


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 3 motor protein MCAK is a potent microtubule depolymerase.
2 aZ2 is thus suggested to be an intracellular depolymerase.
3 2a is a member of the Kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerases.
4 ics and mitotic progression by regulating MT depolymerases.
5 ted motors that are proposed to be either MT depolymerases [3, 4, 8, 10, 11] or MT capping proteins [
6 s end-directed motor and a plus end-specific depolymerase--a unique combination of activities not fou
7                                Extracellular depolymerase activities and expression of the correspond
8 chromosome movement and that the microtubule depolymerase activities of Kif2a, Kif2b, and MCAK fulfil
9 associated kinesin (MCAK) and inhibits their depolymerase activities.
10 regulatory mechanism underlying precise MCAK depolymerase activity control during mitosis remains elu
11 CAK at Ser715 which promotes its microtubule depolymerase activity essential for faithful chromosome
12                   This unanticipated amyloid-depolymerase activity is conserved from yeast to humans,
13                 Here we demonstrate that the depolymerase activity is indispensable to control spindl
14  with a kinesin-5-mediated, length-dependent depolymerase activity that organizes chromosomes at the
15 sary and sufficient for plus-end binding and depolymerase activity, as well as by the identification
16 pD, a gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase with PDGA depolymerase activity.
17 ture is required for the elaboration of PDGA depolymerase activity.
18 somal passenger complex (CPC) regulate Kif2a depolymerase activity.
19 AK on residues that regulate its microtubule depolymerase activity.
20 ability during mitosis by inhibiting MCAK MT depolymerase activity.
21                                   The chitin depolymerases also had a specific pattern of activity to
22 ment end, which, when occupied, has both the depolymerase and ATPase activities.
23 l xylan esterases, poly (3-hydroxyalkanoate) depolymerases and CEs, and proteins of unknown function
24 aZ1(b), and PhaZ1(c) (putative intracellular depolymerases), as well as PhaZ2 (a hydroxybutyrate olig
25 duction of cell wall-degrading enzymes (wall depolymerases) by plant pathogenic fungi is under catabo
26 olytic system includes three secreted chitin depolymerases (ChiA, ChiB, and ChiC), a secreted chitin-
27 c and proteomic analyses reveal 13 cellulose depolymerases complemented by seven accessory enzymes, i
28 cellular poly[D-(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate] (PHB) depolymerases degrade PHB granules to oligomers and mono
29 dation analysis using cellubiuronan-specific depolymerase demonstrated that the oligosaccharide-lipid
30  genes predicted to encode intracellular PHB depolymerases (depA and depB).
31 bacter species possess a Vi antigen-specific depolymerase enzyme missing in S enterica Typhi, and we
32 sults demonstrate this phage and its capsule depolymerase exhibit specificity for capsular type K1 an
33 ersity and specificity within the kinesin-13 depolymerase family.
34 olecular weight product by a type 3-specific depolymerase from Bacillus circulans.
35 l of using the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), PHB, depolymerase from Psuedomonas lemoignei in organic media
36                Recently an intracellular PHB depolymerase gene (phaZ1) from Ralstonia eutropha was id
37 e now report identification of candidate PHB depolymerase genes from R. eutropha, namely, phaZ2 and p
38 nome were used to identify two new candidate depolymerase genes in R. eutropha: phaZ2 and phaZ3.
39     phaZ1 was used to identify two candidate depolymerase genes in the genome of Ralstonia metallidur
40 e currently known polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) depolymerases have lipase activity, they do have a catal
41       The KinI kinesin MCAK is a microtubule depolymerase important for governing spindle microtubule
42 e general function of kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerases in preventing ectopic, spontaneous microtu
43 ization is controlled in part by microtubule depolymerases, including the kinesin-13 family of protei
44         The KinI kinesin MCAK, a microtubule depolymerase, is critical for this regulation.
45   Here the authors show that the microtubule depolymerase Kif2 is localized to a cortical subdomain o
46        This study shows that the microtubule depolymerase Kif2 is localized to a cortical subdomain o
47            Here we show that the microtubule depolymerase Kif2 localizes to this subdomain of cortica
48  Mechanistically, DDA3 interacts with the MT depolymerase Kif2a in an MT-dependent manner and recruit
49 regions of the kinesin-13 family microtubule depolymerases Kif2a and mitotic centromere-associated ki
50  localization and binding to the microtubule depolymerase Kif2b, and for NuMA binding to dynein.
