


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t can be used for in vitro studies is highly desirable.
2 g alternative pathway activation, are highly desirable.
3 complete refactoring of the existing package desirable.
4 , where precise positioning of cold atoms is desirable.
5 ation of novel fast-onset antidepressants is desirable.
6 n interfaces at atomic resolution are highly desirable.
7 d simply in a noncomplex detection scheme is desirable.
8 ly 10000) at short analysis times (10 ms) is desirable.
9 h low cost and high efficiency remain highly desirable.
10               An effective vaccine is highly desirable.
11 s with controlled temporal profile is highly desirable.
12 evels can be maintained over time, is highly desirable.
13 oncern, and new antifungal agents are highly desirable.
14 ctive; thus, automated algorithms are highly desirable.
15 dents reinforce their learning would be thus desirable.
16 ctionality, viability or phenotype is highly desirable.
17 electric state with single-step switching is desirable.
18 of oligothiophene-based COFs would be highly desirable.
19 itive method for MeHg(+) detection is highly desirable.
20 n, a non-enzymatic assembly method is highly desirable.
21 ne-gene relationships and predicting well is desirable.
22 al sex to human remains of any age is highly desirable.
23 pest control approaches are therefore highly desirable.
24 opulation of independent transgenic lines is desirable.
25  temperature, or redox conditions are highly desirable.
26 asonal influenza epidemics and pandemics are desirable.
27 r the obtainment of these synthons is highly desirable.
28 nefit from preventive endografting is highly desirable.
29 iability of essential gene identification is desirable.
30 nsities under heavy load is therefore highly desirable.
31 dwide and new therapeutic targets are highly desirable.
32 r when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable.
33 id field testing of sulfur mustard is highly desirable.
34 ensive and predictable prototyping tools are desirable.
35  chemical compositions and shapes are highly desirable.
36 rains, so that a universal vaccine is highly desirable.
37  this finer level of control would be highly desirable.
38 eas of high-yield cattle production would be desirable.
39 et the dysregulated host response are highly desirable.
40                 A more efficient approach is desirable.
41 ion on drug concentration in heart tissue is desirable.
42 or handling of biological samples, is highly desirable.
43 e, and able to facilitate change where it is desirable.
44 zygote and generate edited animals is highly desirable.
45 tification of additional therapies is highly desirable.
46 irmed that 1:1 and 1:2 complex formation are desirable; 1:1 complex formation was chosen to have high
47                              Although highly desirable, a comprehensive infrared characterization is
48 od with optimal computational complexity and desirable accuracy.
49  the wines, resulting in faded red colour, a desirable achievement in hybrid red wine, which is usual
50 llent predicted CNS drug-like properties and desirable ADME/PK profile.
51 allow teams to quickly assess hit series for desirable ADMET properties or suspected liabilities that
52 ding is thus an advance in developing highly desirable Al-based BMGs, and also provides guidance for
53 ial sector and simultaneously achieve a more desirable allocation of EEC costs.
54 ism has been proposed as a means to separate desirable and adverse drug responses downstream of G pro
55 ffector function of an antibody is often not desirable and can create safety liabilities by activatin
56 ation of C-H bonds represents a particularly desirable and challenging transformation for which no ef
57 rium amnicola Dressler possesses a number of desirable and novel ornamental traits such as a purple-c
58  materials by cross-coupling reactions, many desirable and otherwise difficult-to-access linear E- or
59  adjustment for relevant covariates is often desirable and sometimes necessary to protect against spu
60         Consistent decisions are intuitively desirable and theoretically important for utility maximi
61  main outcomes, the magnitude and balance of desirable and undesirable outcomes, the resources and co
62      Effective control methods are therefore desirable and will be facilitated by a better understand
63  generated P2-Crwn-THF moiety confers highly desirable anti-HIV-1 potency.
64 pyrroline (2-AP) is a key contributor to the desirable aroma of fragrant rice and is also important i
65 nergy-dense liquids, such as formic acid, is desirable as a hydrogen carrier and a chemical feedstock
66   Onsite Cl2 regeneration from HCl is highly desirable as it eliminates the need to buy new Cl2 and d
67 bohydrate-based anti-adhesive strategies are desirable as they may not promote resistance.
68                             This is a highly desirable attribute to distinguish AD from tau pathology
69 g algorithms for achievement of a clinically desirable average steady-state plasma colistin concentra
70 hese were shown to be superior in activating desirable B cells.
71 dentification of advanced leads possessing a desirable balance of excellent in vitro GlyT-1 potency a
72  bulk CsPbI3 (alpha-CsPbI3)-the variant with desirable band gap-is only stable at high temperatures.
