


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of incoming DIN, whereas the Dry Basin only denitrified 1%.
2 ical nosZ occur in Bacteria and Archaea that denitrify (44% of genomes), do not possess other denitri
3                 The Wet Basin was capable of denitrifying 58% of incoming DIN, whereas the Dry Basin
4 s shifted to a net N sink, either storing or denitrifying ~8 kg of N ha(-1) year(-1).
5     Nitrogen removal by using the synergy of denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) and anae
6 in situ hybridization analysis revealed that denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) archaea,
7  removal by using the synergy of anammox and denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) microorg
8 e gene clusters, underscoring its ability to denitrify and to fix CO2 while coupled to As(III) oxidat
9  anammox rates and quantify the abundance of denitrifying and anammox bacteria in the OMZ regions of
10 nalyse the community composition of actively denitrifying and N2O-reducing microbial communities, we
11                             The diversity of denitrifying and nondenitrifying microorganisms with cap
12  model predicted substantial accumulation of denitrifying and sulfate-reducing bacteria, and U(IV) pr
13 erales and Leptolyngbya and the H2-oxidizing denitrifying autotroph Sulfuritalea.
14  indicate that the ano-cathodophilic biofilm denitrified autotrophically using the electrode (-200 to
15  in anaerobic ethylbenzene mineralization in denitrifying Azoarcus sp. strain EB1 is the oxidation of
16         To explore the relationships between denitrifying bacteria (DB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria
17                             The abundance of denitrifying bacteria (DB), assayed by the nirK and nirS
18 pes of each "primary" microbial group, i.e., denitrifying bacteria (DB), perchlorate-reducing bacteri
19 zobium etli, and Azospirillum lipoferum) and denitrifying bacteria (i.e., Pseudomonas stutzeri).
20 c constraints on the widely held belief that denitrifying bacteria account for a significant fraction
21                             The abundance of denitrifying bacteria always exceeded that of anammox ba
22 ed from the conversion of NO3(-) by cultured denitrifying bacteria and off-axis integrated cavity out
23 stinct groups of anaerobic bacteria, such as denitrifying bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria.
24  nitrous oxide, which is consumed by benthic denitrifying bacteria before it reaches the water column
25 tudy, we sought to understand the ecology of denitrifying bacteria by using next-generation sequencin
26                                         Many denitrifying bacteria can adjust to life in both oxic an
27                                              Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate (NO(3) (-) ) to di
28                                              Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate in soils to inert
29 e hypothesized that airway colonization with denitrifying bacteria could alter nitrogen balance in th
30 in which removal of bioavailable nitrogen by denitrifying bacteria ensures widespread selection for d
31                The diversity and activity of denitrifying bacteria found in association with the colo
32 chment and characterization of psychrophilic denitrifying bacteria from polar sediments, and two gene
33  the regulation of nitrous oxide emission by denitrifying bacteria in response to different environme
34 seous N emissions to the atmosphere owing to denitrifying bacteria in the soil.
35                                              Denitrifying bacteria metabolize nitrogen oxides through
36               These results demonstrate that denitrifying bacteria produce NO as a signal molecule to
37                                          The denitrifying bacteria protect themselves from the endoge
38 itrous oxide (N20) generated from nitrate by denitrifying bacteria that lack N2O-reductase activity.
39                                              Denitrifying bacteria use two entirely different enzymes
40 accumulation by intracellular metabolites in denitrifying bacteria using metabolomics and genome-base
41         The solid components are autotrophic denitrifying bacteria, autotrophic perchlorate-reducing
42 lasmic nitrate reductases have been found in denitrifying bacteria.
43 erization was used to describe psychrophilic denitrifying bacterial communities in sediments of three
44 erns emerging from studies of nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial cultures.
45 erobic mineralization of ethylbenzene by the denitrifying bacterium Azoarcus sp. strain EB1 was recen
46 hat active benzylsuccinate synthase from the denitrifying bacterium Azoarcus sp. strain T harbors an
47 ion were studied in Azoarcus sp. strain T, a denitrifying bacterium capable of mineralizing m-xylene
48  Anaerobic assays conducted with strain T, a denitrifying bacterium capable of mineralizing toluene t
49 he structural genes for NO reductase, in the denitrifying bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.3, we
50 ole freshwater or saltwater samples with the denitrifying bacterium Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens,
51 own not to be formed by Thauera aromatica, a denitrifying bacterium that degrades benzoate by a pathw
52 nzoyl coenzyme A reductase isolated from the denitrifying bacterium Thauera aromatica.
53 ation of ethylbenzene were investigated in a denitrifying bacterium, strain EB1.
