


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  influenced by uptake pathway (waterborne or dietary exposure).
2  link the HEI scores to plasma biomarkers of dietary exposure.
3 BSE may have spread to humans, putatively by dietary exposure.
4 ) via a combination of maternal transfer and dietary exposure.
5 quantified, and it's useful for reducing the dietary exposure.
6 oid of any risk of acute toxicity related to dietary exposure.
7 at there is no risk of acute toxicity due to dietary exposure.
8 kers of disease, susceptibility, and perhaps dietary exposure.
9 ch, and likely reflect short-term changes in dietary exposure.
10 e of occurrence was used to estimate the DON dietary exposure.
11  a buffet setting, which is a common type of dietary exposure.
12 (controls); all completed a questionnaire on dietary exposure.
13 16) were generally higher than following the dietary exposure (0.29%-1.4%).
14                                The high mean dietary exposure 22.2 and 24.2ngkg(-1)bwday(-1) to AFB1
15  1990 were averaged to account for long-term dietary exposure and to reduce within-subject variabilit
16  need of high quality methods for evaluating dietary exposure and validated acrylamide content databa
17 no significant associations between examined dietary exposures and AF risk.
18         We examined the associations between dietary exposures and AF with Cox proportional hazards r
19 ent of children randomly assigned to certain dietary exposures and later fracture rates.
20       Furthermore, existing studies measured dietary exposures and potential confounders only at base
21 death during follow-up according to baseline dietary exposures and their yearly updated changes.
22             We examined associations between dietary exposures and urinary chemical concentrations us
23 l colonization is affected by delivery mode, dietary exposures, antibiotic exposure, and environmenta
24  risk factor and may be useful in describing dietary exposures associated with glycemic index (GI) an
25 nistration of omega-3 PUFAs after injury and dietary exposure before or after injury improve neurolog
26 opment of more precise measures of long-term dietary exposures, both by improved methods of self-repo
27 and vegetables (which account for 40% of the dietary exposure, but also contain putative anticarcinog
28                                     Updating dietary exposures by using questionnaires from 1980, 198
29 ual characteristics and behaviors related to dietary exposures contributes to within-subject variabil
30  influenced the likelihood that differential dietary exposure could be detected.
31 e tool in large e-cohorts with heterogeneous dietary exposures could serve research purposes and supp
32 onnaire (FFQ) has been the primary source of dietary exposure data in epidemiology for decades.
33                   For summation operatorPCB, dietary exposure dominates.
34 rospheres were retained in the foregut after dietary exposure due to adherence to the hairlike setae
35        Thus, it would be prudent to consider dietary exposure during the registration of systemic ins
36 aves, our results emphasize the relevance of dietary exposure (e.g., via leaves) for systemic insecti
37 Such biases may lead to misclassification of dietary exposure estimates resulting in a distortion in
38 t on natural DON occurrence in wheat and DON dietary exposure estimation from Parana, Brazil.
39                Our findings suggest that the dietary exposures examined convey limited attributable r
40 y dietitians was repeated annually to assess dietary exposures (fiber, fruit, vegetable, and whole-gr
41 nti-inflammatory drugs therapy) as well as 4 dietary exposures (folate, vitamin E/C and coffee) as pr
42                             During one month dietary exposure followed by two month depuration, both
43 We assessed congener-specific inhalation and dietary exposure for 78 adolescent children and their mo
44                                   Population dietary exposures for a variety of chemicals found in fo
45                            The potential for dietary exposure from sediment metals to cause toxic eff
46                                           AA dietary exposure has been associated to development of h
47 lation may better reflect the nature of true dietary exposure in a population.
48  which suggests PFAAs do not biomagnify from dietary exposure in juvenile rainbow trout.
49 sease risks requires accurate assessments of dietary exposure in nutritional epidemiologic studies.
50    We aimed to evaluate prenatal n-3 LC-PUFA dietary exposure in observational studies and n-3 LC-PUF
51  do suggest a possible contributory role for dietary exposure in the extent of lymphoproliferation an
52                                              Dietary exposures in infancy have been implicated, albei
53 paring the highest to the lowest quartile of dietary exposures in relation to subclinical atheroscler
54  exposures including tobacco smoke exposure, dietary exposures including vitamin D, and prenatal infe
55 uterine estrogen receptor (ER) activity, and dietary exposure is associated with uterine pathologies.
56 ibiting larval growth in both waterborne and dietary exposures; larvae predominantly accumulated sele
57 -term consequences of grandmothers' in utero dietary exposures, leading to high rates of obesity and
58 re, for studies of chronic disease, relevant dietary exposures may occur over decades.
59 4) further epidemiologic studies to estimate dietary exposure more precisely to establish the correla
60 the occurrence of parabens in foodstuffs and dietary exposure of humans to these chemicals is not ava
61                         Adult males received dietary exposures of BDE-209 at a low dose ( approximate
62 similation efficiencies were calculated from dietary exposures of juvenile Chinook salmon.
