


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reference tube current-time product for both detectors).
2 erage spot shape in different regions of the detector.
3 s sufficient to recode it as a hexanoic acid detector.
4 tterer, a viscometer, and a refractive-index detector.
5 olution being limited by the response of the detector.
6 h gas chromatography and an electron capture detector.
7 s simultaneously as the plasmonic medium and detector.
8     It is widely believed that CAD is a mass detector.
9 and the reactions can be monitored by the UV detector.
10 tup using a condensation particle counter as detector.
11 man signals onto different pixel rows of the detector.
12 er digestive track, similar as a colonoscopy detector.
13  to analysis by gas chromatography with mass detector.
14  their quantification was assisted by the MS detector.
15 imultaneously with a single spectrograph and detector.
16 acuum environment of the electron optics and detector.
17  they cannot act as conventional coincidence detectors.
18  commonly used with modern very fast readout detectors.
19 low-background, direction-sensitive tracking detectors.
20 ntities were determined by using CAD and DAD detectors.
21  across the scene as expected for irradiance detectors.
22  is comparable to the dark count rate of the detectors.
23 to modulators, to routers, interconnects and detectors.
24 s read through high-resolution digital color detectors.
25 opments and improvements of neutron counting detectors.
26  compact high-frequency sources and photonic detectors.
27  in the era of third-generation ground-based detectors.
28 ubstrates for both HR and BL types of motion detectors.
29 ompetitive performance with that of existing detectors.
30 pontaneous Raman microscopes with lower cost detectors.
31 lly integrated superconducting single-photon detectors.
32 matography with diode array and fluorescence detectors.
33  oxygen sensors with integrated fluorescence detectors.
34 andidates for X- and gamma-ray semiconductor detectors.
35 r to new possibilities in ionizing-radiation detectors.
36 and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) detectors.
37 ometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors.
38 eptive field: could this cell be a (de)focus detector?
39 lowest investigated passage flow rate at the detector (0.2 mL/min).
40 tion obtained jointly from the (1)D and (2)D detectors, (1)D elution peaks could be reconstructed wit
41 e simulated the use of the lower cost InGaAs detector (1000-1700nm), and reported that the use of pro
42                                          The detector, a pnCCD, was operated in a single photon count
43 as novel vacuum electronic devices, particle detectors, accelerators and new types of plasmonic coupl
44 e proposed probabilistic model-based synapse detector accepts molecular-morphological synapse models
45 d superconducting bolometers are examples of detectors achieving single-photon sensitivity and time r
46                   However, in thermoelectric detectors, achieving broadband or wavelength-selective p
47              We compared the foveated object detector against a non-foveated version of the same obje
48 mples are guided by the polycapillary to the detector allowing the elemental imaging without the need
49  high-viscosity injector and high frame-rate detector allows typical crystallographic experiments to
50 e high sensitivity of the electron-injection detector allows utilization of micron-scale tunable lase
51 em equipped with a multi-channel coulometric detector and a high-resolution mass spectrometer.
52 quid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and a mass spectrometer (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS).
53 his feedback includes the ability to monitor detector and crystal parameter refinement and to display
54 eliminating the wire capacitance between the detector and first amplifier stage.
55 erformance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detector and for the presence of flavoring chemicals wit
56 r (ALS) of the smartphone as light intensity detector and its LED flash light as an optical source.
57 ly analyzed by HPLC coupled with diode array detector and mass spectrometer if required.
58 imultaneous dual detection (flame ionisation detector and mass spectrometer) for quantitative and qua
59 an increase in conductivity as detected by a detector and recorded as a peak.
60 f a micro-focused intense X-ray beam, a fast detector and unidirectional cooling provide the spatial
61 static light scattering and refractive index detectors and by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spect
62 er than both state-of-the-art Schottky diode detectors and existing spintronic diodes.
63 rrogation is carried out with light sources, detectors and fibre components readily available from th
64 ution has been the result of direct electron detectors and image processing advances.
