


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -1) (epidermis) or 2.7+/-1.4 microm min(-1) (dermis).
2 at the dermoepidermal junction and/or in the dermis.
3 opulation (gammadeltaT17 cells) in the mouse dermis.
4 nduces cutaneous fibers to die back into the dermis.
5 sal cell carcinoma stroma compared to normal dermis.
6 s inflammation surrounding tattoo ink in the dermis.
7 ifferentiation in developing and adult mouse dermis.
8  but also within the papillary and reticular dermis.
9 onal collagen I gel, a representative of the dermis.
10  and increased numbers of fibroblasts in the dermis.
11 and 7.6+/-5.6 mum for the transition zone-to-dermis.
12 al reprogramming and eventually invading the dermis.
13 phils, macrophages, and T lymphocytes in the dermis.
14 t on other epithelial compartments or on the dermis.
15 ion by CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DCs) in the dermis.
16  with mononuclear cell infiltration into the dermis.
17 -Asp (RGD)-binding integrins in the inflamed dermis.
18 position and subsequent diffusion within the dermis.
19 typic skin cultures comprising epidermis and dermis.
20 nd other inflammation-related changes in the dermis.
21 mimicking the in vivo pathophysiology of the dermis.
22 esent in the underlying viable epidermis and dermis.
23 ustered around the central arterioles of the dermis.
24 aration of the epidermis from the underlying dermis.
25 or tunable penetration into the epidermis or dermis.
26 e upregulation of CD26 expression in wounded dermis.
27 sebaceous glands relative to the surrounding dermis.
28 nnecting the keratinocytes to the underlying dermis.
29  1 were decreased in response to E(2) in the dermis.
30 matrix that accelerate water transfer in the dermis.
31 unctionally separates, the epidermis and the dermis.
32 neonatal dermis than adult telogen or anagen dermis.
33 penetration across the SC into epidermis and dermis.
34 lagen fibrils isolated from the sea cucumber dermis.
35 igmented melanocytes that extend through the dermis.
36 eir transected proximal stumps into the deep dermis.
37 a T cells in the skin that is present in the dermis.
38 ppeared atrophic and were limited to the mid-dermis.
39 e into epidermis rather than invaginate into dermis.
40 erized by deposition of IgA in the papillary dermis.
41 evealed thickening of both the epidermis and dermis.
42  of the myofibroblast cell population in the dermis.
43 oliferation/activation in both epidermis and dermis.
44 regulation of jagged 1 in both epidermis and dermis.
45 rmis, although also evident in the papillary dermis.
46  and deposit it at the lower epidermis/upper dermis.
47  the skin layers and deposition at the upper dermis.
48 n skin, large amounts of HA are found in the dermis.
49  differentiation in the developing reticular dermis.
50  marrow-derived fibrocytes accumulate in the dermis.
51 on forces on and move directionally over the dermis.
52 clerosis, it can occur in all regions of the dermis.
53 albicans in subepithelial layers such as the dermis.
54 ng of capillary thromboses (CT) in the upper dermis.
55 ansition between the papillary and reticular dermis.
56 ltration of skin homing lymphocytes into the dermis.
57 r matrix (ECM) remodelling in the underlying dermis.
58 d in the skin of mammals, most likely in the dermis.
59 monocyte-derived DCs were predominant in the dermis.
60 cells present in the papillary and reticular dermis.
61 , and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis.
62 ae and associated muscle, tendons and dorsal dermis.
63 HSP70 can be found in both the epidermis and dermis.
64 ely generated around each microneedle in the dermis.
65                     The total area of apical dermis (0-30 mum) contained approximately 10-fold more m
66  CD200(+) cells in SCC stroma than in normal dermis (180.8 cells/mm(2) vs 24.6 cells/mm(2)) (P<.01).
67 ive growth of placode keratinocytes into the dermis, a crucial step in skin appendage formation.
68 s a rare mesenchymal neoplasm arising in the dermis, accounting for less than 0.1% of all cancers.
