


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ve not recently been systematically assessed despite advances in antiretroviral treatment (ART) poten
2                                              Despite advances in antiviral chemotherapy, herpes simpl
3                                     However, despite advances in AON chemistry and design, systemic u
4                                              Despite advances in available immunosuppressive treatmen
5                                              Despite advances in betaIV-spectrin research in the nerv
6                                              Despite advances in cancer treatment over the past few d
7                                              Despite advances in cardiac arrest treatment, high morta
8 ival following sudden cardiac arrest is poor despite advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and th
9                                              Despite advances in care, mortality and morbidity remain
10                                              Despite advances in care, the mortality rate in patients
11  by cumulative toxicity and limited efficacy despite advances in chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeuti
12                                              Despite advances in chemotherapy and vaccine development
13                                      Purpose Despite advances in childhood cancer care, some patients
14                                              Despite advances in childhood pneumonia management, it r
15                                              Despite advances in clinical imaging, detection and quan
16                                              Despite advances in clinical management, 5-year survival
17                                              Despite advances in clinical management, there are curre
18                                              Despite advances in clinical therapy, metastasis remains
19                                              Despite advances in combination chemotherapy, the overal
20 ients present with advanced disease in which despite advances in combined modality therapy the outcom
21                                              Despite advances in complex wound management, appropriat
22                                              Despite advances in defining the critical molecular dete
23                                              Despite advances in detection and cytotoxic therapies, a
24                                              Despite advances in detection, comprehensive clinical, p
25                                              Despite advances in developing novel treatment modalitie
26                                              Despite advances in device design, there remains an appa
27                                              Despite advances in diagnosis and the use of different t
28                                              Despite advances in diagnosis and therapy, esophageal ad
29 onary embolism confers a high mortality rate despite advances in diagnosis and therapy.
30                                              Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, prostate ca
31                                              Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, survival ra
32                                              Despite advances in diagnostic techniques, it remains di
33                                              Despite advances in diagnostics, less than 5% of patient
34                                              Despite advances in DNA sequencing technology, assembly
35                                              Despite advances in endovascular drug delivery, there is
36                                              Despite advances in formation of highly enantioenriched
37                                              Despite advances in genetic mapping of quantitative trai
38 reatment algorithms have been rewritten and, despite advances in hematopoietic stem cell transplantat
39                                              Despite advances in high-throughput detection, the inert
40                                              Despite advances in high-throughput methods for discover
41                                              Despite advances in high-throughput sequencing, marine m
42                                              Despite advances in hospital management in recent years,
43                                              Despite advances in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) t
44                                              Despite advances in hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) catalys
45                                     However, despite advances in identifying and characterizing CD133
46                                              Despite advances in identifying deafness genes, determin
47 ese soft-tissue lesions remains problematic, despite advances in imaging.
48 uences allograft function over the long term despite advances in immunosuppression therapy.
49                                              Despite advances in immunosuppression, antibody-mediated
50                                              Despite advances in immunosuppressive therapies, the rat
51                                              Despite advances in interventional techniques, diabetes
52 ) and other rheumatic diseases remains poor, despite advances in knowledge with regard to their patho
53                                              Despite advances in laboratory molecular-based detection
54                                              Despite advances in lithotripsy technology, bleeding con
55                                              Despite advances in live animal imaging with PAT, there
56                                              Despite advances in macromolecular structure determinati
57 nd mortality in critically ill patients, and despite advances in management, mortality remains high.
58                                              Despite advances in management, VGF remains one of the l
59                                              Despite advances in mechanical ventilation for ARDS, man
60  is a major cause of morbidity and mortality despite advances in medical and device therapy.
61 sease (CD) patients is still currently valid despite advances in medical and surgical treatments.
62                                              Despite advances in medical care, preterm birth and its
63                                              Despite advances in medical device fabrication and antim
64                                              Despite advances in medical management, the survival rat
65                                              Despite advances in medical therapies to help prevent th
66                                              Despite advances in medical therapy and percutaneous rev
67                                              Despite advances in medical therapy, congestive heart fa
68                                              Despite advances in medical therapy, HF continues to be
69                                              Despite advances in medical therapy, liver replacement c
70 c death remains a leading cause of mortality despite advances in medical treatment for the prevention
71                                              Despite advances in medical, percutaneous, and surgical
72 he general population is still not confirmed despite advances in medicine.
