


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  extracted back to the cytosol and, finally, deubiquitinated.
2 AD, reflecting the different consequences of deubiquitinating a substrate prior to proteasomal degrad
3 y should prove useful in understanding PLpro deubiquitinating activities in coronavirus infections.
4  gene-targeted mice, abrogating either A20's deubiquitinating activity (Tnfaip3(OTU) mice) or A20's Z
5              Characterization of EBV BPLF1's deubiquitinating activity and identification of its targ
6    We find that the Sgf73 mutations abrogate deubiquitinating activity by impacting the Ubp8 ubiquiti
7 omain and has been proposed to contribute to deubiquitinating activity by maintaining the catalytic d
8 easomes lacking Usp14 also exhibited greater deubiquitinating activity by Rpn11 and greater basal ATP
9 l inclusion serves as an enriched site for a deubiquitinating activity exerting a function in selecti
10 is interaction occurred independently of the deubiquitinating activity of CYLD.
11 d activity of PPARgamma are modulated by the deubiquitinating activity of HAUSP, which may be a targe
12 mization of small molecules that inhibit the deubiquitinating activity of USP1/UAF1.
13 minal domain, its truncation does not impair deubiquitinating activity on diubiquitin or polyubiquiti
14 es how EBV's BPLF1 protein and its conserved deubiquitinating activity regulate the cellular DNA repa
15 V) encodes BPLF1, a lytic cycle protein with deubiquitinating activity that is contained in its N-ter
16                  The BPLF1 protein expresses deubiquitinating activity that is strictly conserved acr
17 effect of Cif was mediated by reducing USP10 deubiquitinating activity, resulting in increased polyub
18 nal domain of USP28 negatively regulates its deubiquitinating activity, revealing a role for the N-te
19 different Sgf73 point mutations that disrupt deubiquitinating activity.
20 esidues 785 and 787, which negatively affect deubiquitinating activity.
21  domain, resulting in auto-inhibition of its deubiquitinating activity.
22 itination of PCNA, is also affected by BPLF1 deubiquitinating activity.
23 dogenous and exogenous PPARgamma through its deubiquitinating activity.
24 cellular target identified for BPLF1 and its deubiquitinating activity.
25         Moreover, monoubiquitinated PCNA was deubiquitinated after incubation with purified BPLF1 1-2
26 on of lung injury and preventing fibrosis by deubiquitinating Akt.
27 -20, WDR-48, and USP-46 function together to deubiquitinate and stabilize GLR-1 in neurons.
28 complex with USP-46 and stimulate the DUB to deubiquitinate and stabilize GLR-1 in vivo.
29 -mediated activation of DUB3 is essential to deubiquitinate and stabilize SNAIL1, a key factor promot
30 rectly to the supervillin N terminus and can deubiquitinate and stabilize supervillin.
31  reveal USP48 as the first identified DUB to deubiquitinate and stabilize TRAF2 in epithelial cells.
32 MDM2 and several other Ub E3s, whereas it is deubiquitinated and stabilized by Ub-specific protease (
33                        USP21 interacts with, deubiquitinates and stabilizes BRCA2 to promote efficien
34                                USP20 in turn deubiquitinates and stabilizes Claspin and enhances the
35                       Mechanistically, USP49 deubiquitinates and stabilizes FKBP51, which in turn enh
36 report that in response to DNA damage, COPS5 deubiquitinates and stabilizes PEA15 in an ATM kinase-de
37                                        USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes PML, thereby counteractin
38                           USP13 specifically deubiquitinates and thus upregulates ATP citrate lyase a
39  protease and coronavirus PLPs, which act as deubiquitinating and deISGylating (interferon [IFN]-stim
40  as an interferon antagonist, which involves deubiquitinating and deISGylating cellular proteins.
41 PLP2 catalytic domain was found to have both deubiquitinating and deISGylating isopeptidase activitie
42 controls CTA1 retro-translocation, likely by deubiquitinating and inactivating ubiquitinated ERAD com
43 egulates type I and type II IFN signaling by deubiquitinating and stabilizing STAT1 protein.
