


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tinct synaptic outputs: classical axonal and dendrodendritic.
2 ained response in mitral cells resulted from dendrodendritic amplification in mitral cells, which was
3              These findings demonstrate that dendrodendritic autoinhibition entails the carrier-media
4  depression, the balance of axodendritic and dendrodendritic circuitry in external tufted cells and m
5 RN synapse shows strong synaptic depression, dendrodendritic circuitry in mitral cells produces robus
6 teract with granule cells through reciprocal dendrodendritic connections that are poorly understood.
7  and right IO are electronically coupled via dendrodendritic connections was investigated by examinin
8  contain small clusters of vesicles and form dendrodendritic contacts in the extraglomerular neuropil
9 be linked at the soma, and the other half by dendrodendritic contacts.
10 pal olive and dorsal accessory olive and (2) dendrodendritic electrotonic coupling between neurons of
11 ptor-specific network can be synchronized by dendrodendritic excitatory interactions in a glomerulus,
12 y trigger presynaptic GABA release for local dendrodendritic feedback inhibition.
13 cate selective mGluR-dependent modulation of dendrodendritic GABA release from F2-type terminals on i
14 ause TRN neurons signal electrically through dendrodendritic gap junctions and possibly via chemical
15 because of the electrotonic distance between dendrodendritic gap junctions and the somatic recording
16                                A total of 18 dendrodendritic gap junctions between PV+ neurons were o
17  both NMDA and non-NMDA glutamate receptors, dendrodendritic inhibition (DDI) relies on the activatio
18 cularly effective in driving this reciprocal dendrodendritic inhibition (DDI), raising the possibilit
19 anule cells, which in turn mediate GABAergic dendrodendritic inhibition back onto mitral dendrites.
20                                              Dendrodendritic inhibition between mitral and granule ce
21 eceptors also seem to have a central role in dendrodendritic inhibition in vivo, because intraperiton
22 aptic circuit forms the basis for reciprocal dendrodendritic inhibition mediated by ionotropic GABA(A
23 o dynamically modulate recurrent and lateral dendrodendritic inhibition of MTCs and to selective enga
24                     The unique dependence of dendrodendritic inhibition on slow EPSPs generated by NM
25 ceptors (NMDARs) at distal synapses and gate dendrodendritic inhibition onto mitral cells.
26 ings suggest that GABA(B) receptors modulate dendrodendritic inhibition primarily by inhibiting granu
27            We report here a demonstration of dendrodendritic inhibition that does not engage a conven
28 at endogenous GABA regulates the strength of dendrodendritic inhibition via the activation of GABA(B)
29 ry synaptic input to mitral cells as well as dendrodendritic inhibition was unaffected in the knockou
30 ites of mitral cells and their modulation by dendrodendritic inhibition.
31 or activation is an absolute requirement for dendrodendritic inhibition.
32  NMDA receptors play a critical role in this dendrodendritic inhibition.
33 us the relative strength of axodendritic and dendrodendritic input determines the postsynaptic respon
34                     We find that the unitary dendrodendritic input is relatively weak with highly var
35                    In contrast with the weak dendrodendritic input, the facilitating cortical input t
36 tassium current (IA) specifically attenuated dendrodendritic inputs mediated by fast-acting AMPA rece
37 otentiated proximal inputs depressed distal, dendrodendritic inputs to granule cells.
38 or coactivation of a smaller subset of local dendrodendritic inputs with coincidence excitation from
39 that LLDs involve recurrent, intraglomerular dendrodendritic interactions among M/T cells.
40 aturation, and synaptic integration into the dendrodendritic local circuits found in the EPL.
41 cal features governing synaptic signaling in dendrodendritic microcircuits of olfactory bulb glomerul
42 ulb; here, these two classes of neurons form dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses with each other.
43                                      Through dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses, these dendrites con
44  principal neurons of the olfactory bulb via dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses.
45 nal tufted cells could be attributed to slow dendrodendritic responses in mitral cells, as blocking t
46 ther metabotropic GABA(B) receptors modulate dendrodendritic signaling between mitral and granule cel
47 s known about neurotransmitter modulation of dendrodendritic signaling in the olfactory bulb.
48 -1.5Hz in molluscs), engaging the reciprocal dendrodendritic synapse between excitatory principle neu
49                  By regulating inhibition at dendrodendritic synapses between mitral and granule cell
50                                        While dendrodendritic synapses between mitral and granule cell
51 quite a different role for NMDA receptors at dendrodendritic synapses between mitral and granule cell
52 ion is imbedded in the local connectivity at dendrodendritic synapses between mitral cells and intern
53                  Noradrenergic modulation of dendrodendritic synapses between the mitral and granule
54 ordings from pairs of mitral cells show that dendrodendritic synapses can mediate lateral inhibition
55                                        These dendrodendritic synapses could be a source of the delaye
56 oordinate GABA release at relatively distant dendrodendritic synapses formed throughout the dendritic
57                                 However, the dendrodendritic synapses from granule cell spines onto M
58 ith paired-pulse stimulation, whereas distal dendrodendritic synapses generate EPSCs with slower kine
59  interneurons in addition to the specialized dendrodendritic synapses located on distal dendrites.
60                      Because the location of dendrodendritic synapses may significantly affect the ca
61 del suggests functional significance for the dendrodendritic synapses mediating interactions between
62 th selectively at the GABAergic component of dendrodendritic synapses of granule and mitral cells in
63               Mitral/tufted (M/T) cells form dendrodendritic synapses on granule cells that can be ac
64 mary afferent axodendritic and local-circuit dendrodendritic synapses segregated within the glomerulu
65 (2+) influx and thus the range and number of dendrodendritic synapses to be activated.
66 terals were relatively few in number, and no dendrodendritic synapses were observed.
67 rom the vomeronasal sensory neurons and form dendrodendritic synapses with each other and with mitral
68           PG cells form inhibitory GABAergic dendrodendritic synapses with ET cells.
69 bulb mitral cells is mediated via reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses with granule cells.
70  long-lasting lateral inhibition mediated by dendrodendritic synapses with interneurons.
71       ET cells form excitatory glutamatergic dendrodendritic synapses with PG and SA cells.
72 tic synapses are anatomically separated from dendrodendritic synapses within each glomerulus.
73 aignment of the interconnections (reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses).
74 principal neurons, the mitral cells, through dendrodendritic synapses, shaping the olfactory bulb out
75 M/T dendrites via hyperpolarizing reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses.
76 ancement of GABA release from PGC and/or SAC dendrodendritic synapses.
77 tions in the olfactory bulb involve atypical dendrodendritic synapses.
78 d cells and periglomerular interneurons form dendrodendritic synapses.
79 mitral cell recurrent inhibition mediated by dendrodendritic synapses.
80 s (M/T), is modulated by pairs of reciprocal dendrodendritic synaptic circuits in the external plexif
81   Our computational simulations suggest that dendrodendritic synaptic properties prevent individual p
82 ayers of the main olfactory bulb, as well as dendrodendritic synaptic transmission between olfactory
83 (2+) spikes in periglomerular cells underlie dendrodendritic transmission by depolarizing periglomeru
84                             The magnitude of dendrodendritic transmission is directly proportional to

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