


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rtions of labile (reactive) iron than intact diatoms.
2 upported phytoplankton blooms of filamentous diatoms.
3  from the shells of microscopic algae called diatoms.
4 ex stress-related (LHCSR) in green algae and diatoms.
5 p a numerical model of the CCM of cold water diatoms.
6 tests is insufficient to explain the rise of diatoms.
7 cilitating a quantitative comparison between diatoms.
8 such as the Stramenopiles, which include the diatoms.
9  one of the most intriguing mysteries of the diatoms.
10 into natural waters stimulates the growth of diatoms.
11 and microscopically counted chytrid-infected diatoms.
12 indrus, based on a comparison with temperate diatoms.
13 eriments often result in blooms dominated by diatoms [2], indicating that diatoms have adaptations th
14                                           In diatoms, a dominant phylum in phytoplankton, NO was repo
15                                              Diatoms, a major group of photosynthetic microalgae, hav
16 iversification rates and species richness of diatoms, a mechanistic understanding of diatom life cycl
17  millennium and fell in concert with reduced diatom abundance and warming water.
18 nted elevated phytoplankton productivity and diatom abundance within the eddy centre with coincident
19 P, while dry years showed lower chl-a, lower diatom abundance, and decreased NPP.
20        Wet years showed higher chl-a, higher diatom abundance, and increased NPP, while dry years sho
21  correlated with pigment-based indicators of diatom abundance, supporting developing hypotheses that
22                         Cosedimentation with diatoms accumulated contaminants that were dispersed in
23 tom resource utilization and how cooccurring diatoms adjust their cellular physiology to partition th
24                                  Co-cultured diatoms also downregulated lipid biosynthesis genes and
25 cated in the endoplasmic reticulum, which in diatoms also represents the outermost plastid membrane.
26  metabolomes and expressed proteomes of both diatoms, although the diatom that co-occurs with K. brev
27             Here we show that gene flow in a diatom, an ecologically important eukaryotic microbe, is
28 n glaciers as far back as 4.2 Myr ago, while diatom and C37:4 alkenone records show a long-term trend
29 agnetic susceptibility, oxygen isotopes, and diatom and cladoceran assemblages in a sediment core fro
30 ctra showed in vivo absorption signatures of diatom and cyanobacterial photopigments, which were conf
31 ized ecological niches for 87 North Atlantic diatom and dinoflagellate taxa and project changes in sp
32                                          The diatom and filamentous algal community was also more poo
33 rtium associated with a globally distributed diatom and find that a Sulfitobacter species promotes di
34 ed oxygen and silicon isotope measurement of diatom and radiolarian opal, in combination with numeric
35 scribe the first nuclear episomal vector for diatoms and a plasmid delivery method via conjugation fr
36        We examined the relationships between diatoms and bacteria at the community and taxon levels.
37 arine phytoplankton, such as the silicifying diatoms and calcifying coccolithophores, plays an import
38 gi and ciliates, and decreased abundances of diatoms and cercozoans.
39 very different forms of biomineralization in diatoms and coccolithophores.
40     Copepods derive these PUFAs by ingesting diatoms and flagellated microplankton respectively.
41 groups in simulated blooms were unique, with diatoms and haptophytes significantly (95% confidence) s
42 cation following DSW amendment, differed for diatoms and haptophytes, reflecting the long-standing pa
43 nt was mechanistically linked to Fe-stressed diatoms and high mesozooplankton fecal pellet production
44 e protein sequence was found in other marine diatoms and may play an important role in their response
45 nkton community shifts to lightly-silicified diatoms and non-silicifying plankton at the onset of sil
46                                              Diatoms and other phytoplankton play a crucial role in t
47 uence on their competitive interactions with diatoms and other siliceous phytoplankton.
