


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ssed, in part, by expression of the Ce-lrp-1 derivate.
2 enol content and content of chlorogenic acid derivates.
3 hibition properties of a range of pyrimidine derivates.
4 e lower than with the corresponding siloxane derivates.
5 es with more than two halogen atoms, and PAH derivates.
6 trically and the content of chlorogenic acid derivates (3-CQA, 4-CQA and 5-CQA) and caffeine using th
7                        Besides many furfural derivates, 3-methylbutanoic acid was the main volatile c
8 direct contrast, nearly all of the thioamide derivates 6a-1, including the aglycone of thiosangivamyc
9 icated that S17 is a leadbrominated chalcone derivate and deserves further investigation for preventi
10 taK, hydroxytyrosol, pinoresinol, oleuropein derivate and IT.
11                               Two amino acid derivates and one digalloylderivative of L-chicoric acid
12 lamines, sphingomyelin, carnitines, tyrosine derivates and panthothenic acid.
13 diol and its 2-hydroxy, and 2- and 4-methoxy derivates, and estriol, 16-epiestriol, 17-epiestriol, an
14 , possessing flavones, flavanones, quercetin derivates, and hydroxycinnamic acids, were characterised
15 hain polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoid derivates, and oxidised lipids.
16               With a protected glutamic acid derivate as the starting material, the process readily d
17                          This benzodiazepine derivate blocks the mitochondrial F1F0-ATPase, leads to
18 n content of total phenols, chlorogenic acid derivates, caffeine and antioxidant capacity, which sign
19 sses of polyphenolic compounds (benzoic acid derivates, cinnamic acid derivates, phenyl ethyl alcohol
20  water-soluble, long-chained, 1,2-aminothiol derivate containing biotin, was prepared as a capture de
21 racterized and used a novel fluorescent cAMP derivate Epac ligand 8-[Pharos-575]-2'-O-methyladenosine
22 nuated in the bromomethyl and phosphorylated derivates, facilitating the selective and systematic fun
23                 In addition, the immobilized derivate hydrolyzed alpha-lactalbumin protein with a hig
24 n derivates in onion, quercetin and luteolin derivates in green pepper samples, and chlorogenic acids
25 in compounds were quercetin and isorhamnetin derivates in onion, quercetin and luteolin derivates in
26 catenin-deficient MDA-MB-468 cells and their derivates in which alpha-catenin was reintroduced showed
27  mouse strain that incorporates a methionine derivate into proteins, allowing for their detection usi
28 ) receptor 2, which recognizes the bacterial derivate muramyl dipeptide (MDP).
29 nofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and birch pulp derivate, nanofibrillated anionic dicarboxylic acid cell
30 phrosis and CIAKI, whereas an inactive Nec-1 derivate (Nec-1i) or the pan-caspase inhibitor zVAD did
31 rategy using as a delivery vehicle of A3G, a derivate of non-pathogenic Nef mutant Nef7 that is capab
32 ransposable element (TE), is a nonautonomous derivate of ProtoP.
33                                    A soluble derivate of the Treg surface molecule glycoprotein A rep
34 f gut-homing molecules was mediated by RA, a derivate of vitamin A that is stored in large amounts wi
35  requires tissue-tissue interactions between derivates of all the germ layers and coordinated morphog
36                          Phosphonate acyclic derivates of guanines, pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines, and t
37                   Binarized and skeletonized derivates of these averaged images also showed fewer lin
38 ion of pUS27, we constructed pUS27-deficient derivates of two clinical isolates of HCMV.
39                                 FAD-I or its derivates offer a potentially new paradigm in immunoregu
40 rols or calcitriol or vitamin D/aa[analogs & derivates] or ergocalciferol or vitamin D/bl[blood]; and
41 rent size and charge and the organic mercury derivate, p-(chloromercuri)benzenesulfonic acid, signifi
42 ounds (benzoic acid derivates, cinnamic acid derivates, phenyl ethyl alcohols, flavones and other phe
43 . and are normal contaminants of cereals and derivate products.
44 aline hydrolysis resulting in the release of derivates subsequently detected by LC-HESI-MS/MS.
45                                Using the Suc derivate sucralose, binding of which hinders conformatio
46        Oxysterols are oxygenated cholesterol derivates that are emerging as a physiologically importa
47 that will facilitate development of propofol derivates that have altered pharmacological properties a
48  for the resistance of AS-ATN to artemisinin derivates, the other cannot account solely for the resis
49 echanistically, CPEC functions as a cytosine derivate to stimulate adenosine receptors A1 and A2a, wh
50 C5 inhibitors, we have identified sildenafil derivates using structural and computational guidance an
51 , the antiandrogenic activity of C47 and one derivate was confirmed in vivo in spiggin-gfp Medaka.
52 nnosyl moietes, whereas the unphosphorylated derivate was readily extended by the enzyme.
53        For this purpose, new triethoxysilane derivates were developed: we synthesized a linker-silane
54                              Imidazopyridine derivates were recently shown to be a novel class of sel
55 dary metabolites, i.e. triterpenes and their derivates, which possess not only antioxidant properties

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