


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s in the endothelial monolayer (paracellular diapedesis).
2  signaling as well as the adhesion events of diapedesis.
3 poxin A(4) receptor (ALXR/FPRL1) to halt PMN diapedesis.
4 receptors (ChR) for vascular wall arrest and diapedesis.
5 ability, and motility, functions critical to diapedesis.
6  tail of the migrating monocyte and complete diapedesis.
7 or vascular barrier regulation and leukocyte diapedesis.
8 ad, deletion of EVL and VASP impaired T-cell diapedesis.
9 and an adhesion molecule mediating leukocyte diapedesis.
10 ein-coupled chemokine receptors required for diapedesis.
11  early T cell activation and interferes with diapedesis.
12 ced beta2-integrin activation and neutrophil diapedesis.
13 integrin-dependent adhesion, chemotaxis, and diapedesis.
14 n by suppressing CD200R myeloid cells during diapedesis.
15 l motility, are not obligatory for leukocyte diapedesis.
16 helial migration by accelerating the rate of diapedesis.
17 gesting that these molecules are involved in diapedesis.
18 actions may play a role in aiding neutrophil diapedesis.
19 action of serine proteases promote leukocyte diapedesis.
20 ork governing endothelial-cell regulation of diapedesis.
21 n the active role of the endothelial cell in diapedesis.
22 ptosis, vascular permeability, and leukocyte diapedesis.
23 ic activity of MMPs is not just required for diapedesis.
24 ulate a critical step required for leukocyte diapedesis.
25 f mechanical events involved in paracellular diapedesis.
26 lectively blocked the transcellular route of diapedesis.
27 ching for areas permissive for transcellular diapedesis.
28 oing transendothelial migration, also called diapedesis.
29 cale of neutrophil activation, adhesion, and diapedesis.
30 to tissues: tethering, rolling, adhesion and diapedesis.
31 rm adhesion to the nearest junction to begin diapedesis.
32 ling, activation, tight adhesion, arrest and diapedesis.
33  of endothelial barrier function and reduces diapedesis.
34 tracks oriented parallel to the direction of diapedesis.
35 cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating diapedesis, a central aspect of trafficking.
36 transendothelial migration of leukocytes, or diapedesis, a critical step in the inflammatory response
37 ling to transmigration sites and compromised diapedesis across HEVs.
38  a prerequisite for transcellular neutrophil diapedesis across the inflamed BBB.
39 ation of IL-1/inhibition of RXR, granulocyte diapedesis/adhesion, Fc macrophage activation, prothromb
40 the CNS is relatively resistant to leukocyte diapedesis after chemokine injection, leaving their func
41 tga4 transgene is potentially sufficient for diapedesis after intra-arterial delivery.
42  (Cx-43), known to be involved in tumor cell diapedesis and attachment to endothelial cells, is signi
43 AGEP, converged on neutrophil chemotaxis and diapedesis and cytokines known to drive neutrophil-rich
44 nvolve chemokine-induced leukocyte adhesion, diapedesis and homing.
45  reduced signaling in leukocyte adhesion and diapedesis and increased complement signaling.
46 othelial cells is a central event leading to diapedesis and involves the binding of the I-domain of b
47 leukocyte adherence to endothelium, impaired diapedesis and less tissue necrosis in the hearts perfus
48 -lymphocyte polarization and interfered with diapedesis and migration in the narrow subendothelial sp
49 t that in addition to influencing eosinophil diapedesis and survival, anti-CCL11 has an action on T c
50 s a specific role for EVL and VASP in T-cell diapedesis and trafficking.
51 elial microtubules and kinesins in promoting diapedesis, and a mechanism to explain targeted recyclin
52 diverges into pathways regulating lymphocyte diapedesis, and other pathways modulating gene expressio
53 ammatory functions, including cell adhesion, diapedesis, and phagocytosis, are dependent on the mobil
54 s adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium, diapedesis, and transmigration.
55                         Our study identifies diapedesis as a step targeted by metalloproteinase activ
56  roles in immunity by facilitating leukocyte diapedesis at inflammatory sites and controlling periphe
57                          Furthermore, T-cell diapedesis became equivalent between control and EVL/VAS
58 ch as Abs and soluble fusion proteins, block diapedesis both in vivo and in vitro.
59 herin, known to selectively affect leukocyte diapedesis, but not the induction of vascular permeabili
60 pothesized that VECs facilitate paracellular diapedesis by opening their cell-cell junctions in respo
61                Our findings demonstrate that diapedesis can be mechanically regulated by the transmig
62             RHP reduced poststroke leukocyte diapedesis concomitant with a long-lasting downregulatio
63 or ADAM17 or monocyte ADAM10, reproduces the diapedesis delay observed with metalloproteinase inhibit
64 ial migration and cell polarization, but not diapedesis, depended on Nef's ability to inhibit host ce
65                             In contrast, TCM diapedesis did not require CXCL12 but was blocked by PTX
66                                     Monocyte diapedesis has been demonstrated to utilize both para an
67 ptor (uPAR; CD87) in neutrophil adhesion and diapedesis has been demonstrated with uPAR-knockout mice
68        The role of this adaptor in leukocyte diapedesis has never been investigated.
69 eukocytes and endothelial cells critical for diapedesis have been identified, but the mechanisms unde
70 use monocyte adhesion to the endothelium and diapedesis in lesion-prone regions of the vasculature is
71 (i.e., through individual endothelial cells) diapedesis in vitro and demonstrate that virtually all,
72 PECAM, fused to the Fc portion of IgG, block diapedesis in vitro and in vivo.
73  in vivo assays, and could undergo efficient diapedesis in vitro.
