


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  particles, and uses tools and concepts from density functional theory.
2 exes correlate with values calculated within density functional theory.
3 mined via these techniques with support from density functional theory.
4 he cluster in both oxidation states and also density functional theory.
5 ne and N,N'-di-isopropyl carbodiimide and by density functional theory.
6 tion of an aliphatic tertiary amide by using density functional theory.
7 e amino-Cope rearrangement was explored with density functional theory.
8 reement with spin-density calculations using density functional theory.
9 zed gradient approximation (meta-GGA) to the density functional theory.
10 and electrochemical methods and supported by density functional theory.
11 scopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy and density functional theory.
12 ing spectra were modeled by (time-dependent) density functional theory.
13 3 nanostructures is investigated by means of density functional theory.
14 taining Ir, Rh, or Co are investigated using density functional theory.
15 thane has been extensively investigated with density functional theory.
16 btained from relativistic and parameter-free density-functional theory.
17 he fundamental gap, a major limitation of KS density-functional theory.
18                              On the basis of density functional theory analysis and established relat
19  vacuum (UHV) is studied with spin-polarized density functional theory and a hybrid exchange-correlat
20 ical calculations, the latter including both density functional theory and ab initio multiconfigurati
21 X-ray data, as supported by (time-dependent) density functional theory and complete-active-space self
22 he catalytically active M-N x moieties using density functional theory and correlate the theoretical
23                                  We use both density functional theory and dynamical mean field theor
24                                        Using density functional theory and excited state methods, we
25 nvestigate intrinsic defects and H doping by density functional theory and experiments.
26          In this work, we use time dependent density functional theory and forces derived from the eq
27 isotropy via ab-initio calculations based on density functional theory and hcp lattice structure.
28                            By means of joint density functional theory and interfacial characterizati
29  and further confirmed theoretically by both density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulat
30  anvil cells and multiscale simulations with density functional theory and molecular dynamics, we sho
31 tionalized by computational studies based on density functional theory and molecular dynamics, which
32 law and provide combined with time-dependent density functional theory and multireference calculation
33 tion, imaging and spectroscopy, coupled with density functional theory and phase field calculations.
34                          By a combination of density functional theory and phase-field calculations,
35                                              Density functional theory and post-Hartree-Fock calculat
36                             A combination of density functional theory and preliminary experimental m
37                       Using a combination of density functional theory and the Boltzmann transport eq
38 se principle, quantum chemical calculations (density functional theory), and orbital interaction stud
39 ssure (HP) single-crystal X-ray diffraction, density functional theory, and grand canonical Monte Car
40  combining x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, density functional theory, and kinetic Monte Carlo simul
41 f these two compounds using first-principles density functional theory, and show that the different N
42   A detailed microscopy analysis followed by density functional theory based calculation demonstrates
43                                 Furthermore, density functional theory based computations suggest tha
44  presented within the framework of Kohn-Sham density functional theory based on spin projection equat
45 of in situ synchrotron X-ray scattering with density functional theory-based molecular dynamics simul
46                                              Density functional theory-based transport calculations e
47  range of computational methods that include density functional theory both on clusters and on period
48 by high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction, density functional theory calculation and analysis of th
