


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on through micropores that mimic features of dense 3D tissue.
2 the dorsal part of the BNST (dBNST) receives dense 5-HT innervation, whether and how 5-HT in the dBNS
3                                         This dense accumulation of helical strain resulted in a disto
4 me, to our knowledge, that not only does the dense actin cortex flow in a retrograde fashion toward t
5                      SVs are associated with dense aggregates of macromolecules called active zone ma
6 ks use acrobatic lunging maneuvers to attack dense aggregations of krill or small fish, and their lar
7  concentrated and non-seasonal foods promote dense aggregations that increase exposure to parasites.
8 etion of the outermost particle layer into a dense amorphous silica-alumina shell further reduces the
9 TEM showed that actin within the CR formed a dense and anisotropic array of elongate, antiparallel fi
10  FA+ ions, thereby enabling the formation of dense and compact FASnI3 film with large crystalline dom
11 obility diameter, diesel aggregates are less dense and composed of smaller primary particles than tho
12 ar crusts is determined by the properties of dense and compressed matter.
13 tightly coordinated while interacting with a dense and extremely diverse microbial population.
14 eramic's oxides, slow oxygen diffusion and a dense and gradient distribution of ceramic result in muc
15                                     The most dense and heavily labeled population of cells was found
16                                              Dense and homogeneous microstructure with grain size lyi
17                                          The dense and near-exclusive distribution of 1.688(X) sequen
18 um seeds are oil-rich and have a very thick, dense and oily shell.
19 g modality in ophthalmology and represents a dense and rich dataset when combined with labels derived
20 for predicting material functionality across dense and sparse matter regimes.
21      The model describes the deposition of a dense and uniform monolayer by the implicit contribution
22 sma Wave Science instrument detected a cold, dense, and dynamic ionosphere at Saturn that interacts w
23          This can be enabled by making thin, dense, and uniform seed-crystal coatings, which are then
24  of density (AUC, 0.66; 95% CI: 0.60, 0.72), dense area (AUC, 0.66; 95% CI: 0.60, 0.72), volumetric p
25 %), reflecting a compositional change (lower dense area and higher non-dense area, with no difference
26 ociated with percent mammographic density or dense area, before or after adjustment for risk factors
27 onal change (lower dense area and higher non-dense area, with no difference in breast area).
28 ese antibodies have evolved to recognize the dense array of glycans that coat the surface of the vira
29 atial relationship of individual proteins in dense assemblies remains a challenge for superresolution
30 ict neuroblast spatial boundaries within the dense astroglial meshwork of the SVZ and rostral migrato
31 lerance comparing with coarse-grained, fully dense Au.
32                                          The dense autonomic innervation of the choroidal vessels pre
33  reaction and end up with encapsulation by a dense avascular fibrous layer enriched in extracellular
34 positional context are concentrated in three dense bands, with the stratigraphic integrity of the dep
35 ubject to a small external perturbation in a dense bath of motile E. coli bacteria.
36  making them attractive for low-cost, energy-dense batteries.
37                                       Small, dense BCR clusters likely formed via protein-protein int
38                                              Dense bilateral connections were to caudate nuclei.
39 he results indicate that the cMRF provides a dense, bilateral projection to the region of the medial
40 n ice and 300 kDa in 100 nm thick samples of dense biological material.
41 e and adults, including adhesion plaques and dense bodies (Z-disks) of striated muscles and attachmen
42 e visible by electron microscopy as electron-dense bodies in the cytoplasm.
43 of filamentous actin, elongated cytoskeletal dense bodies, and impaired intestinal smooth muscle cont
44 ily protein-one of the late additions to the dense body complex and a conserved regulator of body wal
45 y estimated from electroencephalography as a dense brain network.
46 r disagreement by 1.56% in women with highly dense breast tissue (P < .0001).
47  all women with heterogeneously or extremely dense breasts shifted to scattered fibroglandular breast
48 d sugars contribute to a diet that is energy dense but nutrient poor and increase risk of developing
49  attribute such excellent performance to the dense c-axis self-assembled BaZrO3 nanorods, the elimina
50 igh-throughput phenotyping platform for tall dense canopy crops, such as sorghum (Sorghum bicolor).