73  the entire CD8(+) T-cell population are not desirable because the associated lack of specificity can
74        Based on these findings, we propose a desirable beta-binomial model with a dynamic overdispers
75 ase for generating protein hydrolysates with desirable bioactivities.
76  biology, we can now tailor plant lipids for desirable biological, physical, and chemical properties.
77  study to explore novel TNIK inhibitors with desirable biopharmaceutical properties.
78 lopment requires both functional binding and desirable biophysical characteristics.
79       Disrupting the BTB is therefore highly desirable but complicated by the need to maintain the no
80 of its molecular functionalization is highly desirable but not accessible by conventional ensemble ex
81 ning liquid optical micro-devices are highly desirable but remain extremely challenging because of th
82  the evolution of distinctive TMSs is highly desirable but remains challenging to date.
83 that can capture those pollutants are highly desirable but scarcely reported.
84 ctural motifs from simple building blocks is desirable but still challenging.
85 o flexible fibre-based systems is clinically desirable, but is challenging due to polarisation-alteri
86                Reversible complementation is desirable, but photodissociation has too low of an effic
87 t liquid/liquid interfaces, maintain all the desirable characteristics of each liquid, while providin
88 ative or acetylated, did not form films with desirable characteristics.
89 nomer units represent an unknown, yet highly desirable class of nanoscale materials.
90 th a benchmark turnover number of 1330 and a desirable CO/H2 ratio of 1:2 could be attained from phot
91 pentine path provides the basis for a highly desirable combination of ultrahigh sensitivity and SLIM
92 tion with host cell receptors, making them a desirable component of a sterilizing vaccine.
93 mmendations after considering the balance of desirable consequences (benefits) versus undesirable con
94 tion while preserving the quantum dot in the desirable cubic crystal phase.
95 owever, the promise is hampered by a lack of desirable delivery systems.
96                         Gel formulations are desirable due to the ease of application, spreading and
97 t would build and maintain the resilience of desirable ecosystem conditions, for example, by preventi
98  to provide stable organized structures with desirable electronic properties.
99  development of hybrid porous materials with desirable electronic structures.
100  positive electrode (cathode) materials with desirable energy and power capabilities.
101 1-4 scale with higher scores indicating more desirable environmental stimulation.
102 ut improvement of their in vivo tolerance is desirable, especially to prevent potential long term sid
103 , we find that homoconjugated dimers display desirable excited-state dynamics, with significantly red
104     High nutrient conditions showed the most desirable FA profile for health, along with the highest
105 s-fed cows is driven, in part, by their more desirable fatty acid (FA) profile, containing more n-3 F
106 dered as potential nutritious oil due to its desirable fatty acid composition and other biological ac
107  human alpha7 nAChR relative to alpha-GID, a desirable feature for alpha-GID analogs.
108 tenuates virus growth in animals, which is a desirable feature for the development of safer and genet
109 forward model, thereby preserving all of the desirable features of those models.
110 lcined, lithium titanate hydrates can be the desirable final destination.Water is usually not favorab
111 asibility of adding tomato essence to impart desirable flavor attributes to processed tomato products
112 ng of wild animals provides them with highly desirable foods.
113    A rapidly growing bacterial host would be desirable for a range of routine applications in molecul
114             Tetraarylmethane derivatives are desirable for a variety of applications, but difficult t
115          Ultra-high temperature ceramics are desirable for applications in the hypersonic vehicle, ro
116 s are clinically variable, making biomarkers desirable for assessing future disease risk, supporting
117    Red-shifted bioluminescence reporters are desirable for biological imaging.
118  Identification of cell wall characteristics desirable for biorefining applications is crucial for li
119 ed on earth-abundant sodium metal anodes are desirable for both stationary and portable electrical en
120 arbamates possess physicochemical properties desirable for CNS therapeutics.
121  Anderson-Mott localization and which is not desirable for conventional device applications.
122 ecially, flexible SERS substrates are highly desirable for daily-life applications, such as real-time
123 n migration with atomic resolution is highly desirable for designing novel devices such as oxidation
124 rlying changes in membrane properties and is desirable for e.g. studies involving model membranes and
125  normal balance of bone remodeling is highly desirable for identification of better treatment.
126                      Achieving higher SAR is desirable for improved zeolite (hydro)thermal stability
127 ilms with controllable properties are highly desirable for improving battery performance.
128 ns with sub-20 nm feature sizes is immensely desirable for many existing and emerging technologies.
