


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n centrifugation and from entering a Percoll density gradient.
2  zone characterized by a steeper-than-normal density gradient.
3  bound to liposomes centrifuged on a sucrose density gradient.
4 racentrifugation using a BiEDTA complex as a density gradient.
5 ected only in the CRD fractions of a sucrose density gradient.
6 Dnmt3b specifically with Hdac2 in a glycerol density gradient.
7 s to a more buoyant lipid raft fraction in a density gradient.
8 rifugation and further purified by a sucrose density gradient.
9 ent treatment, using a discontinuous sucrose density gradient.
10 fusion-like contribution that increases with density gradient.
11  the genome from the E protein in a tartrate density gradient.
12 thin a 3-h period of time without the use of density gradients.
13  and is usually mitigated through the use of density gradients.
14 ionates with the outer dynein arm in sucrose density gradients.
15  colocalizes with its G protein effectors on density gradients.
16 nuclear fractions are obtained using Percoll density gradients.
17 O(3) buffer and fractionated through sucrose density gradients.
18 ted with liposomes and aggregated on sucrose density gradients.
19 tivating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolase on KBr density gradients.
20 cron fractions with no need of salt or sugar density gradients.
21 and copurifies with radial spokes in sucrose density gradients.
22 d, followed by purification using continuous-density gradients.
23 d liver humanized FRG mice were separated by density gradients.
24 ctionation of retinal lysates, using sucrose density gradients.
25 nd ER fractions recovered from sucrose (Suc) density gradients.
26 to l.14 as defined by flotation into sucrose density gradients.
27 es were isolated by sedimentation in sucrose density gradients.
28 nting with caveolin and flotillin on sucrose density gradients.
29 olumn stability via enhanced salinity-driven density gradients.
30 rgent-resistant membranes (DRMs) in OptiPrep density gradients.
31 ers, and patients with COPD by using Percoll density gradients.
32  is immature and migrates at 45 S in sucrose density gradients.
33 detected large clusters that contain several density gradients.
34 on-polysomal, but dense fractions on sucrose density gradients.
35 ke; plasma was collected and fractionated by density gradients.
36  based on their MUC5AC and VAMP-8 content by density gradients.
37 shment of a capillary plexus that displays a density gradient across the myocardial wall, being highe
38                                      Sucrose density gradient analyses revealed formation of a stable
39                                      Sucrose density gradient analyses revealed that depletion of U3
40                                      Sucrose density gradient analysis detected AP1B predominantly in
41                                      Sucrose density gradient analysis indicates that a significant f
42                                     Sorbitol density gradient analysis of membrane compartments showe
43                         Furthermore, sucrose density gradient analysis revealed significantly more al
44 ormal prostate epithelial cells, and sucrose density gradient analysis showed co-sedimentation of AR
45                                      Sucrose density gradient analysis showed that 96% of the circula
46                                              Density gradient analysis showed that BoNT serotypes A a
47                      High-resolution sucrose density gradient analysis showed that, while mutating fa
48 sediment with pre-60S ribosomal particles in density gradient analysis.
49 lular compartments were separated on Percoll density gradients analyzed with T cells.
50 nse DNA polymer brushes on a biochip along a density gradient and directly measured the collective ex
51 ice were isolated by initial separation on a density gradient and then cultured as adherent cells on
52 orida Straits to show that the cross-current density gradient and vertical current shear of the Gulf
53 uinea pig liver by centrifugation on Percoll density gradients and compared to Percoll-purified in vi
54  vesicle compartment as confirmed by sucrose density gradients and confocal immunofluorescent co-loca
55 mbrane substructures of the AJC in iodixanol density gradients and define their protein constituents.
56 ted as a low buoyant density band on sucrose density gradients and exhibited an increase in light sca
57  parietal cortex blocks were fractionated by density gradients and further enriched for neurons by an
58  copurifies with outer arm dynein in sucrose density gradients and is missing only in those strains c
59 PCDH15 and VLGR1 variants along with sucrose density gradients and the use of vesicle trafficking inh
60 exosome preparations by electron microscopy, density gradient, and immunoblotting, we determined that
61 ed by gravimetry using kerosene-bromobenzene density gradients, and from wet/dry weight measurements.
62 -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, sucrose density gradients, and isolated PSII particles, we found
63 e same fractions as H-RasWT on four types of density gradients, and remained fully membrane-bound.