69 extracts from stratum corneum, epidermis and dermis after 24h, and the results were compared to those
70          The amount of SP and KP retained in dermis after topical application of NLC-R11 was signific
71  and monocyte-derived dendritic cells in the dermis after VACV scarification.
72 ccumulation of mast cells and CD3+T-cells in dermis, all of which were observed in mice in which the
73 axa, transmission electron microscopy of the dermis also showed pronounced changes in the structure a
74 -dose allergen inoculation directly into the dermis, an immunologically active area containing abunda
75  (HA) and versican are key components of the dermis and are responsive to ultraviolet (UV)B-induced r
76 NFR expression on mononuclear cells from the dermis and blood of SSc patients was assessed by flow cy
77 eration of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, dermis and cartilage.
78 , fibroblast density declined throughout the dermis and clones of fibroblasts became more dispersed.
79 inding given the altered fibrils observed in dermis and cornea from this model.
80         Wnt signals within the epidermis and dermis and crossing between the epidermis and dermis hav
81 eria were consistently detectable within the dermis and dermal adipose of normal human skin.
82                       Sequencing of DNA from dermis and dermal adipose tissue identified bacterial 16
83 defects were accompanied by a rupture of the dermis and detachment of the epidermis.
84 are involved in keratinocyte adhesion to the dermis and dissemination of skin cells during wound heal
85                                   We compare dermis and endometrium capacities to support trophoblast
86       Cutaneous nerves extend throughout the dermis and epidermis and control both the functional and
87 and migrate ventrally through the developing dermis and epidermis as single cells.
88 , epidermal thickness, infiltration into the dermis and epidermis by T cells and dendritic cells, and
89             Radiation-induced changes in the dermis and epidermis were accompanied by an infiltrate o
90 Beyond anchoring of LTMRs to the surrounding dermis and epidermis, recent evidence suggests that the
91 asia and infiltration of leukocytes into the dermis and epidermis.
92 uperficial microdisruptions in the papillary dermis and epidermis.
93  to visualize regenerating structures in the dermis and epidermis.
94 ment of each receptor in trafficking between dermis and epidermis.
95 eptor subtypes and their location within the dermis and epidermis.
96 roughout the inter-follicular regions of the dermis and form clusters with antigen presenting cells a
97 ecifically, B. burgdorferi motility in mouse dermis and gelatin is heterogeneous, with the bacteria t
98 kening, focal detachment from the underlying dermis and hair clumping.
99 dings reveal adaptations of Y. pestis to the dermis and how these adaptations can define the progress
100  degranulation was equivalent for MCs in the dermis and hypodermis of all three strains, but only the
101 llicle morphogenesis or establishment of the dermis and hypodermis.
102 we defined a new role for fibroblasts in the dermis and identified a minimal set of cell types for sk
103 ncluding interstitial dendritic cells of the dermis and Langerhans cells of the epidermis, in a dose-
104 k somites, the progenitors that give rise to dermis and muscle.
105 omyoblastlike neoplastic cells involving the dermis and often extending to subcutaneous tissue.
106 can introduce immunogenic particles into the dermis and potentiate local or systemic hypersensitivity
107 lter the balance of S. aureus entry into the dermis and provide an explanation for how such dermal dy
108                                       In the dermis and subcutaneous fat, the EVE treated groups show
109       Cellulitis is an infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue, presenting with expandin
110 SCH) is a rare, benign vascular tumor of the dermis and subcutis.
111 uytren's disease, a fibrotic disorder of the dermis and subdermal tissues of the palm.
112 reatment quickly clears spirochetes from the dermis and that the rash appearance is not indicative of
113  relevant levels into both the epidermis and dermis and that the skin-penetrating aptamer retains its
114 hat stabilize the cohesion between the upper dermis and the basement membrane zone.