49     These reaction pathways were analyzed by density functional theory calculation.
50                             First-principles density functional theory calculations (DFT) show that b
51      By combining macrocyclic chemistry with density functional theory calculations (DFT), we have id
52                               Time-dependent density functional theory calculations and experimental
53  elevated temperatures, further supported by density functional theory calculations and experimentall
54 ynes and silyl esters, which is supported by density functional theory calculations and further confi
55                                              Density functional theory calculations and kinetic studi
56 iminary mechanistic investigation, including density functional theory calculations and kinetics stud
57 ace, which is elucidated by first-principles density functional theory calculations and powder X-ray
58             A combination of hybrid periodic density functional theory calculations and spectroelectr
59                                              Density functional theory calculations are performed to
60 , in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations are used to deter
61  off-stoichiometric NCs was explained by our density functional theory calculations as follows: the s
62 ne ylides and imines were investigated using density functional theory calculations at the M06-2X/6-3
63                                              Density functional theory calculations capture the effec
64                                Double-hybrid density functional theory calculations confirm that this
65                                              Density functional theory calculations elucidate the cru
66                     Conclusions are based on density functional theory calculations for the ground-st
67  proposed mechanisms, quantum chemical based density functional theory calculations have been perform
68                                              Density functional theory calculations have been perform
69 tion together with experimentally calibrated density functional theory calculations illuminate the ke
70                                              Density functional theory calculations implicate an unst
71                                 In addition, density functional theory calculations indicate that mol
72                                              Density functional theory calculations indicate that the
73                                              Density functional theory calculations indicate that thi
74                The understanding is based on density functional theory calculations of activation ene
75 ise for a range of applications, and use the density functional theory calculations of franckeite's e
76  magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies and density functional theory calculations of intermediates
77           In order to interpret the spectra, density functional theory calculations of phenolic acids
78 amount of solvent trapped in the pores, with density functional theory calculations of the electronic
79    These experiments correlate well with our density functional theory calculations of the surface en
80 neration, in combination with time-dependent density functional theory calculations of the X-ray spec
81                                  Preliminary density functional theory calculations on cluster models
82 Scanning tunnelling microscopy together with density functional theory calculations on FeO/Pt(111) re
83                                              Density functional theory calculations on models of alky
84                             First-principles density functional theory calculations on the undistorte
85  electron paramagnetic resonance studies and density functional theory calculations point to an unpre
86                                              Density functional theory calculations predict the disso
87                                          The density functional theory calculations provide a plausib
88                    Experimental analysis and density functional theory calculations reveal a large nu
89 The observed KIE for three isotopologues and density functional theory calculations reveal that a ste
90                                              Density functional theory calculations reveal that the i
91                                              Density functional theory calculations reveal that the s
92                                          Our density functional theory calculations reveal that the s
93 tion of the sulfur content: first-principles density functional theory calculations show that both th
94                                              Density functional theory calculations show that the alk
95                      Careful experiments and density functional theory calculations show that the inn
96                                              Density functional theory calculations show that Ti3 CN
97                                              Density functional theory calculations show this Te redu
98                           Static and dynamic density functional theory calculations suggest that a po
99                  Electrochemical studies and density functional theory calculations suggest that the
100                                              Density functional theory calculations suggest that the
101       UV-vis spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory calculations suggest that visi
102                                              Density functional theory calculations suggest that, upo
103                                              Density functional theory calculations support a mechani
104                                              Density functional theory calculations support the mecha
105                           Presented here are density functional theory calculations that evaluate the
106                                    We report density functional theory calculations that examine the
107 y excitation Raman study in conjunction with density functional theory calculations that unveil the d
108 nced Raman spectroscopy and first-principles density functional theory calculations to develop a syst
109                                       We use density functional theory calculations to establish that
110 penheimer molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations to investigate th