48    Here we use a mathematical model in which diatoms and radiolarians compete for silicic acid to sho
49 al molecular insights into the resilience of diatoms and their ecological success, and opens up novel
50 ightly coupled to the cell cycle in a marine diatom, and that arresting cells in the G1 phase leads t
51 tative plankton species, including copepods, diatoms, and dinoflagellates, all found in the North Atl
52                                              Diatoms are amongst the most successful phytoplankton gr
53                                              Diatoms are an important group of eukaryotic algae with
54 mechanisms of carbon concentration in marine diatoms are controversial.
55                                              Diatoms are highly abundant unicellular algae that often
56                                              Diatoms are highly diverse and ubiquitous species of phy
57  polyamines, and other biomolecules found in diatoms are involved in the assembly of a large number o
58                                              Diatoms are known for their intricate, silicified cell w
59                                              Diatoms are one of the most ecologically successful clas
60                                              Diatoms are one of the most productive and successful ph
61 - and micropatterned biosilica cell walls of diatoms are remarkable examples of biological morphogene
62                                       Marine diatoms are silica-precipitating microalgae that account
63                                              Diatoms are single-celled, photosynthetic, bloom-forming
64                                         When diatoms are stressed for inorganic nitrogen they remodel
65                       Unicellular eukaryotic diatoms are the main primary producers in this environme
66                                              Diatoms are ubiquitous marine photosynthetic eukaryotes
67                                              Diatoms are unicellular algae that accumulate significan
68                                              Diatoms are unicellular microalgae whose cell walls are
69                                              Diatoms are widely used as bioindicators for the assessm
70                                              Diatoms are widespread in aquatic ecosystems where they
71  calculate that the yields obtained by using diatoms as a production platform are theoretically suffi
72 d qPCR revealed a dramatic transition in the diatom-associated bacterial community, defined initially
73 w estimate of diversity of marine planktonic diatoms at 4,748 operational taxonomic units (OTUs).
74                                              Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) constitute one of the most div
75 hore epiphytes were dominated by filamentous diatoms (Bacillariophyta), confined to the apex of the f
76                                              Diatoms (Bacillarophyceae) are photosynthetic unicellula
77                      Here, we used a natural diatom-bacterial assemblage to investigate the diversity
78                    Here we present the first diatom-based high-resolution quantitative reconstruction
79 d (DA), an excitatory amino acid produced by diatoms belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, is a gl
80 ow that a source of diene II is the sympagic diatom Berkeleya adeliensis Medlin.
81 ganic monomeric aluminum, all beneficial for diatom biodiversity and guilds producing high biomass.
82 ted in photosynthetic impairment and loss of diatom biomass in proportion to the supplied AgNP dose.
83  high density Ag NPs inside the nanopores of diatom biosilica, which is not achievable by traditional
84  organic matrices) are general components of diatom biosilica.
85         This paper explores the potential of diatom-biosilica as a model tool to assist in the task o
86                     The results suggest that diatom-biosilica is non-cytotoxic to J774.2 macrophage c
87                 The overall findings suggest diatom-biosilica offers a unique platform for in-depth i
88 totoxicity and pro-inflammatory reactions to diatom-biosilica.
89                             Classically, the diatom biotic indices are based on the relative abundanc
90 th the hypothesis that RNA viruses influence diatom bloom dynamics in Antarctic waters.
91                                              Diatom bloom events were observed in all enclosures, wit
92 ol and an abundant microbial metabolite in a diatom bloom in the eastern North Pacific Ocean.
93 ndance and catalytic rates during an intense diatom bloom in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) an
94 ugust/September 2010, an exceptionally large diatom bloom sedimentation event coincided with elevated
95 e nonmotile, oligotrophic populations during diatom blooms and bloom collapse conditions, resulting i
96 selective silicon sequestration there limits diatom blooms elsewhere and consequently the biotic carb
97                  These trophically important diatom blooms have been replaced by widespread blooms of
98 ences for the spatial and temporal extent of diatom blooms, thus impacting ecosystem productivity and
99 bilization (prior to biosilica formation) in diatoms by investigating possible scenarios of uncharged
100 d find that a Sulfitobacter species promotes diatom cell division via secretion of the hormone indole
101                                              Diatom centromere sequences contain low-GC content regio
102 ing nonnative sequences can also function as diatom centromeres.