115 in a process that bypasses the epidermis and dermis and their attendant innate and adaptive immune at
116 rmore, rVN bound to VG1Fs extracted from the dermis and to nondenatured versican but not to fibrillin
117 rich epidermis and extracellular matrix-rich dermis and to show that conventional histological and im
118 that involves dermatophytic infection of the dermis and/or lymph nodes and sometimes the central nerv
119 agen deposition leading to thickening of the dermis and/or subcutaneous tissues and may cause signifi
120 onstituents of human skin connective tissue (dermis) and are essential for maintaining mechanical str
121     Osteoderms are bones embedded within the dermis, and are common to select members of most major t
122 iocompatible materials, absorbable implants, dermis, and collagen.
123  rat tissues (vertebrae, tibia, tail tendon, dermis, and cornea) are investigated with polarization-d
124 agged 1, jagged 1 was not upregulated in the dermis, and epidermal thickening, blister formation, acc
125       They could also adhere to brain, lung, dermis, and heart endothelial cells, suggesting cerebral
126 cures the attachment of the epidermis to the dermis, and its mutations cause a human skin fragility d
127 cy and monocytopenia were observed in blood, dermis, and lung lavage fluid.
128 acrophages and NK cells next infiltrated the dermis, and NK followed by B cells expanded in draining
129 ted on epidermal keratinocytes, cells of the dermis, and on nociceptive axon terminals in the epiderm
130 g, intestine, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), dermis, and skin-draining lymph nodes.
131 cine origin; and derivatives of pericardium, dermis, and small intestine submucosa.
132 stasis of mature DCs or pre-DCs in the lung, dermis, and spleen.
133 to the suprabasal epidermis, deeper into the dermis, and was maintained in metastases.
134 ic neutrophilic infiltrate in the epidermis, dermis, and/or hypodermis and are often associated with
135 g in the lamina propria of the colon and the dermis, as well as in microglia.
136 haps even dendritic cells (DCs) in the outer dermis, as well as to lesion infiltrating activated T ly
137 ngly, YAP is expressed in the nucleus in the dermis at 2 and 7 days after wounding.
138 ssion becomes more widespread throughout the dermis at later developmental stages, we use tamoxifen-i
139 e gene expression profiling of back and tail dermis at P1 and dorsal fibroblasts at P2 and P50 showed
140 Z normally localizes to the cytoplasm in the dermis but is distributed in both the nucleus and cytopl
141 for ASC proliferation and maintenance in the dermis, but not in other WATs.
142 er, Lgr5-expressing cells contribute to this dermis, but not the blastema, during digit tip regenerat
143 uced the overall number of infected cells in dermis by 65%.
144 alian host after they are deposited into the dermis by a sand fly vector.
145 s and infiltration of both the epidermis and dermis by neutrophils and eosinophils, resulting in form
146  The mild inflammatory milieu created in the dermis by skin laser microporation itself most likely fa
147 eneic fibroblasts injected directly into the dermis can mediate transient disease modulation, autolog
148 eneic fibroblasts injected directly into the dermis can mediate transient disease modulation, autolog
149  inherent structural instability of the RDEB dermis, combined with repeated injury, increased the bio
150 e differences in the proportion of 5-MTHF in dermis compared with epidermis.
151 ion of cells in lesional epidermis (EPI) and dermis, compared with the corresponding non-lesional reg
152 melanocytes displayed invasion into adjacent dermis, consistent with loss of invasion-suppressing act
153                         Since the underlying dermis consists primarily of fibroblasts, we have now ex
154                             Gottron's papule dermis contained more C4S and CD44v7 than non-Gottron's
155 ic fibers in the synovial membrane and upper dermis contribute to the pain-related behavior associate
156 lieved that site-specific fibroblasts in the dermis control postnatal skin identity by modulating the
157 hibition of neutrophil infiltration into the dermis, demonstrating that DM keratinocytes produced les
158       Brown adipocytes and muscle and dorsal dermis descend from precursor cells in the dermomyotome,
159 re reduced, indicating cDC2s in the lung and dermis develop via different pathways.
160                                      Cranial dermis develops from cephalic mesoderm and neural crest
161 hen Hh signalling is inhibited the reticular dermis does not respond to epidermal beta-catenin activa
162 oliferative phase during which growth in the dermis dominates healing.
