


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ater in subjects with DHF than in those with dengue fever.
2 ensify or extend the transmission season for dengue fever.
3 utility of ultrasound as a screening tool in dengue fever.
4 es showed that ZIKV infection most resembles dengue fever.
5 were positive and 95 cases were negative for dengue fever.
6 tection of non-structural protein 1 (NS1) of dengue fever.
7 ally helpful in making an early diagnosis of dengue fever.
8  are in clinical trials for the treatment of dengue fever.
9  associated with susceptibility to secondary dengue fever.
10 in PBMC isolated from individuals with acute dengue fever.
11 ines or antiviral therapies are approved for dengue fever.
12  several vaccines are in clinical trials for dengue fever.
13 key event in the pathogenesis of complicated dengue fever.
14 e flaviviral agents causing Yellow fever and Dengue fever.
15 ological tests were also used for diagnosing dengue fever, 93 cases were seropositive and 67 cases we
16 sence of specific treatment conspire to make dengue fever a global public health threat.
17 iruses has led to the resurgence of epidemic dengue fever (a self-limited flu-like syndrome) and the
18  of female mosquitoes of the major vector of Dengue fever, Aedes aegypti, is cyclic because of its de
19 emokines have been reported in patients with dengue fever and are proposed to contribute to the patho
20                                              Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are significan
21 niques are needed for the early diagnosis of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever during the acu
22  mosquito-borne flaviviruses responsible for dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
23  of dengue virus are the causative agents of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
24 The four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes cause dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock s
25 DENV-4), each of which is capable of causing dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock s
26 l model for dengue virus (DEN), which causes dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock s
27     Dengue virus (DEN), a flavivirus, causes dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock s
28                    Dengue virus (DEN) causes dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock s
29 for an EDIII-based vaccine candidate against dengue fever and presents a Gateway((R)) plastid transfo
30 es are members of the Flaviviridae and cause dengue fever and the more severe dengue hemorrhagic feve
31       Dengue virus is the causative agent of dengue fever and the more-severe dengue hemorrhagic feve
32 h chorioretinal lesions reported in cases of Dengue fever and West Nile virus.
33 Zika virus as well as diagnostic testing for Dengue fever and West Nile virus.
34 resent the major vectors of African malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever viruses, and lymphatic fil
35 ites), systemic febrile illness (malaria and dengue fever), and respiratory illnesses predominate.
36 ous devastating diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, and sleeping sickness.
37 l protein dengue NS1, an early biomarker for dengue fever, antibody immobilization capacity was 75-fo
38                     For example, malaria and dengue fever are febrile illnesses transmitted through m
39 mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, are reducing mosquito population sizes or
40 Dengue virus infection typically causes mild dengue fever, but, in severe cases, life-threatening den
41                                              Dengue fever cases were detected by door-to-door surveil
42                                              Dengue fever, caused by a mosquito-transmitted virus, is
43 m malaria (chi(2)=37.57, p<0.001); increased dengue fever (chi(2)=135.9, p<0.001); and a widening geo
44 s at risk of vector-borne diseases including dengue fever, chikungunya, zika, yellow fever, leishmani
45    Vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever continue to be a major health concern throu
46  Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever continue to be a major health problem throu
47 ruses are widespread human pathogens causing dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock
48 engue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock
49                       The causative agent of dengue fever, dengue virus (DENV), is transmitted by mos
50                                              Dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever is now one of the
51 se, is a predictive biomarker distinguishing dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).
52 duce, which occur exclusively in humans, are dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).
53 reased transmission and geographic spread of dengue fever (DF) and its more severe presentation, deng
54 here dengue occurs are at risk of developing dengue fever (DF) and its severe complications, dengue h
55    Dengue viruses (DEN), causative agents of dengue fever (DF) and more severe dengue hemorrhagic fev
56 n children with DHF compared with those with dengue fever (DF) early in the course of illness.
57                                              Dengue fever (DF) epidemics in Australia are caused by i
58 hildren who developed DHF than in those with dengue fever (DF) or other nondengue febrile illnesses (
59 identified the possible threshold to predict dengue fever (DF) outbreaks using Baidu Search Index (BS
60 nging from a mild febrile illness to classic dengue fever (DF) to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a p
61 m a mild undifferentiated febrile illness to dengue fever (DF) to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a p
62  propose two differential-equation models of dengue fever (DF) with different levels of complexity an
63 eptors in patients with DHF to patients with dengue fever (DF), a milder form of dengue virus infecti
64 d into four serotypes (DENV-1-4) that causes Dengue fever (DF), Dengue hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or Den
65 Dengue patients present a range of symptoms: dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and d
66 orrhagic fever (DHF), versus the more common dengue fever (DF), have been limited to indirect clinica
67 ases, such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), dengue fever (DF), West Nile (WN) and yellow fever (YF),
68 atients with dengue experience mild disease, dengue fever (DF), while few develop the life-threatenin
69 engue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever (DF).
