


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 approach, for TB diagnosis based on cytokine detection.
2 vide a limited understanding of primary odor detection.
3 on to include other mycotoxins for multiplex detection.
4 fied by a likelihood ratio test for true QTN detection.
5  plastic substrates is presented for digital detection.
6 modified on the MGN surface for targeted MRI detection.
7 are (ImageJ) for the purpose of quantitative detection.
8 al ions to increase their concentrations for detection.
9  11) COPD was collected for tissue fibrocyte detection.
10 ther to determine their usefulness for fraud detection.
11  simple, rapid, sensitive, and selective DNA detection.
12 nstrated excellent linearity with a limit of detection 0.004mug/ml.
13 s, the proposed method showed good limits of detection (0.549-0.673ppb), good analyte recoveries (100
14                              Lower limits of detection (2-20 ng/mL) were obtained using the CIL metho
15 rescence imaging probes are limited in their detection ability, particularly of bone and liver microm
16 ned with (1)H magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR detection, absolute quantification of water in microporo
17                 ParamAP provides a robust AP detection algorithm in combination with a standardized A
18                        The individual lesion detection algorithms were combined using a partial least
19  elementally but also isotopically sensitive detection and analysis at standoff distances is impor-ta
20 idence and potential benefit gained by early detection and appropriate management.
21 us method was also developed to enable rapid detection and avoid tedious calibration.
22  pressure driving energy homeostasis favored detection and comparison of caloric value.
23 es were ascertained by self-report or active detection and confirmed by prescriptions, clinic cards,
24 cromolar range, the implementation of modern detection and data analysis techniques has resulted in m
25               Finally, we discuss how modern detection and diagnostic technologies as well as informa
26 sis, patient survival analysis, similar gene detection and dimensionality reduction analysis.
27 tention flexibly improves and speeds up both detection and discrimination at loci only a fraction of
28 nses the flexible ZnO sensor can be used for detection and discrimination between O2 and H2O at low t
29 of the most sensitive families of probes for detection and imaging applications.
30 ing technology is already facilitating early detection and improved visual outcomes for patients with
31 he measurements were highly reproducible for detection and interferences namely, sulfadiazine (SDz),
32  low accuracy of copy-number variation (CNV) detection and low amplification fidelity.
33 pulation, functional and structural studies, detection and material processing.
34 c pathogen detection, including both antigen detection and multiplex nucleic acid amplification techn
35 subtle relationships among RNAs for mutation detection and non-coding RNA classification.
36                                      Protein detection and quantification play critical roles in both
37 lementation of analytical platforms enabling detection and quantitation of adulteration.
38 gh-resolution airborne remote sensing (Light Detection and Ranging) to understand orangutan movement
39                                     Acoustic detection and recognition are known to mediate copula fo
40 lkane mixtures exhibited different limits of detection and regression slopes, indicating that the che
41 nd molecular biology of PARP-1 in DNA damage detection and repair, the mechanistic and functional und
42 allowing for their successful intraoperative detection and resection during first-in-human RGS.
43 ) regression models confirmed reliability of detection and spectral analysis of histamine with SERS.
44 lar viability was demonstrated by in-cell NO detection and total nitrite estimation.
45                                         PKDL detection and treatment are important missing components
46 length of hospital stay, improving influenza detection and treatment, and rationalising isolation fac
47 a probability-based logo tool for integrated detection and visualization of position-specific ultra-s
48 tition between defensive (to avoid predatory detection) and approach (to obtain food) behavior.
49 ized protocols/methods for release sampling, detection, and characterization of release rate and form
50  and strongly influence odor discrimination, detection, and learning.
51 Alignment are used for small and large indel detection, and results are presented in a comprehensive
52 elopments of electrochemical DNA methylation detection approaches.
53  to 580nm; the linear range and the limit of detection are 30-1000microM and 24.9microM, respectively
54 uencing reactions and in situ point mutation detection assays in preserved tumour samples can be imag
55                    We used closed-loop SPW-R detection at goal locations to trigger optogenetic silen
56              To enable inexpensive molecular detection at the point-of-care and at home with minimal
57 sensitivity and specificity of SNV and indel detection at very low variant allele frequencies.
