


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  edible fats/oils by Asian Indians should be devised.
2 ation and Mukaiyama aldol) and two are newly devised.
3 rse as the type of treatments that have been devised.
4 operative society in which social penalty is devised.
5  properties of the lipid peroxidation can be devised.
6  allergens detection in incurred cookies was devised.
7            The objective of this work was to devise a complete procedure based on chemometrics and th
8                                           To devise a comprehensive multiplatform genetic testing str
9                                     Here, we devise a functional reporter system to lineage trace and
10 karyotic counterpart of DsbA, allowing us to devise a general mechanism for oxidative folding that al
11 actability of hard optimization problems, we devise a general method to quantify the performance of q
12             To address this problem, here we devise a genomic surveillance system that utilizes a nov
13 epeat/Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9) technology, here we devise a homology-independent targeted integration (HITI
14                                     Here, we devise a method named Balaur, a privacy preserving read
15 In the mid-1990s, my research group began to devise a method to establish endothelial cell cultures f
16    The principle purpose of this study is to devise a model with good prediction capability for the t
17 e issues related with current therapy and to devise a more selective therapy, various novel pathways
18 ocal plasticity rules such that its dynamics devise a near-optimal plan of action.
19                                    We hereby devise a new knowledge-based, coarse-grained contact pot
20 ance from this subcellular nanostructure and devise a new label-free technique based on a spectroscop
21                                           We devise a new version of the Bregman proximal idea which
22 is issue of Neuron, d'Ydewalle et al. (2017) devise a new way to make it more effective.
23              To address the above issues, we devise a novel integrated piezoelectric energy harvestin
24                                      Here we devise a novel proteomic strategy named TITAN (Tracing I
25                                      We also devise a novel scoring scheme to quantify key genes-netw
26                                           We devise a probe for tunnelling, a computational primitive
27                                           We devise a simple model of selective exposure that reprodu
28                            Here, the authors devise a strategy to dope single atoms of Ag or Cu into
29                            Here, the authors devise a strategy to laterally extend conventional chevr
30                                      Here we devise a universal genetic strategy to precisely control
31             Docking simulations were used to devise a working hypothesis where two subpockets are imp
32 unexpected affinity for the CB1 receptor, we devised a 3D-QSAR model, which we then prospectively val
33                                      We also devised a barnase-based conditional suicide switch to fu
34            To address this critical need, we devised a bio-inspired positive control for use in RT-PC
35 q data sets and unique Alu DNA sequences, we devised a bioinformatic pipeline allowing us to identify
36                                      We also devised a bioinformatics pipeline that attributes sequen
37 o functional Fe(III)-binding SCN ligands, we devised a biophysical protein binding screen to identify
38 for exosome biogenesis and RNA packaging, we devised a cell-free reaction that recapitulates the spec
39  by the expressional abundance of miRNAs, we devised a ceRNA inference by differential correlation an
40                                  We recently devised a chemogenetic high-throughput screening approac
41               To address this issue, we have devised a comparative method, named CompAnnotate, that u
42                                     Here, we devised a comprehensive list of genes involved in cell a
43                To test these predictions, we devised a demanding attention task requiring motion disc
44                                           We devised a differential competition capture compound mass
45                                  Finally, we devised a dual CAR-expressing construct that combined CD
46                                      We also devised a filtering procedure to identify a subset of 27
47 ding this type of archival material, we have devised a framework called Sharing Experimental Animal R
48                                           We devised a generalized mutation model of template switchi
49                                           We devised a genetic mouse model to study extrinsic long bo
50                                           We devised a genomic screen, which identified a cell cycle-
51                                           We devised a Global MST Enrichment (GME) kit to enrich and
52                                      We have devised a highly selective total synthesis of ladderane
53                                 Here we have devised a hybrid computational-analytical method to acco
54                                           We devised a machine learning approach, McEnhancer, which l
55                                      We have devised a method of using intracellular combinatorial li
56                                           We devised a method that combines genetic interactions on m
57                                           We devised a method that graphically resolved the masking o
58                     To address this need, we devised a method to represent the genomic distribution o
59 hat proteins were the active ingredients, we devised a method using proteinase K followed by heating
60                                           We devised a microfabricated organ culture system that viab