70 rimary and secondary infection presenting as dengue fever (DF; mild) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DH
71                                              Dengue fever diagnoses displayed marked seasonality, alt
72 negative ultrasound findings cannot rule out dengue fever due to the low sensitivity of this examinat
73 he most important vector of yellow fever and dengue fever flaviviruses.
74             All 4 control subjects developed dengue fever from challenge.
75 engue-2 virus (strain PUO-218 from a case of dengue fever in Bangkok, Thailand).
76 y, and splenomegaly are highly suggestive of dengue fever in clinically suspected cases.
77 al analyses of associations between vectors, dengue fever incidence, and climate conditions.
78                        Colloquially known as Dengue Fever, infection can cause hemorrhagic disorders
79 the risk of the mosquito-transmitted disease dengue fever is a concern.
80                                              Dengue fever is a disease in many parts of the tropics a
81                                              Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne virus that infects 50-1
82                                              Dengue fever is a mosquitoborne viral illness caused by
83                                              Dengue fever is a significant threat to military personn
84                                              Dengue fever is a tropical disease that is transmitted b
85                                              Dengue fever is an important tropical illness for which
86  a practical tool for use in countries where dengue fever is endemic, in conjunction with classical m
87 ue virus (DENV) from patients with suspected dengue fever is important both for the diagnosis of the
88                                              Dengue fever is one of the most neglected tropical disea
89                                              Dengue fever is the most common mosquito transmitted vir
90                                              Dengue fever is the most frequent arthropod-borne viral
91  Dengue virus (DENV), the etiologic agent of dengue fever, is transmitted during probing of human ski
92            For the control and prevention of dengue fever, it is important to rapidly detect and type
93 olytic diseases such as sickle cell disease, dengue fever, malaria, and sepsis.
94 ynamics of mosquito-borne infections such as dengue fever, malaria, chikungunya, and West Nile virus.
95 r the detection of biomarkers of malaria and dengue fever: malaria HRP2, malaria pLDH, and dengue NS1
96  and specificity using an early biomarker of dengue fever, NS-1, as an exemplar and clinically releva
97 t the effects of projected climate change on dengue fever occurrence, but results have been inconsist
98 ector of arboviral diseases, particularly of Dengue fever, of which there are more than 100 million c
99  genotype) can outcompete viruses that cause dengue fever only (American genotype).
100  pervasiveness of the infection, hemorrhagic dengue fever or dengue shock syndrome.
101                                    Louis and dengue fever patients.
102  Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever pose a major health problem through much of
103 y of literature on the use of ultrasound for dengue fever screening; hence, the primary objective of
104             Numerical results using data for dengue fever suggest that the proportional policy outper
105  Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever take a large toll on global health.
106           In areas coendemic for malaria and dengue fever, this assay could be used as a rapid, point
107 e of clinical manifestations in humans, from dengue fever to the more serious dengue hemorrhagic feve
108 pathologies ranging from the febrile illness dengue fever to the potentially lethal severe dengue dis
109 upled links may facilitate further spread of dengue fever under a changing climate.
110 s are asymptomatic or develop a self-limited dengue fever, up to 1 million clinical cases develop sev
111 dengue diagnostic tests, the MRL Diagnostics Dengue Fever Virus IgM Capture ELISA and the PanBio Rapi
112 entified (mean titer of 107.6 for those with dengue fever vs. 108.5 for patients with DHF, P=.01).
113 by the failure of current methods to control dengue fever, we formulate a mathematical model to asses
114 predictive value of ultrasound in diagnosing dengue fever were 58%, 84%, and 83%, respectively.
115 aterial/A total of 160 patients of suspected dengue fever were included in the study.
116 viruses, the human pathogens responsible for dengue fever, West Nile fever, tick-borne encephalitis,
117 pti, the primary vector for yellow fever and dengue fever, which at approximately 1376 million base p
118 smission of the flaviviruses responsible for dengue fever, yellow fever, and chikungunya.
119 vastating human diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and others.

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