64 ome-resident SNAREs cofractionate in sucrose density gradients, and show similar solubility or insolu
65 embranes that float on discontinuous sucrose density gradients, and that methyl-beta-cyclodextrin tre
66 rmed by cofractionation of these proteins in density gradients, as well as by coimmunoprecipitation.
67                                              Density gradient assays demonstrated that several of the
68 ctions form a sharp band in potassium iodide density gradients at 1.195 g/cm3 and the 16 K protein is
69                       Islets are purified on density gradients, but procedures currently used have li
70 imentation rate than native virus on sucrose density gradients, but the particles retained all of the
71                        We show that a useful density gradient can be formed within a few hours beginn
72 n contrast, do not introduce interference if density gradients can be avoided and they resolve lipopr
73 we report that the use of tailored nonlinear density gradients can significantly improve density-grad
74                    In addition to redox-MHD, density gradients caused by the redox reactions also pla
75 10 mum/s above the electrodes as a result of density gradients caused by the redox reactions and foll
76                     The efficiency of custom density gradients (CDGs) to recover high islet yield was
77  by immunofluorescence localization, sucrose density gradients, cell fractionation, and yeast two-hyb
78 ver, the splitting was observed with sucrose density gradient centrifugation (SDGC) without IF3 if RR
79 partitioned to the cytoplasmic fraction, and density gradient centrifugation analysis demonstrated th
80                       Using a combination of density gradient centrifugation and agarose gel electrop
81 ated through multiple rounds of differential density gradient centrifugation and analyzed by immunoel
82                                Using sucrose density gradient centrifugation and antibody pulldowns,
83 Triton X-100 extraction followed by OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation and cholera toxin beta-s
84                             Instead, sucrose density gradient centrifugation and electron microscopy
85               Together with the results from density gradient centrifugation and fluorescence correla
86 l-enriched LRs were isolated from Giardia by density gradient centrifugation and found to be sensitiv
87 ance of hydrodynamically large structures in density gradient centrifugation and native gel electroph
88 -purify with high density lipoprotein during density gradient centrifugation and subsequent gel filtr
89                     Physical partitioning by density gradient centrifugation did not separate phyllos
90  away from mosquito salivary gland debris by density gradient centrifugation eliminated salivary glan
91             A comparison of proteins in CsCl density gradient centrifugation fractions from supernata
92                 A cell fraction separated by density gradient centrifugation from blood had TSC2 LOH
93 d mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated by density gradient centrifugation from the blood of patien
94 ents from infected cells by differential and density gradient centrifugation further indicated that P
95                                         CsCl density gradient centrifugation indicated that almost al
96                                              Density gradient centrifugation indicated that, unlike s
97 enes 100S ribosomes were observed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation of bacterial extracts du
98                                              Density gradient centrifugation of isolated exosomes rev
99                                              Density gradient centrifugation of L1 ribonucleoprotein
100                                      Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of large ribosomal subun
101                                      Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the culture medium re
102                                              Density gradient centrifugation of Triton X-100 lysates
103 o exclude nonviable cells require the use of density gradient centrifugation or antibody-based cell s
104                                              Density gradient centrifugation procedures reduce the le
105                        Discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed NET in the lipi
106                                              Density gradient centrifugation revealed that in the ini
107 rization of the circulating mRNAs by sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed that the liver-
108 by size exclusion chromatography and sucrose-density gradient centrifugation revealed that the phosph
109 amination of lipid rafts isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed the constitutiv
110 f the Golgi complex into two fractions using density gradient centrifugation showed effects of aged A
111 ternal ribosome entry mechanisms and sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that BC1-mediated
112                                      Sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that exposure of
113                                              Density gradient centrifugation studies reveal that thes
114                                Using sucrose density gradient centrifugation to analyze ribosome comp
115 Triton X-100 at 4 degrees C and subjected to density gradient centrifugation to isolate DRMs from the
116                                      We used density gradient centrifugation to isolate LDL in plasma
117 gated these species by Blue Native PAGE, Suc density gradient centrifugation, 77K fluorescence, circu
118                                              Density gradient centrifugation, affinity purification,
119  volunteers (n=7) were isolated using Ficoll density gradient centrifugation, and plated on fibronect
120  analyzed purified MUC2-N by gel filtration, density gradient centrifugation, and transmission electr
121                                      Sucrose density gradient centrifugation, immunoblot, and immunoh
122                    Enzymatic assays, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, immunoprecipitation, do
123  to known proteoglycans; purified using CsCl density gradient centrifugation, molecular sieve, and io
124 approaches including gel filtration, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, pull-down of differenti
125 od mononuclear cells were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation, separated into cellular
126                                Using sucrose density gradient centrifugation, this study evaluated wh
127 sting and osmotic lysis, followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, which separated OMs fro
128                          As shown by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, WT gamma-PAK, S490A, an
129 olated by collagenase-pronase-perfusion, and density gradient centrifugation.
