


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   Through the completion and detailed analysis of 100 short, unbiased, independent mo
2                                              Detailed analysis of 41 genes in mice showed progressive
3                                     Finally, detailed analysis of a 2.8-Mbp locus using sub-kbp-resol
4                                              Detailed analysis of a LLDGSSTEIR glycopeptide released
5        Here we describe the construction and detailed analysis of a model for bacterial transmission
6       Altogether, our data provide the first detailed analysis of a MYC-dependent transcriptional pro
7                            This is the first detailed analysis of a national, voluntary, cardiac surg
8 iable enough to serve as biomarkers requires detailed analysis of a polymorphism's biology across lev
9                                          The detailed analysis of a series of possible catalytic path
10                The specific application is a detailed analysis of a set of actions with which Sacchar
11                                          The detailed analysis of a subset of 133 genes known to be a
12                            Here we present a detailed analysis of a very general form of the Kuramoto
13                                 In addition, detailed analysis of activation markers and chemokine re
14                                         More detailed analysis of Adora2b(loxP/loxP) SPC Cre(+) mice
15 present study highlights the need to perform detailed analysis of AFFF impacted sites, instead of foc
16 del for CNS traumatic injury, we performed a detailed analysis of AIS and node disruption after nerve
17 keyword to success, by means of a thoroughly detailed analysis of all the established phenomena in an
18                                 We provide a detailed analysis of allelic variance at and surrounding
19 ure of chromosome conformations and allows a detailed analysis of alternative chromatin structure sta
20                        This study presents a detailed analysis of an exceptionally well-preserved art
21            In this study, we have combined a detailed analysis of aneuploid clones isolated from labo
22                                            A detailed analysis of any deviation from that observed ra
23                           Here, we present a detailed analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana mcm2-7 mutants
24                     We reported previously a detailed analysis of ArPPLNP1 expression in A. rubens an
25     Sibuide and colleagues, which provides a detailed analysis of birth defects in infants with in ut
26 fusion weighted imaging (DWI) allow for more detailed analysis of brain tumors including the rate of
27                            Here, we report a detailed analysis of C. jejuni fitness across models ref
28 nd recovery pathways of burned TMCFs, with a detailed analysis of carbon stocks, forest structure and
29  our knowledge, these data provide the first detailed analysis of Cav-1 binding to one of its most si
30                                            A detailed analysis of CD302 transcription in mouse immune
31 ion on human thymocytes has been reported, a detailed analysis of CD31 expression at various stages o
32                                              Detailed analysis of cell death pathways demonstrated th
33 morphogenetic processes that are amenable to detailed analysis of cell/tissue behaviors and to system
34                                              Detailed analysis of changes in the ENS during ageing su
35 ercially available spectral domain OCT for a detailed analysis of choroid in healthy eyes.
36                                              Detailed analysis of chronological sequences between agg
37                                       From a detailed analysis of coal-fired power plants presently p
38                                              Detailed analysis of coccolithophore skeletons enables c
39 ed molecular microbial ecology by making the detailed analysis of complex communities over time and s
40 ate the applicability of the method for more detailed analysis of complex protein mixtures, two-dimen
41                                              Detailed analysis of concentration- and temperature-depe
42                                            A detailed analysis of conformational diversity in availab
43                               We performed a detailed analysis of conformational transition pathways
44                            Here we provide a detailed analysis of coronary vessel development in zebr
45                                              Detailed analysis of cortical gray matter revealed that
46                          Results allow for a detailed analysis of criticality profiles, revealing loc
47                        This study presents a detailed analysis of delta(15)N-NOx emitted from vehicle
48                                    Indeed, a detailed analysis of developing muscles in Pglym78 RNAi
49                                              Detailed analysis of DNA stretching shows that breaking
50 elopment of many anticancer drugs requires a detailed analysis of DNA/RNA synthesis processes.
51                       System design required detailed analysis of energy storage and dissipation as o
52 ncy can be altered dynamically to facilitate detailed analysis of enhancer architecture.