111 tu and ex situ cyclic voltammetry as well as density functional theory calculations to unveil a two-s
112                                              Density functional theory calculations were also perform
113                                              Density functional theory calculations were conducted to
114                          Kinetic studies and density functional theory calculations were performed wi
115 TRIR), infrared spectroelectrochemistry, and density functional theory calculations were used to esta
116 of UO2(2+) by the RuNPs/GC was studied using density functional theory calculations which pointed dif
117 canning tunneling microscopy experiments and density functional theory calculations which reveal a ho
118  combines molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations with experimental
119                                              Density functional theory calculations yielded vibration
120        Combining spectroscopic measurements, density functional theory calculations, and electrical c
121                                         From density functional theory calculations, beta and gamma p
122      We use a global optimization method and density functional theory calculations, combined with co
123 roscopic studies, in tandem with theoretical density functional theory calculations, demonstrate that
124 y controlled break junction measurements and density functional theory calculations, demonstrates con
125                                          Our density functional theory calculations, including spin-o
126 phanate-containing triene were obtained from density functional theory calculations, proving the ster
127 nd optical measurements, in combination with density functional theory calculations, show distinct la
128               These results are supported by density functional theory calculations, showing uneven d
129 cterized, in combination with time-dependent density functional theory calculations, to reveal overla
130           Based on our experimental data and density functional theory calculations, we discuss mecha
131      Combining our experimental results with density functional theory calculations, we elucidate the
132 e partial vibrational density of states with density functional theory calculations, we have demonstr
133 13)C), linear free-energy relationships, and density functional theory calculations, we have identifi
134 e, using classical atomistic simulations and density functional theory calculations, we identify a mo
135                                 Herein using density functional theory calculations, we predict trend
136     Through a detailed symmetry analysis and density functional theory calculations, we show that A-s
137                          In combination with density functional theory calculations, we show that the
138 antum (1)H solid-state NMR spectroscopy with density functional theory calculations, we show that, fo
139 d deuterium-labeling experiments, as well as density functional theory calculations, were performed i
140 reochemical models developed with the aid of density functional theory calculations, which account fo
141 nes with alkenes is proposed on the basis of density functional theory calculations, which shows that
142  dynamics simulations and quantum-mechanical density functional theory calculations.
143 confirmed by combined molecular dynamics and density functional theory calculations.
144 all elementary reactions are determined from density functional theory calculations.
145 e-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements and density functional theory calculations.
146 persive X-ray spectroscopy complemented with density functional theory calculations.
147 d principles, are elucidated with the aid of density functional theory calculations.
148 to their structures and were complimented by density functional theory calculations.
149 s, which is corroborated by first-principles density functional theory calculations.
150 on diffraction experiments, and confirmed by density functional theory calculations.
151 re network and uncertainty in the underlying density functional theory calculations.
152 e TiO2-metal interface is further studied by density functional theory calculations.
153 hotophysical properties were rationalized by density functional theory calculations.
154 arylallenes and acrylates were studied using density functional theory calculations.
155  rhodium enolates has been investigated with density functional theory calculations.
156 ectroscopic measurements and identified with density functional theory calculations.
157 putationally explored using state-of-the-art Density Functional Theory calculations.
158 d bonding were also investigated by detailed density functional theory calculations.
159       These results have been analyzed using density functional theory calculations.
160 tudied combining surface science methods and density functional theory calculations.
161 tal photo-CIDNP patterns are consistent with density functional theory calculations.
162 sphere oligomers, corroborated by open-shell density functional theory calculations.
163 e structure, neutron powder diffraction, and density functional theory calculations.
164 the gap between the two-phase transitions by density-functional theory calculations combined with opt
165                                         From density-functional theory calculations together with spi
166 ously reported experimental data and our own density-functional theory calculations, we reveal linear
167                                              Density-functional-theory calculations indicate the exis
168  magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters through density functional theory-combined with an efficient seq
169 PR, and X-ray absorption in conjunction with density functional theory computational analyses is form
170                                  Large-scale density functional theory computations and long-time mol
171 eaction kinetic analyses using (19)F NMR and density functional theory computations have elucidated a
172                               Time-dependent density functional theory computations revealed differen
173 rangements Ph-B-N-N and Ph-B-C-O obtained by density functional theory computations.
174 to-force-constant correlation and dispersive density functional theory computations.
175 iazines and enamines have been explored with density functional theory computations.
176 ther with matching of its spectral data with density functional theory computations.
