapses primarily on dendritic spines, whereas GABAA receptors cluster at inh
296 he anatomical process underlying the loss of dendritic spines, which can account for the decreased ex
297 dings identified a novel action of Tomo-1 on dendritic spines, which is unique because it occurs inde
298 ional spatial receptive fields of individual dendritic spines within individual layer 2/3 neuron dend
299                                  We compared dendritic spines within layer II and III pyramidal neuro
300 ses with AD pathology, structural changes in dendritic spines would distinguish individuals who had o

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