129 perties and reduced dimensionality is always desirable for material innovation.
130 meability through porous membranes is highly desirable for membrane applications.
131 ever, up to now, wavelength tuning, which is desirable for most applications, has relied on external
132 at are capable of binary temporal coding are desirable for multilevel anti-counterfeiting.
133 duced pill burden and fewer side-effects are desirable for people living with HIV.
134 nt and long carrier lifetime, which are also desirable for photocatalysts.
135 ug resistant human cancer cells, making them desirable for potential medical applications.
136 ontrolled, localized drug delivery is highly desirable for potentially minimizing the systemic toxici
137 approach using modified cellulosic fibers is desirable for purification of natural water.
138 t a broad range of New World arenaviruses is desirable for purposes of simplicity, cost, and broad pr
139              Highly deformable materials are desirable for the fabrication of stretchable implants an
140 ombining physical and nutritional properties desirable for the food industry.
141 drogen for use as a renewable fuel is highly desirable for the world's future energy infrastructure.
142          Molecular piezoelectrics are highly desirable for their easy and environment-friendly proces
143 ocatalysts with low platinum consumption are desirable for use as cathode material during the oxygen
144  of non-spherical polymeric nanoparticles is desirable for various applications, but has had limited
145 ility makes spider major ampullate (MA) silk desirable for various biomimetic and synthetic applicati
146 f lutein retention through the food chain is desirable for wheat breeding.
147 nd flow of (129)Xe over larger distances are desirable for wider applications.
148 doping in FeOOH nanostructures constitutes a desirable four-electron pathway for reversible oxygen ev
149 tain supramolecular polymeric materials with desirable functionality.
150 edesigning proteins, so as to maintain their desirable functions while reducing the risk of potential
151  v/v/v) as extraction cocktail could achieve desirable gathering of demanded extracts from plasma sam
152 hibition of multiple oncogenic pathways is a desirable goal in cancer therapy.
153 ng visible light is a highly challenging yet desirable goal in organic synthesis.
154                Thus, biofilm prevention is a desirable goal of antimicrobial research.
155 henolic content of cereal foods while adding desirable guava flavour.
156 hould be thoroughly worked out for achieving desirable health benefits.
157 nd higher on/off ratios, without sacrificing desirable high hole mobilities.
158 the presence of the MF and this leads to the desirable high sensitivity of the structure to the appli
159 nce in the estimated effects, the balance of desirable (i.e., benefits) and undesirable (i.e., harms
160                                        It is desirable if females die early in development as larval
161                         In many cases, it is desirable if the magnitude of the signal correlates with
162 toring enzymatic function in cells is highly desirable in applications ranging from ex vivo cellular
163 to stain, fix, lyse, or fluorescent-tags are desirable in basic stem cell technology and therapeutic
164 sitivity and molecular specificity is highly desirable in biomedical research.
165 rence (EMI)-shielding performance are highly desirable in fields of aerospace, portable electronics,
166                  High coherence of lasers is desirable in high-speed, high-resolution, and wide-field
167 ersible self-actuation of smart membranes is desirable in large-scale, reversible self-regulation rem
168 definite periods of time, which might not be desirable in light of human therapeutic application.
169 ormance terahertz polarization conversion is desirable in many fields, such as terahertz spectroscopy
170 ing ribosomes in multicellular organisms are desirable in mechanistic investigations of the cell biol
171 tions either, an effective vaccine is highly desirable in preventing HCV (re)infection.
172 ristic in vivo features are therefore highly desirable in regenerative medicine.
173                         Three attributes are desirable in software used for visualizing GEMs: (i) aut
174                           Greater control is desirable in the stochastic conjugation technology used
175     Detection of nanoscale objects is highly desirable in various fields such as early-stage disease
176         Besides being nontoxic and specific, desirable labelling probes should be highly cell permeab
177 particles to integrate together and generate desirable macroscale anisotropic properties.
178      A metasurface can manipulate light in a desirable manner by imparting local and space-variant ab
179 monoliths (NDP-ACMs) have long been the most desirable materials for supercapacitors.
180 that it is easily calculable and has several desirable mathematical properties.
181 or some given applications, a combination of desirable mechanical properties including stiffness, str
182          Silks are remarkable materials with desirable mechanical properties, yet the fine details of
183 iamonds (ND) present a unique combination of desirable mechanical, functional, and chemical character
184 ability to achieve controlled fabrication of desirable nanostructures, such as nanoribbons and nanodo
185             Extending the spectrum is highly desirable, not only to strengthen our understanding of t
186 od selectivity, two-signal response, and the desirable OFF-ON fluorescence response.
