


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 c resonance imaging as clinically indicated, despite the fact that 19 of these 20 patients were under
2                                     However, despite the fact that 2.1 million women in the United St
3  0.65 to 1.00; P=0.05 by the log-rank test), despite the fact that 41% of the patients in group 1 cro
4                                              Despite the fact that 5-LO(-/-) mice exhibited faster he
5                            Here we show that despite the fact that 71% of the world's coastlines are
6 de sequences in the current public databases despite the fact that a close relative, sorghum, is full
7                                              Despite the fact that a great majority (>90%) of patient
8                                     However, despite the fact that a large number of genetically dive
9                                              Despite the fact that a large proportion of patients wit
10 ervical SCI-induced neuropathic pain models, despite the fact that a major portion of SCI patients su
11                                              Despite the fact that a majority of AAVs utilize sialic
12                                              Despite the fact that a majority of adeno-associated vir
13                                              Despite the fact that a variety of factors or 'batch eff
14 sed on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM), despite the fact that a wide range of other thermorespon
15                                              Despite the fact that Abeta, tau, and alpha-synuclein (a
16                                              Despite the fact that abnormal nuclear morphology has lo
17 n about the development of these structures, despite the fact that abnormalities can result in variou
18                                              Despite the fact that abundant experiments investigating
19                                              Despite the fact that acute cases of multiple sclerosis
20                                              Despite the fact that AEKO mice on HFD display increased
21                               AND RELEVANCE: Despite the fact that African American patients are more
22                                              Despite the fact that all IL-33 agonists were IRF-3 depe
23 rger particles are relatively enriched in FC despite the fact that all particles are created by solub
24 tially interact with other bacterial clamps, despite the fact that all pockets are structurally simil
25 s effect was abolished by cholinergic losses despite the fact that all rats continued to orient to th
26                         Our data showed that despite the fact that all tissue culture models lack a f
27 e physiological role of alpha3 is not known, despite the fact that alpha3 expression is concentrated
28                                              Despite the fact that alveolar macrophages play an impor
29                                              Despite the fact that androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)
30                                              Despite the fact that anthrax is an ancient and emerging
31                                              Despite the fact that apoptotic mechanisms are well defi
32                                              Despite the fact that approximately 85% of bariatric ope
33                                              Despite the fact that approximately only one-third of la
34                                          But despite the fact that, as expected, postextinction singl
35                                              Despite the fact that ASF-substituted GF cookies had inf
36                                              Despite the fact that assessment of right ventricular lo
37                                              Despite the fact that autophagy plays critical roles in
38  transport within and between fruit tissues, despite the fact that auxin regulates many aspects of fr
39 ferentially formed synapses with each other, despite the fact that axons and dendrites of all orienta
40                                              Despite the fact that binge alcohol drinking (intake res
41 tion (tDCS) use stimulus intensities of 2 mA despite the fact that blinding has not been formally val
42 is widely perceived as nearly incompressible despite the fact that blood and lymphatic vessels within
43 me to bypass leading strand template damage, despite the fact that both enzymes are shown to be inter
44  heavy chain (HC).HA and HC.TSG-6 complexes, despite the fact that both IalphaI and TSG-6 are ligands
45 t K(+), primarily to the exclusion of Na(+), despite the fact that both ions can bind within the sele
46 ) ) mutations increased DegU phosphorylation despite the fact that both mutants had wild type numbers
47 ty to efficiently bud from human cell lines, despite the fact that both parental and maRAVV VP40s bud
48                                              Despite the fact that both these cytokine combinations r
49 thway inhibition in between TGFbeta and BMP, despite the fact that both use (or could compete) for th
50 ession of a c-Myc-dependent reporter plasmid despite the fact that c-Myc-Max heterodimers remained in
51 50 fs laser pulses at a wavelength of 390 nm despite the fact that C153 was incarcerated within an OA
52                                              Despite the fact that C4b-binding protein, factor H, and
53 U are packaged into 22-nm-diameter particles despite the fact that CCMV CP prefers to form 28-nm-diam
54 glutathione, the principal nonprotein thiol, despite the fact that cellular protein thiols are more a
55 ishment more than doubles cooperation rates, despite the fact that children are rarely willing to exe
56                                     However, despite the fact that closely related colicin-like bacte
57                                              Despite the fact that cngc4 mutants display almost ident
58  a broad range of severe cognitive deficits, despite the fact that concerns have been raised about in