103 omeres can maintain episomes and recruit the diatom centromeric histone protein CENH3, suggesting non
104 t spring and to an ssDNA virus infecting the diatom Chaetoceros.
105                                              Diatoms co-occur with specific bacterial taxa, but the m
106 a ice samples revealed chytrids parasitizing diatoms collected across the Arctic that notably infecte
107 al data associated with elementary atom plus diatom collisions.
108 lso changed the composition of bacterial and diatom communities in biofilms at day 21 and increased c
109 gical interactions between K. brevis and two diatom competitors, Asterionellopsis glacialis and Thala
110 levate disease incidence on algae and reduce diatom concentrations.
111                                              Diatoms constitute a major phylum of phytoplankton biodi
112 y species with resistant cell walls, such as diatoms, continued to be present.
113 rbon pump other than broad paradigms such as diatoms contributing disproportionally to carbon export.
114 insights into light manipulation regimes for diatom cultivation that will help to maximize production
115 ing seawater amended with cyanobacteria- and diatom-derived DOM, metatranscriptomes had similar funct
116 comparing seawater and seawater amended with diatom-derived DOM, metatranscriptomes revealed pronounc
117 mediate programmed cell death in response to diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes.
118             Bacterial transformation of this diatom-derived sulfonate represents a previously unident
119                                              Diatoms developed a complementary and/or alternative tun
120 ean circulation choke points in constraining diatom distribution and diversity.
121                        We also observed high diatom diversity in the open ocean, suggesting that diat
122 ctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and increased diatom diversity point to a positive ecosystem response
123  in biomass, but algal class composition and diatom diversity were similar.
124                          In a typical bloom, diatoms dominate initially, transitioning over several w
125 y producers to OA, especially in waters with diatom-dominated phytoplankton assemblages.
126       The North Atlantic is characterized by diatom-dominated spring blooms that results in significa
127  knowledge of the molecular underpinnings of diatom ecological success is, however, still very incomp
128  enables stable episome replication in these diatoms even in the absence of antibiotic selection and
129 f a complex exchange of nutrients, including diatom-excreted organosulfur molecules and bacterial-exc
130                                              Diatoms exhibit high solar energy harvesting efficiency
131                                    Thus, the diatom ferritin is optimized for initial Fe(2+) oxidatio
132                                 The dominant diatoms, flagellates and picophytoplankton varied dramat
133 ductivity based on the composition of fossil diatom floras with organic carbon burial off Oregon in t
134 s the power of genome engineering to harness diatoms for biofuel production.
135                            Cyanobacteria and diatoms formed distinctly coloured zones and were closel
136 cing (NGS) approach to identify and quantify diatoms found in environmental DNA and RNA samples.
137 iments were performed with the psychrophilic diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus.
138 nd in laboratory cultures of a psychrophilic diatom (Fragilariopsis cylindrus).
139 tion was observed in dark anoxic cultures of diatoms (Fragilariopsis sp.) and a chlorophyte (Pyramimo
140  into the genome evolution of a cold-adapted diatom from the Southern Ocean, Fragilariopsis cylindrus
141 d siliceous shells (frustules) of freshwater diatoms from a well-dated undisturbed sediment core in a
142  formation of TNT on the scFv-functionalized diatom frustule biosilica had a half-saturation binding
143 as bound to the anti-TNT scFv-functionalized diatom frustule biosilica, the PL emission from the bios
144 mplex formation with antibody-functionalized diatom frustule biosilica.
145                                          The diatom frustule is an intricately nanostructured, highly
146 te biosilica nanostructures that compose the diatom frustule is not yet possible.
147 roless-deposited Ag seeds at nanometer sized diatom frustule surface, which provides high density hot
148 roplets with pinpoint accuracy into a single diatom frustule with dimension around 30micromx7micromx5
149 Raman scattering (SERS) substrate based on a diatom frustule with in-situ synthesized silver nanopart
150 stigate the light-trapping characteristic of diatom frustule.