44   Mop aids in the maintenance of Ubpy, which deubiquitinates (and thus stabilizes) Hrs.
45 mpairs the 26S proteasome's ability to bind, deubiquitinate, and degrade ubiquitinated proteins.
46                                  USP1 bound, deubiquitinated, and thereby stabilized ID1, ID2, and ID
47 und that TNFAIP3 directly interacts with and deubiquitinates ASK1 in hepatocytes.
48     Thus, deubiquitination of PCNA, normally deubiquitinated by cellular USP1, by the viral DUB can d
49  ubiquitin ligase HACE1 in early mitosis and deubiquitinated by the deubiquitinase VCIP135 in late mi
50                                       H2B is deubiquitinated by the Spt-Ada-Gcn5 acetyltransferase (S
51 ed ubiquitin chains by the PRP19 complex and deubiquitinated by USP15 and its substrate targeting fac
52 within TPP1 that are oligo-ubiquitinated and deubiquitinated by USP7.
53 letion of substrate ubiquitination, ataxin-3 deubiquitinates CHIP, effectively terminating the reacti
54 interacted with Clb5 independent of Cdh1 and deubiquitinated Clb5 in a reconstituted system.
55              USP33 potently and specifically deubiquitinates CP110, but not other cyclin-F substrates
56 e N terminus were found to possess protease, deubiquitinating, deISGylating, and interferon antagonis
57                          Both the N-terminal deubiquitinating domain and the C-terminal zinc finger d
58 ), a core subunit of an Lnk-associated Lys63 deubiquitinating (DUB) complex, attenuates HSC expansion
59 replication, we investigated whether the EBV deubiquitinating (DUB) enzyme encoded by BPLF1 targets u
60                               By screening a deubiquitinating (DUB) enzyme small interfering RNA (siR
61 1 activating, E2 conjugating, E3 ligase, and deubiquitinating (DUB) enzymes offers an ideal platform
62 tains a four-protein subcomplex known as the deubiquitinating (DUB) module.
63                     Both DUBs are capable of deubiquitinating Ede1 in vitro.
64 UBPY by STAM2 displaces ESCRT-0 from HD-PTP, deubiquitinates EGFR, and releases ESCRT-0 from cargo in
65 s detected by co-immunoprecipitation, and it deubiquitinated ENaC.
66            Here, we show that the chlamydial deubiquitinating enzyme (Cdu) 1 localizes in the inclusi
67  MERS-CoV PL(pro) was recently shown to be a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) and to possess deISGylatin
68                 An in-depth understanding of deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) catalysis, particularly th
69                 BRCC36 is a Zn(2+)-dependent deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that hydrolyzes lysine-63-
70 le with the SH3 domain of STAM3 (AMSH3) is a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that interacts with endoso
71 hus, our results demonstrate that USP25 is a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that negatively regulates
72 apid dephosphorylation and activation of the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) USP8.
73 the initiator E2, Ube2w, and the specialized deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), ataxin-3, participate in
74                 Here, we have identified the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), ubiquitin-specific protea
75 ubiquitination is well studied; however, the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), which regulates TRAF2 sta
76 s 63-linked ubiquitination of TRAF6, and the deubiquitinating enzyme A20 was found to be significantl
77 dislocation of MHCI heavy chains did require deubiquitinating enzyme activity and rapid proteasome-me
78 trate that USP53 is a catalytically inactive deubiquitinating enzyme and a novel component of tight j
79                      Itch interacts with the deubiquitinating enzyme and is required for deubiquitina
80 ubiquitination processes involving the AMSH1 deubiquitinating enzyme are thus involved in both infect
