


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ss was technical success plus the ability to dialyze.
2 dified protein in the supernatant thoroughly dialyzed.
3 ation was 33.5 months; 9 patients were never dialyzed.
4 eater than 2 mg/dL, but only one patient was dialyzed.
5 nsions of all samples were ultrafiltered and dialyzed.
6 in on or before day 7, and none of them were dialyzed.
7                                           By dialyzing 0-1 muM calcium into the calyx via a whole-cel
8  prevented when LTD expression is blocked by dialyzing 10 mM EGTA into the postsynaptic neuron.
9                                 Of those not dialyzed, 29 had slow graft function (serum creatinine [
10 138 children (57% boys, 45% black) that were dialyzed 3 times/wk, representing 2282 patient-months of
11 by DHPG, but not by WIN, was abolished after dialyzing 40 mm BAPTA into the postsynaptic cell, sugges
12                              Here we reverse-dialyzed 5-HT through concentric microdialysis probes in
13                  In experiment 2, we reverse-dialyzed a mixture of glutamate uptake inhibitors into t
14  When a sample of OMP.OPRTase is extensively dialyzed, a 1:1 (per OPRTase dimer) complex is detected
15 nts dialyzed thrice weekly: one for patients dialyzed after the long interval at the beginning of the
16                         Both nondialyzed and dialyzed Ag NPs and 10 mug l(-1) ionic Ag(+) significant
17                 Following isolation, HDL was dialyzed against 0.154 M NaCl without or with added calc
18  injected with 0.6 microg calcitriol and was dialyzed against 5 L of acetate-based dialysate for 180
19 d, 13 different nucleic acid structures were dialyzed against a common ligand solution.
20 reversed when the HCQ-protein solutions were dialyzed against buffer.
21                      Quadruplex samples were dialyzed against KCl then Li-EDTA and found to retain be
22                               When scPLD was dialyzed against solutions containing Mn(2+), Zn(2+) or
23            After treatment, the samples were dialyzed and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and for OA content.
24  Myocytes were held at -70 mV and internally dialyzed and externally perfused with Na(+)- and K(+)-fr
25                         PZA is significantly dialyzed and should be dosed after hemodialysis.
26            Stoichiometry measurements on the dialyzed, as-isolated protein indicated that up to 3.5 C
27                                 Patients who dialyzed at 0.5 degrees C below core body temperature ex
28  the beginning of the week, one for patients dialyzed at midweek, and the third for patients dialyzed
29 lyzed at midweek, and the third for patients dialyzed at the end of the week.
30 orm of nFbp and showed that phosphate can be dialyzed away in the absence of Fe(3+) in apo-nFbp.
31 cellular TM was assessed by forming clots in dialyzed, barium citrate-adsorbed, or normal plasma over
32 reventing membrane damage and preserving its dialyzing capacity.
33 f-steps (11.4%) in intact mast cells than in dialyzed cells (5.4% and 2.9%, respectively).
34 ined increase in [Ca2+]i was produced in ATP dialyzed cells, the current decayed completely, whereas
35  (but not the inactive analogue PP3), and by dialyzing cells with an antibody to the G-protein subuni
36 ed to 1.0 mg l(-1) citrate-capped Ag NPs and dialyzed citrate-capped Ag NPs or 10 mug l(-1) and 0.02
37               The effects of commercial CRP, dialyzed commercial CRP (dCRP) to remove azide, and sodi
38 ditioned media from wild-type cells, but not dialyzed conditioned media from aprA(-) cells.
39 t away from a source of recombinant AprA and dialyzed conditioned media from wild-type cells, but not
40                                              Dialyzed cytosol from rat liver homogenates also catalyz
41 ductase was indicated by loss of activity in dialyzed cytosol prepared from livers of selenium-defici
42                             This mixture was dialyzed, denatured in 8 M urea, and again applied to th
43 l and functional changes that compromise the dialyzing efficiency of the membrane and eventually lead
44                            Cross-linking the dialyzed emulsion with transglutaminase eliminated the d
45                          The neutralized and dialyzed extract from the affected rabbit membranes inhi
46                        Cells cultured in 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum exhibited decreased synthesis
47 n sulfate compared with cells cultured in 1% dialyzed fetal calf serum.
48 ained test solutes and artificial plasma was dialyzed first with the plasma flow set at 46 +/- 3 ml/m
49 cluded gender, type of diabetes, and whether dialyzed for >6 months prior to catheterization.
50 ontact with the dialysis solution, rats were dialyzed for 2 h with a solution that contained (14)C-ma
51                           NP recipients were dialyzed for 21+/-36 months (range 1-312 months).
52  third of nonpreemptive LDKT recipients were dialyzed for less than 1 year, highlighting an important
53           The addition of sodium chloride to dialyzed, fungicidal parotid secretion abolished this ac
54 alyzed </=20 hours per week and 85% in women dialyzed &gt;36 hours per week (P=0.02), with a longer gest
55  The addition of 100-260 muM of free heme to dialyzed HbS solutions leads to rates of nucleation and
56 -synA53T, either expressed transgenically or dialyzed in the short term in calyces, inhibited two of
57                   Citrate-capped Ag NPs were dialyzed in water to determine the dissolution rate of i
58              PIP2 (10 micromol/L) internally dialyzed increased the K(+) current amplitude and shifte
59 re mixed in a buffer containing 6 M urea and dialyzed into a buffer containing 0.15 M NaCl.
