


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alue in the occasional patient intolerant of dietary protein.
2 - 0.2 kg body weight during ED regardless of dietary protein.
3 h different glycemic indexes and contents of dietary protein.
4 ted by insufficient or ineffectual intake of dietary protein.
5  nephron HCO(3) secretion that is induced by dietary protein.
6 ession of S phase proteins in the absence of dietary protein.
7 ortant gustatory stimulus believed to signal dietary protein.
8 was high in liver and varied with changes in dietary protein.
9 ts appeared to be due to the lower amount of dietary protein.
10 se signals represent meal-based responses to dietary protein.
11 tion of daily energy, but not necessarily of dietary protein.
12 re pancreatic serine proteinases that digest dietary proteins.
13 o experiments to track the metabolic fate of dietary proteins.
14  derived from pathogens, microbial flora, or dietary proteins.
15 role in promoting tolerance of the flora and dietary proteins.
16 ly of resident salivary proteins but also of dietary proteins.
17 ge described for complexes of EGCG and other dietary proteins.
18 d be used as a supplement to poorly balanced dietary proteins.
19  to evaluate the effect of graded intakes of dietary protein (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0 g/kg) on calcium
20                          Moderate amounts of dietary protein (1.0 g/kg) did not appear to perturb cal
21 cid intake that was higher by 4.72% of total dietary protein (2 SD) were -1.5 to -3.0 mm Hg systolic
22                           Although consuming dietary protein above current recommendations during ene
23 d across membranes as an efficient route for dietary protein absorption and for maintaining cellular
24 indicated interference of cereal fibers with dietary protein absorption.
25  study shows that the quantity and source of dietary proteins act as regulators of gut microbiota met
26 acterized a transient feeding preference for dietary protein after modest starvation in the fruit fly
27 e decreases suggests that the safe amount of dietary protein, although sufficient for maintenance of
28 llo-catechin 3-gallate (EGCG), and the major dietary protein and allergen, ovalbumin (OVA).
29 terest in the controversial relation between dietary protein and bone health.
30 d longitudinal associations between baseline dietary protein and bone mineral density (BMD) among 560
31             The negative correlation between dietary protein and bone turnover suggests that increasi
32  a finite element analysis, and we evaluated dietary protein and calcium with the use of a validated
33     Confounders include interactions between dietary protein and calcium, sodium, and potassium.
34        Differences between the proportion of dietary protein and carbohydrate did not affect septic s
35 udy was to determine the association between dietary protein and changes in total LM and nonbone appe
36 min therapy, the association of 1n tHcy with dietary protein and coffee persisted.
37 licited by chronically inadequate intakes of dietary protein and energy are affected by the protein c
38                         Interactions between dietary protein and energy balance on the regulation of
39 d it is likely that the observed decrease in dietary protein and energy intake plays an important rol
40 0.05) for fed than for fasted, regardless of dietary protein and energy manipulations.
41                 Inverse associations between dietary protein and hypertension have been reported, whi
42 dent, inverse dose-response relation between dietary protein and In tHcy (P = 0.002) and a positive,
43           Glutamate is a main constituent of dietary protein and is also consumed in many prepared fo
44 in GCDH-deficient (Gcdh-/-) mice by elevated dietary protein and lysine.
45                  Evaluating the link between dietary protein and musculoskeletal health from a whole-
46                                Surprisingly, dietary protein and phosphorus apparently have no signif
47 ous non-carbonic acid production (NEAP) from dietary protein and potassium content enables exploratio
48     In 2 studies, we examined the ability of dietary protein and potassium to predict markers of bone
49                                              Dietary protein and potassium-associated bicarbonate pre
50 ctive was to examine the association between dietary protein and risk of IHD in a prospective study o
51 n have suggested an inverse relation between dietary protein and risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD)
52 bjective was to examine the relation between dietary protein and risk of stroke in men who participat
53           We observed no association between dietary protein and risk of total IHD in this group of m
54 ns have shown an inverse association between dietary protein and stroke risk.