81       Collectively these results implicate a deubiquitinating enzyme as a regulator of the UPR.
82                                          The deubiquitinating enzyme associated molecule with the SH3
83  ubiquitin-ligase interacts with ataxin-3, a deubiquitinating enzyme associated with Machado-Joseph d
84                      One such protein is the deubiquitinating enzyme ataxin 3, which is widely expres
85                                         This deubiquitinating enzyme binds BoNT/A light chain directl
86 hibition of RNF168 at telomeres involves the deubiquitinating enzyme BRCC3 and the ubiquitin ligase U
87                            Incubation with a deubiquitinating enzyme converted the p110:p107 PEPC het
88 n-induced and NF-kappaB-driven expression of deubiquitinating enzyme CSN5 leads to PD-L1 stabilizatio
89                                              Deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD inhibits NEMO linear ubiqui
90 f Cancer Cell, Nikolaou et al. show that the deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD is critical for controlling
91 last precursors, Itch bound to TRAF6 and the deubiquitinating enzyme cylindromatosis.
92 ry proteins such as Bro1, which recruits the deubiquitinating enzyme Doa4 to remove ubiquitin from ca
93 mbrane and faces the cytosol with the active deubiquitinating enzyme domain.
94 used by a mutation in Usp53, a member of the deubiquitinating enzyme family.
95  (Slimb), whose action is antagonized by the deubiquitinating enzyme fat facets.
96 entify UCH37 as the first, to our knowledge, deubiquitinating enzyme for E2F1.
97 indicate that UCHL1 promotes metastases as a deubiquitinating enzyme for HIF-1alpha, which justifies
98 quitin specific protease 7 (USP7) is a known deubiquitinating enzyme for tumor suppressor p53 and its
99    Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) is a deubiquitinating enzyme found in all eukaryotes that cat
100 g that hRpn13 interaction may stabilize this deubiquitinating enzyme in human cells.
101 ly binding the promoter region of Tnfaip3, a deubiquitinating enzyme in TLR signaling.
102 get the MM cell in its microenvironment (eg, deubiquitinating enzyme inhibitors; chymotryptic [carfil
103                  Here, we show that the USP7 deubiquitinating enzyme is an integral component of the
104                                    The USP19 deubiquitinating enzyme modulates the expression of myog
105             We report here that USP8/UBPY, a deubiquitinating enzyme not previously implicated in mit
106 th ubiquitin-specific protease 10 (USP10), a deubiquitinating enzyme of p53.
107 Finally, ubiquitin chains are trimmed by the deubiquitinating enzyme Otu1p, which is recruited and ac
108 onjugating enzyme in the regulation of an E3/deubiquitinating enzyme pair, with important implication
109 -linked ubiquitin chains via the proteasomal deubiquitinating enzyme Poh1.
110       We focus on two of these proteins, the deubiquitinating enzyme Psmd14 and the E3 ligase Fbxw7,
111 unknown interplay between an E3 ligase and a deubiquitinating enzyme regulating TBP levels during cel
112 97/p47 complex-interacting protein, p135), a deubiquitinating enzyme required for p97/p47-mediated po
113 ate binding, preventative modifications, and deubiquitinating enzyme reversal of ubiquitination.
114                        The CYLD protein is a deubiquitinating enzyme that acts as a negative regulato
115 eoxygenation can be influenced by Cezanne, a deubiquitinating enzyme that cleaves ubiquitin from spec
116 l of aggresomes requires Poh1, a proteasomal deubiquitinating enzyme that cleaves ubiquitinated prote
117 biquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1), a deubiquitinating enzyme that functions to regulate cellu
118 e fertility genes include USP8, an essential deubiquitinating enzyme that has a role in acrosome asse
119  USP28 (ubiquitin-specific protease 28) is a deubiquitinating enzyme that has been implicated in the
120 entrosome duplication that requires USP33, a deubiquitinating enzyme that is able to regulate CP110 l
121 quitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) is a deubiquitinating enzyme that is highly expressed in neur
122 an ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) is a deubiquitinating enzyme that prevents protein degradatio
123                  USP14 is a proteasome-bound deubiquitinating enzyme that recycles ubiquitin and regu
124 dentification of OTUB1 as a c-IAP-associated deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates c-IAP1 stability.