61                                           We devised a minimally invasive surgical bladder inoculatio
62                    Using such iCONs, we have devised a mixed matrix membrane which could be useful fo
63                                           We devised a model to explain this paradoxical effect of re
64 y brings novel evidence on how T. gondii has devised a molecular weapon of choice to take control ove
65                                           We devised a more stringent pathogenicity filtering strateg
66                             To test this, we devised a mouse genetics approach to silence glutamaterg
67                                           We devised a multi-layered model that combines local agent
68                                           We devised a mutant screen based on colony morphology to id
69                                     Here, we devised a naturalistic face-detection task and combined
70 studies of Usa1 in Hrd1 degradation, we have devised a new approach to evaluate Hrd3 functions in ERA
71 hese mutants and mutation identification, we devised a new mapping strategy based on identification o
72                                           We devised a new methodology, Break-seq, that combines our
73                                  We have now devised a new scaling technique to overcome these diffic
74                                           We devised a new set of stimuli, obtained by summing two ra
75             To address this problem, we have devised a new synthesis of zincophorin methyl ester that
76                                      Here we devised a novel paradigm to discriminate between differe
77                                           We devised a novel room-temperature-phosphorescence (RTP)-b
78                                    Hence, we devised a novel, supervised, integrative learning framew
79                                           We devised a pipeline for identifying and functionally vali
80 straints in template-based modeling, we have devised a prediction model, Sigma-RF, by using the rando
81                   To tackle this problem, we devised a protein engineering strategy for rational desi
82                                           We devised a protocol that overcomes this problem, and were
83 echanisms of RNA packaging into exosomes, we devised a purification scheme based on the membrane mark
84 uman embryonic kidney and Jurkat T cells and devised a quantitative, vector-proximity metric to evalu
85                                      We also devised a rapid epitope-mapping strategy, which relies o
86 role of nnAbs on HIV-1 infection in vivo, we devised a replication-competent HIV-1 reporter virus tha
87                                           We devised a risk assessment and management algorithm for h
88                                           We devised a robust genomic metric able to identify cancers
89                                           We devised a sampling scheme based on the predictions of th
90                                           We devised a scheme to estimate the radii of filopodia usin
91 h degradation to the length of the night, we devised a screen for mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants
92                                           We devised a sensitive and rapid assay to monitor ectosome
93  may have a unique nose; to capture this, we devised a sensitive test of olfactory perception we term
94                                           We devised a series of tasks involving pleasant, unpleasant
95                                           We devised a simple genetic scheme, which exploits trans-ge
96 ete transcription factor expression data, we devised a sparse Bayesian framework that is able to hand
97                                           We devised a stimulus that targeted melanopsin separately f
98                                 We therefore devised a strategy by which the T1D-triggering antigen p
99 ement known to mediate stem cell genesis, we devised a strategy to identify functionally comparable e
100 as9 technology and specific DNA barcodes, we devised a strategy to recapitulate and trace the emergen
101 ly 1 of 6 redundant CaM-encoding alleles, we devised a strategy using CRISPR interference to selectiv
102                  To test this hypothesis, we devised a synthetic route to assemble oligosaccharides w
103                                           We devised a task requiring fast action choices based on th
104                                           We devised a technique called chromatin mass spectrometry (
105 els for individual human decision-making, we devised a virtual foraging task in which players chose r
106                                      We have devised a virus like particle (VLP) carrier based on the
107                                Our modelling devises a possible explanation in the self-trapping due
108  on the relative entropy of entanglement and devising a dimension-independent technique dubbed 'telep
109 dating 3D geometrical contact models and (3) devising a mechanism for visual verification of hundreds
110 ted to guide their addition to a DNMTi, thus devising a new, low-dose, sequential regimen that impart
111                               We compare our devised algorithm k-mer Counter based on Multiple Burst
112     We construct a statistical framework and devise an algorithm to determine whether a genomic pacem
113 ity functional theory (DFT) computations and devise an alternative approach resulting in isomers with
114                                           We devise an approach to calculation of scaling dimensions
115 ur drug discovery programs and endeavored to devise an asymmetric hydrogenation strategy to improve a
116 on levels from which to choose, a player can devise an autocratic strategy to enforce a linear relati
117                         Our aims were (i) to devise an effective technique for three-dimensional anal
118 neer its electromagnetic properties and thus devise an effective wavelength dependent nanoswitch.