55 t growth and proliferation in the absence of dietary protein and thus uncouple neuroblasts from syste
56                                       Common dietary proteins and 2 bacterial glutenases (proposed or
57 se findings question the respective roles of dietary proteins and endogenous sources in generating si
58 ast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is regulated by dietary proteins and not, as has been heretofore assumed
59           Legume seeds are a major source of dietary proteins and oils.
60                            Only a few intact dietary proteins and peptides were present in the small
61 est that CPO cleaves acidic amino acids from dietary proteins and peptides, thus complementing the ac
62              Physical inactivity, inadequate dietary protein, and low-grade systemic inflammation con
63                     The metabolic effects of dietary protein are complex.
64                                              Dietary proteins are believed to participate significant
65                                              Dietary proteins are important modulators of glucose met
66                                Above-average dietary protein, as a single nutrient, improves musculos
67 proteolysis, independent of energy status or dietary protein, as the activities of the 26S proteasome
68     In summary, we determined that consuming dietary protein at levels exceeding the RDA may protect
69                The hypothesis that increased dietary protein augments distal nephron acidification an
70                        The data support that dietary protein augments distal nephron acidification th
71                The hypothesis that increased dietary protein augments distal nephron acidification th
72                                    Increased dietary protein augments distal nephron acidification th
73 ed, increased rates of protein synthesis and dietary protein availability.
74 ids affect the digestion and assimilation of dietary proteins by accelerating hydrolysis by pancreati
75 ody protein turnover and the contribution of dietary protein can be quantified in critically ill pati
76 nsume adequate or moderately high amounts of dietary protein can use RT to improve body composition,
77 cterial richness tended to decrease when the dietary protein concentration reduced from 16% to 10%.
78 mous effects: mouse strain (A/J or C57BL/6), dietary protein content (14% protein and 0.3% L-cysteine
79 ercise and whether variation in the previous dietary protein content modulated this effect.
80 sions were efficiently corrected by lowering dietary protein content, and this was associated with tr
81                       High compared with low dietary protein decreased urinary deoxypyridinoline and
82      Evidence that the spontaneous intake of dietary protein decreases in patients with progressive c
83         Previous research has suggested that dietary protein deficiency alters resistance to experime
84                                              Dietary protein deficiency results in diminished capacit
85         Hepatic p21 mRNA was also induced by dietary protein deprivation in normal mice.
86 )) augments the postprandial availability of dietary protein-derived amino acids in the circulation a
87 )) augments the postprandial availability of dietary protein-derived amino acids in the circulation a
88 represent an important factor that modulates dietary protein digestion and absorption kinetics and th
89 ss muscle protein synthesis rates as well as dietary protein digestion and absorption kinetics.
90 e assessed the effect of meat texture on the dietary protein digestion rate, amino acid availability,
91 cantly decreased the speed and efficiency of dietary protein digestion.
92                                     Although dietary protein dilution (DPD) can slow the progression
93               The meal threshold concept for dietary protein emphasizes a need for redistribution of
94                                    Intake of dietary protein, especially from animal sources, may be
95 xamined the prospective association of novel dietary protein food clusters (derived from established
96                              The following 6 dietary protein food clusters were identified: fast food
97                               In this study, dietary protein food patterns do not provide further ins
98  simulated substitution of total and type of dietary protein for carbohydrate and of vegetable for an
99 his introduced alga as a potential source of dietary protein for human consumption in New Zealand.
100 rice and wheat, which are primary sources of dietary protein for many countries.
101 tein emphasizes a need for redistribution of dietary protein for optimum metabolic health.