125                                 It encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that removes Lys63- or linear-li
126  remodeling to generate a Poh1-dependent K63-deubiquitinating enzyme to facilitate protein aggregate
127 vities of the ubiquitination machinery and a deubiquitinating enzyme to maintain and modulate the dyn
128 sing a proteomic approach, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 11 (
129 ionally, an opioid-mediated induction of the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 15 w
130     Employing this method, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 22 (
131          We previously demonstrated that the deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 2a (
132 romyces cerevisiae, Cdh1 associates with the deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp15, but the significance of t
133  a core particle (CP) subunit depends on the deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp3, although a regulatory part
134 tin chain disassembly, by binding the UBL of deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp6.
135 3 associates with EGFR and combines with the deubiquitinating enzyme UBPY/USP8 to transfer EGFR from
136 at Smo ubiquitination is counteracted by the deubiquitinating enzyme UBPY/USP8.
137 m1 and S5a, the ATPase subunit Rpt5, and the deubiquitinating enzyme Uch37 are ubiquitinated in situ
138 5),report crystal structures that define how deubiquitinating enzyme UCH37 is switched on or off by p
139 inase adaptor (DEUBAD) domain that binds the deubiquitinating enzyme Uch37.
140 in receptor hRpn13/Adrm1 binds and activates deubiquitinating enzyme Uch37/UCHL5 and is targeted by b
141 thermore, BDNF increased the activity of the deubiquitinating enzyme UchL1 in synaptoneurosomes and u
142 r the transcriptional repression of the USP1 deubiquitinating enzyme upon exposure to DNA-damaging ag
143                                          The deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 (ubiquitin-specific proteas
144 ns on histones, is actively destroyed by the deubiquitinating enzyme USP1.
145   Mechanistically, nuclear Ufd1 recruits the deubiquitinating enzyme USP13 to counteract APC/C(Cdh1)-
146 ch resulted in a decreased expression of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP14 and several presynaptic pr
147 nction mutation in the proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme Usp14, which is required for rec
148                    The proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme Usp14/Ubp6 inhibits protein degr
149 0-20% in our preparations) also contains the deubiquitinating enzyme Usp14/Ubp6, which regulates prot
150 removal of ubiquitin from this lysine by the deubiquitinating enzyme USP19.
151                                  Because the deubiquitinating enzyme USP33 is involved in several imp
152 ng et al. examine mice and cells lacking the deubiquitinating enzyme USP44.
153                                          The deubiquitinating enzyme USP48 stabilizes TRAF2 and reduc
154 x and leads to interaction between FoxM1 and deubiquitinating enzyme USP5, thereby deubiquitination a
155 w role for vIRF1 through deregulation of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP7 to inhibit p53-mediated ant
156                         Knockdown of the p53 deubiquitinating enzyme USP7/HAUSP also reverses the sup
157 oordinated action of UBE4B, ESCRT-0, and the deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 enable the endosomal sortin
158 ains on the substrate in the presence of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP8.
159   Here we show that in vivo knockdown of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP9X attenuates T-cell prolifer
160 dge, we have identified the first centriolar deubiquitinating enzyme whose expression regulates centr
161                      Here, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1 (OTUD2) as a novel interact
162  of cofactors including UBXD1, PLAA, and the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1, which we term ELDR compone
163 perativity between an ubiquitin ligase and a deubiquitinating enzyme, and establish a role for USP7 i
164 ical analysis showed that AMSH1 is an active deubiquitinating enzyme, and that AMSH1 specifically cle
165 ncluding the Stk11 protein kinase, the Usp9x deubiquitinating enzyme, and their substrate kinase MARK
166                     Here, we report USP15, a deubiquitinating enzyme, as a regulator of protein-prote
167                      We further identify the deubiquitinating enzyme, BRCC3, as a critical regulator
168 dentified that USP2a, a circadian-controlled deubiquitinating enzyme, interacts with CRY1 and enhance
169       Here we report the identification of a deubiquitinating enzyme, named ubiquitin-specific protea
170 s regulated in a non-canonical manner by the deubiquitinating enzyme, OTUB1 (OTU domain-containing ub
171 c peptidase 8 (USP8), an endosome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme, regulates the ubiquitination, t
172        In this report, we find that Usp9x, a deubiquitinating enzyme, stably associates with the SMN
173                Here, we characterize a yeast deubiquitinating enzyme, Ubp10, that possesses IDRs flan
174 s/PKA signaling is negatively regulated by a deubiquitinating enzyme, Ubp3.