58 amilies that can operate in parallel for RNA detection both in bacteria and for diagnostic applicatio
59  human plasma, osmotic shock increased cBIN1 detection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
60 nalysed on a wide bore capillary column with detection by flame ionization.
61 apacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C(4)D), at pH 2.7.
62 atographic peak picking accuracy and peptide detection capability of PECAN, and we further validate i
63 blood samples were added to the filter-based detection cartridge and tested for B. anthracis on a Gen
64 ise of 10(5) and a lower-sensitivity ex situ detection channel which may be useful in a wider variety
65 onstrate a 1300-fold improvement in limit of detection compared to a standard immunoassay, in a 6 min
66       The sensitivity and specificity of CNV detection compared to the gold standard of fluorescein a
67 fetimes up to 6 s, and simultaneous two-mode detection, consisting of a high-sensitivity in situ chan
68 IKV from Brazil indicate the duration of pre-detection cryptic transmission in recipient regions.
69 ts was 40, 31, and 31, respectively, and JP2 detection decreased to 17.5%, 6.45%, and 3.23%, respecti
70 nts of running buffers, the concentration of detection DNA probe used in the preparation of FCN-DNA c
71  after noncardiac surgery and, despite early detection during routine clinical screening, is associat
72 issed, this feasibility study compared their detection during surgery with their detection on postope
73 pe Ca(2+) channels to facilitate coincidence detection during t-LTP induction.
74 is a fundamental tradeoff between the signal detection efficiency and the amount of undesirable noise
75  the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Press
76 latively steady and allowed good progression detection even in advanced disease.
77                                The limits of detection for Br and I using the MIC method followed by
78                                 The limit of detection for Pam3CSK4 attained was 7.5 mug/mL, which is
79            It is recommended to conduct gene detection for patients with positive family history prio
80                    The probability of cancer detection for PI-RADS category 2, 3, 4, and 5 lesions wa
81 is in turn enables precise in-situ alignment detection, for the first practicable realisation of 3D p
82                                           LA detection from single transcriptomic study, however, is
83  and C = 15.1 9 nA/mug mL(-1)), low limit of detection (G, A = 0.5 mug mL(-1); T, C = 1.0 mug mL(-1))
84 ytical ultracentrifugation with fluorescence detection has emerged as a powerful method for the study
85 mance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD).
86                                      Measles detection in CSF was performed by serology at the Califo
87 was developed for its efficient and accurate detection in food products.
88 diagnostic performance for IDH gene mutation detection in low-grade glioma (AUC, 0.818) and MTI in hi
89 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for sample detection in patients.
90 o gas chromatography with mass-spectrometric detection in selected ion monitoring mode (py-GC-SIM-MS)
91 iques used for noninvasive molecular disease detection in selected myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms, wi
92 creased wheel running occurred prior to Il1b detection in the brain, when systemic inflammation was m
93  high repetition rates and reaches limits of detection in the low ppb range common for DT-IMS.
94 fidence interval [CI], 6.3-21.9%) of HPV DNA detections in genital samples were attributable to vagin
95 r that the use of CIDTs for enteric pathogen detection, including both antigen detection and multiple
96 e between the microextraction system and the detection instrument.
97                                          Gap detection is a measure of auditory temporal resolution t
98 particles (MNPs) is attractive because their detection is compatible with low-cost disposables and be
99                   The current technology for detection is mainly based on large equipment such as rea
100                               A change-point detection is proposed by using a Bayesian-type statistic
101 s of the HSM approach but resulted in higher detection levels.
102                                          The detection limit and quantification limit were 1.43 and 4
103 ng performance factors, i.e., sensitivity, a detection limit and response time of the FeS and convent
104                                          The detection limit and RSD value of the method were found t
105                                          The detection limit and the quantification limit of the sens
106  these novel structures we show that (i) the detection limit for dopamine can be improved by two orde
107 e cells) to improve the binding capacity and detection limit for free PEG and PEGylated molecules.