65 op of blood, is compatible with a smartphone detector, and displays analytical figures of merit that
66 ures, and levels of optical intensity on the detector, and the limit of detection is estimated.
67 ronic devices (e.g. solar cells, modulators, detectors, and diodes) used in space probes are subject
68 tions of on-demand single-photon sources and detectors, and hence assist in the pursuit of an all-mic
69 g-lived charge traps limit the speed of such detectors, and impractical strategies, e.g., the use of
70                         Phase plates, better detectors, and more stable stages promise even higher re
71  on separate data sets of confocal and split detector AOSLO images with results showing performance t
72 pectrometry (MS), only optical spectroscopic detectors are able to provide selective spectral informa
73              Silicon single-photon avalanche detectors are becoming increasingly significant in resea
74 ise, more elaborate optics, and phase-locked detectors are needed for ultrasensitive measurements.
75                          These sensitive ion detectors are used to demonstrate a proof-of-concept low
76          Traditional sound sources and sound detectors are usually independent and discrete in the hu
77 icles occupy a small number of pixels on the detector, are in close proximity to other particles or s
78            With a pixel size of 55 mum and a detector-area of 512 by 512 pixels, a total of 262,144 n
79  this work, we use a single-photon avalanche detector array camera with pico-second timing accuracy t
80                    In contrast, our camera's detector array requires highly parallelized time-to-digi
81 clusion chromatography coupled with a triple-detector array, which is composed of a light scatterer,
82 cores, coupled to 121 detectors on a 32 x 32 detector array.
83  Most LC x LC separations employ one or more detectors at the outlet of the second dimension, (2)D, w
84    A range of flow velocities through the LS detector, at which accurate hydrodynamic size can be ext
85 ods where the reagent produces a significant detector background.
86         In this work, a high temperature THz detector based on a GaN high electron mobility transisto
87 -UV absorbing compounds by using a universal detector based on refractive index (RI) sensing with bac
88                                      Deep UV detectors based on the obtained BNNSs were designed, fab
89 RPV3), which has been implicated as a warmth detector, becomes responsive to warm temperatures only a
90 ible hacking attacks including Trojan horse, detector blinding, phase randomisation and photon number
91 de-based PET/CT scanners, the IQ with 5-ring detector blocks has the highest overall performance, wit
92  PET/CT system, the Discovery IQ with 5-ring detector blocks.
93          The insert consists of a ring of 16 detector-blocks each made from depth-of-interaction-capa
94 the temporal resolution of any type of array detector by >5-fold with full field-of-view.
95  dedicated to the replacement of a lab-based detector by a cellphone with smart applications will fur
96 to maintain the data acquisition rate of the detector by application of Hadamard transformation and t
97 ted with a commercially-available explosives detector by applying this bio-inspired design principle
98 isition speeds are demonstrated for the CMOS detector by ultra-fast SMLM imaging.
99 t unlike an optical camera, the amplified MR detector can "see" across intestinal boundaries and clea
100             We show that the foveated object detector can approximate the performance of the object d
101                           A single gamma-ray detector can be used to acquire an image; no gamma-ray c
102 e principle of parametric amplification, the detector can harvest wireless pumping power with its end
103 from almost all commercially available X-ray detectors can be handled using this software.
104 ructures now attainable with direct electron detectors can be leveraged to propose precise testable m
105               SPECT cameras with solid-state detectors can obtain dynamic images for measurement of M
106 stic standing waves, and a spatially arrayed detector, can increase analytical and volumetric through
107 al ganglion cells (RGCs) are diverse feature detectors carrying visual information to the brain, and
108  target cells, and the use of ultrasensitive detector cells to record NO as it is being generated fro
109                            A minority of the detector channels is affected by spurious signals inhere
110 on is implemented along both axes of the CCD detector chip.