59 ons similarly regardless of when they occur, despite the fact that contributions to ozone formation m
60                                              Despite the fact that courtship has been investigated fo
61  had purple-colored leaves and pink flowers, despite the fact that cv Mitchell lacks the functional R
62                                              Despite the fact that DAH is still growing, albeit minim
63                 Degus remained synchronised, despite the fact that day and night-time lighting system
64 omoter and reduces CaMKII expression in NAc, despite the fact that DeltaFosB is induced under these c
65 of acetylcholine from inferotemporal cortex, despite the fact that depletion of acetylcholine from in
66                                     However, despite the fact that depression is two times as likely
67 ular software program for NMR data analysis, despite the fact that development of the package by its
68 fungi colonizing plants was broadly similar, despite the fact that different plants contained differe
69 e characterized by region-specific toxicity, despite the fact that disease-linked proteins are genera
70                                              Despite the fact that dissolved organic matter (DOM) con
71                                              Despite the fact that disulfide cross-linking is a promi
72                                              Despite the fact that DNA polymerases have been investig
73                                  In summary, despite the fact that dopaminergic VTA-PFC projections e
74                                              Despite the fact that dysfunction within the hypothalami
75 ate virtually identical, synchronized output despite the fact that each neuron uses distinct conducta
76                                              Despite the fact that elderly patients have more intensi
77  Ets1, but not Ets2, can block ASC formation despite the fact that Ets1 and Ets2 bind to apparently i
78 s suggest that coherent effects play a role, despite the fact that exciton states near the band botto
79                                              Despite the fact that existing CASTNET sites are not inf
80                                              Despite the fact that existing classes of these highly i
81 c insects than the combination of Cu and Zn, despite the fact that exposure concentrations represente
82                          This delay occurred despite the fact that EZH2 inhibition did not prevent th
83            Finally, we provide evidence that despite the fact that FAK is in the active, open conform
84                                              Despite the fact that FcRgamma(-) and NKG2C(bright) NK c
85                       This paradigm persists despite the fact that foundational theory in ecology dem
86                                              Despite the fact that functionalized planar chiral [2.2]
87                                              Despite the fact that fungal diseases are a growing mena
88                                              Despite the fact that genitourinary defects are among th
89                                              Despite the fact that glutamine is a nonessential amino
90 ty gossip, rather than their own experience, despite the fact that gossip is error-prone.
91                                     However, despite the fact that >5 million Americans are affected
92                                              Despite the fact that halogenation of alkenes has been k
93 onclude that there is likely no such effect, despite the fact that Healy et al. followed the best pra
94                                              Despite the fact that hundreds of genes are known to aff
95  evidence of effective treatment strategies, despite the fact that imbalances at vulnerable phases in
96  minorities are genetically underrepresented despite the fact that in several minority populations li
97 script does not exist in Aplysia californica despite the fact that inhibitors of PKMzeta erase memory
98                                              Despite the fact that iNKT cells are a rare cell populat
99 owever, have focused on the apical membrane, despite the fact that ion transport across respiratory e
100 ion is not widely studied in the literature, despite the fact that it allows for facile integration o
101  enhancement of the affinity for malic acid, despite the fact that it has fewer recognition features
102 he 356-amino acid short Nxf1(sNxf1) protein, despite the fact that it is a prime candidate for nonsen
103 nd thyroxine (T4) in aquatic wildlife exists despite the fact that it is a sensitive endpoint of cont
104  corneal embryogenesis is poorly understood, despite the fact that it is the basis for the formation
105 in is without H3S10 phosphorylation activity despite the fact that it localizes properly to polytene
106 ide, however, has never been fully resolved, despite the fact that it was discovered in 1961--a fact
107 es further safety testing in normal rodents, despite the fact that it was optimized for humans.
108                         It remains conserved despite the fact that it would be disrupted by synonymou
109      Unexpectedly, TET1s can still bind CGIs despite the fact that its global chromatin binding is si
110 he membrane and is frequently unappreciated, despite the fact that its magnitude can be significant.
111                                              Despite the fact that its synthetic agonists induce fatt
112                                              Despite the fact that joint tuberculosis is one of the m
113 nocytes and successfully evade host immunity despite the fact that keratinocytes are well equipped to
114                  Our study demonstrates that despite the fact that kidney transplantation from elderl
115                                              Despite the fact that knowledge about MM PC biology has
116                                              Despite the fact that LDLR regulated the uptake of apoE
117 ble surfaces of Li(2)O(2) are half-metallic, despite the fact that Li(2)O(2) is a bulk insulator.