163 etrium, the natural trophoblast target, with dermis dramatically reduces trophoblast interstitial inv
164 amplifying Wnt activity throughout the wound dermis during a crucial phase of skin regeneration.
165 te senescent cells in both the epidermis and dermis during aging.
166  a defect in constitutive migration from the dermis during homeostasis.
167 k, or tumor invasion of the entire papillary dermis each independently increased the risk of dying fr
168 ed accumulation of infiltrating cells in the dermis, elevated expression of IFN-gamma, CCL5, CCL8, an
169     Conditional deficiency of Cyp26b1 in the dermis (En1Cre;Cyp26b1f/-) results in decreased hair fol
170 ignaling leads to the formation of thickened dermis, enlarged epidermal placodes and dermal condensat
171 l ethanolamides, and sphingolipids, in human dermis, epidermis, and suction blister fluid.
172 nd maintains antigen-presenting cells in the dermis/epidermis.
173      Thus, neutrophils were recruited to the dermis even late after inoculation, and L. infantum chag
174 irochete transmits from the tick to the host dermis, eventually colonizing and persisting within mult
175 erstitial fluid from the epidermis and upper dermis, exposing the powder to epidermal tissues.
176 m responsible for the action of TIP39 in the dermis, fibroblasts were cultured in three-dimensional c
177 led epidermal hyperplasia overlying infected dermis four days postinoculation in wild-type mice.
178 ay quantified aptamer from the epidermis and dermis, giving levels far exceeding the cellular half ma
179                                       All DM dermis had increased OPN compared with healthy skin.
180 ermis and crossing between the epidermis and dermis have distinct roles and specific functions in ski
181  movements in the chronically infected mouse dermis imaged by intravital microscopy.
182 ganized lymphatic endothelial vessels in the dermis immediately adjacent to SCC nests.
183 nocytes at the junction of the epidermis and dermis in benign neoplasms.
184 mic modification occurs in the epidermis and dermis in CD1 transgenic mice following either intraperi
185 atest ability to contribute to DP and non-DP dermis in reconstituted skin.
186 r and structural characteristics of neonatal dermis in response to cues from the overlying epidermis.
187      This transition is limited to the upper dermis in several inflammatory skin diseases, yet in sys
188 tro, penetrating deep into the epidermis and dermis in skin of both species.
189 s) have been identified in extracts from the dermis in which hyaluronan (HA)-versican-fibrillin compl
190                          One forms the upper dermis, including the dermal papilla that regulates hair
191                    The other forms the lower dermis, including the reticular fibroblasts that synthes
192 rrence of senescent fibroblasts in geriatric dermis, increase the dermal expression of IGF-1, and cor
193                    The biophysically altered dermis increased myofibroblast activity and integrin bet
194          The depth of cell invasion into the dermis is a clinical determinant for poor prognosis in c
195      The ability of cells to invade into the dermis is a critical event in the development of cutaneo
196 bers of DCs, including XCR1(+) DCs, the skin dermis is an attractive site for vaccine administration.
197                  Our results show that adult dermis is an unexpectedly plastic tissue that can be rep
198 ement membrane between the epidermis and the dermis is indispensable for normal skin functions.
199 ution of nectin-1 and HVEM in the underlying dermis is still open.
200 that active macrophages are cleared from the dermis is the principle determinant of rash morphology.
201     Vector-borne infections initiated in the dermis likely involve adaptations to this unique microen
202 a CD141(hi) DC present in human interstitial dermis, liver, and lung that was distinct from the major
203 e SPPs (SPACE peptide, TD-1, polyarginine, a dermis-localizing peptide and a skin penetrating linear
204 h crosslinked bovine pericardium and porcine dermis materials exhibiting a higher melting temperature
205 gulated proliferation of melanoblasts in the dermis may be critical for production of epidermally-bou
206          After Cath LL-37 injection into the dermis, MC-deficient B6.Cg-Kit(W-sh)/HNihrJaeBsmJ (KitW-
207                                          The dermis model resulted in a larger receptive field, as th
208       Receptive fields for the epidermis and dermis models were constructed by mapping the long-axis
209 gs were readily detectable in the uninflamed dermis, most were nonmotile.