175                      Here we report that the deubiquitinating enzyme, USP15, specifically deubiquitin
176 r direct effectors of ubH2B, we identified a deubiquitinating enzyme, Usp15, through affinity purific
177                 A previously uncharacterized deubiquitinating enzyme, USP29 binds to, cleaves poly-ub
178 interactions between a 100 kDa, multi-domain deubiquitinating enzyme, USP5 and a diubiquitin substrat
179 t that Ets-1 destruction is regulated by the deubiquitinating enzyme, Usp9x, and has major impact on
180 omal degradation by the dominant effect of a deubiquitinating enzyme, VCIP135/VCPIP1.
181                        These data show how a deubiquitinating enzyme-interacting protein dictates the
182 by the enzymatic activity of the EBV-encoded deubiquitinating enzyme.
183 ssemble substrates, shuttling factors, and a deubiquitinating enzyme.
184 ations in USP9X, encoding a highly conserved deubiquitinating enzyme.
185 he Hippo pathway via ubiquitination, yet few deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB) have been implicated.
186 port that BITC and PEITC effectively inhibit deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB), including the enzymes US
187                    Ubiquitinating as well as deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) can regulate these proce
188                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) have emerged as essentia
189                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) have emerged as key play
190  the dynamic removal of this modification by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) impacts genome maintenan
191 are treated with a panel of linkage-specific deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) in parallel reactions, f
192                            To search for the deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) involved in the antivira
193                  The functional diversity of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) is not well understood.
194                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) recognize and cleave lin
195                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) regulate various cellula
196                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) remove ubiquitin (Ub) fr
197            The discovery of viruses encoding deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) suggests they remove ubi
198                                          The deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) that function in the ner
199 at the stability of ARTs is regulated by the deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) Ubp2 and Ubp15.
200 the coronaviral enzyme over homologous human deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), and no significant cyto
201 arian tumor domain-containing superfamily of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), which is capable of inh
202                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), which reverse the proce
203 ubiquitin chain and binds to 26 S-associated deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs): in yeast to Ubp6, which
204  polycomb repressor complex 1 (PRC1) and H2A-deubiquitinating enzymes (H2A-DUBs).
205 , we performed a siRNA screening to identify deubiquitinating enzymes and found that USP36 acts as an
206  and ENY2 orchestrate activities of multiple deubiquitinating enzymes and that imbalances in these ac
207  spatial arrangement of ubiquitin receptors, deubiquitinating enzymes and the protein unfolding machi
208                                       Hence, deubiquitinating enzymes could offer novel therapeutic t
209 lf, the ubiquitin conjugation machinery, and deubiquitinating enzymes enable activity and regulation
210 but the identities and specific functions of deubiquitinating enzymes in the nervous system are lacki
211             TRAF6 activity can be impeded by deubiquitinating enzymes like ubiquitin-specific proteas
212         Finally, pharmacologic inhibition of deubiquitinating enzymes markedly enhances sterol-depend
213                                              Deubiquitinating enzymes of the ovarian tumour (OTU) fam
214  target them for proteosomal degradation and deubiquitinating enzymes that promote their stabilizatio
215     We performed an siRNA screen to identify deubiquitinating enzymes that regulate AR; in that scree
216            Less is known, however, about the deubiquitinating enzymes that regulate T cell proliferat
217 roteasome function through inhibition of the deubiquitinating enzymes USP14 and UCHL5.