130 ith centrosome fractions isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
131 psin population was isolated and purified by density gradient centrifugation.
132 hromatographic matrices followed by glycerol density gradient centrifugation.
133 to be an outer membrane protein by isopycnic density gradient centrifugation.
134 fferent fractions by detergent treatment and density gradient centrifugation.
135 llagenase digestion of the liver followed by density gradient centrifugation.
136  additional separation using cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation.
137 te, and in particulate fractions obtained by density gradient centrifugation.
138 lubilized oligomers was confirmed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
139 and/or membrane fractionation using OptiPrep density gradient centrifugation.
140 of detergent extraction and differential and density gradient centrifugation.
141  to insulin binding as determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
142 ble membranes then were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
143 heir light buoyant densities through sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
144 s and luminal contents were subjected to KBr density gradient centrifugation.
145 PHB-containing bacteria were concentrated by density gradient centrifugation.
146 iltration column but were made visible after density gradient centrifugation.
147  suspension-cultured cells following sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
148  consistent with previous measurements using density gradient centrifugation.
149  heat gave only two fractions on equilibrium density gradient centrifugation: a fraction comprised of
150 re isolated from adult mice via Ficoll-Paque density-gradient centrifugation and cultured in the pres
151 n by aqueous two-phase partitioning, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and immunoelectron micr
152                  Mouse BMCs were isolated by density-gradient centrifugation.
153 genase perfusion of the liver and subsequent density-gradient centrifugation.
154 from stationary-phase (SP) yeast cultures by density-gradient centrifugation.
155 ave used immunogold localization and sucrose density gradient cosedimentation analyses to confirm ass
156 from the star, the resulting temperature and density gradients create a complex chemical environment
157 ular fractionation using equilibrium sucrose density gradients demonstrated decreased hyperphosphoryl
158 sence of diffusion waves and the presence of density gradient driven natural convection.
159 ffusion is well understood, the influence of density gradient-driven natural convection on the mass t
160 short experimental times of tens of seconds, density gradient-driven natural convection significantly
161                                        Fluid density gradients due to the spatially varying reagent c
162                        Result of the sucrose density gradient experiment suggests that Der interacts
163                                              Density gradient flotation assays demonstrated that ER-t
164                    By using a detergent-free density gradient flotation technique, we found that 80%
165 iEDTA) and have investigated the dynamics of density gradient formation in the ultracentrifuge.
166                        Discontinuous sucrose density gradient fractionation and immunoconfocal locali
167                                              Density gradient fractionation and immunoprecipitation a
168                                      Sucrose density gradient fractionation of cytoplasmic extracts f
169                  Using discontinuous sucrose density gradient fractionation of post-nuclear supernata
170 rived Arabidopsis protoplasts, followed by a density gradient fractionation of the cellular content.
171                                      Sucrose density gradient fractionation of the culture medium and
172                                        After density gradient fractionation of the organelles, immuno
173                                      Sucrose density gradient fractionation of the purified complexes
174 nse vesicles, is responsible for the altered density gradient fractionation profile.
175                                      Sucrose density gradient fractionation reveals that loss of Hap1
176               In plasma samples subjected to density gradient fractionation, OxPL were present on pla
177                                           By density gradient fractionation, Soi3/Rav1p associated as
178                               Using sorbitol density gradient fractionation, we show here that in kin
179     Quantification of HCV RNA throughout the density gradient fractions revealed that HCV(VLDF) rapid
180              BIG2, but not BIG1, appeared in density-gradient fractions containing TfnR, Rab11, and E
181                                              Density gradients have been long used to separate fragme
182 a suggest that using an iodixanol-controlled density gradient improves the islet recovery rate in hum
183  associates with the 40 S subunit on sucrose density gradients in an ATP-dependent manner.