210 g CD68(pos) macrophages were detected in the dermis of atopic dermatitis (AD) skin lesions.
211                     We compare epidermis and dermis of both sun-protected and sun-exposed skin derive
212 he proportion of IL-22(+) GDL T cells in the dermis of CCR6 KO mice (vs WT mice), suggesting that eff
213 in fibroblasts from the palmar and nonpalmar dermis of Dupuytren's patients and palmar fibroblasts fr
214  3.4-fold and 2.7-fold, respectively, in the dermis of elderly (>80 years) versus young (21-30 years)
215 tic narrow zone in the superficial papillary dermis of healthy human skin.
216 il infiltration with ulceration in the upper dermis of homozygous offspring.
217 y tissue-resident dendritic cell (DC) in the dermis of human skin that is characterized by surface ex
218 -like properties have been identified in the dermis of human skin.
219 ype VI collagen was expressed throughout the dermis of intact human skin, at the expanding margins of
220  was performed to separate the epidermis and dermis of lesional and nonlesional skin from patients wi
221 reus was observed to be more abundant in the dermis of lesional skin from AD patients.
222                       Fibrin placed into the dermis of mice underwent cellular endocytosis and lysoso
223                 Collagen introduced into the dermis of mice underwent cellular endocytosis in a parti
224 -derived cell population is increased in the dermis of MRI contrast-treated rodents.
225 signalling was highly upregulated in healing dermis of P21 compared with P2 mice.
226 tially expressed gene products in the EPI or dermis of psoriasis lesions.
227  the immune infiltrates that localize in the dermis of psoriatic skin.
228  mast cell (MC) numbers are increased in the dermis of rosacea patients.
229  collagen fibril specimens isolated from the dermis of sea cucumbers were obtained in vitro.
230                                          The dermis of TGFbeta1-overexpressing mice had significantly
231  abaxial musculature and forms ventrolateral dermis of the interlimb body wall.
232 basement membrane of the tick midgut and the dermis of the mammal.
233 ssue demonstrated a fibrotic response in the dermis of the skin but not the mucosal lamina propria, i
234  autonomic sympathetic fibers into the upper dermis of the skin, an area that is normally devoid of t
235 eous mechanoreceptor located deep within the dermis of the skin, detects high frequency vibrations th
236 neutrophil infiltration in the epidermis and dermis of the skin, leading to disease manifestations.
237 o improperly increased their distribution in dermis of the skin.
238 matrix assembly and cell function within the dermis of the skin.
239  basaloid hyperplasia and ingrowths into the dermis of the ventrum with age.
240 nin pathway is activated most notably in the dermis of the wound bed early (d 2) after injury and sub
241 bit skin, chosen as a model material for the dermis of vertebrates.
242  but the total numbers of GDL T cells in the dermis of WT and CCR6 KO mice were equivalent.
243  microdialysis probes were inserted into the dermis on the dorsal aspect of the forearm in 15 young,
244 refers to the infiltration of the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis by neoplastic leukocytes (leukemia c
245 ecession when using Alloderm (ADM) and Puros Dermis (PDM).
246  Ly6G(+) neutrophils rapidly infiltrated the dermis, peaking after 6 to 24 h.
247 monstrate that nociceptive fibers within the dermis play a crucial role in antifungal defenses throug
248 eus penetrates the epidermis and reaches the dermis, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMLs) accumulate a
249 id infiltrate was observed in the underlying dermis, predominantly composed of CD3+ T cells, scattere
250                    Vaccine delivery into the dermis, recruitment of neutrophils, macrophages, dendrit
251 included lobules of small vessels within the dermis, resembling a tufted angioma.
252 +) neonatal fibroblasts from upper and lower dermis, respectively, confirmed that Sca1(+) cells had a
253 s transiently increased in the epidermis and dermis, respectively.