102 ased oral exposure to chemicals compete with dietary proteins for the development of oral tolerance,
103                 Commonly consumed sources of dietary protein frequently contribute substantially to i
104                               An increase in dietary protein from 15% to 30% of energy at a constant
105 le-genome profiling revealed that increasing dietary protein from 5 to 40% increased duodenal transcr
106 nder practical dietary conditions, increased dietary protein from animal sources was not detrimental
107 me adult males also derive a large amount of dietary protein from hunted meat.
108                                              Dietary protein from meat is an important substrate for
109 s, which provided approximately 50% of total dietary protein from meat sources (beef, poultry, pork,
110 his study examined the gastric hydrolysis of dietary protein from raw and roasted almonds in the grow
111 varied in main protein sources (60% of total dietary proteins from lean-seafood or nonseafood sources
112 postmenopausal women, a moderate increase in dietary protein, from 10% to 20% of energy, slightly imp
113  improved renal function, but differences in dietary protein had no effect.
114    The response of this metabolic pathway to dietary protein (i.e., meal threshold) declines with adv
115 such as low glycemic index carbohydrates and dietary protein impact appetite, calorie intake and meta
116                                         High dietary protein imposes a metabolic acid load requiring
117                                   Changes in dietary protein in adults are associated with changes in
118 ng the first 6 mo postpartum while consuming dietary protein in amounts that exceeded those of their
119 sceptibility to infections; yet, the role of dietary protein in immune memory homeostasis remains poo
120 uirements for, and increase the efficacy of, dietary protein in older individuals.
121                                  The role of dietary protein in osteoporosis is unclear, with previou
122      Seven subjects received both amounts of dietary protein in random order.
123                     Epidemiologic studies of dietary protein in relation to gallstone disease are spa
124 The findings show a metabolic requirement of dietary protein in sustaining functional CD8 memory and
125 hat PI3K is regulated by the availability of dietary protein in vivo.
126                                    Increased dietary protein, including from milk, can elevate serum
127 equently, 18 countries may lose >5% of their dietary protein, including India (5.3%).
128 nderlying negative responses to an excess of dietary protein, including the causes of the wasting syn
129 atically enhanced the proteolysis of several dietary proteins, including beta-lactoglobulin, bovine s
130                                   Increasing dietary protein increased the density of the fecal micro
131           These data suggest that increasing dietary protein increases intestinal Fe absorption in pa
132                               Concerns about dietary protein increasing urinary calcium appear to be
133                 Resistance training (RT) and dietary protein independently influence indexes of whole
134              The concept that an increase in dietary protein induces a large enough shift in systemic
135                         We have examined how dietary protein influences the mechanisms causing protei
136 (<3.8 mg/dl) patients and those with a lower dietary protein intake (<1 g/kg per d).
137 after WL compared with the effects of normal dietary protein intake (0.8-1.0 g .
138 showed a significant association with higher dietary protein intake (effect per allele = 0.08 [0.06,
139                                            A dietary protein intake above the recommended dietary all
140  and meta-analysis evaluating the effects of dietary protein intake alone and with calcium with or wi
141 fer insight into potential link between FTO, dietary protein intake and adiposity.
142 have reported an inverse association between dietary protein intake and blood pressure (BP).
143                                    Decreased dietary protein intake and hemodialysis (HD)-associated
144                                    Decreased dietary protein intake and hemodialysis-associated prote
145          We examined the association between dietary protein intake and incidence of ischemic heart d
146 -increasing allele of FTO variant and higher dietary protein intake and offer insight into potential
147 uthors aimed to examine the relation between dietary protein intake and risk of cholecystectomy among
148                    Over 24 hours, 52% of the dietary protein intake appeared in the circulation and o
149 certain whether lower dietary acidity (lower dietary protein intake but higher potassium intake-ie, l
150 enditure (AREE) by doubly labeled water; and dietary protein intake by self-report.