60 es (beryllium and aluminum fluoride) or when dialyzed into guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate.
61 le the guanidine-HCl-eluted sample was first dialyzed into the 7 M urea pH 4.0 buffer and then into P
62                 When 5 microM ryanotoxin was dialyzed into the cell through the patch pipette in the
63 ent when heat-inactivated alpha-synuclein is dialyzed into these cells.
64 uch membranous structures, (1) we internally dialyzed isolated intact squid giant axons (GAs) and sho
65 ion by aurothioglucose, was decreased 88% in dialyzed liver cytosolic fractions from selenium-deficie
66 erged, with live birth rates of 48% in women dialyzed &lt;/=20 hours per week and 85% in women dialyzed
67               Escherichia coli cytoplasm was dialyzed, lyophilized, and resuspended at two concentrat
68 ne samples of equal creatinine contents were dialyzed, lyophilized, and subjected to electrophoresis
69 e CR reduction was noticed after addition of dialyzed-MC, suggesting that small molecules present in
70    Furthermore, culturing of trophozoites in dialyzed medium containing fetal bovine serum (which is
71 ge and greater infant birth weight for women dialyzed more intensively.
72                Using NR2A knock-out mice and dialyzing neurons with a constitutively active CaN, we d
73 ing intracellular Ca(2+) and was mimicked by dialyzing neurons with an IP(3) receptor agonist.
74 e whole-cell responses was observed by PS in dialyzed (nonperforated) whole-cell recordings.
75                This hypothesis was tested by dialyzing On bipolar cells with nonhydrolyzable analogs
76 ore efficient for serum supplementation than dialyzed or undialyzed FBS, due to lower contaminating u
77 represent the major candidacidal capacity of dialyzed parotid secretion.
78  although these patients did not differ from dialyzed patients with regard to predialysis eGFR, sex,
79 sed five body-composition methods in 30 well-dialyzed peritoneal dialysis patients.
80 ach is to observe transduction in truncated, dialyzed photoreceptor cells whose internal Ca2+ and nuc
81            Zebrafish injected with plasma or dialyzed plasma (fraction >14 kDa) from ischemic conditi
82  this question in mouse rod bipolar cells by dialyzing reagents that modify the activity of either Ga
83                                              Dialyzing recombinant chick GAIP in these cells selectiv
84  and [Ca2+]c was monitored with indo-1 after dialyzing rhod-2 out of the cytoplasm.
85 tact, isolated rods or truncated, internally dialyzed rod outer segments.
86                      When cell extracts were dialyzed, (S)-(-)-1-phenylethanol oxidation occurred onl
87  growth in folic acid-free medium containing dialyzed serum and 15 pM [6S]-folinic acid, and parental
88   In 25 mM K(+) medium supplemented with 10% dialyzed serum, cells utilized 54% of their respiratory
89 gments (5-7 millimeters) of peas with either dialyzed serum, serum globulin fraction, affinity purifi
90 lasts were grown in thiamine-free medium and dialyzed serum.
91 of this new pathway was first detected using dialyzed soluble fractions of parasite extract.
92 analyzed sleep before and after unilaterally dialyzing the 5-HT1A agonist (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(dipropyl
93 ying Ca2+ current (I(CRAC)) was activated by dialyzing the cell with 10 mM EGTA and 10 microM IP3.
94  2001) or inhibited (Nadler et al., 2001) by dialyzing the cell with millimolar levels of ATP.
95 ing DAGK into multilamellar POPC vesicles by dialyzing the detergent dodecylphosphocholine out of mix
96 sponding to apo-PMI monomer were obtained by dialyzing the holoenzyme against EDTA.
97 ect on the photoresponse was investigated by dialyzing the recombinant protein into truncated salaman
98 Ps were mixed, denatured with urea, and then dialyzed, the distinct class I and II complexes again fo
99 s in a series of 119 dialyses in 51 patients dialyzed thrice weekly (r = 0.9952; mean absolute error,
100  of coefficients were developed for patients dialyzed thrice weekly: one for patients dialyzed after
101        Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA) was dialyzed through a 100-500 molecular weight cutoff dialy
102 g hemodialysis cases, 60.4% of patients were dialyzed through a CVC.
