


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mmunity were observed, characterized by coat depigmentation.
2  the incidence of retinal pigment epithelial depigmentation.
3 pigmentation with varying amounts of central depigmentation.
4 ntigen-specific T cells, resulting in patchy depigmentation.
5  disease of the skin characterized by patchy depigmentation.
6 cells and spontaneously developed autoimmune depigmentation.
7  the lack of an assessment method for active depigmentation.
8 ina that progresses to panretinal patches of depigmentation.
9 erse events were diarrhea, fatigue, and hair depigmentation.
10 lative efficacy of these agents in mediating depigmentation.
11 oss of epidermal melanocytes and progressive depigmentation.
12 ed protein 2-derived peptide correlated with depigmentation.
13 econd, unknown locus that causes progressive depigmentation.
14 spotting but show no evidence of progressive depigmentation.
15 ype of HPS with minimal cutaneous and ocular depigmentation.
16 ently experience stress to the skin prior to depigmentation.
17 ctivity in melanocyte cultures, resulting in depigmentation.
18 erall survival, in the absence of autoimmune depigmentation.
19  and is frequently accompanied by autoimmune depigmentation.
20 educed pigment deposition in melanocytes and depigmentation.
21 umor immunity and autoimmunity manifested as depigmentation.
22 ]), generalized pigment dilution and/or hair depigmentation (18 [44%]), xerosis (8 [20%]), scrotal er
23  3.34, 20.08) for retinal pigment epithelium depigmentation, 3.59 (95% CI: 1.71, 7.57) for increased
24 en (51.7%), retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) depigmentation (34.9%), RPE hyperpigmentation (branching
25                                  Progressive depigmentation accelerates in response to stress.
26 of the cumulative incidence of vitiligo-like depigmentation across studies.
27 al melanocytes is shown to cause progressive depigmentation and autoimmune vitiligo.
28 mally thin ONL co-localizing with severe RPE depigmentation and choroidal thinning.
29 s investigation might be of relevance to the depigmentation and degeneration of neuromelanin-pigmente
30 hogenic Cx31, but not wild-type Cx31, causes depigmentation and degeneration of ommatidia that are re
31 e against TRP-2 peptide, inducing autoimmune depigmentation and further decreasing lung tumor nodules
32 e-transgenic mice developed spontaneous hair depigmentation and had visual defects that progressed wi
33 tion with v-Ha-ras or Ela was accompanied by depigmentation and led to complete loss of msg1 expressi
34 n all transplanted mice, we noted a striking depigmentation and loss of hair follicles.
35 eins (TRP) 1 and TRP-2, we observed striking depigmentation and melanocyte destruction only in the sk
36 ne the cumulative incidence of vitiligo-like depigmentation and the prognostic value of vitiligo deve
37 ng an injection at an outside hospital, iris depigmentation and thinning, iris recession with retinal
38 arnet (Er:YAG) laser techniques for gingival depigmentation and to evaluate their effect on histologi
39 nocytes leads to autonomous growth in vitro, depigmentation, and in the case of the oncogenes, tumori
40  and globules, tan color, irregularly shaped depigmentation, and irregularly distributed and sized do
41              Photoreceptor degeneration, RPE depigmentation, and retinal remodeling follow.
42  such as rickets, abdominal distention, hair depigmentation, and skin lesions and with a maternal his
43 inning, discrete hyperreflective foci, focal depigmentation, and the presence of suprachoroidal hypor
44 ly, porphyrin biosynthesis and light-induced depigmentation are enhanced by starvation, recapitulatin
45 pigment epitelium, defects/pigment mottling, depigmentation area, subretinal haemorrhage, subretinal
46 5% of MT/ret mice develop a vitiligo, a skin depigmentation attributable to the lysis of normal melan
47 ing mouse models of vitiligo consist of hair depigmentation but lack prominent epidermal involvement,
48                      Although qualitative SN depigmentation correlated modestly with age (p = 0.02),
49                                           SN depigmentation correlated with speed of 6- and 50-foot w
50                                           SN depigmentation, detected neuropathologically, was correl
51 .1(+) cells and Fc receptor gamma-chain, but depigmentation did not require these components.
52 as been shown in vivo that patients with the depigmentation disorder vitiligo accumulate hydrogen per
53                            Patients with the depigmentation disorder vitiligo have low catalase expre
54        Vitiligo is the most common cutaneous depigmentation disorder worldwide, yet little is known a
55 king the pathogenesis of alopecia to that of depigmentation disorders.
56 o, and active-specific immunotherapy-induced depigmentation had significant anti-TRP-2 IgG titers.
57 een known for several decades that cutaneous depigmentation, i.e., contact/occupational vitiligo, can
58 ulture, we determined the molecular basis of depigmentation in a mouse melanocyte model system.
59 egional magnetic resonance (MR) quantifiable depigmentation in association with PD severity and (b) t
60 herapy also induced tumor rejection and skin depigmentation in B cell-deficient and in CD4(+) T cell-
61 sed the regression of established tumors and depigmentation in lymphopenic hosts.