184 es, and the presence or absence of adipocyte density gradients in the marrow space, all as a function
185 tion of the volutin granules using iodixanol density gradients indicated a preferential localization
186  with the product of the LF1 gene in sucrose density gradients, indicating that these proteins may fo
187 d, subsets of the BMV particles separated by density gradients into a pool enriched for RNA1 (B1) and
188          Axial density profiles and vertical density gradients localized the Sph 1-P response to tran
189 morphonuclear leukocytes were separated with density gradient media.
190 beling with [(3)H]palmitic acid, and sucrose density gradient membrane partitioning studies.
191 fractionated by modification of an iodixanol density gradient method previously used for acidocalciso
192 n mitochondria were obtained using a Percoll density gradient method.
193 ion of the enol crystal was facilitated by a density-gradient method.
194 cell separation occurs almost exclusively by density gradient methods and by fluorescence- and magnet
195                                 An adaptable density gradient multilayer polymerization (DGMP) method
196                          When isolated using density gradients, myosin IIA-associated NK cell lytic g
197 rsity of Wisconsin solution to create linear density gradients of 1.065 to 1.095 g/mL.
198 NA) polymer phases, we fabricated continuous density gradients of binding sites for assembly on a pho
199 nts of both I(to,fast) and I(to,slow) and/or density gradients of either phenotype.
200 ibility best predicted prevalence across the density gradients of hosts and parasites, outperforming
201                              We used sucrose density gradients of nucleosomes prepared by partial and
202  preparation and characterization of protein density gradients on solid supports.
203 ed the effectiveness of iodixanol-controlled density gradients on the islet purification step.
204 rode damage, and the impact of ionic current density gradients on velocity profiles over the anodes a
205 ke existing methods that are guided by local density gradients, our method is guided by correspondenc
206 ving arbitrary 3D topographies and definable density gradients over micrometer dimensions provide the
207                   The cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradient profile of virus particles containing g
208 sue by enzymatic digestion and discontinuous density gradient purification.
209 show that a fraction of HBx colocalizes with density-gradient-purified mitochondria and associates wi
210 red before purification by the ATGS, and the density gradient range for islet purification in a COBE
211 iven slumping of the basin-scale north-south density gradient, resulting in a patchy bloom beginning
212  in fluid systems with initial, well-defined density gradients results in the formation of distinct l
213                                              Density gradients revealed the presence of membrane-asso
214 tes were analyzed using a continuous sucrose density gradient, revealing an apparent heterogeneity du
215                     Sedimentation in sucrose density gradients reveals that large unilamellar vesicle
216                               Using standard density gradient (SDG) ranges for human islet purificati
217                                              Density gradient sedimentation analysis of protein lysat
218              Biochemical analyses, including density gradient sedimentation and co-immunoprecipitatio
219 essed in COS-1 cells and analyzed by sucrose density gradient sedimentation and gel filtration for th
220  examined a virion-enriched band purified by density gradient sedimentation and observed that treatme
221 m analytical band sedimentation velocity and density gradient sedimentation equilibrium experiments i
222           Two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradient sedimentation established that RPP1A re
223 e PIKfyveWT-containing fractions obtained by density gradient sedimentation of total membranes from P
224  in combination with gel filtration, sucrose density gradient sedimentation, and gel electrophoresis.
225 was constructed and characterized by sucrose-density gradient sedimentation, size-exclusion chromatog
226  into nascent virus particles isolated after density gradient sedimentation.
227                                     In adult density-gradient separated BMMNCs, canonical Wnt3a promo
228 ng using stable isotopes coupled either with density gradient separation (SIP) or with FISH-SIMS.
229                      Worms were recovered by density gradient separation and examined using both cult
230                                      Sucrose density gradient separation and immunoblotting with know
231 nsity-distinct fractions by ultracentrifugal density gradient separation in CsBiEDTA.
232  pH outside the incubator with Hibernate and density gradient separation of neurons from debris.
233 P class in human serum with ultracentrifugal density gradient separation.
234 -100 microl of peripheral whole blood and no density-gradient separation, and the entire procedure fr
235                                      Sucrose density gradients show that EGO is not associated with r
236                                Using sucrose density gradient, size-exclusion chromatography, and mat
237 d the development of a near-surface vertical density gradient (stratification) that inhibits vertical
238  behaves like a raft-associated protein on a density gradient supports this hypothesis.