177 nce character, as revealed by time-dependent density functional theory computations.N-heterocyclic ca
178     DESVS unique properties are supported by density functional theory computed electronic structures
179   This spectroscopic evidence, together with density functional theory computed geometries, suggest s
180                                              Density functional theory corroborates these observation
181                                      Dynamic density functional theory (DDFT) is emerging as a useful
182                        Calculations based on density functional theory demonstrate that this process
183                                 We present a Density Functional Theory (DFT) analysis of the optical
184                                              Density functional theory (DFT) and kinetic data indicat
185                                 We have used density functional theory (DFT) and ligand steric contou
186                  In this paper, by utilizing Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Quantum Molecular Dy
187    The results were analyzed with the aid of density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT c
188 igated within the framework of the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
189                                  Large scale Density Functional Theory (DFT) based electronic structu
190 w catalysts) is described that automates the density functional theory (DFT) based screening of chira
191  mainly obtained from Materials-Project (MP) density functional theory (DFT) calculation repository.
192                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculation shows this p
193   Herein, this potential is explored through density functional theory (DFT) calculations and propert
194 e been investigated with M06-2X and B3LYP-D3 density functional theory (DFT) calculations and quasi-c
195 um theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), and density functional theory (DFT) calculations are also pr
196                    Spectroscopic methods and density functional theory (DFT) calculations are used to
197         STM measurements in combination with density functional theory (DFT) calculations confirmed t
198                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculations explain wel
199                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate th
200                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculations on these re
201                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculations predict tha
202        Our combined experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that
203 ission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveals sig
204                       Mossbauer analysis and density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that H
205                                    Extensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the B
206  and electrochemical measurements as well as density functional theory (DFT) calculations was used to
207                                              Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were also p
208                             Parameterized by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the accele
209                             As identified by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the spectr
210 s theoretically explored by first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which conf
211                 This conclusion is probed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which favo
212 ed through combined experimental studies and density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
213 stance from theoretical values obtained from density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
214  tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
215 onal method of thermodynamic simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
216 tate directing groups are investigated using density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
217                 XAS results are supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
218 state structural deformation as confirmed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
219 ed mackinawite (FeS) surfaces, obtained from density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
220 cal reasoning based on the Rashba effect and density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
221 e by reaction with [KOt-Bu]4 as indicated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
222                Both electronic [supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations] and exposu
223 ate the electronic property of SrRu2O6 using density functional theory (DFT) combined with dynamical-
224 ntiometric sandwich membrane experiments and density functional theory (DFT) computational studies we
225   Here we explain this behavior by employing density functional theory (DFT) computations and devise
226 ar Mechanical (QM/MM) methods both employing Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the QM region.
227 ront, quantum mechanics calculations such as density functional theory (DFT) have progressed from the
228                                              Density functional theory (DFT) investigations of the re
229                                              Density functional theory (DFT) is used to calculate the
230 nsform infrared spectroscopy (SNIFTIRS), and density functional theory (DFT) is used to quantify the
231                                              Density functional theory (DFT) method at B3LYP/LANL2DZ
232 hydroferulic acid (DHFA) was investigated by density functional theory (DFT) method.
233 the overall mechanism of this reaction using density functional theory (DFT) methodology.
234 ry and infrared (IR)-spectroscopy, comparing density functional theory (DFT) simulated and experiment
235                                              Density functional theory (DFT) simulations found a ther
236 iated migration based on nudged elastic band density functional theory (DFT) simulations.
237 CuO chains, as confirmed by first-principles density functional theory (DFT) simulations.
238                  The theorems at the core of density functional theory (DFT) state that the energy of
239 anes findings that were further supported by density functional theory (DFT) studies.
240  elucidated by complementary mechanistic and density functional theory (DFT) studies.
241 compounds representative of the backbone and density functional theory (DFT) were used to estimate th
242 h electrochemistry, spectroelectrochemistry, density functional theory (DFT), and crystallography to
243 ned by local structure models obtained using density functional theory (DFT), assuming incorporation
244 ntal reaction outcome was rationalized using density functional theory (DFT), investigating the diffe
245                       A simple method, using density functional theory (DFT), of predicting spin-stat
246 ics of the reactions have been studied using density functional theory (DFT), supported by quantum th
247                       We have studied, using density functional theory (DFT), the reactivity of the H
248 ing protein ChoX, as revealed by crystal and density functional theory (DFT)-optimized structures, wh
249 r the oligothienyl moieties, as confirmed by density functional theory (DFT).