51                 We tested patients born with dense cataracts in one or both eyes that blocked all pat
52 ization, and rapid displacement of nuclei to dense central structures compared to pOka using live-cel
53 2; p = 1.54 x 10(-11)) covered a large, gene-dense chromosome 1 region that has previously been linke
54 ariation across 112 islet samples to produce dense cis-expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL)
55 sive influence of polycomb at a subset of CG-dense cis-regulatory sequences.
56  of Ca(2+) We found that mitochondria form a dense cluster that acts as a diffusion barrier between t
57  genes in metazoan genomes are surrounded by dense clusters of conserved noncoding elements (CNEs).
58 l ensembles called genomic regulatory blocks-dense clusters of elements that collectively coordinate
59 erwent balloon-like blowing up, allowing for dense clusters via soft interplay between viscoelastic s
60 ced combination of structural changes in the dense coacervate phase and a 1D confinement of counterio
61 harged polyelectrolytes into polyelectrolyte dense (coacervate) and polyelectrolyte dilute (supernata
62 a brucei against the host immune system is a dense coat that comprises a variant surface glycoprotein
63                                              Dense colloidal suspensions can propagate and absorb lar
64                       Microbes often live in dense communities called biofilms, where competition bet
65 do not understand how cell shape affects the dense communities, known as biofilms, where many microbe
66 n was most significantly improved for highly dense compounds, with traditional mass calibration showi
67          These turbulent-turbulent spots are dense concentrations of small-scale vortices with high s
68 ected by SD-OCT co-localized with an area of dense cone dysfunction detected on light-adapted perimet
69 2D Brownian dynamics simulations, we study a dense, confined mixture of rigid microtubules (MTs) and
70 me staining revealed a greater proportion of dense connective tissue (P=0.02) in women compared with
71                                              Dense connective tissue injuries have limited repair, du
72 sparse connectivity is sometimes superior to dense connectivity.
73 Thus, even for small blocks of nerve tissue, dense connectomic mapping requires the identification of
74 early steps in LDCV formation by controlling dense core formation at the TGN.
75 roperties, due to impaired cargo sorting and dense core formation.
76         Correct processing of human renin in dense core granules was confirmed by immunogold labeling
77 ally less organized than an ION, possesses a dense core region consisting of multipolar neurons.
78 pported bilayers and purified neuroendocrine dense core vesicles (DCVs) as fusion partners, and we ex
79                                          The dense core vesicles (DCVs) of neuroendocrine cells are a
80 nctional relationships of axonal kinesins to dense core vesicles (DCVs) that were filled with a GFP-t
81                                        Large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) mediate the regulated releas
82 nce that CKA facilitates axonal transport of dense core vesicles and autophagosomes in a PP2A-depende
83                    Here, we demonstrate that dense core vesicles and lysosomal trafficking dynamics a
84                           The segregation of dense core-forming melts by porous flow is a natural mec
85 that a proportion of human TFH cells contain dense-core granules marked by chromogranin B, which are
86 his technique is able to distinguish between dense-core particles, liquid-filled, bilayer-coated vesi
87                                              Dense-core vesicle (DCV) exocytosis is a SNARE (soluble
88 d by thermoinduced solid transformation of a dense CuBTC precursor phase.
89 gnalling molecules from early endosomes in a dense cytoplasm with single-molecule resolution.
90                                       Such a dense, deep-mantle high-(3)He/(4)He domain could remain
91  increased nutritional intake from an energy-dense diet is known to disrupt metabolic homeostasis and
92                      Consuming a calorically dense diet stimulates microglial reactivity in the medio
93                  The global spread of energy-dense diets has led to an endemic rise in fatty liver di
94 ose a vacancy engineering strategy to create dense dislocations in the grains.
95                She received neoadjuvant dose-dense doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel chem
96 -stage hydroxylation of several functionally-dense drug-like aryl halides.
