


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1       Although the addition of carbohydrates or amino acids did not significantly affect bulk N2 fixation rates, N2 fixat
2      Primary care provider-delivered preventive dental care did not significantly affect caries-related treatment use or
3 le inhibition, genetic deletion, or acute depletion of MELK did not significantly affect cellular growth.
4 levels (p = .092) and time period of measurement (p = .975) did not significantly affect corneal parameters.
5                                            The supply chain did not significantly affect glucoraphanin concentrations, an
6                                                  DE imaging did not significantly affect nodule detection when paired wit
7           FBRM results show that 0.1-0.5% (w/w) of PGEmix-8 did not significantly affect nucleation but slightly retarded
8                    Chronic exposure to lower concentrations did not significantly affect survival of C. dubia, but a dose
9 nstability differentially, in that some promoted and others did not significantly affect tau mRNA instability.
10 erm negative correlations between AOD and precipitation, it did not significantly affect the positive correlations seen i
11 for confounders at the study level was often incomplete but did not significantly affect the results.
12 rasitism on B. dracunculifoliae in the treatment plots, but did not significantly alter either the species richness or ab
13 ased under these conditions, but including spatial contrast did not significantly alter the circadian phase resetting eff
14           Mostly, adjustment for malaria in addition to AGP did not significantly change the estimated prevalence of iron
15                               Conclusion Screening with DBT did not significantly change the utilization rate of BI-RADS
16 ated the inhibitory capacity of the tetramer; however, they did not significantly compromise the ability of M-TTR to inhi
17      By contrast, trends in climate and nitrogen deposition did not significantly contribute to changing carbon fluxes du
18 lined with older age, whereas serum and urinary aldosterone did not significantly decline.
19                                         The incidence of MI did not significantly decrease in the past decade and has bee
20            The percentage of subjects with higher education did not significantly decrease with disability level (P = .11
21                                  Thirty-day mortality rates did not significantly differ based on hospital ICU utilizatio
22 ival inflammation, calculus, and infectious dental diseases did not significantly differ between groups.
23                                   Adverse event frequencies did not significantly differ between GSK561679- and placebo-t
24                     However, after 6 weeks, risk of relapse did not significantly differ between the 2 groups (HR, 1.18;
25 e/nonresponse (CIR/NR; 6% +/- 3% vs 6% +/- 2%; PGray = .03) did not significantly differ between the ML-DS 2006 trial and
26                             GLUT1 expression quantification did not significantly differ between the study groups.
27         The mean estimated overall decreases in HAM-D score did not significantly differ between treatments (CBT: 10.2, e
28            Last observation carried forward remission rates did not significantly differ between treatments (CBT: 41.9%,
29 phism rs110402 found that response to GSK561679 and placebo did not significantly differ by genotype alone.
30                        The frequency of the p.S207L variant did not significantly differ from that of controls in breast,
31                      After pretreatment, striatal SRTM BPND did not significantly differ from zero except for (18)F-FPSCH
32                             Dehydrated and selected samples did not significantly differ in anacardic acid content, havin
33 y, 5-year graft survival (72% [SHK] vs 73% [KTA], P = 0.71) did not significantly differ, although patient survival (75%
34 cores in the second and third estradiol/progesterone months did not significantly differ.
35 argeted temperature management at 33 degrees C for 48 hours did not significantly improve 6-month neurologic outcome comp
36                                         Guided therapy also did not significantly improve any of the secondary end points
37 lucose monitoring adherence during the incentive period but did not significantly improve glycemic control.
38                                                    Losartan did not significantly improve RV EF in comparison with placeb
39 agitation; however, washing in the presence of hypochlorite did not significantly increase ascorbate loss.
40                             Collecting early morning sputum did not significantly increase diagnostic performance of micr
41                                             Urea with Limus did not significantly increase maize yields (P < 0.05) compar
42                          Multiple micronutrient supplements did not significantly increase the risk of stillbirth or neon
43 butor to preoperative heart failure, pulmonary hypertension did not significantly influence clinical and surgical outcome
44                                                 Temperature did not significantly influence SOA formation in this study.
45    The Hg(II)-DOM or Hg(II)-DOM-sulfide equilibration times did not significantly influence the extent of structural orde
46 2015 A(H3N2) viruses and included in the 2016-2017 vaccine, did not significantly predict protection.
47                            Both analyses revealed that ITNs did not significantly protect against clinical malaria (odds
48                   Caffeine therapy for apnea of prematurity did not significantly reduce the combined rate of academic, m
49                                      Nebulized HS treatment did not significantly reduce the rate of hospital admissions
50 urgery, as compared with conventional laparoscopic surgery, did not significantly reduce the risk of conversion to open l

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