62 egeneration, attenuated retinal vessels, and depigmentation in mice lacking Sema4A.
63 that simvastatin both prevented and reversed depigmentation in our mouse model of vitiligo, and reduc
64 tical for the progression and maintenance of depigmentation in our mouse model of vitiligo.
65                                Vitiligo-like depigmentation in patients with melanoma may be associat
66                                              Depigmentation in PD follows a distinct spatial pattern,
67 ed metastatic melanomas and developed patchy depigmentation in their coats.
68 f the 14 known missense mutations that cause depigmentation in these species map to the tyrosine kina
69  that the coexistence of parkinsonism and SN depigmentation in this birth cohort may have resulted fr
70 ocol significantly increased and accelerated depigmentation in this model, accompanied by the inducti
71 gly support a role for HSP70i in progressive depigmentation in vivo.
72 , size, and type; retinal pigment epithelium depigmentation; increased pigment; geographic atrophy; a
73                                The cutaneous depigmentation induced by phenolic derivatives results f
74 donetwork, multiple blue-gray dots, scarlike depigmentation, irregularly distributed and sized brown
75                                              Depigmentation is accompanied by accumulation of autorea
76       Clinical repigmentation after gingival depigmentation is an outcome of histologic changes in th
77 , occurring in a kindred with more extensive depigmentation, is a novel four-base insertion in exon 2
78  retinal pigment, retinal pigment epithelial depigmentation, neovascular lesions, and geographic atro
79  retinal pigment, retinal pigment epithelial depigmentation, neovascular lesions, and geographic atro
80       However, loss of Rb resulted in severe depigmentation of hair follicles.
81 iameter with drusen area >/=196350 mum2) and depigmentation of retinal pigment epithelium (slope of -
82 ch the presence of bilateral soft drusen and depigmentation of retinal pigment epithelium was associa
83  by melanocyte loss, which results in patchy depigmentation of skin and hair, and is associated with
84  autoimmune disease in which acquired patchy depigmentation of skin, hair, and mucous membranes resul
85 and induced long term antitumor immunity and depigmentation of skin.
86 ratinocyte-melanocyte contact and results in depigmentation of the dark skinned Yucatan swine, sugges
87 sease of the skin causing disfiguring patchy depigmentation of the epidermis and, less commonly, hair
88                                              Depigmentation of the substantia nigra and other brainst
89        The prognostic value of vitiligo-like depigmentation on survival outcome was assessed using ra
90  no reduction in the severity or kinetics of depigmentation or long-lived protection against melanoma
91 5.6); presence of retinal pigment epithelial depigmentation (OR, 9.0; 95% CI, 4.1-19.8); or hyperpigm
92 stically significant values for Er:YAG laser depigmentation (P = 0.001).
93 al drusen (P<0.001) and mottled FAF with RPE depigmentation (P<0.001).
94 gaging anti-CD25 antibody fully restored the depigmentation phenotype in h3TA2-IFN-gamma(-/-) mice, m
95                             Gingival melanin depigmentation procedures are commonly associated with r
96              Surgical stripping for gingival depigmentation remains the gold standard; however, Er:YA
97 go (GV) is a complex disease in which patchy depigmentation results from autoimmune loss of melanocyt
98 combination treatment, 56% (38/68) developed depigmentation, starting at the site of vaccination or c
99 d kindred characterized by unusually limited depigmentation, substitutes a threonine for an alanine a
100 body prevents CD8(+) T-cell accumulation and depigmentation, suggesting a therapeutic potential for t
101 peripheral nerve remyelination and focal fur depigmentation; surviving weak mice had persistent expre
102 d Drug Administration approved drug used for depigmentation therapy of advanced vitiligo.
103 TRP) 1, are relevant to both autoimmune skin depigmentation (vitiligo) and tumor immunity, because th
104                                           SN depigmentation was detected in 57 (13.2%) of the cohort.
105  of Treg abundance in preventing progressive depigmentation was evaluated by adoptively transferring
106                                              Depigmentation was found to occur in CD4-depleted mice,
107                               In this model, depigmentation was introduced by gene gun vaccination wi
108                                              Depigmentation was significantly impaired only in IFN-ga
109 ciated with retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) depigmentation, was followed by disorganization and furt
110                  Quantitative measures of SN depigmentation were increased in this birth cohort compa
111 Qualitative indices of substantia nigra (SN) depigmentation were verified in a subset of 40 randomly
112 ulating S100B levels in patients with active depigmentation which were strongly correlated with the e
113 ing offers a fully reversible model for hair depigmentation, which might be used for the studies of h
114                    Treatment produced a skin depigmentation, which was associated with prolonged surv
115 es the human condition by inducing epidermal depigmentation while sparing the hair.
116 nknown origin, is the most frequent cause of depigmentation worldwide, with an estimated prevalence o

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