63  genetic variants in the presence of certain dietary exposures offers great potential for personalize
64                      This suggested that low dietary exposure or rapid metabolism of accumulated OPEs
65  epidemiology in the relevance of either the dietary exposures or the health outcomes, substantial pr
66 on for metal exposure via both dissolved and dietary exposure pathways.
67 one articles were analyzed and assessment of dietary exposure proved to be far from uniform and suffe
68  Cohort Study FFQ appears to generate useful dietary exposure rankings in the cohort.
69 plasma from individual animals into the four dietary exposure study groups with a level of accuracy o
70 profiling can identify biological markers of dietary exposure that lead to a better understanding of
71                                      Chronic dietary exposures that increase TMAO directly contribute
72                        We assessed long-term dietary exposure to 14 OPs among 4,466 participants in t
73  this population lead to the conclusion that dietary exposure to AA is a significant risk factor for
74                                              Dietary exposure to aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)), in addition
75 eported in 10-70% of HCCs from areas of high dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1.
76 s the possibility to further quantify actual dietary exposure to AGEs and to explore its physiologica
77                            Here we show that dietary exposure to an unappealing but safe additive, ca
78 e are encouraged to reduce the potential for dietary exposure to Aristolochia clematitis.
79  prevalence of infection after the extensive dietary exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BS
80 orn before the effective prevention of human dietary exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
81 , to the preparation of beef products, or of dietary exposure to bovine tissues, and it remains to be
82 ill be useful for future work on determining dietary exposure to Bx.
83                   In addition, we found that dietary exposure to caffeine adapted the aversive behavi
84                          Ten-week continuous dietary exposure to CFPQA at doses sufficient to abolish
85           These findings are consistent with dietary exposure to contaminated beef products being the
86                                        Early dietary exposure to cow's milk proteins has been propose
87 fluids of konzo subjects is a consequence of dietary exposure to cyanide, which follows intake of poo
88  the model nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, dietary exposure to dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA),
89                           Following a 68-day dietary exposure to food augmented with l-selenomethioni
90               Total Diet Studies to estimate dietary exposure to food contaminants need to evaluate l
91                  These findings suggest that dietary exposure to fumonisin B1 could adversely affect
92 ociated with hepatitis B virus infection and dietary exposure to hepatotoxic contaminants.
93     A reliable means of estimating long-term dietary exposure to individual OPs is needed to assess t
94 sly investigated in freshwater tilapia after dietary exposure to mercury ((198)Hg(II) and methyl(200)
95                                    Long-term dietary exposure to OPs was estimated from dietary intak
96       Considering the results of the average dietary exposure to PAHs and the MOE (Margin of Exposure
97 s transmission if provisioned food decreases dietary exposure to parasites.
98 d semen parameters in farmed Arctic foxes by dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
99 ario sport fish represent an important human dietary exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
100                          Because significant dietary exposure to prions might occur through the consu
101              Immune responses generated from dietary exposure to proteins homologous to Abeta may ind
102  of the bivalve were largely attributable to dietary exposure to sediment-bound copper, as the organi
103 signed to investigate the effects of chronic dietary exposure to selenium (Se) on zebrafish cognition
104 in the recipient could have been due to past dietary exposure to the BSE agent.
105  organophosphate pesticide exposure, or that dietary exposure to the metabolites is innocuous and not
106 ors associated with the long-term, low-level dietary exposure to these alkaloids.
107 f so, then genetic taste markers might limit dietary exposure to valuable dietary constituents and po
108 the human small intestine that is induced by dietary exposure to wheat gliadin and related proteins f
109 (prevalence, 1:200-1:300) that is induced by dietary exposure to wheat gliadins (as well as related p
110 ciently accumulated (65)Cu after aqueous and dietary exposures to (65)CuO NPs.
111 for >700,000 estimated deaths per year, with dietary exposures to aflatoxin (AFB1) and subsequent DNA
112 an arsenic-based poultry drug, may result in dietary exposures to inorganic arsenic (iAs) and other a
113 articles (SeNPs) using 10-day waterborne and dietary exposures to larvae of Chironomus dilutus, a com
114 nd French Total Diet Study (TDS) to estimate dietary exposures to the main minerals and trace element
115                                        After dietary exposure, urine total BPA-d16 peaked within 5 h
116                                          The dietary exposure was estimated to be 1.02, 0.57, 0.06, 0
117                                              Dietary exposure was modeled using Canadian Total Diet S
118                  The lowest tertile for each dietary exposure was used as the referent category.
119                                          The dietary exposures were categorized into thirds and analy
120 nd screened to identify novel biomarkers for dietary exposures, which are ultimately essential to bet
121                 It is challenging to measure dietary exposure with techniques that are both accurate
122 ary biomarkers that could be used to measure dietary exposures with a high level of detail and precis
123  drink alcohol, and there is a wide range of dietary exposures within the population.
124                                              Dietary exposure (yes or no) was defined by maternal rep

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