


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ters are defined by cutting branches off the dendrogram.
2 ical clustering on these genes to generate a dendrogram.
3 ut were more widely scattered throughout the dendrogram.
4 n configurations and hierarchical clustering dendrograms.
5  clustered together at >95% similarity in DL dendrograms.
6 hibits suboptimal performance on complicated dendrograms.
7 stance measures, which also produce trees or dendrograms.
8 ch related isolates were grouped together in dendrograms.
9 orithms that generated hierarchic clustering dendrograms.
10 luster analysis and visual representation as dendrograms.
11 e it was not reproducible in combined-cycler dendrograms.
12 and URA5 sequences was performed to generate dendrograms.
13 rotype discrimination noted in single-cycler dendrograms actually represented assay variability, sinc
14                                          The dendrogram analysis of PFGE patterns included 32 distinc
15                                              Dendrogram analysis separated these two isolate types ba
16                                              Dendrogram analysis was used to establish genetic relate
17            Repetitive sequence-based PCR and dendrogram analysis were used to determine strain simila
18 used to construct a radial neighbour-joining dendrogram and examine intra- and interpopulation varian
19 accessions into five major clusters based on dendrogram and principal component analyses.
20 treated plants was used to construct a lipid dendrogram and to define clusters and sub-clusters of li
21 rom Mexico clustered closely together in the dendrogram and were distinct from the rest of the popula
22  were analysed using descriptive statistics (dendrograms and PCA).
23 ere analyzed through hierarchical clustering dendrograms and self-organizing maps.
24                                The resulting dendrogram averages the evolutionary history of thousand
25                                            A dendrogram based on the overall similarity of the patter
26                                            A dendrogram based on the PFGE patterns revealed profound
27 quilibrium and generate relatively congruent dendrograms based on distance and parsimony methods sugg
28                                      Because dendrograms based on ITS sequence analysis are similar i
29  made to detect gene-gene synergies, such as dendrogram-based I(X 1; X 2; Y) (mutual information), do
30                      Our results showed that dendrogram-based I(X 1; X 2; Y) and doublets are helples
31                        It is unclear whether dendrogram-based I(X 1; X 2; Y) and doublets can capture
32                                      rep-PCR dendrogram cluster analysis showed agreement with specie
33          Multiple alignments are guided by a dendrogram computed from a matrix of all pairwise alignm
34 ugh the ligand for GIR is still unknown, the dendrogram construction indicates that GIR may belong to
35 imers and computer-assisted gel analysis and dendrogram construction.
36                                     By using dendrogram data from six adult cat alpha motoneurons, we
37  to those of unrelated control isolates in a dendrogram demonstrated a higher degree of clustering of
38  cutting methods for detecting clusters in a dendrogram depending on their shape.
39 M) = 1.2% +/- 0.8%) as well as by the use of dendrograms derived from Dice coefficient-unweighted pai
40                                            A dendrogram describing total inferred sequence similarity
41 diagram linked to the resulting bootstrapped dendrogram for each gene family.
42 result of the DGSOT is easily displayed as a dendrogram for visualization.
43 r degree of clustering was observed in mixed dendrograms for HCV isolates and BSI isolates for each o
44                                              Dendrograms from the secondary prosencephalon, diencepha
45 ew York City isolates was congruent with the dendrogram generated from the CNRE-1 RFLP data.
46 ir separation into two major clusters in the dendrogram generated on the basis of RFLP data.