97                          The most carbon (C)-dense ecosystems of Amazonia are areas characterized by
98 (hybrid method) was used to derive an energy-dense (ED), high-fat (HF), low-fiber density (LFD) dieta
99 al records of history of this region are not dense enough to reconstruct details of population histor
100                 For such thermal winds to be dense enough to transport grains-10 times greater than p
101                               Here, we use a dense ensemble of neodymium rare-earth ions strongly cou
102           More cells were killed by PTX dose-dense-equi than with PTX conventional, but with the addi
103           The proteomes of these exosome and dense EVs preparations suggest that epithelial polarity
104 lations of small EVs including exosomes, and dense EVs, were purified and processed for proteomic pro
105 ated interstitial fluid pressure, regions of dense extracellular matrix and high cell density, and ov
106 sence of heterogeneously leaky microvessels, dense extracellular matrix and high interstitial pressur
107 lity of a cancer cell to migrate through the dense extracellular matrix within and surrounding the so
108 e facial gestalt (interrupted wavy eyebrows, dense eyelashes, wide nose, wide mouth, and a prominent
109 nal complex and above the cuticular plate, a dense F-actin meshwork located underneath the apical pla
110                            Theory predicts a dense face-centred-cubic phase of cobalt, which would be
111 NT Corticothalamic neurons of layer 6 send a dense feedback projection to thalamic nuclei that provid
112                      However, cells on rigid/dense fibers were also more susceptible to injury during
113 es, platelets, and growth factors within the dense fibrin matrix and can be used as healing biomateri
114 with TDFSM cells provoked the formation of a dense fibrocollagenous stroma in vitro that was associat
115 eposited onto a graphite substrate to form a dense film of crystalline Si.
116 uishably from the wild type (Bd21-3) and had dense fluorescent puncta at or near the plasma membrane.
117                                   Cells from dense foci produced malignant fibrosarcomas in mice, the
118 ioning from seeing over short distances in a dense fog to seeing over long distances on a clear day.
119   The method could be applied to any protein-dense food matrix allergen so long as suitable control a
120 alatable, easily attainable, and calorically dense foods has led to unprecedented levels of obesity a
121 rface eventually leads to the formation of a dense forest of millimeter-long single crystals.
122 tem when socially excluded by peers had less dense friendship networks.
123 r excitation that it is emitted only in very dense gas, and is absorbed in low-density gas.
124 ed geographic origin, environmental data and dense genome-wide SNP data to perform an environmental a
125                                              Dense genotyping approaches have revealed much about the
126        River bed-load transport is a kind of dense granular flow, and such flows are known to segrega
127  activation-dependent increases of alpha and dense-granule secretion and integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activ
128 l2(-/-) mice, which lack platelet alpha- and dense-granule secretion, show no signs of hemorrhage in
129               By nature of their small size, dense growth and frequent need for extracellular metabol
130                                              Dense (&gt;98 th%) and homogeneous ceramic/metal composites
131 cular forces that govern their assembly into dense hexagonal bundles.
132 ons using a nanostructured diamond chip with dense, high-aspect-ratio nanogratings, enhancing the sur
133  that these eQTL networks are organized into dense, highly modular communities grouping genes often i
134                      The study suggests that dense hydrides consisting of these and related hydrogen
135 orating the as-formed Ag-NW thin film with a dense, hydrophobic dodecanethiol layer, the stability of
136       We find that complex networks that are dense in directed paths are poor noise processors, while
137  plasma cells were distinctly localized as a dense infiltrate beneath the accumulation of T cells and
138 FR2-expressing neurons within the pBNST send dense inhibitory projections to other stress-related bra
139                            Here, we identify dense innervation in the microenvironment of precancerou
140            Continuous ongoing development of dense integrated circuits requires significant advanceme
141 tween altered miRNAs and target genes showed dense interconnected molecular network.
142 ivation of C3 convertase and highly electron-dense intramembranous deposits.
143  is intrinsically superior in hosting charge-dense ions.
