コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
2 el insights into the functional pathology of diencephalic amnesia and have implications for the aetio
3 lationship between temporal lobe amnesia and diencephalic amnesia depends on determining the role of
6 primary sites of neuropathology in cases of diencephalic amnesia such as Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
9 tion, Phox2a(+) neurons were observed within diencephalic and brainstem nuclei that regulate behavior
11 The purpose of this study was to identify diencephalic and brainstem sites active during exercise
13 selectively affected mesencephalic cultures; diencephalic and C6 glioma cells were not affected by DA
16 and cognition seems reflected in reciprocal diencephalic and limbic activation with solvable and uns
17 studies have implicated the majority of the diencephalic and mesencephalic nuclei in electrosensory,
18 enes to be induced by FGF8 in wild-type E9.5 diencephalic and midbrain explants treated with FGF8-soa
22 by transplanting dissociated telencephalic, diencephalic, and mesencephalic cells of E14 mouse embry
23 dendrocytes incorporated into telencephalic, diencephalic, and mesencephalic regions and assumed phen
25 ich temporal lobe seizures disrupt brainstem-diencephalic arousal systems, leading indirectly to depr
26 propagation were abolished by melatonin, as diencephalic astrocytes acquired more telencephalon-like
28 stimulated an increased number of fetal rat diencephalic astrocytes to progress through G1/S, and th
32 to the dMT, including brainstem, cerebellar, diencephalic, basal ganglia, and cortical regions involv
33 recommand nucleus (PCN) at the mesencephalic-diencephalic border and the ventroposterior nucleus (VP)
35 s that occupied only a part of certain inter-diencephalic boundaries, fiber tracts were present withi
36 ble for formation of an intact telencephalic-diencephalic boundary and for preventing the abnormal po
40 subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a glutamatergic diencephalic cell group that develops in the caudal hypo
42 cephalon) revealed a unique role for Isl1 in diencephalic cells bordering the internal capsule for th
44 nule cells share a lineage with cortical and diencephalic cells, pointing toward a common lineage tha
47 dentified for the forebrain and midbrain and diencephalic components of the ascending auditory pathwa
49 rise within a contiguous field separate from diencephalic CPe, also exhibited different patterns of a
52 unction, but those with additional limbic or diencephalic deficits were most affected; 60% of these p
53 retinoic acid (RA) signaling is involved in diencephalic development at late stages of embryonic dev
54 r normal Pax-6 protein is required for early diencephalic development by examining morphology, precur
55 ain) was disrupted, supporting the idea that diencephalic development is abnormal from very early in
56 role for both GCN5 and RA signaling in early diencephalic development, and elucidate a novel molecula
60 otpb gene that drove specific expression in diencephalic dopaminergic neurons, although it did not s
63 a 63-year-old man with clinical criteria for diencephalic encephalitis with sleepiness, cataplexy, hy
65 exencephalic phenotype, exhibit significant diencephalic expansion, decreased diencephalic RA signal
68 we show that Shh/Gli2 signaling controls the diencephalic expression of Bone morphogenetic protein 4
69 .5 Small-eye mice revealed discrete zones of diencephalic expression that had similar relative positi
73 for memory, and consequently indicates that diencephalic-hippocampal models of memory should be exte
74 onal hormonal or MRI abnormalities indicated diencephalic-hypothalamic involvement in 34% of the pati
75 chus, the dorsolateral pallium (DL) receives diencephalic inputs representing electrosensory input ut
76 cephalon and diencephalon, the telencephalic/diencephalic junction (TDJ), is often indistinct, and th
78 expression in the brain, we find that early diencephalic left-right asymmetry also requires Southpaw
82 complete resection (OR = 15.50, p = 0.0009), diencephalic location (OR = 12.2, p = 0.013), and high-g
85 ula, preglomerular nuclei, and several other diencephalic, mesencephalic, and rhombencephalic regions
87 ransfer, we show that the positioning of the diencephalic-mesencephalic boundary (DMB) requires Engra
91 ur findings strongly suggest activation of a diencephalic network that participates in behavioral res
92 basal hypothalamic regions, and the distinct diencephalic neuromeres could be analyzed on the basis o
93 ic system is the orthopedia (otp)-expressing diencephalic neuronal population that constitutes the do