51 rates for kinesin translocase motors and for depolymerase kinesins.
52 kinesin (Cin8, class Kin-5), together with a depolymerase (Kip3, class Kin-8) or minus-end-directed k
53 s dynamically unstable ipMTs outward, the MT depolymerase KLP10A acts at the poles to convert ipMT sl
54 n patronin, which antagonizes the kinesin-13 depolymerase KLP10A at spindle poles, thereby switching
55 depletion of the pole-associated microtubule depolymerase KLP10A increased spindle microtubule densit
56 irectly by localizing the pole-associated MT depolymerase KLP10A.
57 gh the actions of the Kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerase, leading to a sparse interphase microtubule
58 or a polar "pulling-in" mechanism in which a depolymerase localized at kinetochore fiber minus ends m
59                      Kip3p (kinesin-8), a MT depolymerase, may be implicated, but other molecular det
60                                       The MT depolymerase MCAK (mitotic centromere-associated kinesin
61 lished a direct link between the microtubule depolymerase MCAK and Aurora B kinase.
62 mulator (ICIS), which stimulates the related depolymerase MCAK, can reactivate Kif2a after Aurora B i
63 on and catalytic activity of the microtubule depolymerase MCAK.
64       Despite extensive study, the kinesin-8 depolymerase mechanism remains under debate.
65 oes cause mislocalization of the microtubule depolymerase mitotic centromere- associated kinesin and
66                              The microtubule depolymerase mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK
67 rora B kinase and the kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerase mitotic-centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK
68  show that Klp10A also acts as a microtubule depolymerase on centriolar microtubules to regulate cent
69 s caused accumulation of MCAK, a microtubule depolymerase, on the spindle, indicating misregulation o
70 odulate plus-end MT dynamics by acting as MT depolymerases or as MT plus-end capping proteins.
71 cemic lactides has been studied with the PHB-depolymerase (P. lemoignei) in organic solvents.
72                   The selectivity of the PHB-depolymerase (P. lemoignei) to catalyze the propylation
73 ltifunctional motor protein with microtubule depolymerase, plus-end motility, and antiparallel slidin
74 ncy by the kinetochore-associated kinesin-13 depolymerase promotes metaphase chromosome oscillations;
75 onstrate that Kif2a may act as a microtubule depolymerase, regulating microtubule dynamics, spindle a
76 lts, we propose that ExsH is a succinoglycan depolymerase secreted by a Type I secretion system compo
77 date a heretofore-unrecognized human amyloid-depolymerase system that could have applications in vari
78 ure of one CE1 gene of A. muscaria matched a depolymerase that degrades the carbon storage molecule p
79  reminiscent of MCAK, which is a microtubule depolymerase that is believed to be a key component of t
80 their bacterial host and many phages produce depolymerases that hydrolyze biofilm extracellular polym
81             Moreover, the ability of the PHB-depolymerase to catalyze the solventless polymerization
82 ux, and the chromokinesin KLP3A inhibits the depolymerase to suppress flux, thereby coupling ipMT sli
83 cetonitrile-d(3)) on the activity of the PHB-depolymerase toward propylation of L-lactide was studied
84 tion of one target, a kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerase, underlies a major phenotype associated wit
85                                  Each chitin depolymerase was detected in culture supernatants of chi
86                    The gene-encoding capsule depolymerase was identified.
87                                          The depolymerases were modular in nature and contained glyco
88 taphase and metaphase are set by microtubule depolymerases, whereas oscillation and breathing periods
89 2a is a member of the kinesin-13 microtubule depolymerases, which tightly regulate microtubule dynami
90           The kinesin-13 MCAK is a potent MT depolymerase with a complex subcellular localization, ye

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