111 in relation to those obtained using a single detector, clear benefits of data fusion are demonstrated
112 he spectral information derived from the new detector complements the traditional hydrodynamic inform
113                                        Multi detector computed tomography fistulography (MDCTF) is an
114          The following parameters were used: detector configuration - 80x0.5 mm, scanning range in a
115                                          The detector consists of two orthogonal slot antennas, each
116 ombined with LC1MS2 in (2)D, plus five other detectors, constituted LC2MS4 in a comprehensive LC1MS2
117 kness of the plasmonic absorber, this hybrid detector constitutes an ideal component for various medi
118  demonstrated the mass range of the mini-CIT detector could span from m/z 75 to 681.
119 of P2Y2R and other crucial purinergic stress detectors could compromise hCPC responsiveness to presen
120 tomography of the abdomen with 64-row multi- detector CT at baseline and after 3 cycles of chemothera
121      Patients underwent WBCT with a 64 multi-detector CT device for staging and response assessment a
122     At extremely low rates of ion incidence, detector currents show stepwise changes with time, and c
123 r is in a nonlinear response region, (b) the detector/data system is saturated, causing clipping/trun
124                              These miniature detectors demonstrate charge-current amplification facto
125                             Furthermore, the detector demonstrates a capability to quantify coeluted
126                          A prototype of this detector, designed to have maximum sensitivity at lambda
127 hardware is an extension of the Open AUC MWL detector developed in academia and first introduced in 2
128 able with other chip-scale photon source and detector devices for multiplexed quantum and classical i
129 erial for room-temperature nuclear-radiation detectors due to its potential impact in applications re
130 ially, such that area covered and spacing of detectors (e.g. cameras, traps, etc.) must reflect movem
131 light to an array of single-photon avalanche detectors, each of which has its own time-to-digital con
132 ttained with conventional energy-integrating detector (EID) technology in vivo.
133 e radioles that function as shadow or motion detectors, eliciting a rapid withdrawal response in reac
134 dvent of a new generation of Direct Electron Detectors, enabling a broad range of large and flexible
135 le interest in applications such as sensors, detectors, energy harvesting cells, and batteries.
136 ective ion-selective optode and a smartphone detector equipped with a color analysis app.
137 f in current silicon single-photon avalanche detectors, especially in the near infrared regime.
138                                    The C(4)D detector exhibited a linear response to both carnosine a
139                                          The detector faced the sternum or bladder and was 1 m away f
140 spectrometry (GC-MS) and GC-flame ionization detector (FID) analysis.
141 romatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID).
142        The error in Rh depends solely on the detector flow rate and particle size but not on the type
143 liquid chromatography and an electrochemical detector followed by quadrupole Time of Flight mass spec
144 Y14 purinergic receptor (P2Y14 R), a crucial detector for extracellular UDP-sugars released during in
145 es sensitivity gain over a standard external detector for immediately adjacent regions, and at least
146 angement suggests that the DRA constitutes a detector for skylight polarization, in which different e
147 a thermoelectric sensor, we present a hybrid detector for visible and near-infrared light achieving r
148 has long been an obstacle to developing such detectors for practical applications.
149 und in feline cortex and small target motion detectors found in dragonfly and hoverfly optic lobes de
150 EPP, which is suitable for focal plane array detector (FPA)-based micro-FTIR analyses of water, waste
151 -ray beam is often attenuated to protect the detector from damage caused by intense Bragg spots.
152 laucoma, GCC remains a sensitive progression detector from early to advanced stages.
