


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the membrane to small ions allows efficient desalting.
2 MS analysis of the digestion mixture without desalting.
3  thin materials for molecular separations or desalting.
4 o those from conventional guanidination with desalting.
5 asured directly from reaction mixtures after desalting.
6                              The mass of the desalted ADC is subsequently determined using standard d
7 utomated direct sequencing and genotyping of desalted amplification products.
8 ercial guard column in an off-chip format to desalt and concentrate the products of the enzymatic rea
9  cation exchange filtration were utilized to desalt and preconcentrate seawater DOM prior to nonspeci
10 hase extraction (SPE) tips have been used to desalt and purify proteins and peptides from mixtures of
11 ness, with fwhm as small as 3.7% achieved in desalted and acidified solutions.
12 philic peptides at the picomole level can be desalted and characterized by matrix-assisted laser deso
13 ntinuous stream of sea water is divided into desalted and concentrated streams by ion concentration p
14                           Glycopeptides were desalted and concentrated using solid-phase extraction a
15 n the ED unit, the diluted draw solution was desalted and high-quality water was produced; the concen
16                 The mass spectra of peptides desalted and washed on uncoated stainless steel MALDI pl
17 conventional approach, samples are typically desalted and/or concentrated with various techniques and
18                                        Rapid desalting and a low volume connection to an electrospray
19 ed using the described protein precipitation/desalting and cation-exchange solid-phase extraction iso
20 ents: (1) isolation by protein precipitation/desalting and cation-exchange solid-phase extraction, (2
21 s were identical regardless of the method of desalting and concentrating of protein samples, samples
22 e for in-well trypsin digestion, followed by desalting and concentrating the digestion products in th
23 ries of sample handling processes, including desalting and concentrating, to be performed directly on
24 ause of the post-electrophoresis extraction, desalting and concentration steps.
25                                              Desalting and concentration takes approximately 5 min wh
26 onable analytical procedures with respect to desalting and enrichment were established.
27 To ensure an efficient electrospray process, desalting and exchanging the biomolecular solutions into
28        All digestates were then combined for desalting and MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometric analysis.
29                                              Desalting and sample concentration follows each fraction
30 applied to tryptic peptide mixtures prior to desalting and spotting onto MALDI-TOF plates.
31 eps involved in a sample preparation such as desalting and various chromatographic purification schem
32 otides at the most basic purification level (desalted) and without the need for costly and time-consu
33  column where it is concentrated and rapidly desalted, and (vi) peptides eluted from the dilute captu
34               Peak fractions were collected, desalted, and analyzed by high-resolution MS using a top
35 r redox co-reactants, reaction mixtures were desalted, and MALDI-TOF MS was used to monitor both time
36 ctions is the time-consuming chromatography, desalting, and concentration steps required to prepare a
37 n steps, including depletion, fractionation, desalting, and concentration.
38 e concentration, buffer exchange, digestion, desalting, and matrix/analyte cocrystallization for MALD
39 buffer exchange, protease digestion, peptide desalting, and, in the case of MALDI-MS, matrix and anal
40 general, and highly efficient, rapid in-line desalting approach using a small gel cartridge to assist
41     Halocin S8 is quite robust, as it can be desalted, boiled, subjected to organic solvents, and sto
42                                The GAGs were desalted by membrane filtration and analyzed in dilute f
43                Simulated biological samples, desalted by ultrafiltration in the presence gamma-CD, we
44 lar masses were apparently lost from samples desalted by ZipTip(C18) microcolumns, thus diminishing t
45  We compared trysin-digested protein samples desalted by ZipTip(C18) reverse-phase microcolumns with
46 rotein A affinity chromatography followed by desalting by gel filtration and was characterized by ami
47                   Following purification and desalting by reversed-phase HPLC, buffer exchange with M
48 yzed carbohydrates by replacing ion-exchange desalting cartridges with evaporative removal of HCl und
49 ddition, it provides an effective method for desalting cellular RNA samples having complex matrixes,
50 ive crabs, and the resulting dialysates were desalted, concentrated, and analyzed by LC-ESI-QTOF and
51 actions from a trypsinized yeast lysate were desalted, concentrated, and analyzed in a completely aut
52                   The extension products are desalted, concentrated, and subjected to delayed-extract
53 e antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) using native desalting conditions, we maintain the intact bivalent st
54 l volume 2.5 muL) described here effectively desalted continuous flows of NaCl solutions (200 mequiv/
55 isobaric tag labeled glycopeptides after C18 desalting could be readily enriched by SAX and RAX cartr
56 ases, we have evaluated a model system where desalted CS is combined with isolated human granzyme.
57 ium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and following with desalting/delipidation of the sample by chloroform/metha
58          We have developed a microfabricated desalting device that meets both requirements, thus prov
59 the digestion products and then assessed the desalted digests by ESI-MS.
60 ts the analyte to be easily concentrated and desalted directly on the probe tip.
61 e traditional solvent-based method using the desalted "dry" MALDI preparation procedure.
62                                    Two-stage desalting (during solid phase extraction and on the anal
63                                              Desalting efficiency and analyte loss was evaluated with
64 roximately 80% and demonstrate the exquisite desalting efficiency with high-performance electrospray
65        This approach allows effective sample desalting, enrichment, sequential elution, and MS detect
66 nein and ODA10p rebound to the axonemes when desalted extracts are mixed with oda10-mutant axonemes.
67        Samples in solution do not need to be desalted following reduction and alkylation, with excess
68 red to remove approximately 18% of the ions (desalt) from of the feed solution was observed to be sig
69  into the complex protein matrix provided by desalted human urine ( approximately 1.5 muM total prote
70                         The protein is first desalted into a suitable buffer at pH 8-9 and a molar ex
71 ator is removed and the protein conjugate is desalted into an acidic buffer.
