


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1   A brief introduction into the chemistry of diazonamide A (1) is followed by first-generation sequen
2 rminal residue, the revised architecture for diazonamide A (1) provided an even more challenging mole
3  toward the originally proposed structure of diazonamide A (1).
4  an analog of the antimitotic marine peptide diazonamide A (both the analog and diazonamide A are pot
5 ng the course of studies on the synthesis of diazonamide A 1, an unusual O-aryl into C-aryl rearrange
6                       A biotinylated form of diazonamide A affinity purifies ornithine delta-amino tr
7 ver, the remaining biochemical properties of diazonamide A and its analog differ markedly from those
8                    If the latter is correct, diazonamide A and its oxygen analog should have uniquely
9 te studies regarding the chemical biology of diazonamide A and its structural congeners, and more ful
10 n the latter system, the interaction between diazonamide A and OAT is regulated by RanGTP.
11 oid and dolastatin 10 binding sites, or that diazonamide A and the analog bind weakly to unpolymerize
12      These observations indicate either that diazonamide A and the analog have a unique binding site
13                                         Both diazonamide A and the oxygen analog are potent inhibitor
14  fragment of the marine secondary metabolite diazonamide A are described, all of which feature dirhod
15 e peptide diazonamide A (both the analog and diazonamide A are potent inhibitors of tubulin assembly)
16 anced intermediate in the first synthesis of diazonamide A by Nicolaou et al.
17                                              Diazonamide A causes cells to arrest in mitosis, and, af
18  the right-hand heteroaromatic macrocycle of diazonamide A features C16-C18 bond formation in the Suz
19 cially unique target for chemical synthesis, diazonamide A has the potential to be constructed throug
20 synthesis of a biologically active analog of diazonamide A in which a single nitrogen atom was replac
21                                              Diazonamide A is highly effective at blocking spindle as
22                                      Neither diazonamide A nor the analog inhibited the binding of [3
23  preparation of DZ-2384; a refined analog of diazonamide A slated for clinical development as a cance
24 cle, we detail our second total synthesis of diazonamide A through a sequence entirely distinct from
25 cell death, the effects largely phenocopying diazonamide A treatment in these cell lines.
26 tail the first successful total synthesis of diazonamide A, an endeavor which not only verified its p
27 e organism for the complex cytotoxic peptide diazonamide A.
28  occurring small-molecule antimitotic called diazonamide A.
29 and functional analog of the natural product diazonamide A.
30 method to synthesize the core macrolactam of diazonamides is described.
31 ) that sets C10 configuration in a potential diazonamide precursor.

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