108                                              Detection limit for the particles produced by the laser
109 centration of uranyl in a few minutes with a detection limit of 1.95 ppb.
110 0 value of 37.1 +/- 2.4 ng mL(-1) (n = 9), a detection limit of 11.1 ng mL(-1), and a dynamic range f
111 uA per concentration decade, with the lowest detection limit of 1x10(2)cells/mL.
112 near range of 1x10(2) to 1x10(6)cellsml(-1), detection limit of 20cellsml(-1) with incubation time of
113 howed a strong quenching efficiency with the detection limit of 39 or 48 ppb along with other nitroar
114 nse in the range of 20-160microgL(-1) with a detection limit of 6.4microgL(-1) and excellent recognit
115  2.5%) sensing in the 0-95% RH range with a detection limit of less than 0.1% RH.
116       The sensitivity, response time and the detection limit of the biosensor for CC is 0.932 muMmuA(
117                                          The detection limit of the immunosensor was as low as 2.2pM
118 sitive sensors which could indicate very low detection limit to the level of few molecules, a realist
119  based electrode, and for BA based electrode detection limit was 28cellsml(-1) with incubation time o
120     The structure and properties such as low detection limit, selectivity and miniaturized size enabl
121 olecular measurements at clinically relevant detection limits and high (3 s) temporal resolution, att
122                                              Detection limits for aromatic amines in textiles (0.007-
123                                          The detection limits for differing N-nitrosamines ranged bet
124  103.97 x 10(7) cfu mL(-1) which resulted in detection limits of 1.99 x 10(4) cfu mL(-1) and 50 cfu m
125 al antibodies against PfLDH or PfIDEh showed detection limits of 100-200 parasites/microL and 200-400
126                           The assay limit of detection (LOD) and dynamic range were determined by spi
127                  During validation limits of detection (LOD) and quantification, linearity, precision
128     The most sensitive sensor has a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.11 mug/L and the upper detectable c
129  hs-cTnI-based rule-out strategies: limit of detection (LOD, hs-cTnI<2 ng/L), single cutoff (hs-cTnI<
130 llance in these populations to enhance early detection, management, and control in future HPAI virus
131 odes, which activate the thermo-electric THz detection mechanism in a transistor channel made of flak
132            Here we demonstrate a head impact detection method that can be implemented on a wearable s
133 op a statistically founded non-coding driver-detection method, ncdDetect, which includes sample-speci
134 ssment (postinduction or consolidation), MRD detection method, phenotype/genotype (B cell, T cell, Ph
135                         Most current non-PCR detection methods rely on linear signal amplification, w
136 rtion compared with objective based position detection methods, thanks to the light guiding in optica
137 e requirements for colorimetric or tag-based detection methods.
138                                The limits of detection obtained for the studied compounds were in the
139 uded family history of colorectal cancer and detection of 1-2 serrated polyps at the index examinatio
140 that spans from 1microM to 10mM and limit of detection of 10(-6.2)M.
141 larly, streptavidin sensing shows the lowest detection of 1ngml(-1) with a linear range 100ng to 1mic
142 patient outbreak isolates and had a limit of detection of 3.40 +/- 0.20 log10 genomic copies (LGC), w
143 or the first time, sensitive electrochemical detection of a breast cancer biomarker microRNA (miRNA),
144 based computational tool for the genome-wide detection of AARS coding sequences.
145  has satisfactory diagnostic accuracy in the detection of abdominal LN metastasis in high-risk endome
146                                          The detection of active macrophage-tropic virus expression,
147                      The primary outcome was detection of active or past placental malarial infection
148 eneous population in promising tasks for the detection of AD.
149 BS) to the quality control, traceability and detection of adulteration in milk.
150 ta show the potential of our assay for rapid detection of antifungal resistance, although the MS-AFST
151 ified carbapenem inactivation method for the detection of any CPE.