218 e disassembly of these heterodimers by major deubiquitinating enzymes was examined and it was discove
219 me can be antagonized by proteasome-residing deubiquitinating enzymes, by the binding of polyubiquiti
220                         The diverse roles of deubiquitinating enzymes, or DUBs, in determining the fa
221 chanisms, including ubiquitin E3 ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes, provide great opportunities fo
222 the most widely studied among the nearly 100 deubiquitinating enzymes, supports cancer by positively
223                                 However, the deubiquitinating enzymes, which regulate MSH2 remain unk
224 ases (USPs) constitute the largest family of deubiquitinating enzymes, whose catalytic competency is
225                                        Three deubiquitinating enzymes-Rpn11, Usp14, and Uch37-are ass
226       These include E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes.
227  ubiquitin ligases (E3s) and removed through deubiquitinating enzymes.
228  alpha-helical hairpin that is unusual among deubiquitinating enzymes.
229 n tumor domain (OTU)-containing subfamily of deubiquitinating enzymes.
230 eins, IKK, NF-kappaB, ubiquitin ligases, and deubiquitinating enzymes.
231 ng a short hairpin RNA library against known deubiquitinating enzymes.
232 jugation is a reversible process mediated by deubiquitinating enzymes.
233 asome and one of three proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzymes.
234 tate cancer cells expressing TMPRSS2-ERG and deubiquitinates ERG in vitro.
235 P-46 promotes GLR-1 abundance at synapses by deubiquitinating GLR-1 and preventing its degradation in
236                  We find that the DUB module deubiquitinates H2B both in the context of the nucleosom
237 yeast which lacks the enzyme responsible for deubiquitinating H2B-K123, compared to wild-type yeast.
238 omplex, a USP22-ATXN7L3B-ENY2 complex cannot deubiquitinate H2Bub1 efficiently in vitro Moreover, ATX
239 ptidase 4 (USP4) interacts directly with and deubiquitinates HDAC2, leading to the stabilization of H
240 omatin-binding transcriptional cofactor that deubiquitinates histone H2A.
241  RuvB-like1 (RVB1) and SUG1 and specifically deubiquitinates histone H2B in vitro and in vivo.
242 ctions in transcription activation including deubiquitinating histone H2B, which is mediated by a sub
243                                    USP11 can deubiquitinate hybrid SUMO-ubiquitin chains to counterac
244 ving its ubiquitin chain, thus promoting the deubiquitinated I-kappaB degradation within the proteaso
245 at a fraction of Ub-PEX5 is nonenzymatically deubiquitinated in vivo.
246 ting overactivation of WASH through directly deubiquitinating it.
247                           Furthermore, USP47 deubiquitinates itself, whereas beta-TrCP promotes USP47
248                  We found that USP6 directly deubiquitinated Jak1, leading to its stabilization and a
249 nd, both in cells and after purification, it deubiquitinated K63-linked chains on alpha-synuclein.
250  Moreover, CYLD decreases Smad3 stability by deubiquitinating K63-polyubiquitinated Akt.
251                         We demonstrated that deubiquitinated Keap1 incorporates into the Keap1-Cul3-E
252 deubiquitinating enzyme, USP15, specifically deubiquitinates Keap1, which suppresses the Nrf2 pathway
253 er show that USP8 acts downstream of IDOL to deubiquitinate LDLR and that USP8 is required for LDLR e
254  the trafficking and degradation of BACE1 by deubiquitinating lysine 501.
255 ific protease 22 (USP22), a component of the deubiquitinating module (DUBm) of the SAGA transcription
256 which is mediated by a subcomplex called the deubiquitinating module (DUBm).
257                              A20 possesses a deubiquitinating motif and a zinc finger, ZF4, that bind
258                                   A20's C103 deubiquitinating motif restricted both K48- and K63-link
259 lex required the catalytic cysteine of A20's deubiquitinating motif.
