


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gets for packaged foods and other sources of dietary sodium.
2 re different from the chronic effects of low dietary sodium.
3 vide information and strategies for reducing dietary sodium.
4 gainst hypertension in response to increased dietary sodium.
5                                              Dietary sodium affects function of the beta-2 adrenocept
6 itors in patients with CKD; however, whether dietary sodium also associates with progression to ESRD
7 lifestyle counseling to achieve weight loss, dietary sodium and alcohol reduction, and increased phys
8                            Evidence relating dietary sodium and blood pressure comes from a variety o
9 nstrated a dose-response association between dietary sodium and blood pressure in humans.
10 ences in magnesium metabolism in response to dietary sodium and calcium during rapid bone growth.
11 has identified a direct relationship between dietary sodium and cardiovascular disease (CVD), special
12 s was used to assess the association between dietary sodium and CFR.
13    We examined the relation between habitual dietary sodium and coronary flow reserve (CFR), which is
14                                         Both dietary sodium and dietary potassium depletion substanti
15                                              Dietary sodium and energy intake were estimated at basel
16 emia have traditionally been associated with dietary sodium and fat intakes, respectively; however, t
17 ere is abundant evidence that a reduction in dietary sodium and increase in potassium intake decrease
18                     Due to the importance of dietary sodium and its paucity within many inland enviro
19 larify the health consequences of changes in dietary sodium and potassium and that characterize adher
20                            Current intake of dietary sodium and potassium fails to meet guideline rec
21                                      Whether dietary sodium and potassium intake affect CKD progressi
22  effective in achieving population goals for dietary sodium and potassium intake in the USA.
23                                         Mean dietary sodium and potassium intakes and the mean potass
24             We examined the relation between dietary sodium and potassium intakes and the ratio of so
25 h has the potential to improve estimation of dietary sodium and potassium intakes in observational st
26 authors have improved the estimation of mean dietary sodium and potassium intakes.
27  identified 8 novel loci for BP responses to dietary sodium and potassium intervention and cold press
28             Blood pressure (BP) responses to dietary sodium and potassium intervention and cold press
29 d in analyses that controlled for body mass, dietary sodium and ratio of sodium to potassium, and alc
30                              High intakes of dietary sodium are associated with elevated blood pressu
31 ent animal and human studies have implicated dietary sodium as a risk factor in MS, whereby high sodi
32              We suggest that the presence of dietary sodium at distal exchange sites did not enhance
33 sted within pairs: a 1000-mg/d difference in dietary sodium between brothers was associated with a 10
34  in the absence of an increase in BP, excess dietary sodium can adversely affect target organs, inclu
35                                              Dietary sodium can alter peripheral and central neurotra
36 itivity refers specifically to the effect of dietary sodium chloride (salt) intake on BP.
37                                         Most dietary sodium comes from meats (including poultry and f
38 um/water excretion in response to changes in dietary sodium concentration, but likely becomes critica
39 agnitude of these associations suggests that dietary sodium consumption is unlikely to be an importan
40 epinephrine levels were inversely related to dietary sodium content.
41                                      Because dietary sodium depletion markedly increases ouabain-inse
42 same extent as WT mice, even during profound dietary sodium depletion, as a result of the upregulatio
43 (+) exchange mRNA abundance was increased by dietary sodium depletion.
44                                  After 8-day dietary sodium deprivation, immunoreactivity for c-Fos (
45 on in the HSD2 neurons was not influenced by dietary sodium deprivation.
46 ns and percentiles of usual intakes of daily dietary sodium (dNa) and potassium (dK) and 24-h urine e
47                                   Increasing dietary sodium drives the thirst response.
48                      Here, we show that high dietary sodium exacerbates EAE in a strain- and sex-spec
49 itures, chronic supraphysiological intake of dietary sodium, excessive alcohol consumption, and psych
50                           Patients with high dietary sodium exhibited a blunted antiproteinuric effec
51                                              Dietary sodium, fluid, and SSB intakes were assessed wit
52                                       Excess dietary sodium has been linked to elevations in blood pr
53               Population-wide restriction of dietary sodium has been recommended.
54 e, but debate over recommendations to reduce dietary sodium in the general population continues.
55 function studies and responses to changes in dietary sodium in the PKGIalpha mutant mice are normal.
56  would result from a substantial lowering of dietary sodium in the US population could reduce cardiov
57                 We identified top sources of dietary sodium in US children from birth to age 24 mo.
58 We studied the effect of different levels of dietary sodium, in conjunction with the Dietary Approach
59       With the data now available concerning dietary sodium, including the minimal and specific blood
60 ack girls than in white girls, regardless of dietary sodium intake (P < 0.001).
61 CI: 0.46, 1.62 servings/d), P = 0.0004], and dietary sodium intake [SMD: -0.39 (-0.58, -0.20), P = 0.
62 of SSBs, identifying a possible link between dietary sodium intake and excess energy intake.
