


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Brilliant Blue R-250 for 16 to 24 h and then destained.
2 ed using capacitance measurements and FM-dye destaining.
3 ed fainter staining and significantly faster destaining.
4 stimulation at 0.5 Hz evoked about 66 +/- 5% destaining.
5 ostriatal kinetics with depression of FM1-43 destaining.
6  differences in the rate or extent of FM1-43 destaining.
7 tly smaller effect on stimulus-evoked FM1-43 destaining.
8 fold more rapidly than restoration of FM2-10 destaining.
9 ally released into the bathing medium during destaining.
10 ital dye FM1-43 in isolated NMJ preparations destained after application of BzATP (30 microm).
11          Partially bleached regions could be destained, although the rate of destaining was lower tha
12 alcium ionophore calcimycin stimulate FM1-43 destaining and quantal release in csp mutants at 32 degr
13 und a fixed proportionality between staining/destaining and summed endplate potentials (EPPs) represe
14          In addition, the kinetics of FM1-43 destaining and synaptic depression measured in the prese
15 BDNF was absent during dye loading, imaging, destaining and whole-cell recordings, these results demo
16 for their size range, stained with ethidium, destained, and a quantitative electronic image obtained.
17 g the required separation, staining, virtual destaining, and detection steps.
18 ue is relatively slow and requires staining, destaining, and scanning before the data can be processe
19 iminating the need for fixing, staining, and destaining as required for the conventional procedures.
20 f csp mutant neuromuscular junctions fail to destain at 32 degrees C after K+ depolarization, and tha
21    Moreover, quantitative analysis of FM1-43 destaining at these orphan release sites reveals similar
22 xin (type A, C, or D) blocked exocytosis and destaining, but intense nerve stimulation still did not
23        Stained terminals can subsequently be destained by repeating nerve stimulation in the absence
24 ain solution can, therefore, be recycled for destaining CBB-stained gels.
25                                           In destained cells, amylopectin essentially represents the
26         The temperature dependence of FM1-43 destaining correlated well with the effect of temperatur
27 itional sample preparation, electroblotting, destaining, etc.
28                         These populations of destaining events are distinct in both brightness and ki
29 tion model, indicates that the small, slowly destaining events may be mediated by a narrow approximat
30 nerve stimulation in the absence of dye; the destaining evidently reflects escape of dye into the bat
31                                          Gel destaining following Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) stai
32 n the evoked and spontaneous rates of FM1-43 destaining from terminals in CA1 stratum radiatum, mostl
33 FM1-43, and these restained regions could be destained fully by nerve stimulation.
34  Finding neurotransmission in the absence of destaining implied that rapidly endocytosed RRP vesicles
35  additional dye-loaded vesicles showed rapid destaining in response to strong stimulation and were al
36                                              Destaining in the FM2-10 loaded boutons during 3 min of
37                       The kinetics of FM1-43 destaining indicate that synapses from a single neuron h
38                            This BzATP evoked destaining is blocked by oxidized ATP (100 microm) and B
39  nerve terminals, but not activity-dependent destaining, is reduced.
40          Finally, we have shown that vesicle-destaining kinetics are not strongly influenced by the s
41 aded with kinetics substantially slower than destaining of FM dye, indicating that full-collapse fusi
42 -89; 10 microm), then washed for 60 min, the destaining of FM1-43 fluorescence evoked by the same sti
43     Observations of the dynamic staining and destaining of FM1-43 in frog motor nerve terminals sugge
44                                     However, destaining of FM1-43-labeled vesicles is abolished by lo
45 s to observe activity-dependent staining and destaining of functional synapses.
46              Activity-dependent staining and destaining of the endocytic probe FM1-43 were directly c
47 here was no direct dependence of staining or destaining on stimulus frequency, as would be expected i
48 unning buffer; in this case a brief one-step destaining procedure follows electrophoresis.
49  which converts the independent staining and destaining procedure into a single step.
50 In contrast, SDS-CGE requires no staining or destaining procedures and the peak quantitation is super
51             Using different dye staining and destaining protocols we were able to resolve two effects
52  orders of magnitude faster than the overall destaining rate (timescale of seconds) of these dyes fro
53 TrkB-IgG prevented the enhancement of FM1-43 destaining rate caused by induction of long-term potenti
54 lation of the RRP, BDNF increased the evoked destaining rate of FM4-64 only during the initial phase
55  gel slices, the procedure combines washing, destaining, reduction and alkylation into a single step.
56                                 Staining and destaining require only 30 min, and the method is compat
57 to 60 min following electrophoresis, with no destaining required.
58                       Comparison with FM dye destaining revealed that kiss-and-run strongly prevailed
59 ing of postsynaptic responses and styryl dye destaining showed that after an initial round of exocyto
60                               Nonradioactive destain solution can, therefore, be recycled for destain
61  a hexacyanoferrate-thiosulphate redox-based destain solution.
62 ally friendly manner and allows recycling of destaining solution.
63 st (hours) and does not require staining and destaining steps.
64 ining offers the advantage of no staining or destaining steps.
65 (10 Hz/2 min) elicited a frequency-dependent destaining that peaked at 20% reduction in fluorescence.
66     Cooling also reduced the terminal FM1-43 destaining that was induced by direct depolarization wit
67 r staining with Coomassie brilliant blue and destaining, the gels were analyzed with a video area den
68 reserpine-treated mice, quinpirole decreased destaining to a greater extent, and at a lower dose, con
69 tain removal with Kimwipes helps in reducing destain use and in reducing organic liquid waste, and it
70 ons could be destained, although the rate of destaining was lower than normal.
71 ations loaded with the optical probe FM1-43, destaining was reduced by latrunculin treatment, suggest

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