103                    Twenty-eight percent were dialyzed through an autologous arteriovenous fistula (AV
104 ) and 66% (38 of 58), respectively, could be dialyzed through the graft (P: =.70); at 90 days, the ra
105 s patients found that 30%, 41%, and 29% were dialyzing through a catheter, prosthetic graft, and auto
106 ble at extremely high pH, but aggregate when dialyzed to neutral pH, as assayed by centrifugation at
107 varying amounts of G-actin at pH 12 and then dialyzed to neutral pH, the nebulin fragments are solubi
108  E178Q, and E256Q mutants were expressed and dialyzed to remove putrescine and studied biochemically
109                  The resulting mixtures were dialyzed to remove small molecules, dried under vacuum,
110 uration of pregnancy in the more intensively dialyzed Toronto cohort was 36 weeks (interquartile rang
111 nd in a series of 71 dialyses in 25 patients dialyzed twice weekly (r = 0.9956; mean absolute error,
112  of coefficients were developed for patients dialyzed twice weekly.
113  hemodialysis patients should be chronically dialyzed using percutaneous catheters.
114 ation of end-stage renal disease, and to not dialyze via a catheter.
115  starting within 6 months were randomized to dialyze with a dialysate temperature of either 37 degree
116 epolarization, current-clamped myocytes were dialyzed with 0.5 or 1.0 mmol/liter MgCl2.
117               In nondialyzed cells, or cells dialyzed with 1 mM ATP, ICl(Ca) decayed before the [Ca2+
118 arization was significantly shorter in cells dialyzed with 1.0 mmol/liter compared with 0.5 mmol/lite
119 -dependent HLMC activation and also in HLMCs dialyzed with 30 muM inositol triphosphate.
120               Surprisingly, On bipolar cells dialyzed with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cyclic GMP (8-pCPT-
121 lamic LTP also developed when the cells were dialyzed with a calcium chelator or kept hyperpolarized
122 bumin concentration approximately 4 g/dl was dialyzed with a standard clinical dialysate delivery sys
123 either transgenic or wild-type myocytes also dialyzed with activated Gsalpha.
124       Applying this method to mice that were dialyzed with an isotonic salt solution under quiescent
125 Ba) was almost completely abolished in cells dialyzed with both betaC2-2 and betaC2-4.
126                                        Cells dialyzed with c-Src had significantly greater currents t
127 ifferences were abolished when myocytes were dialyzed with Ca2+ buffers or after the Na+-Ca2+ exchang
128                     In contrast, whereas HDL dialyzed with calcium inhibited oxidation of low-density
129 n into dialysis and postdialysis in patients dialyzed with cellulose, cellulose-tri-acetate (CTA), an
130 ot significantly altered compared with cells dialyzed with cGMP alone.
131 ated indexes in kidney dialysis patients not dialyzed with copper-based membranes suggested a tendenc
132 patients were prospectively randomized to be dialyzed with either a low-flux biocompatible membrane o
133 ns, when rat aortic smooth muscle cells were dialyzed with either cyclosporin A, FK-506, or calcineur
134 while the inhibition was attenuated in cells dialyzed with GDP-beta-S.
135                                     In cells dialyzed with GTP-gamma-S, bradykinin produced a total a
136 nts of bullfrog amphibian papilla hair cells dialyzed with high concentrations of a slow Ca(2)(+) buf
137 s replaced with Ba2+ and when terminals were dialyzed with high concentrations of internal BAPTA.
138 udies have shown that patients who have been dialyzed with high-flux biocompatible membranes have a l
139 riably slowed endocytosis, even in terminals dialyzed with increased Ca(2+) buffer.
140 disease compared with patients who have been dialyzed with low-flux bioincompatible membranes.
141 r the pore of an open Ca2+ channel in a cell dialyzed with millimolar concentrations of 1,2-bis(2-ami
142 d and voltage dependence in cells internally dialyzed with Na(+)-based solution, no anion currents we
143 erum biochemistry and hematology in patients dialyzed with new or reprocessed cellulose dialyzers.
144                                   When cells dialyzed with NMDG+ were stimulated in the presence of N
145 tagonized the recovery of I(Cl(Ca)) in cells dialyzed with no ATP, whereas the PP2A-selective antagon
146 (i) in rabbit pulmonary artery (PA) myocytes dialyzed with or without 3 mM ATP.
147 ent in the increased proportions of patients dialyzed with prescribed blood flow (P = 0.02) and docum
148 bitory role of p38 more directly, cells were dialyzed with recombinant p38alpha and its upstream acti
149 manner in both permeabilized cells and cells dialyzed with RGS4 through a patch pipette.
150                                Patients were dialyzed with the assigned membrane until recovery, disc
151 globulin increase in the group that had been dialyzed with the bioincompatible membrane was also evid
152 ce from individual stereocilia of hair cells dialyzed with the Ca2+ indicator fluo-3.
153  currents were also enhanced when cells were dialyzed with the catalytic subunit of PKA.
154 xamine on the Cl- current activated in cells dialyzed with the nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue guanosine
155 ole of PI 3-kinase more directly, cells were dialyzed with the synthetic lipid products of PI 3-kinas
156                Voltage-clamped myocytes were dialyzed with up to 100 mumol/L caged cADPR and 0.6 mumo
157 arance <25 ml/min on day 7, and 8 of 11 were dialyzed within the first week of transplantation.
158 density lipoprotein (LDL) by 87 +/- 10%, HDL dialyzed without calcium inhibited oxidation by only 58

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