152 e technique can be broadly applied to direct detection of any fluorescent target, including nucleic a
153               The nasal area may assist with detection of approaching objects from behind, potentiall
154 ce liquid chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence detection of BaP-7,8,9,10-tetraols released from human D
155 is of a CO2 stream in a production plant for detection of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the thr
156 al pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum minimizes detection of beta-glucan by host cells through at least
157 iosensor for on-step, sensitive and low cost detection of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) milk protein,
158 ability of rapid approaches for quantitative detection of biomarkers would drastically impact global
159 e for on-chip thermal treatments and on-chip detection of biomolecules.
160                The primary end point was the detection of bone lesions at diagnosis by MRI versus PET
161 cale distance measurement and the successful detection of both molecular interactions (for example, c
162 romatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based detection of BPDE-N(2)-dG in BaP-treated rodents, and in
163 r paves a fascinating platform towards early detection of cancer tumour and is anticipated to be expl
164 CR as well as RNA-Seq, enabling the reliable detection of cancer-specific transcripts including the a
165 elopment of a high sensitivity assay for the detection of cardiac troponin I using electrical double
166  JAK2, CALR, or MPL In the B-cell lymphomas, detection of characteristic rearrangements involving MYC
167  bonds and is therefore ideal for label-free detection of chemical species.
168                             Highly sensitive detection of chemokines in various biological matrices a
169 -based immobilized enzyme biosensors for the detection of chromium in potable water are proposed.
170              Suppression of Erdr1 depends on detection of circulating microbial products by Toll-like
171                           Conclusion For the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer, no
172 les of using this cartridge to perform rapid detection of clinically significant proteoforms from pla
173  good screening test characteristics for the detection of CSME.
174 d on sandwich architecture was developed for detection of CT26 Cells.
175 ld be developed and tested for the real-time detection of Cyt c in living cells.
176                           Rapid and reliable detection of disease-associated DNA methylation patterns
177  to improve patient care by providing faster detection of drug-resistant infecting strains and to hel
178 ical method for the direct, highly sensitive detection of dsDNA based on the strand replacement of ds
179 bines highly selective and sensitive ex vivo detection of endogenous CO in a realistic model with fac
180 the range of 94.7-108% were achieved for the detection of ERalpha in MCF-7 cell lysate.
181 7micromx5microm, which allows for label-free detection of explosive molecules such as trinitrotoluene
182 med copoly(DMA-NAS-MAPS) to the simultaneous detection of food allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 , and c
183 d fraction as glycated, high sensitivity for detection of glycated peptides with LOD and LOQ at 1.2 a
184                                     However, detection of H. pylori infection at any point up to age
185 less, fast and direct method for the in situ detection of H. pylori remains a challenge, mainly due t
186 trode could be a potential candidate for the detection of H2O2.
187 trolled transient elastography (VCTE) in the detection of hepatic fibrosis in patients with severe to
188 d in our study, only eight of which included detection of hepatitis D virus RNA among anti-hepatitis
189 e of patients with cirrhosis increases early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and prolongs
190                                          For detection of HPV types, a Roche Linear Array test was pe
191 atform, for the first time, demonstrates the detection of hybridization both guanine oxidation and in
192 d with octylamine (AgNPs-OA) is reported for detection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in wastewater samp
193 developed for highly sensitive and selective detection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
194 technical variations that allow the improved detection of IL-4, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17A ex vivo.
195 tor the Warburg effect in cancer, through MR detection of increased HP [1-(13)C]pyruvate-to-lactate c
196 reast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the detection of index and secondary cancers in women with n
197 2% for the boronic acid synergy test for the detection of KPC producers to >/=98% for the modified Ca
198 a fast tool to food analysis, especially for detection of low concentrations of carotenoids and to th
199  problems but has limited application in the detection of low-copy-number pathogens in complex sample
200 s appear very specific and promising for the detection of lower processing grade oils in EVOO.
201 tion of QA in the real samples for the prior detection of many diseases.