151 ether regular physical activity and adequate dietary protein intake can attenuate the loss of skeleta
152                                   Inadequate dietary protein intake causes adverse changes in the mor
153                 Both serum interleukin-6 and dietary protein intake correlated independently with ser
154 hat plasma glutathione turnover decreases as dietary protein intake decreases suggests that the safe
155                                              Dietary protein intake did not influence any of these re
156 nciple trial to test whether manipulation of dietary protein intake during a marked energy deficit in
157    We examined the relation between maternal dietary protein intake during pregnancy and offspring an
158 l studies suggest that specifically maternal dietary protein intake during pregnancy influences child
159                                         High dietary protein intake during weight loss has no clinica
160                                       A high dietary protein intake has been shown to blunt the depos
161                                            A dietary protein intake higher than the Recommended Dieta
162              To fully understand the role of dietary protein intake in healthy aging, greater efforts
163 ential benefits and challenges of optimizing dietary protein intake in older adults continues to evol
164                                  The role of dietary protein intake in osteoporosis remains controver
165         We reported previously that lowering dietary protein intake in young healthy women to 0.7 g/k
166                                              Dietary protein intake is linked to an increased inciden
167                               Because a high dietary protein intake is often accompanied by increases
168 llowing them to maintain lean body mass when dietary protein intake is restricted.
169 sms designed to conserve lean body mass when dietary protein intake is restricted.
170 tudies have shown that more than half of the dietary protein intake is used by the gut and that a lar
171                      However, the effects of dietary protein intake level and the food sources of die
172                                              Dietary protein intake may affect renal Hcy handling and
173                                              Dietary protein intake may help to manage blood pressure
174 y and suggest that interventions to optimize dietary protein intake may improve vaccine efficacy in m
175  controlling serum phosphorus by restricting dietary protein intake may outweigh the benefit of contr
176  research findings exist about the effect of dietary protein intake on indexes of sleep.
177         This study assessed the influence of dietary protein intake on RT-induced changes in systemic
178 e is currently no consensus on the effect of dietary protein intake on the skeleton, but there is som
179 cle mass persisted after standing height and dietary protein intake per kilogram body mass was contro
180                                              Dietary protein intake was assessed by using a semiquant
181                                              Dietary protein intake was assessed by using an intervie
182                  Compared with carbohydrate, dietary protein intake was associated with significant c
183                                              Dietary protein intake was estimated from a 3-d food rec
184 rolled trials to evaluate the association of dietary protein intake with blood pressure.
185 hat the maintenance of physical activity and dietary protein intake would attenuate the age-related d
186 tary intake (particularly in caloric intake, dietary protein intake, dietary fiber intake, and micron
187 n proteasome system (UPS) response to varied dietary protein intake, energy deficit (ED), and consump
188                    Secondary end points were dietary protein intake, normalized protein nitrogen appe
189 and stiffness of the peripheral skeleton and dietary protein intake, which is mainly related to chang
190 hain amino acids (BCAA) in spite of adequate dietary protein intake.
191  a similar increase in response to a greater dietary protein intake.
192  renal papilla was inversely correlated with dietary protein intake.
193 intakes (P-trend = 0.003), higher calibrated dietary protein intakes (P-trend = 0.03), higher aMED sc
194 load and stiffness, bone microstructure, and dietary protein intakes from various origins (animal, di
195 ed by areal bone mineral density (aBMD), and dietary protein intakes, particularly from specific diet
196 density (BMD) are positively correlated with dietary protein intakes, which account for 1-8% of BMC a
197 BP1, PLAUR, and LPIN1 on fat mass regain for dietary protein interaction.
198 ood intake suggesting the perceived value of dietary protein is a critical determinant of its effect
199                                              Dietary protein is also necessary during this time to in
200 odels.In a protein-replete cohort of adults, dietary protein is associated with ALM and QS but not wi
201 responses that maintain protein balance when dietary protein is limited.
202 sults suggest that the requirement for total dietary protein is not different for healthy older adult
203 only in those ECLS neonates in whom adequate dietary protein is provided.