119 uantum algorithm, it is highly nontrivial to devise an efficient sequence of physical gates implement
120                                   We further devise an electrostatic model that shows this change in
121 ne expression of multiple cancer subtypes to devise an EMT metric that characterizes the degree to wh
122                                  Notably, we devise an enrichment model to purify a population of hae
123               This novel approach allowed to devise an inactive precursor of the histone deacetylase
124                                   Herein, we devise an ion-mediated PCR (IM-PCR) strategy by exploiti
125                                           To devise an optimal functional microenvironment, it is ess
126                                      We have devised an adult human bone marrow MSC (hMSC) delivery f
127                                           We devised an algorithm for prediction of N-glycosylation e
128                                           We devised an algorithm that calls SNPs in converted De Bru
129 n cases with ethnically matched controls, we devised an analytic strategy to identify and rank potent
130                                           We devised an approach named DECAI (DEgradation based on Cr
131                                           We devised an approach to deconvolve the superimposed signa
132                                           We devised an approach to select robust TF-gene interaction
133   To address this potential problem, we have devised an assay to independently monitor the environmen
134                                 For that, we devised an efficient protocol to distil multiple signatu
135                  To address this problem, we devised an integrated fabrication process to grow and de
136                          To address this, we devised an orthogonal, dual platform approach employing
137                     The challenge remains in devising an iontophoresis interface that can extract suf
138 s within the transplantation workforce; (ii) devise and implement potential strategies and interventi
139  of quantum machine learning explores how to devise and implement quantum software that could enable
140 ipid bilayer viscosity remain challenging to devise and implement.
141                    We employed these data to devise and test a mathematical model of melanopsin's inv
142 LQTS, thus creating a platform with which to devise and test novel therapeutic strategies.
143 LQTS, thus creating a platform with which to devise and test novel therapeutic strategies.
144  end, a full QSM standardization routine was devised and a cohort of N = 116 healthy adults (20-79 ye
145      A straightforward synthetic concept was devised and afforded a series of diversely substituted p
146          Based on the resulting data set, we devised and applied a bioinformatic method that links ch
147              An electronic questionnaire was devised and distributed as widely as possible.
148                           Further, the newly devised and imaged primary co-culture model recapitulate
149                                           We devised and prepared a conducting molecularly imprinted
150 he inosine, renal disfunction biomarker, was devised and prepared.
151                  A number of strategies were devised and tested, showing that cyclooligomerization yi
152 eptor for the neopterin cancer biomarker was devised and used as a recognition unit of a potentiometr
153              Using this platform, we further devised AND, OR, NAND, and NOR dCas9 logic operators and
154 chers now are attempting to fill this gap by devising and testing outcome indicators and patient-repo
155                                          The devised approach includes the design and validation of P
156  to assess triggers of disease outbreaks and devise appropriate monitoring tools.
157 aptations and provide a platform on which to devise appropriate nutritional and exercise intervention
158 om an organic multilayer that was originally devised as a model of a bacterial biofilm.
159  thiazoles and 2,3-dihydrothiazoles has been devised by [4 + 1] heterocyclization of alpha-(N-hydroxy
160                    Currently, the CVM method devised by Baccetti et al. is the most frequently mentio
161        This population-based registry study, devised by the International Agency for Research on Canc
162    The obtained analytical parameters of the devised chemosensor allow for its use for practical samp
163                               Therefore, the devised chemosensors are suitable for early diagnosis of
164 rences, and l-arabitol in particular, of the devised chemosensors was superior.
165 ing resolutions has been enabled by recently-devised chromosome conformation capture techniques.
166 ical importance and must be considered while devising complementary interventions aimed at promoting
167 ably estimate biodiversity distributions and devise conservation strategies for the world's biodivers
168 flow in an endangered species is crucial for devising conservation strategies.
169                      The innovative strategy devised could potentially be used for testing the global
170 interface is therefore important not only to devise drug discovery approaches, but also to gain knowl
171  molecules present a static binding mode, we devised dynamic undocking (DUck), a fast computational m
172 images and 3D tracking information have been devised, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
173 nsmitted to susceptible cells is critical to devise effective strategies to prevent HIV infection.
174 nderstand pathways that drive the disease to devise effective therapeutic strategies.
175                                              Devising effective means to strengthen the crucial contr
176 es inferred with SCOTTI will be important in devising effective measures to prevent and halt transmis
177 stic or therapeutic interest, is crucial for devising effective strategies against such diseases.
178 omic aberration to be targeted is crucial in devising effective treatment strategies that will benefi
179 bles by microwave boiling which will help in devising efficient cooking practices and contribute in h
180 s resulting from different fisheries and for devising efforts to avoid or minimize the harmful effect
181 tering prophylaxis regimens, programs should devise empiric treatment regimens that are directed agai
182  reaction execution, an HF-free protocol was devised employing CsF as a substitute fluoride source.
183  information will be particularly useful for devising endosymbiont-based strategies to intervene in i
184 d Red Queen, and therefore cannot be used to devise experimental setups.
185 unt for experimental observations, and often devising experiments to test each is not feasible.