202          Celiac disease was defined based on detection of Marsh 2 or greater lesions in biopsy specim
203                                        Early detection of metastasis can be aided by circulating tumo
204 FDG PET/CT is a valuable technique for early detection of metastatic infectious foci, often leading t
205          Here we report a sensing scheme for detection of microRNA (miRNA) using electrocatalytic amp
206 ion to being used as a valuable tool for the detection of microRNAs in vivo, molecular beacons can al
207 liver mechanical abnormalities may not allow detection of mild disease and may lead to underestimatio
208 t peptide sequence assignments, allowing the detection of milk adulteration at a level lower than 1%.
209 pture impact voltammetry for the qualitative detection of model amphipathic viral peptide on a screen
210  sensitivity/specificity of 95%/100% for the detection of MR overall, and 65%/94% for retinal whiteni
211 one-based head-mounted display to enable the detection of multifocal steady state visual-evoked poten
212 gh-container analysis; achieving unequivocal detection of multiple chemical markers known for their u
213                             Risk factors for detection of multiple viruses included cord blood or HLA
214 ated two rapid lateral flow assays (LFA) for detection of Mycobacterium leprae-specific antibodies: t
215 tagenomic approach was taken complemented by detection of N2 O released and nitrogen isotope determin
216 essels and outer surfaces for ultrasensitive detection of NA in living cells such as PC12.
217 the SERS-PLFS has been successfully used for detection of neuron-specific enolase (NSE), a traumatic
218 uld explore reinforcement schedules based on detection of onsets and offsets of alpha waves, and empl
219 SPE-MnO2/MG/BChE biosensor enabled precision detection of organophosphorus pesticides (diazinon(oxon)
220 ase (PfLDH) antigens are widely deployed for detection of P. falciparum infection; however, these tes
221                  In summary, PAI enables the detection of placental and fetal oxygenation during norm
222             Use of EVD with DD increased the detection of positive section margins in nonmelanoma ski
223  de novo mtDNA sequence assembly, as well as detection of previously unknown mtDNA TIS, pausing, and
224 combination of morphologic sequences for the detection of probable spinal bone metastases, thereby pr
225                              Fast and direct detection of pyocyanin is of importance as it could prov
226 sor may provide a potential platform for the detection of QA in the real samples for the prior detect
227 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoate oxidation used in the detection of reduced glutathione (GSH).
228           This platform is also suitable for detection of S.
229 sensitive (97.6% vs 68.7%, P < .001) for the detection of severe malaria compared to algorithms that
230 r, there is an unmet need in rapid, reliable detection of short RNA regions which could open up new o
231 near signal amplification, which hinders the detection of small amounts of genetic material.
232  reports describing their application to the detection of small molecules (haptens).
233 ations of molecular technology is the direct detection of specific resistance mechanisms that evolve
234                           Here we report the detection of substantial (8.3 +/- 0.8 per cent from our
235                      For patients with MPNs, detection of the BCR-ABL1 fusion delineates chronic myel
236 h a high number density, which allows direct detection of the Criegee intermediate via various spectr
237                      For example, the recent detection of the early ultraviolet pulse of a peculiar,
238  stable isotope labeled compounds enable the detection of the formation of nonextractable residues (N
239  is completed by paragraphs dedicated to the detection of the intermediates, theoretical studies, and
240 lacked MAVS, thereby demonstrating that Treg detection of the presence of WNV through the MAVS signal
241 to 2,4,6-triaminotoluene and subsequent easy detection of the product by in situ ambient ionization m
242 remove polymerase errors that otherwise make detection of these rare variants very difficult.
243 flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) allows the detection of thousands of compounds.
244 etation would thus be critical for the early detection of TMJOA.
245                                    Thus, how detection of U:G mismatches is translated into the singl
246  method was found to be more specific in the detection of urinary bis-sulfates.
247 V-visible) light irradiation that allows the detection of very low concentrations of target virus eve
248 ed their detection during surgery with their detection on postoperative SPECT/CT.