151                     Abundances of freshwater diatom frustules exported to Eel Canyon sediment from 19
152 bined with the strong hydrophilic surface of diatom frustules is capable of concentrating the analyte
153                   In simulation, placing the diatom frustules on the surface of the light-absorption
154 te the light-trapping characteristics of the diatom frustules.
155 ances with the photonic crystal structure of diatom frustules.
156 euphotic zone, have been analyzed to explore diatom global diversity and community composition.
157                             Responses of the diatom, haptophyte, and dinoflagellate functional groups
158 ms dominated by diatoms [2], indicating that diatoms have adaptations that allow survival in iron-lim
159                                          How diatoms have adapted to this extreme environment is larg
160 w the reconstruction of changes occurring in diatoms in a key phase of their life cycle, providing hi
161 ach for identification and quantification of diatoms in environmental samples, opening new avenues to
162 es was critical to the subsequent success of diatoms in marine ecosystems over the last 40 My and sug
163 that coccolithophores are able to outcompete diatoms in Si-depleted waters, which can contribute to t
164 s is essential for the ecological success of diatoms in the marine ecosystem.
165 roportion of planetary primary production by diatoms in the modern oceans is roughly equivalent to th
166                 The ecological prominence of diatoms in the ocean environment largely results from th
167 ave contributed to the ecological success of diatoms in the ocean.
168 a contentious debate about the origin of the diatoms in the TAMs and their link to EAIS history, supp
169                                   The CCM of diatoms in the Western Antarctic Peninsula functions wit
170                                       Marine diatoms in tillites along the Transantarctic Mountains (
171 ive species were mainly centrics and araphid diatoms (in this study, Thalassiosirales and Fragilarial
172 ieve high carboxylation rates, psychrophilic diatoms increased Rubisco abundance to c. 8% of biomass
173  in order to compare the values of the Swiss Diatom Index (DI-CH) computed either by microscopic quan
174  relative abundance of analyzed species, the diatom index shows a significant correlation between mor
175 wn N and P metabolic pathways varied between diatoms, indicating apparent differences in resource uti
176 omes, three of which had features similar to diatom-infecting viruses.
177 community and particularly the prominence of Diatoms inferred from silicate drawdown, drive interannu
178 aryotic phytoplankton, and large portions of diatom iron starvation transcriptomes are genes encoding
179 g that the HCB community associated with the diatom is tuned to specializing in the degradation of PA
180 t the allocation of carbon and reductants in diatoms is controlled by a feedback mechanism between in
181 led frustules) of unicellular algae known as diatoms is one of the most intriguing mysteries of the d
182 ree (or four) relatively minor (<5%) sea ice diatoms isolated from mixed assemblages collected from t
183       The main light-harvesting complexes of diatoms, known as fucoxanthin-chlorophyll proteins (FCPs
184 sis with high-light acclimation in the outer diatom layer, and low-light acclimation in the underlyin
185 s of diatoms, a mechanistic understanding of diatom life cycle control is virtually lacking.
186      Here we show that an expanded family of diatom-like silicon transporters (SITs) are present in b
187 diversity in the open ocean, suggesting that diatoms may be more relevant in these oceanic systems th
188  The model also explored unusual features of diatom metabolism, such as the presence of lower glycoly
189 ransporter systems, we hypothesize that nine diatom metabolites supported the majority of bacterial g
190                                  Here we use diatom microalgae-derived nanoporous biosilica to delive
191 used transcriptional patterns in a bacterial-diatom model system based on vitamin B12 auxotrophy as a
192 rate of isotherm movement), the range of the diatoms moved much more slowly.
193 ccus anophagefferens (Quantuck Bay, NY), and diatoms (Narragansett Bay, RI) show active infections by
194 nvestigate the cellular and genetic basis of diatom NO3(-) assimilation, we generated a knockout in t
195                                              Diatoms often inhabit highly variable habitats where the
196 and isotopologues) with atoms (F, Cl, O) and diatoms (OH), with inclusion of also rotational mode spe
197                                     Enhanced diatom opal burial in Sargasso Sea sediments indicates t
198 o the mineralization of silica cell walls of diatom organisms.