74                               The process of diapedesis, in which the leukocyte crawls between tightl
75                  This process occurs through diapedesis, in which the leukocyte moves in an ameboid f
76 rocess occurs and whether it is required for diapedesis independent of PECAM are not known.
77 recognition triggers effector functions in a diapedesis-independent manner and is inhibited by the pr
78 migration appeared to be responsible for the diapedesis induced by interaction between CCR5 on Th1-ty
79 brane proteins and promotes cytotoxic T cell diapedesis into inflamed tissue.
80  vivo in blocking CD11b+ monocyte/macrophage diapedesis into inflammatory lesions.
81  specifically regulate the step of leukocyte diapedesis into the CNS remain poorly understood.
82  chemokine signaling, leukocyte adhesion and diapedesis, invasive cell type-specific markers, and com
83                                              Diapedesis involved the homophilic interaction of CD99 o
84                                              Diapedesis is critical for immune system function and in
85                   In addition, we found that diapedesis is facilitated when the tension fluctuations
86                                        Thus, diapedesis is promoted by metalloproteinase activity.
87 , called transendothelial migration (TEM) or diapedesis, is completed within 90 s after a leukocyte a
88 recycling compartment (LBRC) is required for diapedesis, is mediated by kinesin family molecular moto
89                 The concept is emerging that diapedesis itself can be dissected into sequential steps
90  junctions, where it functions to facilitate diapedesis, maintain vascular integrity, and transmit su
91           We propose that the progression of diapedesis may be regulated by spatial and temporal clea
92 virtually all, both para- and transcellular, diapedesis occurs in the context of a novel "cuplike" tr
93                     RANTES seemed to promote diapedesis of adherent Th1-type cells by augmenting pseu
94 the principal MAPKs involved in facilitating diapedesis of CD4(+) lymphocytes across both types of MV
95  histamine release is known to promote rapid diapedesis of inflammatory cells, we evaluated the possi
96                                              Diapedesis of leukocytes across endothelial cells is a c
97  CR3 is involved in endothelial adhesion and diapedesis of leukocytes at inflammatory sites.
98 agocytosis of bacteria), despite accelerated diapedesis of leukocytes into peripheral tissue, as well
99 dothelial cell adherens junctions and in the diapedesis of metastatic cancer cells.
100 ntibody to CD99, hec2, selectively inhibited diapedesis of monocytes across endothelial cells by >90%
101 olecules (CAMs) involved in the adhesion and diapedesis of monocytes and the adherence of SS reticulo
102 th IL-4 did not affect the time required for diapedesis of monocytes itself.
103 ant stress leading to increased adhesion and diapedesis of monocytes, as well as heightened adherence
104  motor domain blocked targeted recycling and diapedesis of monocytes.
105 mice, and correspondingly, there was reduced diapedesis of peripheral macrophages in the IL-1R1 null
106 nin-positive cells, consistent with a faster diapedesis of peripheral monocytes and neutrophils.
107                                              Diapedesis of stationary neutrophils was unchanged by th
108 ition of the endothelium results in enhanced diapedesis of T cells into the tissue, while not affecti
109 ation is driven by excessive transmigration (diapedesis) of leukocytes from the blood to the tissue a
110 ime required for human monocytes to complete diapedesis on unactivated or inflamed human endothelium,
111 eukocytes across endothelium [referred to as diapedesis or transendothelial migration (TEM)] is a cri
112  endothelial MAPKs ERK, p38, and JNK mediate diapedesis-related and diapedesis-unrelated functions of
113 dothelial barrier integrity during leukocyte diapedesis requires local endothelial RhoA cycling.
114 ctivated T-cell trafficking by promoting the diapedesis step of transendothelial migration in a alpha
115 ial cell junctions, indicating that only the diapedesis step was blocked by interference with CD99.
116 M is a molecule used specifically during the diapedesis step when neutrophils and monocytes leave the
117 that precede it, transendothelial migration (diapedesis), the step in which leukocytes migrate betwee
118                                   Therefore, diapedesis, the forward migration of leukocytes through
119 romising, but MSCs are missing machinery for diapedesis through blood-brain barrier.
120 has been shown to be important for leukocyte diapedesis through brain microvessels and subsequent bin
121 ficiency promoted the transcellular route of diapedesis through endothelial cell.
122 the cell will spread and will either undergo diapedesis through individual vascular endothelial cells
123 clude that specifically targeting neutrophil diapedesis through the endothelial barrier may represent
124 l inflammatory models, that it is neutrophil diapedesis through the endothelial barrier that is respo
125 se, which involves intraluminal crawling and diapedesis to the extravascular space, remains elusive.
126 um supports neutrophil arrest, crawling, and diapedesis under physiological flow in vitro.
127  p38, and JNK mediate diapedesis-related and diapedesis-unrelated functions of ICAM-1 in cerebral and
128 sponses were measured by flow cytometry, and diapedesis was assessed using transwell plates.
129 8+ cells to microvasculature was normal, the diapedesis was significantly impaired.
130 y, the hypothesis that systemic LPS inhibits diapedesis was tested by injection of LPS ip and ivt sim
131              Based on its postulated role in diapedesis, we have investigated the role of Plvap in he
132 steps: adhesion, junctional recognition, and diapedesis; we further demonstrate that ICAM-2 is expres
133 A-4 may serve to facilitate transendothelial diapedesis, whereas late and prolonged activation of VLA
134 cell-cell junction remodeling, adhesion, and diapedesis, which corresponded with lower plasma levels

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