


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 th red and white gastrocnemius muscles, the TBC1D1 ablation did not alter this response nor did it affect whole-body insu
2  We find that inhibition of the LHb with GABAergic agonists did not alter cocaine SA under progressive ratio or seeking/t
3                                                         AIE did not alter punishment-mediated risky decision-making.
4                    Although PGE2 or 15-PGDH inhibitor alone did not alter gestational length, treatment with 15-PGDH inhi
5            Expression of the N-terminal region of SS4 alone did not alter the ss4 mutant phenotype.
6 elease; 2) adiponectin stimulated PRL-, inhibited ACTH- and did not alter LH/FSH/TSH-release; and 3) resistin increased A
7  not show estrogenic activity in the uterotrophic assay and did not alter puberty in male and female rats or mammary glan
8 FSH/TSH-release; and 3) resistin increased ACTH-release and did not alter PRL/LH/FSH/TSH-secretion.
9                                                        AnkG did not alter ENaC delivery to the membrane from biosynthetic
10 s accelerated lodgepole pine expansion into the alpine, but did not alter final abundance rankings among climate scenario
11 r1 blunted LTC4-induced ILC2 expansion and eosinophilia but did not alter IL-33 induction.
12 MP9/10 increased basal IkappaBalpha protein expression, but did not alter p65/RelA levels.
13  (CD18) significantly reduced ILC2 numbers in the lungs but did not alter ILC2 proliferation, apoptosis, and function.
14 iments decreased the efficiency of the remedial process but did not alter the transformation pathways.
15                      Loss of EP4 in Scleraxis-lineage cells did not alter gliding function, suggesting that Scx-lineage c
16 eolytic-resistant alpha1C Prevention of C-terminal cleavage did not alter beta-adrenergic stimulation of CaV1.2 in the he
17 ponse to B cell-derived exosomal proteins, B cell depletion did not alter the exosome-induced CTL response.
18 n contrast, neutrophil depletion with more advanced disease did not alter systemic lupus erythematosus progression.
19                                         Both malate and DOA did not alter the sensitivity of isoprene emission to high CO
20  of pleiotropic effects and accounting for tobacco exposure did not alter the association (OR of schizophrenia for users
21                                                   Fenugreek did not alter body weight, fat mass, or food intake in either
22                                                   Fostering did not alter the characteristic burrowing behavior of either
23                    In conclusion, genetic deletion of GPR55 did not alter the development of pathological pain in adult m
24 esults show that testosterone, estrogen, and hydrocortisone did not alter basal CatSper currents, whereas the neurosteroi
25                             Dissolution of NETs via DNase I did not alter anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-indu
26                                         In contrast, Ang II did not alter total or surface KV 2.1, or KV 1.5 or KV 2.1 ce
27 htened inflammation and immune activation in HIV-1+ infants did not alter IgA responses associated with protection from r
28                            At 15 degrees C, leptin infusion did not alter food intake but increased MAP and HR (8 +/- 1 m
29              MgtC appears to act exclusively on PhoP, as it did not alter the stability of a different ClpS-dependent Clp
30 e partial defect in both GEF and GAP regulation, KRAS K104Q did not alter steady-state GTP-bound levels or the ability of
31             Adjustment for childhood or current pet keeping did not alter associations with allergies.
32 ion, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated HDAC5 knockdown did not alter the acetylation level of LSD1 in MDA-MB-231 cel
33                                            As expected, LSD did not alter measured GFR and increased the abundance of tot
34                                                          MD did not alter the initial maturation of binocularity, as disp
35                 In mESC-CM monolayers, CF-conditioned media did not alter CM spreading or MEK-ERK activation.
36 e caves and the mechanical strength of the powder-laden MNA did not alter significantly before and after more than two mo
37              Combining gamma-ECS or PCS1 with HAC1 mutation did not alter As tolerance or accumulation beyond the levels
38                                                   Nalmefene did not alter brain perfusion.
39                  The ingestion of saccharin before the OGTT did not alter any of the measured variables but eliminated th
40 ther genes in the dopamine and serotonin synthesis pathways did not alter tau-induced toxicity; however, their function i
41                                          Adjustment for PDR did not alter HRs by race/ethnicity, but differences between
42 erial blood pressure whereas equi-osmotic mannitol/sorbitol did not alter any variable.
43                                       Equi-osmotic sorbitol did not alter any variable.
44 ncontrolled CRS, whereas allergy, asthma and smoking status did not alter the percentage of patients in each category of
45                                         Finally, suvorexant did not alter Fos-immunoreactivity within tyrosine hydroxylas
46                                                 Meal timing did not alter actigraphic sleep parameters before circadian r
47 ter body weight rebound, suggesting that BChE gene transfer did not alter energy expenditure in the long term.
48      Immunophenotyping revealed that anti-PD-1 Ab treatment did not alter immune effector cell numbers or myeloid cell ac
49     Chemogenetic inhibition of local CRF neurons in the VTA did not alter binge-like ethanol drinking, but inhibition of
50 n of neural differences did not occur when changes in words did not alter the interpretation of the story (e.g., sobbing

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