


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ral immunotherapy and enables safe and rapid desensitisation.
2 xpression and their relative contribution to desensitisation.
3 pha 7 nAChR activation and non-alpha 7 nAChR desensitisation.
4 M 5-hydroxyindole (5-OHi) to reduce receptor desensitisation.
5 id not increase the rate of glycine receptor desensitisation.
6 nological changes corresponded with clinical desensitisation.
7       This was largely due to slower current desensitisation and faster current recovery from desensi
8 amma2 receptors were characterised by slower desensitisation and faster deactivation.
9  (threonine-1172-alanine) showed a defect in desensitisation and underwent a more sustained EGF-induc
10 en, 0.07 +/- 0.008; n = 15), little apparent desensitisation and were also activated by alpha,beta-me
11 nsitisation and faster current recovery from desensitisation, and was mediated by residues facing the
12   We calculated the degree of bronchodilator desensitisation by comparing the dose-response (for maxi
13                      Our primary outcome was desensitisation, defined as negative peanut challenge (1
14 orphism on the development of bronchodilator desensitisation in asthma patients.
15                     OIT successfully induced desensitisation in most children within the study popula
16 of the beta 2-adrenoceptor may influence the desensitisation induced by beta 2-agonists.
17      Consistent with the observed changes in desensitisation kinetics, acidic shifts increased the Gl
18                    This may be the result of desensitisation of 5-HT1D but not 5-HT1B autoreceptors.
19 med to establish the efficacy of OIT for the desensitisation of children with allergy to peanuts.
20 lling the disease causing the cough but also desensitisation of cough pathways.
21 consequence of abl PTK activity and involves desensitisation of signal transduction events stimulated
22 superagonist behaviour was caused by reduced desensitisation of the extrasynaptic-type receptors.
23                                 In contrast, desensitisation of the SR Ca2+ release mechanism with te
24 ed from 1 mM to 100 microM, is mainly due to desensitisation of the SR Ca2+ release mechanism, which
25 st notably the early altered trafficking and desensitisation of Tregs induced by a single ultra-low d
26 s significantly more prone to bronchodilator desensitisation than Arg 16, with the influence of Gly 1
27 expression in tumour promotion, or result in desensitisation to IGF ligand.
28  in response to IGF2, and does not result in desensitisation to IGF2 signalling.
29 used to compare the proportion of those with desensitisation to peanut after 6 months between the act
30  rapidly to identify the mechanisms by which desensitisation to vanilloids occurs.
31 ssive ideation, compulsive repetition, rapid desensitisation to violence, diminished affective reacti
32                         The primary outcome, desensitisation, was recorded for 62% (24 of 39 particip
33 echanisms, namely sensing, sensitisation and desensitisation, which become important when plants in t
34              There was significantly greater desensitisation with Glu 27 than with Gln 27 for maximal
35  (p < 0.05) greater degree of bronchodilator desensitisation with homozygous Gly 16 than with homozyg
36 ponses to P2X agonists showed signs of rapid desensitisation with the peak frequency of discharge bei

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