72 can shift current utilization (ratio between desalted ions and ions conducted through electrodes) and
73                                              Desalting is not needed prior to MALDI-TOF MS.
74 edures are detrimental to MALDI-MS, and thus desalting is required before the digestion products can
75 strate ADP-dependent PPDK phosphorylation in desalted leaf extracts of the C(3) plants Vicia faba and
76 nd forty-five 7-ml fractions were collected, desalted, lyophilized, and resuspended.
77                                         This desalting method directly separates highly polar, ionic
78  MALDI-TOF, applying our successive on-plate desalting method that eliminates the insensitivity of th
79 sample preparation is improved using a novel desalting method that utilizes the hydrophobic surface o
80 ca columns; however, these entail subsequent desalting methodologies and consequent sample losses and
81 versed-phase liquid chromatography (IP-RPLC) desalting methods we previously employed do not effectiv
82           Its removal by various solid-phase desalting methods, catalase treatment, or freeze drying
83                      We evaluated a range of desalting methods, including spin columns, dialysis memb
84 IMAC procedure was significantly improved by desalting methylated peptides, followed by gradient elut
85                             Specifically for desalting NaCl, this enhancement of unipolar cation cond
86  octadecyl amine (ODA) to be employed in the desalting of complex mixtures and the results are compar
87                   This protocol involves the desalting of nucleic acids using ammonium acetate precip
88                                              Desalting of protein solutions is demonstrated for ESI-M
89                  Elimination of the need for desalting of samples after reaction raised the possibili
90                                 The complete desalting of samples, which is necessary for IEF, tends
91                Size-selective separation and desalting of small model molecules ( approximately 200-1
92 graphic media for the microconcentration and desalting of SUPREX samples.
93 phase purification approach also facilitates desalting of the captured oligonucleotides, which is ess
94 ut the need for intermediate chromatography, desalting, or concentration steps.
95 e presence of excess MnCl2 followed by rapid desalting over a gel filtration column resulted in the r
96 pid and fully automated method to purify and desalt PCR products prior to analysis by electrospray io
97 peptides in a sample that has nominally been desalted; peptides arising from nontryptic cleavage in a
98 d, the samples can be evaporated rather than desalted, preventing substantial sample loss and allowin
99  the molecular ion region of the analytes, a desalting procedure of the MBM sample directly on the MA
100 reby eliminating conventional time-consuming desalting procedures required for downstream analysis of
101 anes; the first one with MWCO below 5700 for desalting protein samples, and the second one with a hig
102  attractive alternative to other methods for desalting proteins prior to mass spectrometry analysis.
103                  This tip-based purification/desalting protocol has two distinct advantages over prev
104  the stringent high-resolution and extensive desalting requirements that are essential to the pinpoin
105 applied to samples all at once as opposed to desalting samples one-by-one for 5 min each.
106 assay, which included PCA extraction, online desalting, separation of the high-energy phosphates on a
107  a proper pH value and ionic strength of the desalted serum and also utilized Tween 20 to serve as th
108 ed, and the SALDI-MS results obtained on the desalted serum sample spots show both good reproducibili
109  (ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by desalting size exclusion chromatography) to get purified
110                                     A second desalting step, achieved by dialysis utilizing a membran
111 y using the second-dimension separation as a desalting step.
112 ometric analysis was feasible after a single desalting step.
113    The N-glycan modification, digestion, and desalting steps were performed using a single-pot method
114 ant RapiGest (RG), eliminates alkylation and desalting steps, and accomplishes the reduced tryptic di
115 ALDI experiment, without having to resort to desalting steps.
116  substitute for conventional cation-exchange desalting techniques.
117 ocessor for integrated DNA sequencing sample desalting, template removal, preconcentration, and CE an
118                      The RPLC also serves to desalt the analytes so that they can be detected in the
119 is system employed an ion suppressor cell to desalt the chromatographic effluent online prior to the
120 irect reversed-phase method to automatically desalt the digestion products and then assessed the desa
121          Carbamylation could be minimized by desalting the cyanylation reaction before cleavage or by
122 separation can be identified by trapping and desalting the fractions onto a series of reversed phase
123 d a porous graphitic carbon (PGC) column for desalting the peptides found in the unretained fraction.
124 hort reversed-phase chromatographic step for desalting the sample, rapid DMS separation of the analyt
125 aloarchaeon Haloferax volcanii that not only desalts the samples thoroughly but also drastically redu
126                                 With on-chip desalting, the limit of quantitation for histidine spike
127              Following trypsin digestion and desalting, the mitochondrial samples were analyzed by na
128 cially available ZipTip C-18 and Aspire RP30 Desalting Tip.
129                 However, the former requires desalting to be MS-compatible, and the latter requires f
130 on-exchange (SCX) followed by reversed-phase desalting to remove Ficoll, a synthetic polymer, for HX-
131        These glycopeptides were enriched and desalted using a microscale hydrophilic interaction chro
132 to reaction product peaks were collected and desalted using SPE prior to analysis for the presence of
133 The system also features fast sample loading/desalting using a vented column approach to improve samp
134                                              Desalted venom had as much anti-M2 as anti-M4 activity.
135                                    Efficient desalting was demonstrated for both DNA and protein samp
136                     On-column enrichment and desalting was demonstrated for large sample volumes (>40
137                                   Even after desalting, we show that the choice of matrix still plays
138  enhance mass spectral quality often require desalting, which presents as a bottleneck in matrix-assi
139  rapid digestion, peptide concentration, and desalting while maintaining slow H/D exchange conditions
140 orward workflow without fraction pooling and desalting while showing comparable performance to the ot

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