


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  color vision was measured with the Lanthony desaturated 15-hue technique (expressed as color confusi
2 intestine and liver have comparable roles in desaturating 18:0 and 16:0.
3  to SSI2, four other isozymes are capable of desaturating 18:0-ACP but with greatly reduced specific
4 t the FADS2 gene product can directly Delta4-desaturate 22:5n-3-->22:6n-3 (DHA) and 22:4n-6-->22:5n-6
5 oss of coupling observed for the more slowly desaturated acyl-ACPs was attributed to autoxidation of
6 ulation of CLA isomers and several elongated/desaturated and beta-oxidation metabolites have been fou
7                                           C8-desaturated and C9-methylated glucosylceramide (GlcCer)
8             Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, the desaturated and elongated intermediate of gamma-linoleni
9             Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, the desaturated and elongated intermediate of gamma-linoleni
10  of SCD1 or ELOVL6 results in reduced Delta9 desaturated and reduced 18-carbon non-essential FA respe
11 d protected gallbladder motility function by desaturating bile in mice.
12 se their oxygen payload only when exposed to desaturated blood.
13 ontrast, fat-1 transgenic plants efficiently desaturated both of these fatty acids to the correspondi
14       Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a Delta4-desaturated C22 fatty acid and the limiting highly unsat
15 PR increased ceramide species (saturated and desaturated ceramides); (c) whether physiological hypoxi
16 hromatic (single wavelength) pattern appears desaturated (closer to white) relative to a uniform fiel
17 phingosine bromide (C(12)-dhCCPS) to its 4,5-desaturated counterpart, D-erythro-2-N-[12'-(1''-pyridin
18  the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue and Lanthony desaturated D-15 color vision tests.
19 color vision was assessed using the Lanthony desaturated D-15 panel test.
20 lue-yellow color vision loss on the Lanthony desaturated D-15 test compared with 2 controls (P < .001
21 uced the opposite pattern (choices that were desaturated, darker, and bluer).
22                         The flavin-dependent desaturating dehydrogenase, NadB uses fumarate as an ele
23                            In contrast, most desaturating dehydrogenases are associated with the resp
24 keletal muscle the extent to which myoglobin desaturates (deoxy-Mb) and the extent of this desaturati
25                   The biosynthesis of Delta4-desaturated docosanoid fatty acids 22:6n-3 and 22:5n-6 a
26 abADeltadesAdesB triple mutant was unable to desaturate exogenous stearate and was an UFA auxotroph.
27 tance, there was an increase in scWAT Delta9 desaturated FAs (SCD ratio) and FAs with 18-carbons (Elo
28 tant role in regulating the overall level of desaturated FAs in the cell.
29 , the TAGs in hypoxic cells were enriched in desaturated FAs, suggesting a distinct pathway for TAG a
30 iety of alternative conjugated and delta(12)-desaturated fatty acid products in yeast cells cultured
31                                    Exogenous desaturated fatty acids inhibit Ubp2 degradation resulti
32 s of A. leveillei seeds showed that Delta(5)-desaturated fatty acids were present in both sn-2 and sn
33 saturase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of desaturated fatty acyl-CoAs.
34 essential fatty acids to their elongated and desaturated forms, in vivo.
35 ia or nonspecific interstitial pneumonia who desaturated had a significantly higher mortality than pa
36 nality coefficient, as did samples that were desaturated in steps; such samples were significantly le
37 of the inability of normal skin epidermis to desaturate LA to gamma-linolenic acid, it is transformed
38 ding sites, we applied an in vitro method to desaturate LH-RH receptors by chaotropic agents such as
39 s of a gene family that encodes enzymes that desaturate or hydroxylate lipids.
40 d to reduce pulmonary vascular resistance in desaturated patients (SaO2 < or = 85%) after a fenestrat
41     iNO improved both oxygenation and TPG in desaturated patients after the fenestrated Fontan operat
42  should be considered in clinically unstable desaturated patients after the fenestrated Fontan operat
43 giospecificity when expressed in yeast, with desaturated products found predominantly on phosphatidyl
44 carbons, the label appeared in elongated and desaturated products.
45 y higher mortality than patients who did not desaturate (respective log-rank tests, p = 0.0018, p = 0
46                                    Partially desaturated samples also displayed quadratic concentrati
47 r, for which reduced ability to elongate and desaturate the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and a
48 ormate and yields Compound II, which in turn desaturates the steroid through successive abstraction o
49 a acclimate to low-temperature conditions by desaturating their membrane lipids.
50 11,14-20:4) into membrane lipids but did not desaturate them.
51 om phosphatidylcholine into TAG before being desaturated to 18:3n-3, caused by the high activity of P
52  this intermediate is elongated to C24:5n-3, desaturated to C24:6n-3, and "retroconverted" to DHA via
53  the double bond, and to a lesser extent are desaturated to diene derivatives.
54 apenam, which is subsequently epimerized and desaturated to give a carbapenem in a CarC-mediated reac
55 sn-2 of phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) and was desaturated to linoleoyl-PtdCho.
56     These findings suggest that L-proline is desaturated to pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid prior to upta
57 o the carrier protein PltL and enzymatically desaturated to the pyrrolyl-S-PltL.

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