144 where surface water is particularly cold and dense, it sinks to generate a tropic-ward flow on the oc
145 lls are typically used to target small, less dense krill patches near the water's surface [5,6], and
146  induces these to come together to form less dense, larger islands, a process likely governed, at lea
147 k not only demonstrates the effectiveness of dense lattice dislocations as a means of lowering kappaL
148    The decoration of porous membranes with a dense layer of nanoparticles imparts useful functionalit
149 icroenvironments, which are characterized by dense leaky microvasculature and acidic extracellular pH
150 uorination process to form a homogeneous and dense LiF coating on reactive anode materials, with in s
151       With the protection of crystalline and dense LiF coating, LixSi can be processed in anhydrous N
152                                    The major dense line (MDL) is a 3-nm compartment between two cytop
153                            We propose that a dense liquid phase (containing 4-7 H2O per CaCO3 unit) f
154 tion clusters, as well as the formation of a dense liquid precursor phase via liquid-liquid phase sep
155 lectrochemical conversion of CO2 into energy-dense liquids, such as formic acid, is desirable as a hy
156                                          CpG-dense loci, called "CpG islands", play a particularly im
157 ch a disturbance in human volunteers using a dense longitudinal sampling scheme extending before and
158 er epicardial than endocardial scar and core-dense (&lt;/=0.5 mV) scar areas (28 [20-36] versus 19 [15-2
159 ed by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and dense lymphocyte infiltration.
160  recovery after photobleaching (SRAP) within dense macromolecular assemblies to reveal and characteri
161                  The results we present in a dense magnetic system are qualitatively similar to those
162 ur measurement machines to keep track of the dense many-body entanglement of the gas molecules.
163 omes limiting when datasets grow in size and dense mapping is required.
164 g an 'inverted' nuclear architecture, with a dense mass of heterochromatin in the center of the nucle
165  with a pronounced cross-banding of electron-dense material that should be important for the stiffnes
166 und chocolate with inulin at 10%w/w showed a dense matrix structure, reducing the size and number of
167 adopodia to breach basement membrane (BM), a dense matrix that encases tissues.
168                                  In the warm dense matter regime, experimental data are very scarce s
169 estigation of the low-frequency ion modes in dense matter.
170  example, hormones and pharmaceuticals by RO dense membranes.
171  (ssEM) makes it possible to investigate the dense meshwork of axons, dendrites, and synapses that fo
172 at ApT dinucleotides and was concentrated in dense methylated adenine clusters surrounding the transc
173                The human intestine harbors a dense microbial ecosystem (microbiota) that is different
174 minimum Bloom formation, probably due to its dense microstructure with no void spaces.
175 scans of the peripapillary retina revealed a dense microvascular network.
176       Locusts are grasshoppers that can form dense migrating swarms through an extreme form of densit
177 ll-cell cues that organize this unique, cell-dense migration pathway are largely unknown.
178 8 GPa Breaksea Orthogneiss includes suitably dense minor components (e.g. eclogite) capable of founde
179 P to ADP was highest at perinuclear areas of dense mitochondria and gradually decreased as more-perip
180 ergy and materials required to sustain hyper-dense, modern humans.
181  P-values (fastCGP), and proposed a parallel dense-module search and cross-selection strategy to iden
182 te multiple potassium sites within initially dense molecular layers, and thus interact with the PAH a
183                         Whereas previously a dense monolayer was believed to be required for such an
184                       Because the network is dense, most long distance transmission chains in fact in
185 /AFM-SECM enables high throughput reading of dense nanoarrays, with a sensitivity and a read-out spee
186 molecule touching mode (Mt/AFM-SECM), and of dense nanodot arrays, for designing an electrochemically
187  under LM colocalises well with the electron dense nanoparticle observed in EM.
188 of interactions between chromophores in this dense, nanoscale multichromophoric system, and are chara
189  Here we design ultra-low stiffness in fully dense, nanostructured metals via the stabilization of a
190 f4 localized differently in SI; Mf3 formed a dense network in mucosal lamina propria, whereas Mf4 was
191  the dynamics of energy transfer through the dense network of antenna complexes and into the reaction
192  proteins oligomerize and interact through a dense network of contacts.
193 rocapsules covered in a chemically distinct, dense network of hair-like outgrowths.
194  sparse networks are typically more SSC than dense networks.