118                                              Despite the fact that mA3 in MLV particles does not indu
119 ce or absence of pathogen-specific antibody, despite the fact that many assays measure continuous qua
120 is is to consider each phenotype separately, despite the fact that many diseases and quantitative tra
121                                              Despite the fact that many members of this alkaloid clas
122 nowledged the importance of seed banks; yet, despite the fact that many plants rely on mycorrhizal fu
123                                              Despite the fact that many published reports focused on
124 e presence of the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc, despite the fact that maraviroc was capable of blocking
125                                    Moreover, despite the fact that maternally transmitted mutations a
126                                              Despite the fact that members of this subfamily act as p
127                                              Despite the fact that memory and data-bus require differ
128                                              Despite the fact that metabolic studies played a promine
129                                              Despite the fact that midday naps are characteristic of
130                                              Despite the fact that MILL genes are more closely relate
131  hematopoiesis and in B-cell differentiation despite the fact that MLL1 is critical for these process
132                                              Despite the fact that more than 30 000 individuals have
133                                              Despite the fact that more than 60 putative OBP-encoding
134                                              Despite the fact that most breast cancer patients have e
135                                              Despite the fact that most cancer cells display high gly
136 e activation and motion of dislocations, and despite the fact that most of these materials bear both
137                                              Despite the fact that most organic chemistry textbooks s
138 rmia do not have an increase in arrhythmias, despite the fact that most sudden cardiac arrest occur i
139 twilight zone (depths of 50 to 1,000 metres) despite the fact that much of the organic carbon is expo
140                                              Despite the fact that murine plasma ADAMTS13 levels were
141                                              Despite the fact that negative feedback motifs are commo
142                                      This is despite the fact that neuropeptides are major regulators
143                                              Despite the fact that NG2 has been implicated in control
144                                 Also listed, despite the fact that no beta-lyase activity has been as
145                                              Despite the fact that NOD2 is well understood to have a
146                                              Despite the fact that NSAIDs are not recommended among p
147                                              Despite the fact that numerous major public health probl
148                                              Despite the fact that numerous studies have pursued the
149  at hatching has been completely overlooked, despite the fact that olfaction is one of the first sens
150 ins have been reported not to form oligomers despite the fact that oligomerization of chaperonins is
151 ive CYP701A subfamily members in its genome, despite the fact that only one (OsKO2/CYP701A6) is requi
152 s for vector-specific transmission dynamics, despite the fact that our knowledge of the host-seeking
153     Humans are adept at understanding speech despite the fact that our natural listening environment
154                                              Despite the fact that oxidative stress is a hallmark of
155 ied pathogen impacts to ecosystem processes, despite the fact that pathogens cause or contribute to r
156 on, met the criterion for EASI-50 (P=0.002), despite the fact that patients who received dupilumab pl
157                                              Despite the fact that patients with MOG-Abs can fulfill
158 se diagram where no single phase exists, and despite the fact that PbSnS(2) is a distorted orthorhomb
159                                              Despite the fact that PCET in RNR is rapid, slow conform
160 nsition states are involved in both enzymes, despite the fact that phosphate monoesters are the cogna
161                                              Despite the fact that phosphoinositides are present in s
162                                              Despite the fact that plants contain the complete classi
163 age (SOS) response in Escherichia coli K-12, despite the fact that pressure cannot compromise the cov
164                                              Despite the fact that previous studies have demonstrated
165 lation, also exhibited low virulence in mice despite the fact that productive viral replication was n
166 ned concanamycin A-sensitive ATPase activity despite the fact that proton translocation was inhibited
167                                     However, despite the fact that psychological treatments have been
168                                              Despite the fact that pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) sho
169 of proteins in response to external stimuli, despite the fact that regulation of protein levels and l
170 al work typically focuses only on allocation despite the fact that relationships between fitness comp
171                                     However, despite the fact that reversal learning is associated wi
172                                              Despite the fact that rock glaciers are one of the most
173                                              Despite the fact that rods and cones use a G-protein sig
174 f OsbZIP48 showed seedling-lethal phenotypes despite the fact that roots were more proliferative duri
175 e recapitulated by (R)-2HG, but not (S)-2HG, despite the fact that (S)-2HG more potently inhibits enz
176                                              Despite the fact that S1PRs are pertussis toxin-sensitiv
177 plicated to higher levels than other viruses despite the fact that SBV was the major component of the
178  sizeable cohort of species are self-sterile despite the fact that self-pollen tubes reach the ovary
179                                              Despite the fact that septic embolism was found in 11 of
180  have been challenging to fully characterize despite the fact that several posttranslational modifica
181 ng control of flow with such proud patterns, despite the fact that shark and dolphin skins are major
182                                              Despite the fact that SHIVs encode SIV antagonists of th
183                                              Despite the fact that Si is the second most abundant ele
184 of crop productivity among these approaches, despite the fact that SIF sensors are not yet optimized
185                                              Despite the fact that signal propagation in the adult hi
186                                              Despite the fact that small deviations between the two m
187                                 In contrast, despite the fact that some Tc17 cells also secreted IFN-
188                                              Despite the fact that some tPs are known as interferon (
189                                              Despite the fact that SP was discovered nearly 50 years
190 osure activity on neighbors' blood pressure, despite the fact that spillover effects of nearby forecl
191                                              Despite the fact that strong trial-to-trial correlated v
192                                              Despite the fact that structurally related materials, su
193                                              Despite the fact that suboptimal kidneys have worse outc
194 tioselective protonation of a Rh(I)-enolate, despite the fact that such a mechanism is invoked almost
195 oa in contact lens solutions is poorly known despite the fact that such protozoa may act as direct pa
196                                              Despite the fact that symptom onset typically occurs dur
197 ory has proved to be a useful approximation, despite the fact that systematic violations to its predi
198                                              Despite the fact that TAM receptors share significant si
199 linical and neuropathological heterogeneity, despite the fact that tau aggregates in each disease.