73                                              Despite advances in metabolite profiling, a full picture
74                                              Despite advances in modeling the risks of this toxic and
75                                              Despite advances in modern medicine, there are few optio
76                                              Despite advances in molecular diagnostics, the ability t
77                                              Despite advances in monitoring spatiotemporal expression
78                           PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Despite advances in multimodality therapy, the overall 5
79                                              Despite advances in multimodality therapy, the prognosis
80                                     However, despite advances in nanowire synthesis, progress towards
81                                              Despite advances in neurobiological understanding of res
82                                              Despite advances in neuroimaging, there are currently li
83                                              Despite advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) and
84                                              Despite advances in obstetrics and neonatology, the rate
85                                              Despite advances in oncology drug development, most comm
86                                              Despite advances in operative technique and perioperativ
87 horacic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm despite advances in operative technique.
88                                              Despite advances in organometallic cross-coupling of alk
89                                              Despite advances in our understanding and management of
90                                              Despite advances in our understanding of E7, reagents th
91                                          Yet despite advances in our understanding of evolution, what
92                                              Despite advances in our understanding of GRP78 actions,
93                                              Despite advances in our understanding of mechano- and th
94  causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide despite advances in our understanding of pathophysiology
95                                         Yet, despite advances in our understanding of productivity at
96                                              Despite advances in our understanding of the mechanisms
97 itherto defied all attempts at reproduction, despite advances in our understanding of the molecular m
98 se has undergone little change in many years despite advances in our understanding of the pathogenesi
99                                              Despite advances in our understanding of the ways in whi
100                                              Despite advances in perioperative care of the recipient,
101 y suffer substantial morbidity and mortality despite advances in perioperative care, whereas patients
102                                              Despite advances in pharmacological treatments aimed at
103                                              Despite advances in pharmacotherapy and stents, reinfarc
104                                              Despite advances in physicochemical remediation technolo
105                                              Despite advances in prevention and treatment, sexually t
106                                              Despite advances in preventive, diagnostic, and therapeu
107                                              Despite advances in promoting axonal regeneration after
108                                              Despite advances in prophylaxis and treatment, cytomegal
109                                              Despite advances in quantitative biology, full parameter
110                                              Despite advances in recent methods conducted on large da
111                                              Despite advances in renal replacement therapy, the morta
112                                              Despite advances in reperfusion therapy, acute coronary
113                                              Despite advances in resolution accompanying the developm
114                                              Despite advances in resting state functional magnetic re
115  out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remains high despite advances in resuscitation and early revasculariz
116                                              Despite advances in resuscitation care in recent years,
117                                              Despite advances in resuscitation methods, survival afte
118                                              Despite advances in resuscitation science, basic life su
119                                              Despite advances in resuscitation science, basic life su
120                                              Despite advances in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment,
121 n rheumatoid arthritis has remained stagnant despite advances in rheumatoid arthritis and heart failu
122                                              Despite advances in ribosome structural biology, identif
123                                              Despite advances in search technology, users prefer retr
124                                              Despite advances in sequence-based microbial profiling a
125                                              Despite advances in sequencing technology, discovering r
126 f bacterial genomes remains labor-intensive, despite advances in sequencing technology.
127                                              Despite advances in sequencing, the goal of obtaining a
128 te for the detection of obstructive CAD and, despite advances in SPECT technology, remains superior.
129 ion (PCI) for ACS remains a clinical problem despite advances in stent technology in both bare-metal
130                                              Despite advances in support and the development of novel
131 th unacceptably high morbidity and mortality despite advances in supportive care measures and bacteri
132                                              Despite advances in supportive care, fulminant-phase inh
133                                              Despite advances in supportive therapy to prevent compli
134                                              Despite advances in surgery and radiation, most malignan
135                                              Despite advances in surgery, imaging, chemotherapy, and
136                                              Despite advances in surgery, radiation therapy, and chem
137 as not significantly changed in two decades, despite advances in surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy
138                                              Despite advances in surgery, radiotherapy, and chemother
139                                              Despite advances in surgical and medical management of p
140                                              Despite advances in surgical and medical therapies, appr
141                                              Despite advances in surgical and percutaneous coronary r
142                                              Despite advances in surgical chemotherapeutic and radiot
143 male cancer-related morbidity and mortality, despite advances in surgical management and innovations
144 f lost periodontium remains an elusive goal, despite advances in surgical procedures and materials.