199 chrophytes, a major group of algae including diatoms, pelagophytes and kelps, that possess plastids d
200  as few as two or three key OTUs, i.e. large diatoms, Phaeocystis, and mixotrophic/phagotrophic dinof
201                                  We used the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum as a model system to ex
202  reductase gene (NR-KO) of the model pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum In NR-KO cells, N-assim
203 yzed the global transcriptome changes of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in response to P fluctu
204 Ostreococcus tauri (Mamiellophyceae) and the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum produced C21 hexaene, w
205                 Here we show that the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum utilizes ISIP2a to conc
206 n this study, the transcriptome of the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was profiled during the
207 itation to identify centromeres of the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum We observed 25 unique c
208  for the glycerolipidome of the marine model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a necessary prerequisi
209  Here we show that a population of the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, after growing under el
210 onal modifications on histones of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, including eight novel
211 le modifications of the genome of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, using both meganucleas
212 sed to induce oxidative stress in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
213 via conjugation from Escherichia coli to the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseu
214 ty consisting of well-characterized cultured diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira wei
215  to G1-phase cell cycle arrest in the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, by binding to two cyc
216  EFMs in a genome-scale metabolic model of a diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, identified approximat
217  is influenced by nitrogen stress in a model diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
218 model of a fully sequenced and transformable diatom: Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
219 s isolated from cultured cells of the marine diatom Pinnularia sp. and functionalized with a single c
220 organisms, including bacteria, fungi, algae, diatoms, plants, insects, and fish.
221                                              Diatom plastids show several peculiarities when compared
222 cally adapted nucleotide transport system in diatom plastids.
223 uild their biomineralized cell walls, marine diatoms precipitate 240 x 10(12) mol Si per year, which
224  green algae (Chlorophyta) and single-celled diatoms (principally Cocconeis spp.), which were high li
225 ic acid (dSi) availability frequently limits diatom productivity and influences species composition o
226 nd Aurora basins that were conducive to high diatom productivity and rapid accumulation of diatomaceo
227 hese elevated silica fluxes may explain high diatom productivity observed during the last glacial-int
228 yll a by up to approximately 40-fold, led to diatom proliferation, and reduced community diversity.
229             Ferritin from the marine pennate diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (PmFTN) plays a key
230                  Using the marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, we investigated th
231               There was a stepwise effect of diatom quantity on its mineralisation although mineralis
232 ynamics were reconstructed using pollen, and diatom records provided measures of primary production f
233                            Here we show that diatoms regulate ATP/NADPH through extensive energetic e
234 ffect the fate of organic carbon produced by diatoms remains an open question.
235 ch highlights the molecular underpinnings of diatom resource utilization and how cooccurring diatoms
236                                              Diatom responses to AgNP, free Ag(I) species, and dialys
237 over time and differed significantly between diatoms, resulting in opposite transcriptional responses
238                             In psychrophilic diatoms, Rubisco must be almost fully active and near CO
239 ication researchers have sought to mimic the diatom's biosilica production capabilities by engineerin
240 lum tricornutum as a model system to explore diatom's response to iron limitation and its interplay w
241 terize a pentalysine peptide, derived from a diatom's silaffin protein.
242 cid, synthesized by the bacterium using both diatom-secreted and endogenous tryptophan.
243                         We show that benthic diatoms selectively perceive and behaviourally react to
244 ng pheromone (SIP(+)) of the benthic pennate diatom Seminavis robusta was identified by comparative m
245 bout the redox-based mechanisms that mediate diatom sensing and acclimation to environmental stress.
246 we observed a strong phylogenetic signal for diatom sensitivity to herbicides.