204 ntial amino acid or protein degradation when dietary protein is reduced by anorexia, negative nitroge
205 a function of drinking water, bulk diet, and dietary protein isotope ratios, explains >85% of the obs
206 males and females and juveniles derive their dietary protein largely from daily fruit and seasonal nu
207                  The digestive hydrolysis of dietary proteins leads to the release of peptides in the
208 tudy was conducted to investigate impacts of dietary protein levels on gut bacterial community and gu
209 ism by evaluating the effect of 2 amounts of dietary protein (low: 0.7 g/kg; and high: 2.1 g/kg) on f
210                   These results suggest that dietary protein malnutrition impairs vaccine-induced res
211                                              Dietary protein may be a modifiable risk factor for sarc
212 ort the notion that modifying the sources of dietary protein may be potentially applied to prevent T2
213                         Different sources of dietary protein may have different effects on bone metab
214                    Early exposure to complex dietary proteins may increase the risk of beta-cell auto
215 .e. the precise macronutrient composition of dietary protein) may impact the effectiveness of weight
216 moderate increases in both cereal fibers and dietary protein (Mix diet) on insulin sensitivity, as me
217               These studies demonstrate that dietary protein modulates pancreatic growth, but not dig
218                                The amount of dietary protein needed to prevent deficiency in most ind
219 stone disease are sparse, and the effects of dietary protein of different origins are not clear.
220 ntary food contributed on average 20% of the dietary protein of the chicks.
221 fication effects for intervention varying in dietary protein on 2-year changes in fat-free mass, whol
222 o determine the effects of varying levels of dietary protein on body composition and muscle protein s
223                               The effects of dietary protein on bone health are controversial.
224 despite intense investigation, the impact of dietary protein on calcium metabolism and bone balance r
225  recognized but poorly understood actions of dietary protein on calcium metabolism.
226      The objective was to test the effect of dietary protein on calcium retention at low and high int
227 aluated the short-term effects of increasing dietary protein on Fe absorption and expression of genes
228 um intakes adversely influence the effect of dietary protein on fracture risk.
229 ata are available regarding acute effects of dietary protein on intestinal Fe absorption.
230 te the effects of the quantity and source of dietary protein on microbiota composition, bacterial met
231                      The anabolic effects of dietary protein on skeletal muscle depend on adequate sk
232 protein intake level and the food sources of dietary protein on the risk of ESRD in the general popul
233 yrosine intake (alone or as a constituent of dietary protein) on the production of the brain neurotra
234 ear picture of the need for, or response to, dietary protein or amino acid supplements.
235 main effect of HapA and its interaction with dietary protein or GI.
236  for the first half of gestation of maternal dietary protein, or of total calorific intake on isolate
237 to our knowledge, we evaluate the effects of dietary protein (P), carbohydrate (C), fat (F), and ener
238 nificant negative correlations between total dietary protein (per kg) and markers of bone turnover (P
239 renal acid load (with an algorithm including dietary protein, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and
240                        The data support that dietary protein provided as casein increases distal neph
241                                              Dietary protein provides essential amino acids (EAAs) fo
242 ifferences in the time of ingestion of daily dietary protein providing sulfate are related to the dev
243                              We suggest that dietary protein quality (i.e. the precise macronutrient
244                The most recent international dietary protein recommendations for healthy adults are t
245 studies using gnotobiotic mice revealed that dietary protein reduces the in vivo microbial metabolism
246                                              Dietary protein reduction resulted in 30% lower (P = 0.0
247 9_gut_group significantly decreased with the dietary protein reduction.
248 SCFAs and biogenic amines decreased with the dietary protein reduction.
249     This study was designed to determine the dietary protein requirement of elderly women by using th
250 lied in fortifiers may be inadequate to meet dietary protein requirements for preterm infants.