53 re influenza vaccine immunogenicity prohibit detailed analysis of epitope determinants recognized by
54 This real-time chemotaxis assay will allow a detailed analysis of factors that regulate macrophage re
55                          Therefore, we did a detailed analysis of fatigue in our first-line clinical
56          In the present article we provide a detailed analysis of fundamental electrochemical process
57                          We have performed a detailed analysis of gallbladder bile acid and lipid met
58       Here, using saturation mutagenesis and detailed analysis of gating currents from gating pore mu
59                        Overall, we provide a detailed analysis of gene expression changes in relation
60                                            A detailed analysis of gene expression data enabled us to
61       Therefore in this study we performed a detailed analysis of GR protein expression in the develo
62                                              Detailed analysis of growth over time demonstrates that
63                                              Detailed analysis of hcf145 mutants in Arabidopsis and P
64 cal aphasia assessment is reassessed through detailed analysis of his publications and those of his c
65                           Here, we provide a detailed analysis of HLA-DR(+) CD38(+) and HLA-DR(-) CD3
66                                 We provide a detailed analysis of how telomere dynamics vary over ind
67                    The HPMC database enables detailed analysis of human microbial communities and sup
68                         We have undertaken a detailed analysis of human precursor ribosomal RNA (pre-
69                              Here, combining detailed analysis of human tumour samples with preclinic
70                                            A detailed analysis of immortalized patient-derived B cell
71 d, Zhou et al report long-term follow-up and detailed analysis of immune reconstitution associated wi
72                                            A detailed analysis of indeterminate QFT-GIT assay results
73                                              Detailed analysis of individual endocytic patch behavior
74    These observations suggest that following detailed analysis of individual faces in core posterior
75 , based on tractography, to carry out a more detailed analysis of individual tracts identified by tra
76                           Here, we provide a detailed analysis of interactions within the mammalian C
77 s of several of the nominal species allowing detailed analysis of intra- and interspecific variation.
78 s-Asn-His) endonuclease domain and provide a detailed analysis of its activity.
79 c surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, but a detailed analysis of its effects on renal perfusion, glo
80                                              Detailed analysis of its effects revealed that connectiv
81                                              Detailed analysis of its nature and function is essentia
82 nes, and murine xenografts, prompting a more detailed analysis of its role in cancer pathogenesis.
83                                            A detailed analysis of known flowering-associated genes sh
84                                    Moreover, detailed analysis of koff and kon values of several sele
85 retinal degeneration phenotype, we performed detailed analysis of LCA-associated NMNAT1 mutants, incl
86                                              Detailed analysis of lines carrying rock2 and rock3 alle
87 e of organic polymers, high reproducibility, detailed analysis of lipoproteins, apoproteins/peptides,
88 ish model of cryptococcosis that permits the detailed analysis of macrophage interactions with C. neo
89 range residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), and detailed analysis of magnetic field-induced (1)H-(13)C R
90                                            A detailed analysis of MD trajectories suggests two mechan
91 sceptibility in mice allows for modeling and detailed analysis of mechanisms that underlie the M-SOB
92          NanoOK is multi-reference, enabling detailed analysis of metagenomic or multiplexed samples.
93                                          The detailed analysis of MGL interaction with glycine, l-ala
94  >50,000 transcripts per sample, including a detailed analysis of microRNAs (miRNAs) differentially e
95 mmalian cells, establishing a foundation for detailed analysis of miRNA expression patterns and trans
96 shaped potential energy landscapes through a detailed analysis of mixed gas hydrate nucleation, a pro
97                This paper presents the first detailed analysis of monthly food waste generation in Ca
98 e than 1,000 carefully prepared specimens, a detailed analysis of Montsechia is presented.
99                                            A detailed analysis of multiple muscles harvested at vario
100 ers and therapies for CKD will be aided by a detailed analysis of myofibroblast gene expression durin
101                    Our work demonstrates how detailed analysis of naturally segregating functional va
102                                              Detailed analysis of neuronal response properties implic
103 with high-resolution (9.4 T) rodent fMRI and detailed analysis of neurophysiological data.
104                               We performed a detailed analysis of NFIB expression during cortical dev
105                                              Detailed analysis of NGT is restricted because mammalian
106                               We performed a detailed analysis of nine SIV stocks, comprising five in
107       In this study, we demonstrate, through detailed analysis of NLRP3 activation in macrophages def
108 systems and serve as a powerful platform for detailed analysis of NP impacts.