239 Ficoll, or Percoll (Pharmacia) that formed a density gradient that allowed the cells to slowly settle
240 we used equilibrium sedimentation in sucrose density gradients to separate PrP(Sc) aggregates from th
241                                   In sucrose density gradients Trypanosoma brucei NOG1 co-sediments w
242 who underwent lipid testing by vertical spin density gradient ultracentrifugation (Atherotech, Birmin
243 o underwent lipid profiling by vertical spin density gradient ultracentrifugation (Atherotech, Birmin
244 lute systems for analysis of lipoproteins by density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) by varying bo
245                    The recent application of density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) for structura
246 ein in well-defined density ranges using the density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) method.
247  utilize a combination of (13)C labeling and density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) to produce an
248 e semiconducting and metallic SWCNTs through density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU).
249                                              Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGUC) revealed tha
250                                              Density gradient ultracentrifugation analysis of plasma
251                                Using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and a sensitive ELI
252 ) that resemble nascent HDL were analyzed by density gradient ultracentrifugation and electron micros
253          Separation of VLDL was performed by density gradient ultracentrifugation and immunoaffinity
254 ectors in two steps: iodixanol discontinuous density gradient ultracentrifugation and size exclusion
255                             Fractionation by density gradient ultracentrifugation and visualization b
256                          Characterization by density gradient ultracentrifugation and visualization b
257                            Here, we show how density gradient ultracentrifugation can be used to sepa
258 otubes and graphene has shown that isopycnic density gradient ultracentrifugation can produce structu
259 cipitation, confocal microscopy, and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation in mice.
260 c state of the purified complexes by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation revealed that the t
261 cal method that couples immunoseparation and density gradient ultracentrifugation to separate and dif
262       We also employed discontinuous sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation to show that the LR
263  demonstrate the analytical power of linking density gradient ultracentrifugation with affinity separ
264 ombines biochemical cell fractionation using density gradient ultracentrifugation with multiplexed qu
265 eleased by high-salt buffer, fractionated by density gradient ultracentrifugation, and characterized
266             Immunoblot, immunoprecipitation, density gradient ultracentrifugation, and enzyme-linked
267  by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, density gradient ultracentrifugation, and gradient gel e
268 nigripalpus (CuniNPV) were purified by Ludox density gradient ultracentrifugation, and the proteins w
269  response observed using SWCNTs separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation, it is found that t
270 tern blotting of mitochondrial complexes and density gradient ultracentrifugation, we show that that
271 ins isolated from serum HDL collected from a density gradient ultracentrifugation-based separation.
272  use of any additional cosurfactant, through density gradient ultracentrifugation.
273 repared from mouse retina by differential or density gradient ultracentrifugation.
274 ssociation with lipid rafts as determined by density gradient ultracentrifugation.
275 on by agarose gel electrophoresis or sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation.
276 ed from the protoplasmic cylinder by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation.
277 ture-grown HCV after purification by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation.
278  Carbonate treatment, sonication and sucrose density-gradient ultracentrifugation are subsequently us
279 nced lipoprotein testing using vertical-spin density-gradient ultracentrifugation did not improve pre
280                                              Density-gradient ultracentrifugation has recently emerge
281  structures, and has often required repeated density-gradient ultracentrifugation processing.
282  density gradients can significantly improve density-gradient ultracentrifugation separations.
283                  Native gel electrophoresis, density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and chemical cross
284 s were directly measured after vertical spin density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and triglycerides
285 nced lipoprotein testing using vertical-spin density-gradient ultracentrifugation, traditional testin
286 e-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), sorted by density-gradient ultracentrifugation, undergo self-assem
287              Using the scalable technique of density-gradient ultracentrifugation, we have isolated n
288   Subcellular distribution was determined by density-gradient ultracentrifugation.
289 om plasma of normal volunteers by sequential density-gradient ultracentrifugation.
290 n transmembrane receptors revealed a spatial density gradient underlying characteristic molecular den
291 suring their distribution pattern across the density gradient using amine-reactive isotope tagging an
292 cells by detergent insolubility, buoyancy on density gradients using two distinct approaches, and col
293  that mediate platelet interactions, albumin density gradient washed, gel-filtered platelets (3.5 x 1
294                                Using sucrose density gradients we have found that human T cell beta(1
295                       However, using sucrose density gradients, we demonstrate that the association o
296                        Discontinuous sucrose density gradients were used for fractionation of Golgi m
297                                        Ludox density gradients were used to enrich for Escherichia co
298                                              Density gradients were used to track changes in reticulo
299  can be highly turbulent, since the vertical density gradient which suppresses turbulence is weak.
300 lications, including the characterization of density gradients, which are used to separate objects in

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