153 st focus on visual search and combine object detectors from computer vision with a recent model of pe
154 in in every patient repertoire as input to a detector function, which is fit to give the correct diag
155 chromatography coupled with electron capture detector (GC-ECD), and validated for screening and quant
156 persed by an imaging spectrograph onto a CCD detector, giving 16 independent Raman spectra formed as
157 egration of a fluorescence camera with gamma-detector (GP or GC) can be of value when a hybrid, radio
158  work highlights significant advancements in detector hardware and software for multiwavelength analy
159                               This symmetric detector has a compact design using two end-rings and tw
160                               The fabricated detector has an area of 0.7lambda x 0.7lambda, where lam
161 owever, the recent advent of direct electron detectors has greatly improved the resolution of cryo-EM
162 ntinuous data, e.g. particle-processing (PP) detectors, has the potential to eliminate null functions
163 viously reported electrical charge-based SNP detectors have insufficient specificity and accuracy, li
164  however, the limitations of existing photon detectors have prevented achieving shot-noise-limited se
165 plicated in PD, and although electrochemical detectors have shown such increases in dopamine post-DBS
166 ptors that function as molecular coincidence detectors, have critical roles in models of learning, an
167 uid chromatography, coupled to a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and a mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS), w
168 mance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detector (HPLC-UV) for the extraction and determination
169  of this work is to study the usage of multi-detector HRCT chest in diagnosing pulmonary TB cases who
170 racy of the foveated and non-foveated object detectors identifying 20 different objects classes in sc
171 e the performance of single-photon avalanche detectors, image sensor arrays, and silicon photomultipl
172    Here we characterize a specialized object detector in Drosophila, the lobula columnar neuron LC11
173 real-time biological imaging with large area detectors in conditions where array sensors are unable t
174  influences the development of basic sensory detectors in primary visual cortex.
175    The discovery of translational optic flow detectors in the central complex of a bee has inspired a
176 pes that represent a distinct set of feature detectors in the mouse retina.
177  sensitivity of conventional photoconductive detectors in time-domain terahertz imaging and spectrosc
178 arably small receptive field, the local edge detector, in response to moving objects and textures.
179 s new and continuing improvements to the MWL detector, including mirror source and imaging optics, UV
180                                  We used six detectors, including dual parallel mass spectrometry (LC
181  time-of-flight (TOF) mass-spectrometry (MS) detector is acknowledged to be very useful for analysis
182              Overnight stabilization of this detector is advised, and, after that step, preanalytical
183                                          The detector is based on a tunable microwave interferometer
184 ere we show for the first time that a photon detector is capable of achieving shot noise limited perf
185             With syringe pump injection, the detector is evaluated by measuring a few common chemical
186 linear calibrations fail, e.g., when (a) the detector is in a nonlinear response region, (b) the dete
187 e sample trajectory in the magnet toward NMR detector is long enough to polarize the spin systems.
188                          A sensitive optical detector is presented based on a deeply depleted graphen
189  mobility-lifetime mutau product for Hg3Q2I2 detectors is achieved as 10(-5)-10(-6) cm(2)/V.
190 better resolution than standard scintillator detectors is collected under a small electric field of 1
191 rformance of silicon single-photon avalanche detectors is currently limited by the trade-off between
192 ormational landscape of the PR772 virus to a detector-limited resolution of 9 nm.
193                                              Detectors made from thin Hg3Q2I2 crystals show reasonabl
194 mance liquid chromatography-photodyode array detector-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry was used to
195 g cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) semiconductor detector material may pave the way for absolute myocardi
196   In addition to vascular wall imaging, this detector may also be used as a swallowable capsule to en
197 vestigations were performed on two 128 multi-detector (MDCT) CT scanners: - iCT (Philips Healthcare w
198         Juno's energetic particle and plasma detectors measured electrons precipitating in the polar
199 ted gas chromatography with flame ionization detector method.
200 (4) giving the UH(+)/U(+) ratio at the SSAMS detector of approximately 1.4 x 10(-8).
201                       The TRPV1 channel is a detector of noxious stimuli, including heat, acidosis, v
202             The TRPV1 channel is a sensitive detector of pain-producing stimuli, including noxious he
203 aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a conserved detector of xenobiotic small molecules.
204 fort around the globe to develop terrestrial detectors of adequate sensitivity to achieve this goal.