109 n neuronal and cognitive networks, then more detailed analysis of NREM sleep and dreams is absolutely
110                   Yet, even in model systems detailed analysis of numerous developmental processes at
111                                 We present a detailed analysis of observational data showing that ~87
112 ned, providing a method for further and more detailed analysis of observed epidemic peaks of M. pneum
113                                              Detailed analysis of one candidate, termed EMICERI, reve
114                                              Detailed analysis of one effector gene family (Cbeg12) r
115                                            A detailed analysis of one of these potential regulators,
116                                              Detailed analysis of one such enzyme showed that ether h
117                                              Detailed analysis of over 20 COIN alleles establishes th
118 y been determined in a few of these areas, a detailed analysis of p11 expression in the brain is warr
119            In summary, this study provides a detailed analysis of P2X4R kinetics and elucidates the o
120         The target gene list was verified by detailed analysis of p53-dependent repression of the cel
121                                            A detailed analysis of paramagnetic NMR shifts in a series
122 ing this process, we undertook a systematic, detailed analysis of pea (Pisum sativum) root tip cell w
123                  Therefore, we carried out a detailed analysis of phycobilisome dynamics in several r
124                                              Detailed analysis of physicochemical properties of pY-MI
125 y permuted FLIPPi sensors, therefore, enable detailed analysis of Pi dynamics with subcellular resolu
126 cterized criteria pollutants and undertook a detailed analysis of PM emissions from a very large crud
127                                            A detailed analysis of PM revealed it was >90% organic car
128                   This work reports the most detailed analysis of Pol I mechanism to date.
129 actable for blocking by small molecules, and detailed analysis of PPI interfaces is critical for sele
130                                              Detailed analysis of presynaptic structure reveals how e
131                                              Detailed analysis of primary cilia revealed region-speci
132 d unrelated control children, we undertook a detailed analysis of proliferation, activation, effector
133 ertoire of protein functions and also allows detailed analysis of protein function.
134                                We describe a detailed analysis of protein-ligand interactions between
135                            Here we provide a detailed analysis of puma lentivirus (PLV) evolution in
136 s of radiation dose data collection permit a detailed analysis of radiation dose according to protoco
137                                       From a detailed analysis of relative orientation of the molecul
138 ntage of genome-wide approaches to provide a detailed analysis of retinoic acid (RA)-induced transcri
139                                     Based on detailed analysis of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 and thei
140                                              Detailed analysis of SAXS curves indicated that the mean
141                                              Detailed analysis of scanning tunnelling microscopy imag
142 myelitis (EAE) in common marmosets, allowing detailed analysis of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO).
143                                  We report a detailed analysis of senescence signalling via DNA damag
144                                              Detailed analysis of sequence homology identifies canoni
145 ontraction coupling, and we report the first detailed analysis of SR remodeling as a result of heart
146                                              Detailed analysis of Stat3-deficient Tregs revealed that
147  Advanced imaging protocols may allow a more detailed analysis of structural damage to assess disease
148 rm infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy allows a detailed analysis of surface attached molecules, includi
149 currents and thus provides hitherto the most detailed analysis of synaptic transmission in HD.
150                                              Detailed analysis of T- and B-cell immune reconstitution
151                            Specifically, the detailed analysis of tasks and of the behavior they elic
152 ines in the X-ray band, thereby precluding a detailed analysis of the accretion flow.
153                                      After a detailed analysis of the alpha-FPU equation of motion, w
154                            Here we present a detailed analysis of the alternative splicing regulation
155                   These data can be used for detailed analysis of the ancestry of population samples
156                                              Detailed analysis of the array data identified NFIB and
157                                         This detailed analysis of the AtZAR1-AtZED1 protein complex p
158 nce of the kinetic assay is evaluated from a detailed analysis of the binding of concanavalin A (ConA
159 cripts that were revealed provides the first detailed analysis of the biology and anticipated clinica
160                                              Detailed analysis of the blockage kinetics of VDAC recon
161                                              Detailed analysis of the brain infiltrate in another pat
162                                              Detailed analysis of the BSA peptides digested on 16-MHA
163                                              Detailed analysis of the C terminus revealed a stretch o
164                                              Detailed analysis of the Ca(2+) signal revealed diverse
165                   Here, we present the first detailed analysis of the cell envelope of an important b
166                                       A more detailed analysis of the cellular effect of these PI3K/m
167                                              Detailed analysis of the cellular immune response in tum
168                  This is the first report of detailed analysis of the chemical composition of the con
169                             Here we report a detailed analysis of the clearly different GOS profiles
170                                              Detailed analysis of the clinical features in the histor
171                                            A detailed analysis of the conformational states of self-a
172                 The present study provides a detailed analysis of the connectivity and neuronal prope
173                                            A detailed analysis of the crosstalk between these enhance
174 tro receptor autoradiography combined with a detailed analysis of the cyto- and myelo-architecture.