187                                              Desirable oil characteristics and resistance to the fung
188 n the optimal range of 0.9-1.6 eV but also a desirable optical absorption spectrum that is comparable
189 teration of meat and meat products with less desirable or objectionable meat species is important not
190           Graft loss at 1 year was the least desirable outcome (mean preference value, 0.0:95% confid
191 osite quality measurement, which comprises a desirable outcome for elective aneurysm surgery, called
192      Harmonization of diagnostic approach is desirable, particularly with regard to a minimum NMBA pa
193                   Sulfidation may also favor desirable pathways of contaminant removal, such as (i) d
194            Various dielectric materials with desirable permittivity and dielectric breakdown strength
195  CsPbI3 QDs, and the CsPbI3 QDs maintain the desirable perovskite phase when the concentration of the
196 d high binding affinity for amyloid-beta and desirable pharmacokinetics in the preclinical studies.
197 ible covalent binding mechanism imparts many desirable pharmacological benefits including high potenc
198  great promise for stabilizing and promoting desirable phase formation to achieve optimized physical
199 al properties delivered chemical probes with desirable potency, selectivity, and permeability attribu
200 ight absorption, high quantum efficiency and desirable power conversion efficiency (PCE) and still ex
201 ms underpinning economic traits, and provide desirable prediction accuracy for quantitative traits, w
202 lic engineering of microorganisms to produce desirable products on an industrial scale can result in
203 t are enriched in substances possessing less desirable properties (high lipophilicity, low polar surf
204 he results show that the proposed method has desirable properties and outperform the previously used
205           Alternatives to redistricting with desirable properties and performance are possible and sh
206  multifunctional NPs theoretically have many desirable properties as gene vectors, there are several
207     The salicylanilide anthelmintics exhibit desirable properties for repositioning as anti-C. diffic
208 c acid (DHCA) functionalized IONPs that have desirable properties for T2 - weighted MRI, with bone ma
209                             CDs possess many desirable properties for this purpose, such as inexpensi
210  improved cell wall digestibility, which are desirable properties in biomass development for the emer
211  used for over forty years, because of their desirable properties in dentistry.
212 orithms, and it satisfies many theoretically desirable properties in idealised networks designed to m
213 series of Li-containing foils inheriting the desirable properties of alloy anodes and pure metal anod
214                                  Many of the desirable properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
215 itional inorganic materials with many of the desirable properties of organic plastics, including mech
216                      These unique and highly desirable properties of the anisotropic transparent film
217 wiring may confer bacteria with the intended desirable properties, such approaches may also collatera
218                              It also has the desirable property of requiring a node with a high centr
219 the ZIKV-3'UTR-LAV vaccine candidates have a desirable safety profile.
220 t with sucrose and another context with less-desirable salt.
221  using multiple processors, thereby enabling desirable scaling for future transcriptome Big Data plat
222  energy and elevating the resonator into its desirable second-order resonance operation.
223 e initial dehydrogenated product undergoes a desirable secondary reaction.
224                                       It has desirable sensitivity (0.02340+/-0.0001) microM(-1), e
225          These devices were found to exhibit desirable sensitivity of 7.86mAmuM(-1)cm(-2) in wide co
226  and low-GI biscuit without jeopardizing its desirable sensorial properties.
227  process in order to develop a beverage with desirable sensory characteristic and high antioxidant ca
228 l reefs), signaling the upstream location of desirable settlement habitat.
229 g galvanostatic measurements, resulting in a desirable single plateau for the triangular macrocycle.
230 the availability of gametes from genetically desirable sires.
231                          PLGA-b-PEG NPs with desirable size, polydispersity, and drug loading were us
232 indered intramolecular rotations, leading to desirable solid-state luminescence properties.
233 tal betacyanin, respectively; while the most desirable solvent extraction process resulted in a relat
234 de lasers with high output powers are highly desirable sources for various applications including inf
235 d (3) have an ability to promote recovery of desirable species but are unlikely to either experience
236 ce surface and a homogeneous GO overlay with desirable stability, repeatability and durability.
237 ortant issue to address is how stable is the desirable state against random perturbations.
238 ortality are currently in or trending toward desirable states: extensiveness of stock assessments, st
239 s a well-established alternative method with desirable statistical properties.
240 ent (TME) also represents an immunologically desirable strategy for reversing immunosuppression and e
241 can be transferred and assembled onto a more desirable substrate but have not shown high performance
242 tanding form and can be transferred onto any desirable substrate.