205   The devices are shown to be very sensitive detectors of the superfluid density and the normal fluid
206 LC with fluorescence and variable wavelength detectors offered better linearity and sensitivity, and
207                     Designing ultrasensitive detectors often requires complex architectures, high-vol
208 n with 121 single-mode cores, coupled to 121 detectors on a 32 x 32 detector array.
209 present an all-graphene mid-infrared plasmon detector operating at room temperature, where a single g
210 en stimulus probability-based change/novelty detectors operating at lower levels of the auditory syst
211 en analysed using Hassenstein-Reichardt (HR) detector or Barlow-Levick (BL) models.
212 allowed ions to be directed to either the MS detector or for another pass through the serpentine sepa
213 complicated setup with two spectrographs and detectors or two measurements must be performed sequenti
214 and reported that the use of proposed HgCdTe detectors over a restricted spectral range gave a lower
215  when combined with integrated single photon detectors, pave the way for successfully integrating QKD
216 rpose To investigate whether photon-counting detector (PCD) technology can improve dose-reduced chest
217 ies hindering the further improvement of the detector performance.
218  spectra are measured simultaneously on each detector pixel in the epithermal, thermal and cold energ
219 phic coupled to diode array and fluorimetric detectors procedure, obtaining a very good correlation f
220                                           PP detectors process signals produced by each particle and
221  quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer detector (QTOF-MS) operating in full scan mode was combi
222 phy coupled to a selective mass spectrometry detector (quadrupole-time-of-flight).
223 performance liquid chromatography photodiode detector-quadrupole/time of flight-mass spectrometry (UP
224               Among the patients in whom the detector raised seizure alarms, 80% had scalp-negative m
225 duced charge integration with continuous "on detector" readout through use of graphene.
226 ined comparable diagnostic accuracy for both detector-reconstruction combinations.
227     The use of a guard ring electrode in the detector reduces the crystal surface leakage current and
228 titute the best textile-supported H2S and NO detectors reported and the best MOF-based chemiresistive
229 he sample provides full compound independent detector response and thus protein quantification withou
230 umer digital camera, the linear range of the detector response ranged from 0 to 60 ppm, covering the
231 y reproducibility, specificity, linearity of detector response, the limits of quantifications and the
232 y and Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using 320-Detector Row Computed Tomography (CORE320) multicenter t
233 itative imaging features in lesions at multi-detector row CT.
234 ions separated by one diameter away from the detector's cylindrical surface.
235 automatically adjust MIM operation to retain detector sensitivity when mobile phase changes.
236 rature sensors act as resistance temperature detectors, showing a quadratic dependence of resistance
237 lipping/truncation of the signal, or (c) the detector signal is not a single-valued function of conce
238 properties and leads to a miniaturization of detector size, with potential technological applications
239 trophoresis method combined with diode-array detector (SPE-CE-DAD).
240 ommercial microscopes equipped with spectral detectors, spectral imaging has become a convenient and
241                                 For Hg3Se2I2 detectors, spectroscopic resolution is achieved for both
242 res primarily depends on the electrochemical detector stabilization.
243  simultaneously in both low- and high-energy detectors, suggesting a single ionized outflow, linking
244 y novelty that makes the presented terahertz detector superior to the state-of-the art is a specific
245 ltiplier and non-silicon photomultiplier PET detector system designs indicated that performance can b
246 -filter, sequential-scanning, and dual-layer detector systems.
247 he relative surface area of particles in the detector, taking into account the effects of the density
248  transfers the H2S to a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), enables a precise heart cut and prevents
249         This study presents a microwave flow detector technique for liquid chromatography (LC) applic
250 tion rates for a given sample brightness and detector technology.
251  assembly process in bacteria using previous detector technology.