249                        For word-final /s, z/ detection, performance was significantly better with Fco
250 mperature-phosphorescence (RTP)-based oxygen detection platform by constructing core-shell nanopartic
251  these sensors offer low-cost and disposable detection platforms for real-world applications.
252     The CHA study (Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry) is a longitudinal cohort
253 tion paradigm and exploiting phase sensitive detection (PSD).
254 ponses is the paucity of tools available for detection, quantification, and characterization of polyf
255 evice successfully exhibited a wide cortisol-detection range from 3 pg/mL to 10 mug/mL, with a sensit
256 ts showed that this biosensor has wide liner detection ranges (0.05-100ng/mL for VEGF and 1-100ng/mL
257 indings; to determine the significant cancer detection rate of biparametric versus full multiparametr
258 n PET/CT demonstrated a significantly higher detection rate of distant metastasis or synchronous canc
259                                      The low detection rate of early oral SCC is a considerable clini
260 irect assays of plasma or leukocytes, the EV detection rate was significantly enhanced by co-culture
261               The MAP1B (PCA-2) autoantibody detection rate, among approximately 70,000 patients unde
262 imed to assess colposcopy referral and CIN2+ detection rates for HPV-screened versus cytology-screene
263 are generally rare and noninvasive molecular detection relies on circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) shed f
264 itoring, which require a much lower pressure detection resolution.
265                The ultranarrow bandwidth for detection results from the helical ribbons' high absorpt
266 iques has resulted in marked improvements in detection sensitivity and size resolution during the pas
267                                              Detection sensitivity is as good as or better than enzym
268 g chips were prepared for great enhancing of detection sensitivity.
269  assay was validated for linearity, limit of detection, sensitivity, and specificity by using either
270 -of-view are offered by counting mode direct detection, showing promise for efficient spectrum imagin
271 oncave bending, a significant improvement in detection signal intensity (14.5% enhancement compared w
272 y automated spinal segmentation and fracture detection software were then used to analyze the study s
273 pment of aptamer-based biosensors and direct detection strategies.
274  develop next generation point-of-care (POC) detection system.
275 erformance liquid chromatography-diode array detection- tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS) ide
276 R assays utilizing allele-specific molecular detection technology that is highly sensitive, robust, a
277 eas and is thought to be important for error detection, the dialogue between these two areas could pl
278 he plasmonic nanostructures necessary for SM detection, the past and current methodologies for verify
279                                          The detection threshold with CNIR800 is approximately 100 co
280                                          Its detection thresholds were 10microg/L and 11microg/L in m
281                                              Detection time was significantly shorter and accuracy si
282 ies in areas ranging from gravitational wave detection to biomedical applications.
283 studies identify taste pathways from sensory detection to higher brain that influence innate behavior
284 ution mass spectrometry and electron-capture detection to identify the potentially formed byproducts.
285 CR with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection using highly selective BiDz sensors targeting
286 ering both multidimensionality and sensitive detection using nucleic acid amplification and analysis
287                                              Detection was dramatically improved by use of real-time
288                 Biodistribution and thrombus detection was investigated in cynomolgus monkeys after i
289                   To have access to specific detection, we prevented the nonspecific adsorption of bi
290 very ranged from 96 to 99% and the limits of detection were 0.012ngg(-1).
291 iles for the time until the loss of ZIKV RNA detection were 14 days (95% confidence interval [CI], 11
292 hogens and is recruited to sites of pathogen detection where it accumulates within papillae.
293                  In addition, distance-based detection where the concentration is read as the length
294 stic (CRISPR-Dx), providing rapid DNA or RNA detection with attomolar sensitivity and single-base mis
295 bility of PECAN, and we further validate its detection with data-dependent acquisition and targeted a
296          Sensitivity and specificity for CNV detection with en face OCTA combined with cross-sectiona
297  good analytical performances in cancer cell detection with linear range of 1x10(2) to 1x10(6)cellsml
298 consistent method captured 96%-98% of annual detections within a season, compared with 82%-94% captur
299                                        Early detection would save many lives, but current fluorescenc
300                                 The organism detection yield was marginally improved with IS specimen

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