243 lk n-InGaN with low In content x is the most desirable system, having electron-accepting and -donatin
244 or peptide enrichment or the introduction of desirable tags.
245  precise cross-sectional surveillance with a desirable temporal range of incidence detection.
246                                   It is thus desirable that classical users are able to obtain guaran
247                                        It is desirable that the community shares design patterns and
248 a small fluorescence reporter is required or desirable, the choice of fluorophores is rather limited.
249   While there is no doubt that prevention is desirable, the evidence of the benefits of early interve
250 Thus, islet ACE2 upregulation is viewed as a desirable therapeutic goal.
251 pregulated in the failing heart, making them desirable therapeutic targets.
252 mal energy from temperature gradients in the desirable through-thickness direction.
253                         However, it would be desirable to achieve a more selective targeting of Hsp90
254   For many device applications, it is highly desirable to achieve not only high reflectivity and low
255 Accurate detection of the most active GIP is desirable to assess the potential celiac toxicity of foo
256 ion images of substrate displacements, it is desirable to be able to reconstruct small-scale, compact
257                      Therefore, it is highly desirable to be able to study the rates of folding of tw
258              In cellular metabolomics, it is desirable to carry out metabolomic profiling using a sma
259           Moreover, a unified system is also desirable to compare the indel calling results produced
260                In this context, it is highly desirable to control this entropy-costly process using t
261            For practical applications, it is desirable to create in situ catalysts on the carbon fibe
262                           To this end, it is desirable to develop suitable and effective platforms in
263                Enhanced thermal stability is desirable to enable the use of higher processing tempera
264 ested as an adsorbent; however, a support is desirable to ensure a high surface area and an immobile
265             For a variety of purposes, it is desirable to expand the natural repertoire by changing t
266                                  It would be desirable to generalize the classical approach and show
267 talysts based on earth-abundant elements are desirable to generate hydrogen and oxygen as fuels from
268                                   It is thus desirable to have a unified system for identifying and r
269                     It is, therefore, highly desirable to have an efficient purification system with
270                                  Thus, it is desirable to have countermeasures to reverse a drive if
271             After evaluating a design, it is desirable to implement changes without the cost and burd
272 e compatible with MALDI-MSI and histology is desirable to increase the breadth of analyte(s), maintai
273  of neutrophil migration across epithelia is desirable to interrogate the underlying mechanisms of ne
274 signed and tunable degree of unsaturation is desirable to maximize process efficiency and product ver
275 nd its isolation from waste streams is often desirable to maximize profits.
276 ts yields with minimum color degradation are desirable to maximize quality and profits.
277 Identifying children ready for extubation is desirable to minimize morbidity and mortality associated
278 her than kill all bacteria, it would be more desirable to modulate the oral biofilm compositions via
279 uel cells, electrolysis and catalysis, it is desirable to obtain a better understanding of their surf
280 ny optoelectronic device applications, it is desirable to obtain the photoresponse and positional sen
281          A quantitative imaging biomarker is desirable to provide a comprehensive measure of whole-bo
282 DP writing committee judged that it would be desirable to provide a focused update to help guide clin
283                            It is thus highly desirable to rationally tailor the reaction interface to
284 eir streamlined coupling process, are highly desirable to reduce the processing cost and complexity o
285 ic information on these rare cells is highly desirable to support clinicians and researchers alike to
286                           Such materials are desirable to synthesize integrated and adaptive material
287  of neuronal correlations, it is furthermore desirable to target cross-areal recordings to neuronal s
288                               Although it is desirable to understand how to tailor the macromolecular
289 in biochemical and biophysical assays, it is desirable to understand the influence of DMSO concentrat
290 onaqueous biocatalysis is rapidly becoming a desirable tool for chemical and fuel synthesis in both t
291 of-season frost, early flowering is a highly desirable trait for chickpea (Cicer arietinum).
292         The variation and novelty of various desirable traits seen in these previously uncharacterise
293 with prolonged source activity are among the desirable traits to further increase the yield potential
294 ha-olefins under mild conditions is a highly desirable transformation given the abundance of alkanes
295               We demonstrate empirically the desirable type I error and power characteristics of the
296  rouxii as starter cultures is essential for desirable volatiles production during moromi stage of so
297 nce in cell populations across FC samples is desirable when extracting features uniformly and compari
298                     Faces were less socially desirable when sick, and sick body odors tended to lower
299 romosome engineering producing agronomically desirable WSMV-resistant germplasm.
300 NA, RNA, and peptide therapeutics are highly desirable yet remain underdeveloped for cancer theranost

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