250 ifunctional organocatalyst was studied using density functional theory (DFT).
251 olecular dynamics (MD) calculations based on density functional theory (DFT+U) were applied to simula
252 is (SO2)S...O(H2O), consistent with previous density-functional theory (DFT) computation at 0 K.
253 resonance [EPR] and UV-vis) and theoretical (density functional theory [DFT] and ab initio orbital-op
254                                              Density functional theory exposes that OH* and H* radica
255                                              Density functional theory geometry optimizations of an a
256 r Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and density functional theory help to understand how cations
257             Interpretation is often aided by density functional theory in combination with thermodyna
258  mechanics (QM/MM) computational level using density functional theory in quantum subsystems.
259 structures for deprotonation predicted using density functional theory indicate that differential pi-
260                                              Density functional theory investigations [B98D/6-31+G(d,
261                                     Finally, density functional theory investigations shed light on t
262 n as well as the London dispersion energy in density functional theory is essential to reproduce the
263 ination of scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory, it is shown that the binding
264  inclusion of several water molecules at the density-functional theory level is a requisite to form t
265 ene and fumaronitrile were investigated with density functional theory (M06-2X/6-311G(d,p)).
266 ethods, electron density maps, computational density functional theory methods and nitrogen adsorptio
267  resolution (DKR) were examined using modern density functional theory methods to identify the origin
268          Our new mechanism is confirmed with density functional theory modeling on the full mechanism
269 hertz and neutron spectroscopy, coupled with density functional theory modeling.
270                                          The density functional theory predicted trend for H2O2 evolu
271 We overcome these limitations by correlating density functional theory predictions of adsorbate-induc
272                                              Density functional theory predicts a transition state fo
273 ings with molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory provides a rich picture of the
274 roscopy, differential pulse voltammetry, and density functional theory reveal that the in situ reduct
275                      Mechanistic studies and density functional theory simulations confirmed the role
276   We also performed high-level double-hybrid density functional theory simulations using small model
277 100) face-dominated NPLs, as corroborated by density functional theory studies.
278 mbined anion photoelectron spectroscopic and density functional theory study of the halogen bond-stab
279                                              Density functional theory suggests that the band gap in
280 resolved EPR measurements and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations demonstr
281 ence (MCPL) spectroscopy, and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) to address this appar
282 differences are reproduced by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations and allow
283  nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and density functional theory, that a six-porphyrin nanoring
284                           It is shown, using density functional theory, that if a crystal's unit cell
285 py, magnetic susceptibility measurements and density functional theory the structure and electronic s
286 we investigate four possible pathways, using density functional theory to characterize the relative e
287                          Most studies employ density functional theory to compare the antiradical cap
288 e possibility of employing LR time-dependent density functional theory to investigate such a state wi
289 ientific papers used the Kohn-Sham scheme of density functional theory to solve electronic structure
290                      We use first-principles density functional theory to study the preferred modes o
291  recently developed quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory to spontaneous emission and sh
292 low integrates group theory, informatics and density-functional theory to uncover design guidelines f
293                     Analysis of the computed density functional theory transition structures for the
294                                              Density functional theory (UB3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)) was used
295 strained cyclohexene, have been studied with density functional theory using the M06-2X functional.
296                                        Using density functional theory, we find that metastable O pre
297                                  Here, using density functional theory, we find that the formation en
298 me-lapsed scanning tunnelling microscopy and density functional theory, we observe coupling between m
299 )C NMR chemical shift calculations employing density functional theory with the gauge invariant atomi
300 catechol) were computationally studied using density functional theory, with the aim to estimate the

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