252                 We develop a foveated object detector that processes the entire scene with varying re
253 l-like receptors (TLRs) are primary pathogen detectors that activate downstream pathways, specificall
254 zed by the advent of mass spectrometers with detectors that afford high mass accuracy and resolution,
255 ography technique using superheated emulsion detectors that can confirm that two objects are identica
256 embrane ion channels function as information detectors that communicate to the cell through rapid and
257 ection in insects is mediated by three-input detectors that compare inputs of different spatiotempora
258 dial superior olive (MSO) act as coincidence detectors that fire when inputs from both ears arrive ne
259                    However, the emergence of detectors that measure continuous data, e.g. particle-pr
260             Here we report, using swivelling detectors, that the spatial and temporal measurements ar
261 h increasing rate of passage flow at the DLS detector, the error in the accuracy of the Rh determinat
262  Paired with a single fibre-optic ultrasound detector, the imaging probe (3.5 mm outer diameter) achi
263 s displayed using an energy-dispersive pnCCD detector, the SLcam, characterized by measurement times
264 pending on the distance from point source to detector, the system resolution was 1.5-1.9-cm full widt
265  technique for realizing broadband terahertz detectors through large-area plasmonic photoconductive n
266 ons observed by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector to assess potential volatile occurrence in the
267  in combination with a novel multiwavelength detector to characterize such interactions.
268 ured phase with a high-speed direct electron detector to generate nearly linear contrast images with
269 PET), which relies on data collected by a PP detector to reconstruct the 3D distribution of a radiois
270 system as a 50,000 km aperture dark matter detector to search for such objects in the form of domai
271 field microscopes and two-dimensional camera detectors to localize molecules to much higher precision
272 ly analyzed by three radiologists blinded to detector type.
273  Direct experimental comparison of these two detector types shows widely similar performance for imag
274 has been largely unexplored because suitable detectors, until recently, have been either unavailable
275 uded that the passage flow velocities at the detector used in this study, 0.2, 0.5, and 1 mL/min, hav
276 s either the maximum collection angle of the detector used to record the data or the partial coherenc
277 ons are measured with an upconversion photon detector using a similar waveguide, which attains 34% in
278        MLs were concentrated just before the detector, using a flow system and an external electromag
279 imaging systems with large focal plane array detectors utilizing discrete frequency imaging have demo
280  determined by the replenishment time of the detector volume, if the sample trajectory in the magnet
281                     A Wireless Amplified NMR Detector (WAND) with cylindrical symmetry has been fabri
282 chromatography (RPLC)] together with an HRMS detector was developed and applied to analyze the metabo
283                           Additionally, this detector was used to detect hydrogen peroxide concentrat
284                                  Diode array detector was used to monitor vitamin B12, after its chro
285 OCT, even when superconducting single-photon detectors were used.
286  principles by a normalized matched-template detector, where the dynamic normalizing gain factor foll
287 st a non-foveated version of the same object detector which processes the entire image at homogeneous
288 of the state of the light field using single detectors while minimizing cross talk with respect to th
289    We suggest that our probabilistic synapse detector will also be useful for analysis of standard co
290 ion of an infrared (IR) polarization sensing detector with a wide dynamic range and sub-wavelength di
291 pled to a multiangle light scattering (MALS) detector with an embedded dynamic light scattering (DLS)
292 e basic ToF 3DND setup, utilizing an imaging detector with high spatial and temporal resolution, can
293 an approximate the performance of the object detector with homogeneous high spatial resolution proces
294 r beam and map each mode onto its designated detector with low crosstalk.
295 re high demands are placed especially on the detector with respect to sensitivity, noise, and also im
296 es in the ocean requires underwater acoustic detectors with a high-sensitivity reception of low-frequ
297         For the mid-infrared, graphene-based detectors with TCRs approximately 4-11% K(-1) have been
298 hod, coupled to diode-array and fluorescence detectors, with a previous solid-liquid extraction, has
299 ere observed with both mass spectrometers as detectors, with about 6 times better signal-to-noise obs
300 pm caffeine DI-water solution, the microwave detector yields a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) up to 10 u

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