260                                        USP10 deubiquitinates MSH2 in vitro and in vivo Moreover, the
261                                       STAMBP deubiquitinates NALP7 and STAMBP knockdown abrogates LPS
262                Interestingly, Usp9x does not deubiquitinate nuclear SMNDelta7, the main protein produ
263  interacting protein USP28 that can directly deubiquitinate p53 in vitro and ectopically stabilize p5
264         Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) deubiquitinates p53 and Hdm2 and regulates their stabili
265     Mechanistically, CYLD interacts with and deubiquitinates p53 facilitating its stabilization in re
266 function, distinct from the previously known deubiquitinating peptidase activity.
267  Moreover, by fusing the catalytic domain of deubiquitinating peptidases onto ESCRTs, we could block
268                      The WDR48.USP12 complex deubiquitinates PHLPP1 and thereby enhances its protein
269  but not its catalytically-defective mutants deubiquitinates Poleta and increases its cellular steady
270 very few clinically appropriate effectors of deubiquitinating (protease) or ubiquitinating (ligase) e
271 asome regulatory subunit 19 S that regulates deubiquitinated proteins entering inside the proteasome
272 this ternary complex serves as a platform to deubiquitinate PRP31 and PRP3.
273                              UCHL3, in turn, deubiquitinates RAD51 and promotes the binding between R
274                              USP13, in turn, deubiquitinates RAP80 and promotes RAP80 recruitment and
275 responses through its ability to bind to and deubiquitinate RIG-I.
276 ive regulation of antiviral response through deubiquitinating RIG-I.
277                                        Usp9x deubiquitinates SMN that is mostly mono- and di-ubiquiti
278 zation to the early endosomes, presumably by deubiquitinating Smo.
279  p107, and subsequent phosphorylation of the deubiquitinated subunits.
280 hemical level, USP12 with its activator UAF1 deubiquitinate the nonactivated form of Notch in cell cu
281 that Usp12, in complex with Uaf-1 and WDR20, deubiquitinates the AR to enhance receptor stability and
282      We found previously that the DUB USP-46 deubiquitinates the Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate rec
283 ynthesis (TLS), is disrupted by BPLF1, which deubiquitinates the DNA processivity factor, PCNA, and i
284                        The USP1/UAF1 complex deubiquitinates the Fanconi anemia protein FANCD2, there
285  domains 1 (MYSM1) is a metalloprotease that deubiquitinates the K119-monoubiquitinated form of histo
286    Importantly, USP18 is associated with and deubiquitinates the TAK1-TAB1 complex, thereby restricti
287 er investigation reveals that OTUD1 directly deubiquitinates the TGF-beta pathway inhibitor SMAD7 and
288  domain of the SPATA2 complex preferentially deubiquitinating the M1 ubiquitin chain in vitro.
289 d T helper 17 (Th17) cell differentiation by deubiquitinating the TAK1-TAB1 complex.
290    Here we show that USP7 interacts with and deubiquitinates Tip60 both in vitro and in vivo.
291 anonical NF-kappaB stimuli, OTUD7B binds and deubiquitinates TRAF3, thereby inhibiting TRAF3 proteoly
292  Doa4, which is the ubiquitin hydrolase that deubiquitinates transmembrane proteins sorted as cargoes
293 ion on TrkA was indirect because it does not deubiquitinate TrkA.
294                               UCH37 does not deubiquitinate UbK48 chains or affect E2F1 protein stabi
295                        We find that Rad18 is deubiquitinated when cells are treated with methyl metha
296               Upon netrin treatment, VASP is deubiquitinated, which promotes VASP tip localization an
297 gulates nucleotide excision repair (NER) via deubiquitinating xeroderma pigmentosum complementation g
298                Importantly, USP7 efficiently deubiquitinates XPC-ubiquitin conjugates in deubiquitina
299 important role of USP7 in regulating NER via deubiquitinating XPC and by preventing its VCP/p97-regul
300                   Usp9X becomes competent to deubiquitinate ZAP70 through TCR-dependent phosphorylati

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