195                                          The dense nucleic acid shell of the resulting cross-linked m
196 ling, because alcohol (ethanol) is a calorie-dense nutrient, and calorie intake usually suppresses br
197  a northern source of relatively young, very dense, nutrient-depleted water during the LGM (18 ky to
198 tric, hold the key to future high-bandwidth, dense on-chip integrated logic circuits overcoming the d
199 8)F-FTC-146 was observed in sigma-1 receptor-dense organs such as the pancreas and spleen, moderate u
200                               Because of its dense packaging and repetitive DNA sequence, heterochrom
201     We visualized the native arrangement and dense packing of photosystem I (PSI), photosystem II (PS
202        Herein, the selective recognition and dense packing of SO2 clusters through multiple synergist
203                      The observation for the dense packing planes of NCs in fast growing fcc rather t
204 romatin in restricted nuclear space requires dense packing while ensuring DNA accessibility.
205               Apparently, the formation of a dense paddy plough pan hindered long-term Po accumulatio
206  cortex [5,6]; rather, they possess a neuron-dense pallium that is organized in clusters, in contrast
207 Fe(3+) , preferentially located in the outer dense part of the particle and suggested to contribute t
208                                              Dense particulate suspensions exhibit a dramatic increas
209                          Shear thickening in dense particulate suspensions was recently proposed to b
210 dhesive trapping in the brain owing to their dense PEG coating, which was critical to achieving wides
211 r tissue compared to nanoparticles without a dense PEG corona following local administration by eithe
212                                        Ultra-dense peptide array technology involving a pool of 1.4 m
213 form's capabilities by identifying a cystine-dense peptide capable of inhibiting the YAP:TEAD interac
214                                      Cystine-dense peptides have the potential to disrupt such intera
215 tform for identifying target-binding cystine-dense peptides using mammalian surface display, capable
216 m provides the opportunity to screen cystine-dense peptides with drug-like qualities against targets
217 mics simulations of perforated sheets with a dense periodic array of holes and observe that the criti
218 nting (MASP) strategy to yield large-grained dense perovskite film with good crystallization and pref
219  core, magnetism of these materials in their dense phases has been a topic of great interest.
220  thermodynamically increasingly stable, more dense phases.
221    The development of DNA biobanks linked to dense phenotypic information enables such an experiment
222                                      Through dense phylogenomic sampling, we show the propensity of p
223 s whilst reducing the deleterious impacts of dense planting on product quality.
224                         Caveolae are protein-dense plasma membrane domains structurally composed of c
225             The energy deposition of ions in dense plasmas is a key process in inertial confinement f
226 d DDFT to quantum systems for application to dense plasmas through a quantum hydrodynamics (QHD) appr
227  interpretation of transport coefficients in dense plasmas.
228 ular matrix between cells and that possess a dense polyethylene glycol (PEG) corona that prevents the
229 -developed impact test rig was used to apply dense polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microneedles to the
230 d bone allograft covered by a non-resorbable dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane.
231 ht interval rendered it difficult to support dense populations and large urban centers in the midcont
232 large species that also occurred in formerly dense populations.
233 heme for ultra-bright gamma-ray emission and dense positron production with lasers at intensity of 10
234                                Production of dense positrons at GeV energies is very challenging sinc
235  with fewer undocked vesicles contacting the dense projection and more docked vesicles at the plasma
236 in vesicle distribution near the presynaptic dense projection, with fewer undocked vesicles contactin
237 ental nucleus (RMTg), a region that receives dense projections from the LHb and projects strongly to
238                     In addition, it receives dense projections from the midline and posterior intrala
239      The results support the option for dose-dense PTX chemotherapy with active single doses, showing
240                           The combination of dense recording sites and high channel count yielded wel
241 ts, which are themselves interconnected in a dense recurrent network; and that despite the complexity
242 address the task of genotype imputation to a dense reference panel given genotype likelihoods compute
243 ical choice for whole-genome imputation to a dense reference panel when prephasing cannot be applied,
244 he plasma membrane and cytoplasm, whereas in dense regions in which cells extrude, it forms large cyt
245                                         IMAT dense regions of myocardium reliably identified using en
246 hresholds may be useful for delineating IMAT dense regions of myocardium, in postinfarct cardiomyopat
247 age-based mapping criteria for defining IMAT dense regions.
248 mporal to the fovea that corresponded with a dense relative scotoma noted on light-adapted static per
249 ice, that granule cell populations acquire a dense representation of the anticipatory eyelid movement
250 e is a quinazoline alkaloid with an electron dense ring and additional functionalities in its structu
251 chondrial membranes are packed with electron-dense RNA fibrils and their volumes are closely correlat
252                      The results show that a dense robust silicon thin film with embedded junction fo
253 y the macro-fracture is more significant for dense rocks.
