


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rticles permeate extensively into the lamina densa.
2  either LN or LG domains and formed a lamina densa.
3 essed in thick ascending limb and the macula densa.
4 adjusting transport downstream of the macula densa.
5 sertion or are present throughout the lamina densa.
6 in its highly specialized role in the macula densa.
7 ls appear to insert directly into the lamina densa.
8 cells of the thick ascending limb and macula densa.
9 nding limb of Henle's loop and of the macula densa.
10 the most pronounced expression in the macula densa.
11 the cortical thick ascending limb and macula densa.
12 reactive COX-2 expression inthe cTALH/macula densa.
13 ulation of NOS1beta expression in the macula densa affects sodium excretion and salt-sensitive hypert
14 between (a) NaCl concentration at the macula densa and (b) glomerular filtration rate or glomerular c
15 lar epithelial cells located near the macula densa and associated with the renal arterioles exhibit s
16 pp38 expression, predominantly in the macula densa and cTALH.
17  morpholino-injected embryos lacked a lamina densa and lamina lucida at 24 hpf, and BM defects, such
18 primary NOS1 isoform expressed in the macula densa and regulates the tubuloglomerular feedback respon
19 tex, COX-2 expression is localized to macula densa and surrounding cortical thick ascending limb of H
20 issue separation in TBDN is below the lamina densa, and electron microscopy has revealed abnormalitie
21 d to cTALH cells in the region of the macula densa, and that dietary salt restriction increases COX-2
22        Evidence for the regulation of macula densa apical Na/H exchange by AngII was recently reporte
23 ments involves ATP release across the macula densa basolateral membrane through a maxi-anion channel.
24 esults indicate that AngII stimulates macula densa basolateral Na/H exchange via AT1 receptors and th
25 ble skin disease manifesting with sub-lamina densa blistering, erosions, and chronic ulcers.
26 i-vWFA2 autoantibodies located at the lamina densa bound to the dermal side of salt-split skin and in
27  localized to the lower lamina lucida/lamina densa by direct and indirect immunoelectron microscopy (
28 mulates COX-2 expression in cTALH and macula densa by transcriptional regulation predominantly via a
29  in glomerular tuft contractility and macula densa cell calcium handling were observed.
30 y or expression we clonally derived a macula densa cell line (MMDD1 cells) from SV-40 transgenic mice
31 ) receptor expression in the cultured macula densa cell line MMDD1.
32                               Because macula densa cells also express a basolateral Na/H exchanger, t
33                                       Macula densa cells are renal sensor elements that detect change
34                                       Macula densa cells detect changes in luminal sodium chloride co
35                                       Macula densa cells in the distal nephron, according to the clas
36                    Communication from macula densa cells to the glomerular vascular elements involves
37 kidney, the intracellular pH (pHi) of macula densa cells was measured with fluorescence microscopy us
38 l isoform of nitric oxide synthase in macula densa cells, reduces the constrictor effect of adenosine
39  Ca2+ oscillations were absent in the macula densa cells.
40 marked accumulation of elastin in the macula densa, collecting ducts, and pelvicalyceal epithelia of
41 uter medullary collecting ducts), and macula densa-containing segments.
42 mmary, these results demonstrate that macula densa COX-2 expression is oppositely regulated by AT(1)
43                                       Macula densa cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2)-derived prostaglandins se
44  decreased hyperfiltration, decreased macula densa cyclooxygenase-2 expression, decreased albuminuria
45 very of fluid yet does not activate a macula densa-dependent fall in SNGFR because it blunts the TGF
46                                       Macula densa epithelial cells displayed bright AE2 immunostaini
47  microfibrils might be present in the lamina densa, epithelial cell cultures (WISH, HaCaT, and primar
48 thelial cells at the perimeter of the macula densa exhibit spontaneous oscillations in intracellular
49                We recently found that macula densa expresses alpha-, beta-, and gamma-splice variants
50 plants (Potamogeton diversifolius and Egeria densa), followed by toxicity testing with microcosm surf
51 2B contributes to salt absorption and macula densa function in the low NaCl concentration range.
52 oscopy is providing new insights into macula densa-glomerular signaling.