175                                          The detailed analysis of the data in the light of first-prin
176                                 We present a detailed analysis of the decay of persistent photoconduc
177                                            A detailed analysis of the decision-making process reveals
178  reveals its controlling mechanism through a detailed analysis of the depth distribution of defect cl
179                                  Upon a more detailed analysis of the development of the structural p
180  Using batch mutagenesis, we first conduct a detailed analysis of the difference in splicing rates be
181            These studies represent the first detailed analysis of the domains of the LapA family of b
182       Up to now, this organelle has eluded a detailed analysis of the dynamics of its constituents, m
183                                  Altogether, detailed analysis of the effect of NFAT5 in pro- and ant
184 reconcile these observations by conducting a detailed analysis of the effects of peg-Arg I on normal
185                                            A detailed analysis of the efficacy of CS-ET for undersamp
186                                            A detailed analysis of the electronic structure of LiAr an
187                            Here we present a detailed analysis of the energetics and thermodynamics o
188                                              Detailed analysis of the enzyme from Geobacter sulfurred
189 ata and amino acid contacts predicted from a detailed analysis of the evolutionary history of bactofi
190                                              Detailed analysis of the exact processes affected by the
191                                              Detailed analysis of the experimental data based on the
192                            Here we provide a detailed analysis of the expression pattern of its murin
193                                              Detailed analysis of the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine
194 n metals with any d(n) count, allowing for a detailed analysis of the factors governing mainline shap
195 iggered persisting immune events, allowing a detailed analysis of the factors that define this partic
196 netic Kitaev coupling is also supported by a detailed analysis of the field-dependent magnetization.
197                                              Detailed analysis of the five most promising candidates
198                           Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the fluctuations according to the l
199                                            A detailed analysis of the frontier orbitals provided by t
200                                              Detailed analysis of the helicase activity revealed that
201                                          The detailed analysis of the impact of deletions on proteins
202                        This study presents a detailed analysis of the impact of treating a hepatitis
203                                              Detailed analysis of the interaction of LEDGF/p75 with t
204                         Here, we present the detailed analysis of the interactions between the major
205 K Fc region at a resolution of 2.3 A enabled detailed analysis of the interactions inducing CH3 inter
206 creatic trypsin inhibitor and present a new, detailed analysis of the interactions which are most imp
207                                              Detailed analysis of the interactome remodelling identif
208                            On the basis of a detailed analysis of the intermediate and final states i
209                            Here we present a detailed analysis of the kinetics and thermodynamics of
210                                    We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of t
211 lems with aggregation that currently prevent detailed analysis of the latter protein.
212                                            A detailed analysis of the limbic system highlight clear e
213 ontrol of lrgAB expression, we carried out a detailed analysis of the LytSR two-component system.
214                                              Detailed analysis of the MD trajectories found two main
215                                          Our detailed analysis of the measured time series reveals th
216 isting experimental measurements, and with a detailed analysis of the mode-dependence and phonon prop
217                                            A detailed analysis of the model reveals a scale invarianc
218                                              Detailed analysis of the modular Type I polyketide synth
219                                 To provide a detailed analysis of the molecular components and underl
220                          We have completed a detailed analysis of the molecular events leading to the
221                                              Detailed analysis of the molecular-dynamics trajectories
222  Along with molecular barcodes, we provide a detailed analysis of the morphology of these species, an
223                                            A detailed analysis of the motifs present in the active si
224                          We thus conducted a detailed analysis of the MR imaging findings in 45 HIV-
225 scriptome has been studied, but, to date, no detailed analysis of the mtp53-associated proteome has b
226                                          Our detailed analysis of the muci10 mutants demonstrates tha
227                           Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the multifunctional carriers design
228 and easy first line screens was confirmed by detailed analysis of the mutation spectrum induced by th
229  context of the Pan-Cancer study we report a detailed analysis of the mutational landscape of BRAF an
230                                            A detailed analysis of the NMR spectra (including 2D exper
231 tructures will be critically important for a detailed analysis of the NPC, including function, evolut
232 ith in situ reflectometry measurements for a detailed analysis of the passive layer evolution as a fu
233                                              Detailed analysis of the PH/PIP interactions reveal both
234                                              Detailed analysis of the process in different media and
235                                            A detailed analysis of the projections of two brain region
236                                              Detailed analysis of the provided features is included i
237                                 We present a detailed analysis of the quantity of hidden knowledge pr