251 ose a framework for approaching the variable dietary protein requirements in patients with CKD or end
252                      In conclusion, moderate dietary protein restriction (13% CP) could alter the bac
253 minated when urea excretion was decreased by dietary protein restriction (4% by weight), consistent w
254 d methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is managed by dietary protein restriction and medical food supplementa
255                                              Dietary protein restriction during gestation has been sh
256                             We conclude that dietary protein restriction in pregnancy programmes vaso
257 RNA levels of all fibrinogen genes caused by dietary protein restriction in rats after weaning (alpha
258 hepatic, genomic, and metabolic responses to dietary protein restriction in the non-pregnant Sprague-
259                       Metabolic responses to dietary protein restriction include a sharp reduction in
260                              The benefits of dietary protein restriction include reducing the accumul
261                                              Dietary protein restriction increases adipose tissue unc
262                                              Dietary protein restriction may improve determinants of
263 expenditure is a primary metabolic effect of dietary protein restriction, and requires both UCP1 and
264  that hepatic FGF21 expression is induced by dietary protein restriction, but not energy restriction.
265  of the disease possibly without the need of dietary protein restriction.
266 bitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, and dietary protein restriction.
267 and clinical trials in humans that evaluated dietary protein's impact on skeletal health.
268 ity, long-term studies are needed to clarify dietary protein's role in bone health.
269 nsiderable attention has recently focused on dietary protein's role in the mature skeleton, prompted
270 ts of "high versus low" protein intake or 2) dietary protein's synergistic effect with Ca+/-D intake
271                       High compared with low dietary protein significantly increased calcium retentio
272                                              Dietary protein significantly interacted with the diabet
273                               We showed that dietary protein significantly modified genetic effects o
274 s experiencing increasing global demand as a dietary protein source and constituent of livestock feed
275                 These results show that both dietary protein source and level significantly affect po
276                                          The dietary protein source determines fasting and postprandi
277 racterize the impact of the PKU genotype and dietary protein source on bone biomechanics.
278 imate of the study site, adult age, sex, and dietary protein source on individual requirements; and t
279 ne the relation between foods that are major dietary protein sources and incident CHD.
280        With the exception of fish, few major dietary protein sources have been studied in relation to
281 as to elucidate the potentials of the 2 main dietary protein sources lean seafood and nonseafood to m
282 hensive and in-depth assessment of different dietary protein sources related to type 2 diabetes (T2D)
283  zones of Bangladesh) of six prioritized key dietary protein sources: Oryza sativa (rice), Triticum a
284            These novel findings suggest that dietary protein status affects taste category preference
285 min, myoglobin, and a commercially available dietary protein supplement.
286  subjects were randomly assigned to 12 wk of dietary protein supplementation (42 g/d) with either a m
287 ed trials (RCTs) investigating the effect of dietary protein supplementation during prolonged (>6 wk)
288      During adaptation to the safe amount of dietary protein, there are changes in the concentration
289 prudent to advise the intake of high-quality dietary protein to ensure adequate intakes of a number o
290 The recommendation to intentionally restrict dietary protein to improve bone health is unwarranted, a
291 c sulfur to urinary sulfate excretion and of dietary protein to urinary sulfate and nitrogen excretio
292 was developed to predict the potential of 72 dietary proteins to act as a source of dipeptidyl peptid
293 humans also link the quality and quantity of dietary proteins to long-term health.
294                                              Dietary protein (total, animal, and vegetable) was asses
295 of nematodes by either limiting use of their dietary protein uptake from the crop or by preventing ro
296                                              Dietary proteins usually induce immune tolerance, but ma
297 cently, a more even mealtime distribution of dietary protein was positively associated with muscle ma
298 udy site, adult age class, sex, or source of dietary protein were observed, although there was an ind
299 mmunity-dwelling adults consume insufficient dietary protein, which may contribute to the age-related
300 topic and meta-analysis studies suggest that dietary protein works synergistically with calcium to im

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