200                                              Despite the fact that Taung died between 3 and 4 y of ag
201                                              Despite the fact that tear lipocalin is reduced in dry e
202 d in both Long-Evans and Sprague-Dawley rats despite the fact that the 6-week HFD exposure induced ob
203                                              Despite the fact that the active recovery is a key stres
204 ns clustering reveals domain differentiation despite the fact that the algorithm is purely statistica
205  one tenth of the highest fluorescence bead, despite the fact that the amount of antigen on these bea
206 epresenting the shock zone were reactivated, despite the fact that the animals did not enter the shoc
207 oordinated by CREB in astrocytes are unknown despite the fact that the astrocytic CREB is also activi
208 oorly understood and is highly understudied, despite the fact that the cerebellum possesses many more
209 rlap only slightly between these two species despite the fact that the DNA binding specificity of the
210  differ by as much as 2 orders of magnitude, despite the fact that the effective rates constants for
211                                              Despite the fact that the enzyme is very oxygen sensitiv
212  revealed a pervasive right-handed topology, despite the fact that the Fe(4)S(4) cluster is achiral.
213                                              Despite the fact that the field is gaining significant a
214 ot required for FLO11 transcription in S288c despite the fact that the fMAPK genes are present and ac
215                                              Despite the fact that the formal oxidation state of the
216 act with O2 according to the same mechanism, despite the fact that the former is much more O2 sensiti
217                                              Despite the fact that the G-rich telomeric DNA is suscep
218                                              Despite the fact that the genetic code is known to vary
219                                              Despite the fact that the giant short-faced bear (Arctod
220  an in vivo model for neuroendocrine tumors, despite the fact that the injected mass of material was
221                                     However, despite the fact that the interface between the bioorgan
222                                 In addition, despite the fact that the knowledge of the exact oxide s
223                                At 12 months, despite the fact that the length of initial compulsory o
224                                              Despite the fact that the local immunological microenvir
225  for suppression, that overexpression occurs despite the fact that the major dksA promoter is feedbac
226 he potential to cause human disease; this is despite the fact that the majority are within previously
227                                              Despite the fact that the majority of lung cancer deaths
228 hma susceptibility among European Americans, despite the fact that the majority of rare variants in I
229                                              Despite the fact that the majority of related research f
230 SOCA was 1.75 (95% CI 1.16, 2.64; P = .008), despite the fact that the mean age of the MESA cohort wa
231                                              Despite the fact that the mechanisms of iron metabolism
232 nitors by one or more reproductive barriers, despite the fact that the most important reproductive ba
233 omosome 19 region was identified in our data despite the fact that the most significant SNP in the me
234 rely compromised in their GTPase activities, despite the fact that the mutations are not present in G
235 n between both vinifications was very large, despite the fact that the only apparent difference betwe
236 ften-overlooked aspect of community ecology, despite the fact that the ontogenetic structure of popul
237                                Surprisingly, despite the fact that the opponent has infinitely many d
238 iciencies of 6.0% and IQE approximately 90%, despite the fact that the polymer triplet state lies 300
239 have been largely ignored in aquatic systems despite the fact that the prerequisite for their occurre
240                                              Despite the fact that the primary outcome of this trial
241                     X-rays can track the CDW despite the fact that the quantum critical regime is shr
242 sis of the butadiyne-linked cyclic pentamer, despite the fact that the radii of their N5 donor sets a
243                                              Despite the fact that the rhodium atom and the chiral ce
244 tion from seeds has largely been unexplored, despite the fact that the seeds contain all of the genet
245                                     However, despite the fact that the sequences of these three genes
246                                              Despite the fact that the serine is replaced by an alani
247                                              Despite the fact that the structures of both RrgA and Rr
248                                              Despite the fact that the symptoms of AS occur in early
249 between the nematodes A. suum and C. elegans despite the fact that the two nematodes appear to exhibi
250              This case series indicates that despite the fact that the visual results following the r