254 onutrient powder (MNP) given with a nutrient-dense RUTF and/or a microbial phytase.A total of 41 wome
255 al consolidation route enabled attainment of dense samples with a significant retention of the metast
256                                          Our dense sampling allowed us to describe in detail the popu
257      In this issue, Gordon et al. (2017) use dense sampling of resting and task fMRI within individua
258 ltant perceptual oscillation with a temporal dense sampling of the integration/segregation performanc
259                 Comparative 3D analysis with dense sampling offers a precise methodology for showing
260 l and two levels ("equi" and "high") of dose-dense schedules.
261 s limited spatiotemporal resolutions because dense seismic arrays are rarely sufficiently affordable
262 rm telecommunication fiber-optic cables into dense seismic arrays that are cost effective.
263           Basement membranes (BMs) are thin, dense sheets of specialized, self-assembled extracellula
264 an 1,000 kilometres per second, originate in dense shock waves powered by hot galactic winds.
265 elastic stiffness, higher than that of fully dense silica.
266 s was employed to convert the inkjet-printed dense silver IDEs into their highly porous gold counterp
267  a similar sensor equipped with the original dense silver IDEs, which suggested that the electrode ma
268 ite [LR], and lithium disilicate [LD]) and a dense sintered yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YZ) were obt
269 techniques, as we demonstrate by preparing a dense, smooth, 5.3-mum-thick PbSe QD film via doctor-bla
270 , aromatase-expressing neurons were found in dense somato-somatic clusters, suggesting a coordinated
271 mbly route is demonstrated that yields fully dense, space-filling films of tiled metal oxide platelet
272 eatly enlarged apical labial palpomeres with dense specialized sensory organs, match those of modern
273  formation, resulting in the accumulation of dense spherical particles instead of brick-shaped mature
274 rmed when Mars' primary crust reacted with a dense steam or supercritical atmosphere of water and car
275 es that of the Sun should form and reside in dense stellar systems.
276 , but improving on these techniques to study dense structures composed of single-molecule-sized eleme
277 a has been to extract near-cliques or highly dense subgraphs from a single protein-protein interactio
278 ons where interactions among individuals are dense, such as in studies of captive groups.
279 ssumed to be largely sequestered at depth in dense sulfide liquids that formed the orebodies, prevent
280 ed significantly at the fovea and in the rod-dense superior retina.
281 penetrating nanoparticles (BPN) that possess dense surface coatings of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and
282 ive, holistic craniofacial phenotyping using dense surface models of the face and head.
283 y of a liquid crystal system consisting of a dense suspension of semiflexible biopolymers can be mani
284 elationships using a 1,719-gene dataset with dense taxonomic sampling of non-bilaterian animals that
285 spatial extent of cytokine communications in dense tissues.
286       A phenomenological model suggests that dense, transient crosslinks to the spindle along k-fiber
287                 A protostar is formed in the dense, turbulent gas cloud, and it grows by sporadic mas
288  immune response by repeatedly replacing its dense variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat from its l
289 oad-following and a short-range avoidance of dense vegetation.
290  bright green bodies and delicate wings with dense venation patterns.
291 d circuit architecture with fine-grained and dense vertical connectivity between layers of computing,
292 soluble TDP-43, as well as enlarged electron-dense vesicles, lipofuscin accumulation, fingerprint-lik
293 opose that this local processing enables the dense VG3-AC plexus to contribute precise object motion
294 breast density (heterogeneously or extremely dense vs scattered fibroglandular densities), first-degr
295 ern margin of the Labrador Sea, analogous to dense water formation today around Antarctica and in the
296 In contrast, injections into area 24 yielded dense, widespread connections from the dorsal claustrum,
297 e subject to supervised plasticity, however, dense wiring becomes advantageous, suggesting that the t
298 t, a region historically reliant on coal and dense with industry.
299                The 3D printed nt-Cu is fully dense, with low to none impurities, and low microstructu
300                                       Energy-dense, yet nutritionally poor food is a high-risk factor

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