145                                              Despite advances in surgical technique and material, pos
146                                              Despite advances in surgical technique and multimodality
147  duodenal cancer mortality rates remain high despite advances in surgical technique, perioperative ca
148                                              Despite advances in the chemical synthesis of alpha-syn
149                                              Despite advances in the curative treatment of acute myel
150                                              Despite advances in the diagnosis and management of idio
151                                              Despite advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Clost
152                                              Despite advances in the diagnosis and treatment of IR, n
153                                              Despite advances in the diagnosis and treatment of SAH,
154                                              Despite advances in the field of lung transplantation, t
155                                              Despite advances in the field, the development of precis
156                                              Despite advances in the gene annotation process, the fun
157                                              Despite advances in the gene-set enrichment analysis met
158                                              Despite advances in the identification of ASD risk genes
159                                              Despite advances in the identification of genomic and mo
160                                              Despite advances in the identification of lymphoid-restr
161                                              Despite advances in the identification of novel gene mut
162                                              Despite advances in the management of myeloablative allo
163                                              Despite advances in the management of non-small-cell lun
164                                              Despite advances in the management of osteosarcoma (OSA)
165                                              Despite advances in the management of rectal cancer, loc
166                                              Despite advances in the management of sepsis and acute r
167                                              Despite advances in the management of sickle cell diseas
168                                              Despite advances in the management of this disease, the
169                                              Despite advances in the methods for discovery of putativ
170                                              Despite advances in the miniaturization of solid-phase e
171                                              Despite advances in the molecular biology of cardiac myo
172                                              Despite advances in the molecular epidemiology of C. neo
173                                              Despite advances in the molecular genetics of these two
174                                              Despite advances in the molecular pathogenesis of gliobl
175 ldren and adolescents with rheumatic disease despite advances in the pharmacological management of th
176                                              Despite advances in the prophylaxis and acute treatment
177                                              Despite advances in the sensitivity of silicon photonic
178                                              Despite advances in the study of molecular biology of ca
179                                              Despite advances in the therapeutic use of recombinant g
180                                              Despite advances in the treatment of asthma, optimizatio
181                                              Despite advances in the treatment of bipolar disorder, a
182                                              Despite advances in the treatment of HIV, HIV-infected p
183                                              Despite advances in the treatment of schizophrenia spect
184                                              Despite advances in the understanding of pathways regula
185                                              Despite advances in therapeutics, renal damage in partic
186                                              Despite advances in therapy for heart failure, improveme
187                                              Despite advances in therapy, many patients with systemic
188                                              Despite advances in therapy, morbidity and mortality fro
189                                              Despite advances in therapy, nearly 30% of children with
190                                              Despite advances in therapy, patients with a histologic
191                                              Despite advances in therapy, patients with a histologic
192 remains a substantial and increasing problem despite advances in therapy.
193                                              Despite advances in this area, further research is neede
194                                              Despite advances in treatment and prognosis of non-small
195 g retinoblastoma with seeding is challenging despite advances in treatment modalities.
196                                              Despite advances in treatment of both cardiovascular and
197                                              Despite advances in treatment of DKA, the pathogenesis o
198                                              Despite advances in treatment strategies for hepatitis C
199                                              Despite advances in treatment, including the introductio
200                                              Despite advances in treatment, mortality in acute myocar
201                                              Despite advances in treatment, there was little evidence
202                                              Despite advances in trimer design, the roots of Env trim
203                                              Despite advances in understanding how ATM signals cell c
204                                              Despite advances in understanding its immunopathogenesis
205                                     However, despite advances in understanding murine Th17 differenti
206                                              Despite advances in understanding of ALS disease progres
207                                              Despite advances in understanding of the disease, it rem
208                                              Despite advances in understanding the cell biology of gl
209 major challenges in diagnosis and management despite advances in understanding the epidemiology, micr
210                                              Despite advances in understanding the molecular basis of
211  stress have recently been demonstrated, but despite advances in understanding the pathogenesis, ther
212                                              Despite advances in understanding the pathophysiology of
213                                              Despite advances in understanding the pathophysiology of
214                                              Despite advances in understanding the patterns and proce
215                                              Despite advances in understanding the role of histone de
216 ment in outcomes seen in more than 2 decades despite advances in upfront therapy and improved surviva
217                                              Despite advances in urban ecology, we do not adequately
218                                              Despite advances in ventilatory management, FC remains a
219                                              Despite advances in X-ray information, the organization

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