251  recombine-is determined at ultrafast times, despite the fact that their actual spatial separation ca
252 eta2m heterodimers have altered antigenicity despite the fact that their cell surface levels are unch
253 ot display signs of spontaneous autoimmunity despite the fact that their OVA-specific CD4(+)-T cells
254  others orientation selectivity was observed despite the fact that their receptive fields were circul
255  mentioned in inorganic chemistry textbooks, despite the fact that their salts were synthesised and s
256                                              Despite the fact that their wall mechanical strength may
257                                              Despite the fact that there are more and more Chinese nu
258 r studying iron-sulfur protein nitrosylation despite the fact that there exists a wealth of infrared
259                                              Despite the fact that there is a lot of interest and eff
260                                              Despite the fact that there is rapidly accruing literatu
261 STM can be decoded from early visual cortex, despite the fact that these areas do not exhibit elevate
262                                      This is despite the fact that these drugs and regimens are assoc
263 arval Lepidoptera (caterpillars) is lacking, despite the fact that these insects are enormously diver
264  selectively inhibiting both HDAC6 and HDAC8 despite the fact that these isoforms belong to distinct
265                                              Despite the fact that these methodologies are still bein
266 ory engram cells results in memory retrieval despite the fact that these mice are amnesic in long-ter
267 roteins specifically bind and hydrolyze GTP, despite the fact that these plant-specific proteins lack
268                                Surprisingly, despite the fact that these proteins have identical acti
269 tranded DNA fragments is known not to occur, despite the fact that these systems exhibit both chiral
270                                              Despite the fact that these tasks are well-validated par
271                                              Despite the fact that these viruses were discovered deca
272 indings using MLVA and WGS were very similar despite the fact that they analyzed different parts of t
273 ted a great deal of scientific interest, but despite the fact that they are fundamentally a social ex
274 eat number of systems yielding nanocrystals, despite the fact that they are very rarely mentioned in
275  regulate RSV Gag-facilitated tRNA annealing despite the fact that they bind to MA.
276 allergens is caused by IgE cross-reactivity, despite the fact that they do not display obvious struct
277 een the VISA and VSSA isolates analyzed here despite the fact that they do not form evolutionarily di
278 een the critical exponents explored by them, despite the fact that they often study the same datasets
279 lucosidase at rates differing by 10(6)-fold, despite the fact that they release the same aromatic agl
280 degree of structural homology to one another despite the fact that they share only 21% sequence ident
281 ween DMRfinder and another software package, despite the fact that they utilize the same underlying s
282 red widely in early and ultimate resilience, despite the fact that they were adjusted to provide the
283                                              Despite the fact that this detachment is crucial for fur
284                                              Despite the fact that this requirement probably saved th
285 ptic transmission and strength is not known, despite the fact that this signaling system is an import
286                     These results were found despite the fact that three of the cochlear implant user
287                Finally, we demonstrate that, despite the fact that toxic metalloporphyrin treatment i
288 s, and little is known on relapsed patients, despite the fact that trials of new agents are often per
289 h(3+) complex, (C5Me5)3Th, has been isolated despite the fact that tris(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)
290                                              Despite the fact that two discrete sources of Shh are in
291                                              Despite the fact that two export receptors, Crm1 and exp
292                                              Despite the fact that tyrosine kinase inhibitors have es
293 24 and Pb@U24 ) in pure form and high yields despite the fact that under aqueous conditions, these co
294  percentage yields are sustained throughout, despite the fact that up to 39 components are participat
295 f transmitted viruses in infected vaccinees, despite the fact that V3 is often occluded in the envelo
296                                      This is despite the fact that virtually all forms of altruism ar
297 normal over the following twenty-four hours, despite the fact that vision remains restricted to one e
298 hat correlated well with behavioral effects, despite the fact that VU0409106 is structurally unrelate
299 old differences in B. tectorum biomass), and despite the fact that warming reduced soil water.
300 we observe interference in the signal photon despite the fact that we have located it in one of the s

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