186                         For that purpose, we devised, fabricated, and tested chemical sensors determi
187    Based on that assay, an avidity index was devised for assessing the affinity maturation of antibod
188    We invoke an analytical model, originally devised for graphene macroscopic deformations, to determ
189 vity of the diagnostic microfluidic platform devised for oxytocin determination in both synthetic ser
190 t turn-on probes, WSP-NIR and SeSP-NIR, were devised for the detection of H2 S.
191  Single-source precursor syntheses have been devised for the preparation of structurally similar grap
192 ytically determined, and a transformation is devised for the previously obtained analytical solution
193 sity functional theory and the string method devised for the study of rare events.
194                            Three routes were devised for the synthesis of 1 at the various stages of
195                        This 10-item test was devised for this study and is nonvalidated.
196   Disease containment strategies are usually devised from coarse-grained assumptions about human mobi
197 covalent cages (CC1(r) and CC2(r)) have been devised from triphenyl amine-based trialdehydes and cycl
198 sidual insulin action persists, and ii) help devising future beta-cell regeneration therapies relying
199                                      Here we devise genomics, in situ hybridization, and mouse geneti
200                          Pt-free thermocells devised here provide an output power of 12 W m(-2) for a
201 heterostructures are mechanically stacked to devise high-efficiency THz photodetectors operating in t
202                                           We devise how this approach can enable the generation of IA
203 als of hemoglobinopathy research has been to devise improved pharmacologic strategies for the inducti
204 differing resolutions obtained from recently devised in situ Hi-C assays.
205         Thus, a Bronsted probase strategy is devised, in which a strong base can be generated in situ
206                                 We therefore devised integrated tDNA expression profiling, a method t
207 onize, successful periodontal pathogens must devise means to interfere with neutrophil chemotaxis and
208 sadvantage becomes biologically embedded and devising measurements that can track this embedding are
209 crack sensitive and insensitive failure) and devised mechano-physical conditions under which they occ
210          Thus, there is a legitimate need to devise methods capable of automatically reconstructing l
211                                     Here, we devise methods that preserve the in vivo assemblages of
212 cal and cognitive function after TAVI and to devise methods that will provide more complete coverage
213                Our long-term objective is to devise methods to improve osteotomy site preparation and
214                 It will also be important to devise methods to overcome their genomic instability, im
215 s for fluorescent reporter signal detection, devised methods to compensate for organoid size variabil
216 lso revealing a key molecule to pursue while devising methods to improve herpesvirus lytic-phase-dire
217 V persistence and provide important leads on devising methods to improve viral oncolytic therapies.
218 ed understanding obtained here could help in devising methods to prevent CETP function as a cardiovas
219 mall enough to provide localized feedback by devising methods to quantify the size of these fields ac
220 tion systems, whose understanding is key for devising mitigation and adaptation measures to ensure th
221 spective provides background information for devising mitigation strategies to prevent this species f
222               To address these challenges we devised ModuleBlast, which uses both expression and netw
223 cellulose, provide us with an opportunity to devise more sustainable solutions to current technologic
224 stic underpinnings of calmodulinopathies and devise new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of t
225 knowledge need to be addressed to rationally devise new therapies.
226 f we are to understand tumor progression and devise new treatments.
227 n) used to develop successful strategies for devising new families of cell division inhibitors.
228 nal development, which may have an impact on devising new lecithin delivery strategies for therapeuti
229 akes understanding pathogenic mechanisms and devising new treatments difficult.
230  mitotic DNA damage is key to our ability to devise novel anticancer therapeutic strategies.
231 SC) niche dependencies might be exploited to devise novel therapeutic strategies that aim at disrupti
232      These findings will be instrumental for devising novel immunogens to protect simultaneously agai
233 tion (LoF) mutations holds great promise for devising novel therapeutic interventions, although it fa
234 used different approaches that challenge the devising of overall summaries.
235 cell wall architecture but also is vital for devising optimum chemical treatments.
236 ible thin flake of black-phosphorus (BP), we devise plasma-wave, thermoelectric and bolometric nano-d
237 ding mechanisms of mortality improvement and devising policy to promote health equity.
238       It has remained difficult, however, to devise polymer particles that associate in a directional
239  and emerging diseases, but can also lead to devising possible new therapeutics by enhancing the medi
240 ey questions were established, the attendees devised potential solutions.
241 itical for characterizing disease spread and devising prevention and containment measures.
242 mechanisms, thus providing an opportunity to devise primary and secondary interventions at the same t
243 e biofilm model was evaluated by the earlier devised procedure.