54  of production/consumption were obtained for denitrifying batch cultures under four conditions: initi
55 ling analysis shows that at COD:N of 4:1 the denitrifying cells slowly generate electron equivalents
56 standing of the distribution and dynamics of denitrifying communities in San Francisco Bay, and provi
57 nd), which is considerably higher than under denitrifying conditions (delta(15)N(bulk)(N2O) 2.4 to -1
58  a soil microcosm experiment conducted under denitrifying conditions and performed Illumina amplicon
59 levels decreased and was not repressed under denitrifying conditions as observed in another Rhodobact
60  Genes upregulated (ca. 4- to 95-fold) under denitrifying conditions included nar, nir, and nor genes
61  null mutant strain was unable to grow under denitrifying conditions on either toluene or m-xylene, w
62 bilized chromium reduced under predominantly denitrifying conditions was mobilized at low concentrati
63 in EB1 mineralized ethylbenzene to CO2 under denitrifying conditions, as demonstrated by conversion o
64 ation and CO2 fixation) under aerobic versus denitrifying conditions, we conducted whole-genome, cDNA
65 relative flux of NO3(-) production under net denitrifying conditions, whether catalyzed aerobically o
66 dation in paddy soils under both aerobic and denitrifying conditions.
67 rs at the field-scale also for predominantly denitrifying conditions.
68  naturally during growth on nitrate or under denitrifying conditions.
69 tion were assessed with a methanol-utilizing denitrifying culture both prior to and after its exposur
70  N2O reduction rates of a methanol-utilizing denitrifying culture under various carbon and nitrogen o
71 humid croplands, where the nitrate cannot be denitrified due to the presence of oxygen and lack of ca
72 ome c) and the synthesis and activity of key denitrifying enzymes.
73 (-) removal was supported by the presence of denitrifying genes (nirS and nirK) within the biomat.
74 hile modest when compared to the presence of denitrifying genes, a higher abundance of the anammox-sp
75          Microvirgula aerodenitrificans is a denitrifying Gram-negative organism first described by P
76 e separately capable of supporting anaerobic denitrifying growth but with growth defects that are par
77 c' levels were highest during photosynthetic denitrifying growth conditions.
78  vibrational data on bioengineered models of denitrifying heme-nonheme NO reductases support a simila
79 tal wetlands have the capacity to retain and denitrify large quantities of reactive nitrogen (N), mak
80 e vertical distribution and the abundance of denitrifying methanotrophs related to Candidatus Methylo
81                         Through linkage to a denitrifying MFC, the MFC system improved the removal of
82 reased because of organic consumption in the denitrifying MFC.
83         These data imply that nitrifying and denitrifying microbes had already evolved by the late Ar
84 dy suggests that the direct effect of CO2 on denitrifying microbes via inhibition of intracellular el
85 , next to nitrous oxide (N2O) reductase from denitrifying microorganisms.
86 e (NO(3)(-)) concentrations, but that <1% of denitrified N is converted to N(2)O.
87                              The fraction of denitrified N that escapes as N(2)O rather than N(2) (i.
88                                              Denitrifying NO reductases are transmembrane protein com
89 ogeochemical regimes characterized by either denitrifying or fermentative conditions (as indicated by
90 ith nitrate (r(s) = 0.4) and the presence of denitrifying organisms (Rhodacyclaceae).
91                                         Many denitrifying organisms contain the norEF gene cluster, w
92                                           In denitrifying organisms with copper containing dissimilat
93 stewater, and it further suggests a putative denitrifying PAO niche for Accumulibacter clade IA.
94 A consumption on N2O accumulation during the denitrifying phosphorus removal process for the first ti
95                                            A denitrifying phosphorus removal process undergoes freque
96  all potential N2O accumulation steps in the denitrifying phosphorus removal process.
97  nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation during the denitrifying phosphorus removal process.
98 2O production obtained from four independent denitrifying phosphorus removal study reports with diffe
99 y low N2O reduction rate by using PHA during denitrifying phosphorus removal.
100  nitric oxide (NO), and N2O consecutively by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs
101                    Here, we demonstrate that denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organism (PAO) e
102 ochrome c' from an overexpressing variant of denitrifying R. sphaeroides 2.4.3 was investigated by pr
103                    Source characteristics of denitrified samples were reconstructed from dissolved-ga
104                      Our work with the model denitrifying strain Paracoccus denitrificans further sho
105                                              Denitrifying strains Thauera aromatica and "Aromatoleum
106                 Ozone loss is amplified in a denitrified stratosphere, so the effects of falling temp
107 ic trajectories >1, characteristic of marine denitrifying systems, arise predominantly under elevated
108 the dominant NO3(-) producing term in marine denitrifying systems, as stoichiometric constraints indi
109 ting particles have significant potential to denitrify the lower stratosphere.
110 ropropane (2-NP), a rat hepatocarcinogen, is denitrified to nitrite and acetone by rat liver microsom
111 ormed during anaerobic, in vitro assays with denitrifying, toluene-mineralizing strain T, we now repo
112       Cytochrome c' is a heme protein from a denitrifying variant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides which ma
113 des the copper-type nitrite reductase from a denitrifying variant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, strain
114 e copper-containing nitrite reductase from a denitrifying variant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

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