47 e cluster characteristics of BSI isolates in dendrograms generated for each hospital compared to thos
48 cluding Excel and comma-delimited text), and dendrogram, heat map, and scatter plot images can be sav
49 g scatter plot matrices, distribution plots, dendrograms, heat maps, biplots, trellis biplots and cor
50 e pairwise dissimilarity measures, including dendrograms, heatmap, principal coordinate analysis and
51                            Here we report a 'dendrogram' (hierarchical tree-diagram) analysis that re
52                                            A dendrogram identified a gene expression fingerprint of F
53                             Furthermore, the dendrogram indicates that both types of TE IIs are more
54 ns clustered closely in PCA plots and in HCA dendrograms, indicating small instrument variability com
55                              The constructed dendrogram is cut in a variety of ways to produce a part
56 ations are used to generate neighbor-joining dendrograms, it is no surprise that all modern European
57  independent isolates into valid groups in a dendrogram, (iv) identifies microevolution in infecting
58 o the SCOP fold classification.Ward's method dendrograms led to partitions closest to the SCOP fold c
59                          A global SERS-based dendrogram model for MRSA and MSSA identification and di
60 d H. haemolyticus strains separated within a dendrogram obtained by multilocus sequence analysis (MLS
61                                          The dendrogram of 42 APE sequences used to derive motifs is
62    Hierarchical clustering yields a complete dendrogram of cluster structures but provides only limit
63                                            A dendrogram of fifteen new and six previously isolated se
64                                        But a dendrogram of such a simulation shows that nearly all th
65                           A neighbor-joining dendrogram of the DNA sequences of both sets of hisJ amp
66                                      The SNP dendrograms of the set gene sequences differentiated the
67                                              Dendrogram- or tree-cutting strategies fell into four ca
68                               In a composite dendrogram prepared from the results obtained by RAPD an
69 s shared >or=80, 86, and 91% similarities on dendrograms prepared from digitized PFGE, IS100 RFLP ana
70 producible bands were scored for analyses of dendrograms, principal component analysis, genetic diver
71 ng primer generation for variant validation, dendrogram production, genotype imputation from sequence
72   Traditional clustering techniques, such as dendrograms, provide a very poor representation of recen
73                                   DiversiLab dendrogram reports correctly identified all A. fumigatus
74 te the multi-allelic nature of soybean SSRs, dendrograms representing phenetic relationships between
75 ch group's complete phylogeny and microbiota dendrogram reveal significant degrees of phylosymbiosis,
76 n are projected on the sky within one of the dendrogram's self-gravitating 'leaves'.
77  application merges display features such as dendrograms, secondary and tertiary protein structure wi
78           The resultant ordination plots and dendrograms showed correct groupings for these organisms
79 s of thioesterases using Clustal X yielded a dendrogram showing that TE IIs from PKSs and NRPSs are m
80                                The resulting dendrogram shows consistency with the viral taxonomy of
81 mony analysis of the SVR sequences yielded a dendrogram similar to that which was derived by analysis
82 ns by applying the Fowlkes-Mallows index for dendrogram similarity, followed by bootstrap replication
83 f similarity coefficients and the genesis of dendrograms, suggests that while Ct14 is more effective
84                                     The AFLP dendrogram, the largest to date, contained 154 clades; 5
85                                         On a dendrogram these 23 MIP sequences cluster into three gro
86                     Comparing a ligand-based dendrogram to a sequence-based one, we identified GPCRs
87  DendroBLAST for reconstructing phylogenetic dendrograms/trees from protein sequences using BLAST.
88                                 Finally, the dendrogram was analyzed by a sweep-line algorithm and ma
89                              The whole brain dendrogram was compared with that of its main subdivisio
90  essential step in constructing a meaningful dendrogram), we designed a comprehensive strategy that c
91 uation criteria of the Rand index of the HCA dendrograms were calculated.
92 endations, and the results were analyzed and dendrograms were generated using the DiversiLab analysis
93 ew York City by the same typing methods, and dendrograms were generated.
94                                The resultant dendrograms were not entirely concordant, but both metho
95 ed together on a terminal node of the sample dendrogram, whereas the majority of samples with 11q del
96                                 The unrooted dendrogram, which was based on the SOM neural network, s
97   The resulting clusters were displayed with dendrograms, which show the proximity of variables to ea
98                                            A dendrogram with other transmembrane protein tyrosine pho

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