94 primate mammalian species, telencephalic and diencephalic neurons originate from their respective loc
95 n thyrotropin-releasing hormone in fetal rat diencephalic neurons, their localization and transcripti
97 with holoprosencephaly in humans, regulates diencephalic Nodal activity during initial establishment
98 subdivisions and nucleus taenia); (2) other diencephalic nuclei (centroposterior, glomerular, and an
99 The right habenula and posterior tuberculum (diencephalic nuclei) receive convergent inputs from rest
100 l complex differentially influences adjacent diencephalic nuclei, the left and right habenulae, which
101 anesthetics act on one or more brainstem or diencephalic nuclei, with suppression of cortex and spin
103 any more cells are present in DL than in the diencephalic nucleus that provides it with sensory input
104 concentrated in and along the margins of the diencephalic optic tract and essentially absent from its
106 presented with isolated or combined limbic, diencephalic or brainstem dysfunction, and four with oth
107 should be suspected in patients with limbic, diencephalic or brainstem dysfunction, MRI abnormalities
111 However, the major afferents to the Vv were diencephalic, particularly those originating from the ro
112 s specifically related to early-stage limbic-diencephalic pathology, and that non-mnemonic impairment
117 e that movement of a median subpopulation of diencephalic precursors separates retinal precursors int
119 t the main route of transmission consists of diencephalic (preglomerular complex; PG) glutamatergic i
120 environment and anatomical deficiency in the diencephalic preoptic area, where the optic chiasm norma
121 ects on these cells; the inputs from the two diencephalic prepacemaker nuclei, PPnC and PPnG, which r
129 ignificant diencephalic expansion, decreased diencephalic RA signaling, and increased diencephalic WN
130 ation of transitin mRNA is best shown in the diencephalic radial glia, as well as cerebellar Bergmann
132 ificant progress in the comprehension of the diencephalic region of Xenopus and show that the organiz
133 not preclude the development of a degree of diencephalic regionalization resembling that in normal m
135 is double dissociation shows that the limbic-diencephalic regions damaged in amnesia and the neostria
136 mu-receptor mRNA was expressed in different diencephalic regions including the preoptic area, the be
141 E, and that characteristic telencephalic and diencephalic signaling centers, the cortical hem and zon
142 evelopment.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Changes in diencephalic size and shape, as well as SNPs associated
143 of RA signaling that is required to restrict diencephalic size during early forebrain development.SIG
147 it2 expression is strong in anterior ventral diencephalic structures but is absent from the ventral m
148 the neuroanatomy of medial temporal lobe and diencephalic structures important for memory, multiple m
149 ield into diencephalic territory and loss of diencephalic structures, indicating a role for Rtk1 in p
150 mRNAs showed substantial enrichment in basal diencephalic structures, particularly the hypothalamus,
151 ates, its expression is enriched in specific diencephalic structures, where the highest levels are ob
152 lary bodies, components of the corticolimbic-diencephalic subsystem subserving functionally later dev
153 ty of components of the extended hippocampal-diencephalic system to memory performance in MS patients
154 leus of channel catfish project to different diencephalic targets, single cells were intracellularly
157 tor leads to expansion of the eye field into diencephalic territory and loss of diencephalic structur
159 c neurons in each of the major forebrain and diencephalic TH-positive cell groups expressed zDJ-1.
160 cephalon is, in fact, expression in adjacent diencephalic tissue, which expresses many of the same ge
161 he other was the absence of the dorsoventral diencephalic tract in Alligator which lacks a pineal gla
164 Twelve patients (18%), predominantly with diencephalic tumor location, died of a specific medical
165 ntorial tumors (P = .008), optic pathway and diencephalic tumors (P = .012), and subtotal resection o
168 e hypothalamic cells derive from the rostral diencephalic ventral midline, lie above the prechordal m
169 A neurons precede RGC axons into the lateral diencephalic wall and like RGC axons also express GAP-43
171 nteraction with guidance cues in the lateral diencephalic wall, suggesting possible involvement of PK
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