254                       Inoculation of the ear dermis resulted in higher frequencies of total and infec
255                                          The dermis revealed enhanced lymphatic vessel density, and t
256 ets including RORgamma(+) ILC3s into wounded dermis; RORgamma(+) ILC3s are potent sources of IL17F in
257             Macrophages isolated from normal dermis secrete proinflammatory cytokines.
258 3-null mice lacked MCs in the peritoneum and dermis, showing that the in vitro results are recapitula
259               This gene was expressed in the dermis, skeletal muscles, periocular mesenchymal-like ce
260 result from inflammation and fibrosis of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, or fascia, leading to signi
261  and progressive pathological changes in the dermis, such as those seen in ageing.
262 ost immune cells while migrating through the dermis, suggesting the importance of B. burgdorferi moti
263 4+ spindle cells, and increased mucin in the dermis, supporting the diagnosis of NSF.
264 ir follicles more closely resembled neonatal dermis than adult telogen or anagen dermis.
265 B irradiation and penetrates deeper into the dermis than UV-B irradiation.
266                             In epidermis and dermis, the critical DCs are TNF-producing and IL-1beta-
267 sults show the microbiota extends within the dermis, therefore, enabling physical contact between bac
268 und healing and increased skin hydration and dermis thickness.
269 recruitment and maturation of MCs within the dermis through SCF production by LTA-stimulated keratino
270 arrange the collagenous fibre network of the dermis to form a collagen-free zone at the wound centre.
271                A signal first arising in the dermis to initiate the development of hair follicles has
272  of odontogenic competence from the external dermis to internal epithelium soon after the origin of j
273 ting from the neural crest must traverse the dermis to reach the epidermis of the skin and hair folli
274 onally reduced CD4 IFN-gamma in the inflamed dermis (twofold reduction) dependent on their production
275 nfiltrated immune cells than in the adjacent dermis unaffected by the melanoma.
276 omoted the formation of blood vessels in the dermis underlying the HPV-induced lesions.
277  at the transition from the epidermis to the dermis underneath, which determines the drug distributio
278    Delivery of vaccine formulations into the dermis using antigen-coated microneedle patches is a pro
279 n assays, hair follicles failed to form when dermis was depleted of both GFP(+) CD133(+) and GFP(-) C
280                                          The dermis was disorganized with thick and long collagen fib
281           Expression of TNFR and IL-6 in the dermis was reversible in a patient who received lymphoab
282 the percentage of 5-MTHF of the total in the dermis was similar to that in other organs, it was espec
283 unt immunofluorescence staining of the human dermis, we demonstrated the three-dimensional distributi
284 ring in situ tensile testing of sea cucumber dermis, we investigate the ultrastructural mechanics of
285  nests, and nucleated cells within papillary dermis, were more frequently found in this subtype.
286 levels of siRNA to the basal epidermis/upper dermis where melanoma cells reside.
287 presence in large numbers in the superficial dermis, where Leishmania is encountered, suggests that t
288 was found to spread into the upper papillary dermis, whereas S100A9 was shown to induce fibroblast pr
289 ntrols adipogenic cell fate within the lower dermis, which potentially contributes to the pathogenesi
290 ) showed a few melan-A-positive cells in the dermis, which was insufficient for a diagnosis of invasi
291 paths for drug and vaccine delivery into the dermis while maintaining integrity of the skin by quick
292 ore robust and extended into the superficial dermis, while among subjects with diabetes mellitus, Sch
293 studies showed marked edema of the papillary dermis with an inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly
294 mice exhibit infiltrating macrophages in the dermis with concomitant increases in MCP-1 production fr
295                           By contrast, adult dermis with ectopic hair follicles more closely resemble
296 as diffuse infiltration of the epidermis and dermis with hCD8 and hCD4 cells in rejected grafts by im
297 ct dermo-epidermal junction and more compact dermis with loss of adnexal structures.
298  to deliver botulinum toxin A into the human dermis with the aim of reducing patient pain, improving
299  cargo distributed both in the epidermis and dermis, with acquisition by CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DC
300 r mononuclear cell infiltrate, mainly in the dermis, with higher levels of CD4 than CD8 T lymphocytes

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