238                                            A detailed analysis of the rare biosphere structure showed
239 vated on-surface planarization reaction by a detailed analysis of the reactant and reaction products
240 me of the reactants in a flow microreactor a detailed analysis of the reaction kinetics was performed
241                            This is the first detailed analysis of the recently circulating EBOV-C05/C
242                         This was achieved by detailed analysis of the regulation of cyclooxygenase 2
243                              Additionally, a detailed analysis of the regulatory targets of the chara
244                                         More detailed analysis of the remaining models reveals mechan
245 hotoacoustic (PA) measurements and present a detailed analysis of the requirements and complications
246                                              Detailed analysis of the resistance situation in Anophel
247                                            A detailed analysis of the response profile of the NFA in
248                                            A detailed analysis of the resulting structures reveals th
249                                 Furthermore, detailed analysis of the results implies that in UPt3 th
250                               We undertook a detailed analysis of the retinal projections as revealed
251                            Here, we report a detailed analysis of the RNA binding characteristics of
252                                              Detailed analysis of the RNA-seq data identifies cell cy
253 ute a valuable resource that will facilitate detailed analysis of the role of 5hmC in T-cell developm
254 phisms with AP suggests the need for further detailed analysis of the role of RAS/vitamin D in the ge
255              These studies provide the first detailed analysis of the roles of endogenous Lin28b and
256                   In this work, we present a detailed analysis of the rs17822931 effect on deodorant
257                               Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the rupture events suggested that C
258                           Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the selective forces that determine
259                                              Detailed analysis of the SERS spectra gave important ins
260                                              Detailed analysis of the simulation data suggests that H
261                                              Detailed analysis of the skin and wounds from wild-type
262           In this study, we have performed a detailed analysis of the skin disease in these mice.
263                                    Through a detailed analysis of the small angle x-ray scattering da
264 is developmental mechanism, we carried out a detailed analysis of the spatial and temporal expression
265 he results of flow cytometry while providing detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of immune
266                                              Detailed analysis of the spectra from multiple experimen
267 er static structure, but to our knowledge no detailed analysis of the stability of proteins within th
268                                              Detailed analysis of the stereochemical outcome of the [
269 ecruiting coactivator peptides and present a detailed analysis of the structural determinants that st
270 ining and development sets to provide a more detailed analysis of the system and its individual modul
271                                 We present a detailed analysis of the system and the Demon, including
272 cs of hydrophobic desolvation processes, and detailed analysis of the temperature dependence of the k
273  this pool the "homeostatic reserve pool." A detailed analysis of the time course of vesicle release
274                                         Upon detailed analysis of the TLR2 promoter CpG Island, we no
275 is the intention of this review to provide a detailed analysis of the various supramolecular interact
276                 The robust statistics of our detailed analysis of the wild-type E. coli nucleoid allo
277 loci (CCR5, AAVS1 and IL2RG) and performed a detailed analysis of their activity, toxicity and specif
278                           As a basis for the detailed analysis of their function, we determined the e
279                                            A detailed analysis of these EEG changes showed that the a
280                                          Our detailed analysis of these eight patients indicates that
281                                            A detailed analysis of these films shows an unprecedented
282                     Moreover, in some cases, detailed analysis of these imbalances identified pathoge
283 op a hybrid method of adjustment that allows detailed analysis of these multiple error categories.
284                                            A detailed analysis of these remoldings showed that many o
285                                              Detailed analysis of these samples suggested that the im
286                                              Detailed analysis of these vanadate compounds reveals th
287 ution-phase routes, which has allowed a more detailed analysis of this functional group, which was pr
288                                            A detailed analysis of this model provides insights that a
289                  In this study, we provide a detailed analysis of this model, demonstrating that the
290                                         More detailed analysis of this reduction showed that PKC most
291  after undergoing noncardiac surgery, with a detailed analysis of those undergoing PCI.
292                          We have conducted a detailed analysis of three open access bio-event corpora
293                              Here, we show a detailed analysis of TiO2 facets promoted with surface s
294                                 We provide a detailed analysis of tipping phenomena in periodically f
295                                      Further detailed analysis of transactivation and promoter bindin
296  On the basis of these results, we perform a detailed analysis of TRPV1-ligand interactions, characte
297                           Here, we perform a detailed analysis of two sequence-based function predict
298                                              Detailed analysis of VA1 versus VEGF revealed difference
299 opsis thaliana CTF7 and WAPL by conducting a detailed analysis of wapl1-1 wapl2 ctf7 plants.
300                                              Detailed analysis of zebrafish palatogenesis revealed di

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