247 wever, there was considerable variability in diatom sensitivity within the raphid clade, which could
248                                              Diatom sexual signalling is controlled by a complex, yet
249   Here, we identify experimentally tractable diatom silicic acid transporter (SIT) homologues and stu
250                                            A diatom size index further points to a glacial decrease (
251 odefence mechanisms developed by the coastal diatom Skeletonema marinoi were performed.
252 of HCB associated with a cosmopolitan marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum, to crude oil.
253 e use a new model ensemble reconstruction of diatom speciation and extinction rates to examine phytop
254 periments on a representative coastal marine diatom species Chaetoceros curvisetus using the referenc
255 Arctic that notably infected 25% of a single diatom species in the Bering Sea.
256 uted either by microscopic quantification of diatom species or directly from NGS data.
257 , terbutryn, diuron, and isoproturon) and 14 diatom species representative of Lake Geneva biofilm div
258  and sensitivity to herbicides in freshwater diatom species.
259 AgCys(-) complexes were bioavailable to this diatom species.
260 hat capacity in the environment suggest that diatom-specific resource partitioning was occurring in N
261 at in the pilot-scale system was composed of diatoms (Staurosira construens) and a bacterial communit
262 e summarize past attempts to obtain suitable diatom strains, propose future directions for their gene
263 tillans blooms could disrupt the traditional diatom-sustained food chain to the detriment of regional
264  microcosm experiment, in which eight marine diatoms systems with different correlations between trai
265                       For the more sensitive diatom, T. pseudonana, which may not have had opportunit
266 ered differential expression of >80 genes in diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 that are homolo
267                                    The model diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana contains three types of
268                                          The diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana is genetically engineere
269  exudates separated from cells of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana nucleate ice, and propos
270 cript abundance were documented in the model diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana on a time-course of sili
271 ter clade bacterium when cocultured with the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana were those encoding the
272  oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) to the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.
273 nce between the bioavailability of Zn to the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, and its reduction at -
274   Here we measured the responses of a marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, to high and low concen
275 ated redox reactions; comparisons to a model diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, were also drawn.
276     The CCM(s) present in the marine-centric diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, were studied in cells
277                       This contrasts a model diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, which transported pseu
278 this prediction in experiments with a marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana: Topt decreases by 3-6
279      We compared the responses of the marine diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii, exposed to ZnO, AgO,
280 ssed proteomes of both diatoms, although the diatom that co-occurs with K. brevis blooms (A. glaciali
281 itrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) metabolism in diatoms that cooccur regularly in an estuary on the east
282                                              Diatoms, the dominant primary producers, exhibited trans
283                                 In contrast, diatoms, the most common type of phytoplankton found in
284 blooms, which previously comprised mainly of diatoms, the unicellular, siliceous photosynthetic organ
285 r mechanisms underlying the responses of the diatom to ZnO-NPs and Zn(2+) under various regimes of te
286 ility to oxidative stress in the response of diatoms to iron quota in the marine environment.
287 network (redoxome) mediating the response of diatoms to oxidative stress.
288              This metabolic feedback enables diatoms to rapidly respond to fluctuations in environmen
289  of the polar front, driving non-ice adapted diatoms to regional or global extinction.
290 oplankton community dominated by filamentous diatoms to smaller cells will have far reaching ecosyste
291    Here, we focus on a specific algal taxon, diatoms, to become the fossil fuel of the future.
292 at prevailing mid-altitude winds transported diatoms towards the TAMs, dominantly from extensive emer
293 peting Ulva and dinoflagellates outcompeting diatoms under elevated pCO2.
294 cteria around individual Chaetoceros affinis diatoms undergoing lysis.
295 milation pathway and the recently discovered diatom urea cycle.
296    Here, a total of approximately 12 million diatom V9-18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) ribotypes, derived fr
297 alis), as recruitment of both macroalgae and diatoms were favored in elevated nutrient conditions.
298 l phytoplankton communities are dominated by diatoms, which generate approximately 40% of marine prim
299 wever, only a few of these have investigated diatoms, which is disproportionate to their contribution
300 ng chromatin-mediated regulation of genes in diatoms will help understand the ecological success of t

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