244 ization in the context of scattering tissue, devising procedures for balancing image quality, field o
245 lassic prisoner's dilemma, players can still devise relatively simple autocratic and, in particular,
246   Our software relies on machine learning to devise robust algorithms, and includes an automated leaf
247                            Two independently devised routes from the Brown and Wood groups allowed fo
248                       With this platform, we devise several mineral-enabled dynamic surfaces and inte
249 istent parasites undergo replication, and we devised several approaches to probe the small numbers in
250 e current study, we confront this problem by devising several methods to select subsets of intergenic
251                        Here, we use recently devised sgRNA design rules to create human and mouse gen
252 th-transfer-fabrication process that we have devised--silicene encapsulated delamination with native
253 hanges that occur during pathogenesis and to devise strategies for tissue engineering and regeneratio
254                      Of interest would be to devise strategies through which miniaturized optical dev
255 a prescribed inhaler is not effective and to devise strategies to promote adherence in COPD.
256 neering of replacement kidney tissue, and to devise strategies to stimulate regeneration of nephrons
257 arrangements, of particular importance is to devise strategies to subdue chaotic behaviour even in th
258 e importance of Mn to bacteria, the host has devised strategies to sequester Mn from invaders.
259                                Here, we have devised such a method, by combining purpose-designed sur
260                          Here we use a newly devised technique to study instantaneous adaptation to a
261 l reaction monitoring mass spectrometry, was devised, tested in a training cohort of 80, and prospect
262 armacological treatment strategies have been devised that can augment the clinical options used to ad
263 ultiparametric scoring function (AB-MPS) was devised that correlated preclinical PK results with cLog
264                    To our knowledge, we have devised the first strategy to exhaustively explore the b
265 on-based) industry strategies and from these devised the Policy Dystopia Model, which shows that the
266 rk controllability and have implications for devising the optimal control of complex networked system
267                        This work may help to devise therapeutics that mitigate specific signs of thes
268  neurogenesis during eye development and for devising therapies for ocular albinism type I.
269                                           To devise this map, we identified transcriptional enhancers
270 economical, yet efficient, strategy has been devised to access unsymmetrical diarylacetamides with th
271                 However, biomarkers or tests devised to achieve this have lacked sensitivity.
272                  A mathematical framework is devised to allow the efficacy of different candidates to
273 brid pharmacomechanical approaches have been devised to capture the benefits of thrombolysis while re
274                Numerous strategies have been devised to construct these molecules with high stereocon
275 us research on electrides, approaches can be devised to control the energy levels of cation sublattic
276          A PCR-based method was subsequently devised to determine the mating type for a set of 47 iso
277                           This step was also devised to dual-labeling of PCR products with biotin and
278 o be clinically effective unless methods are devised to enhance retrieval-dependent memory destabiliz
279 (SAC) is an essential safeguarding mechanism devised to ensure equal chromosome distribution in daugh
280 rcular shed with pre-rotation vanes has been devised to generate the whirlwind flow by heating the ai
281 zyme on a silica/chitosan composite support, devised to have 10% and 20% chitosan (SiQT10 and SiQT20,
282 X-ray computed microtomography (SR-muCT) was devised to identify the polymorphs of clopidogrel bisulp
283  evidence about interventions that have been devised to improve the responses of mental health nurses
284                          Pairs of tones were devised to include ambiguous transitions between frequen
285 time interval deconvolution (TID) method was devised to integrate a gas chromatography-vacuum ultravi
286 ntional drying methods and their combination devised to process plums were evaluated.
287                            A method has been devised to reach a large portion of reciprocal space and
288 ssibility that future interventions could be devised to reverse these changes in patients with hyperk
289 struction temporal imaging (PARTI) system is devised to scale up the temporal recording length withou
290 down mutants expressing artificial microRNAs devised to simultaneously silence both FPS genes.
291                    Strategies have also been devised to stabilize reagent storage and usage at ambien
292 ct mass spectrometry (MS) analyses have been devised to study the topological transitions of Mhp1, th
293 o diagnose, to predict disease course and to devise treatment strategies.
294                            In this study, we devised two novel metrics, Cohort Coverage Sparseness (C
295                                      We have devised two unique gastric fundic-derived organoid cultu
296 ment evaluation programme for use in EVD was devised using a multi-stage approach (MSA) with two or t
297            A proton-driven molecular pump is devised using a surface-confined dynamic 3D DNA scaffold
298                           Herpesviruses have devised ways to manipulate the host intrinsic immune res
299 ural and immunogenicity experiments aimed at devising ways to make an effective HIV-1 vaccine.
300 arch on circulation and blood coagulation to devise whole-body fasting and bleeding regimens to preve

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