53 rane appeared to be thickened and the lamina densa had an irregular appearance after treatment with C
54 embrane, as seen by a nearly complete lamina densa, hemidesmosomes, and the polarized, linear distrib
55 resence of fibrillin-1 throughout the lamina densa in the dermal-- epidermal junction.
56 NOS1), and NOS1beta expression in the macula densa increases on a high-salt diet.
57  chloride [Cl(-)] at the level of the macula densa increases renin production and secretion, we inves
58 , the GBM is irregularly swollen, the lamina densa is absent, and permeation is increased.
59 a change in NaCl concentration at the macula densa, is likely initiated by the generation of a vasoac
60 P consumed in active transport by the macula densa leads to formation of adenosine, which causes glom
61 ause of the presence of NKCC2A in the macula densa, maximum tubuloglomerular feedback responses were
62                                       Macula densa (MD) cells detect changes in distal tubular sodium
63                                       Macula densa (MD) cells express COX-2 and COX-2-derived PGs app
64                                       Macula densa (MD) cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
65 f) colocalize in renal tubules and in macula densa (MD) cells which modulate glomerular filtration ra
66 ronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in macula densa (MD) cells, experiments were performed in anesthet
67 A were shown to be coexpressed in the macula densa (MD) segment of the mouse TAL.
68 pends on Na-K-2Cl co-transport in the macula densa (MD), but it is less clear whether Na,K-ATPase is
69  cell granules and exhibit an altered macula densa morphology.
70  cellular uptake of L-arginine limits macula densa nitric oxide generation and actions on tubuloglome
71 hich was prevented with inhibitors of macula densa nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
72                          Furthermore, macula densa NO production was similar in the isolated perfused
73 I) blockers correlated with increased macula densa NOS-I immunoreactivity.
74 d SNGFR through a mechanism involving macula densa NOS.
75  utero epidermal blisters beneath the lamina densa of the basement membrane and also in renal agenesi
76 at size-dependent permeation into the lamina densa of the GBM and the podocyte glycocalyx, together w
77 rticles show that permeation into the lamina densa of the GBM is size-sensitive.
78 hat it had blunted the effects of the macula densa on SNGFR.
79  autocrine factors of endothelial and macula densa origins.
80     It also suggests that the altered macula densa phenotype is related to the activity of the renin-
81 tic plants: Azolla caroliniana Willd, Egeria densa Planch., and Myriophyllum simulans Orch.
82 dded Ag or Cu metal mass was found in Egeria densa plant tissue, with the remainder primarily in the
83 ls that were within 100 microm of the macula densa plaque using four-dimensional multiphoton microsco
84 ck ascending loop of Henle (TALH) and macula densa, providing the error signal for tubuloglomerular f
85 ing luminal NaCl concentration in the macula densa region of the nephron stimulates renin secretion,
86  changes in NaCl concentration in the macula densa region of the nephron, thereby serving as an impor
87 icited by elevations in [NaCl] in the macula densa region of the nephron.
88 cuss recent advances in understanding macula densa sensing and suggest these cells, in addition to sa
89 glomerular feedback through increased macula densa sodium and chloride delivery, leading to afferent
90 Compared with control mice, mice with macula densa-specific knockout of all nitric oxide synthase 1 i
91 ble to rescue the abnormality seen in macula densa structure.
92                The persistence of ENMs in E. densa suggests that chronic exposures, or food web trans
93              Particles traversing the lamina densa tend to accumulate upstream of the podocyte glycoc
94 ular calcium dynamics in cells of the macula densa, the observation was made that tubular epithelial
95 pt distal tubular fluid flow past the macula densa, thus minimizing tubuloglomerular feedback-depende
96 nt, Ag(0) and CuO ENMs were persistent in E. densa tissues for up to 9 and 6 months, respectively.
97 st in part, through direct effects on macula densa transport processes.
98                TEM confirmed that the lamina densa was partly or completely absent along the anterior
99 d anchoring fibril connections to the lamina densa were more numerous compared with the composite mod
100 th basement membrane proteins and the lamina densa were retained at the BMZ throughout healing.

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