63 the combined adverse influences of excessive dietary sodium intake and increased serum uric acid duri
64 recommendations for universal restriction of dietary sodium intake are based on associations of sodiu
65 rambled ODN-treated rats, chronic changes in dietary sodium intake evoked an endogenous, hypothalamic
66 esent the best available methods to estimate dietary sodium intake from casual urine samples.
67                                 Reduction of dietary sodium intake has been identified as a priority
68  ongoing controversy about the importance of dietary sodium intake in blood pressure control, conside
69  the use of spot urine specimens to estimate dietary sodium intake in patients with CKD and research
70                                 For decades, dietary sodium intake in the United States has remained
71 animal studies both have suggested that high dietary sodium intake increases stroke mortality.
72                                              Dietary sodium intake is most precisely ascertained by u
73                                Estimation of dietary sodium intake is problematic.
74                          The extent to which dietary sodium intake may confer alterations in the infl
75                       Evidence suggests that dietary sodium intake needs reduction.
76                                     The high dietary sodium intake of US children and adolescents may
77 tion, including its recommendation to reduce dietary sodium intake to <1500 mg/d.
78                                              Dietary sodium intake was assessed by self-report questi
79                                Overall, mean dietary sodium intake was low in 0-5.9-mo-old children,
80                                              Dietary sodium intake was not significantly associated w
81                                              Dietary sodium intake was positively associated with flu
82  contradictory results on the association of dietary sodium intake with risk of CVD, and this relatio
83 ied, the results will facilitate tracking of dietary sodium intake within populations over time and i
84 fferences in urinary sodium, an indicator of dietary sodium intake, are associated with blood pressur
85 of ethanol ingestion, pack-years of smoking, dietary sodium intake, dietary calcium intake, blood lea
86 duct (CD) cells varies widely in response to dietary sodium intake, GFR, circulating hormones, neural
87 uals should routinely decrease (or increase) dietary sodium intake.
88 iet quality, fruit and vegetable intake, and dietary sodium intake.
89  the home accounted for approximately 70% of dietary sodium intake.
90 o be the second largest contributor to total dietary sodium intake.
91 ic signaling system responding to changes in dietary sodium intake.
92  regulates sodium levels during increases in dietary sodium intake.
93 e sodium excretions are reliable markers for dietary sodium intake.
94                                        High (dietary) sodium intake has convincingly been proven to i
95 rces of sodium to achieve a 30% reduction in dietary sodium intakes were estimated.
96                             However, whether dietary sodium interacts with sex or genetics remains un
97 affected individuals might be sensitive to a dietary sodium intervention.
98 alt) Study, blood pressure (BP) responses to dietary sodium interventions are explored.
99                                     Habitual dietary sodium is inversely associated with CFR independ
100                                              Dietary sodium is positively associated with blood press
101                                              Dietary sodium is positively associated with fluid consu
102 alterations have been reported in rats whose dietary sodium is restricted during pre- and postnatal d
103                  These data demonstrate that dietary sodium loading impairs cutaneous microvascular f
104 of this study was to determine if short-term dietary sodium loading impairs cutaneous microvascular f
105                             During long-term dietary sodium loading, metoprolol CHF rats retained 28+
106                      Similarly, reduction in dietary sodium may be beneficial for children who are sa
107                         We hypothesized that dietary sodium may modulate the effect of systolic blood
108 e 3', 5'-monophosphate (cGMP) in response to dietary sodium (Na) depletion alone, or Na depletion or
109                               An increase in dietary sodium of 1000 mg/d was associated with a 10.0%
110  Our results demonstrate that the effects of dietary sodium on autoimmune neuroinflammation are sex s
111 ese observations indicate that the effect of dietary sodium on blood pressure is modulated by other c
112                                The effect of dietary sodium on calcium retention and the influence of
113                     The effect of changes in dietary sodium on calcium retention was tested in a rand
114 l novel mechanism for the adverse effects of dietary sodium on the cardiovascular system.
115 nce models were used to assess the effect of dietary sodium, potassium, and the potassium to sodium r
116 sed on Dietary Guidelines, the corresponding dietary sodium-potassium ratio was either 0.49 (2300/470
117 n the data support a single public policy on dietary sodium recommendations?
118 is study sought to determine the efficacy of dietary sodium restriction (DSR) for improving vascular
119 erobic exercise (daily walking) and moderate dietary sodium restriction (sodium intake <100 mmol/day)
120 18; 62 +/- 9 years, mean +/- SD) or moderate dietary sodium restriction (SR) (n = 17; 65 +/- 10 years
121                                              Dietary sodium restriction also increased jejunal inters
122 PGE(2) and 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) in response to dietary sodium restriction and Ang II infusion.
123                                              Dietary sodium restriction combined with unilateral chor
124                                              Dietary sodium restriction during pre- and postnatal dev
125                                        Early dietary sodium restriction has profound influences on th
126                                              Dietary sodium restriction has several clinical benefits
127                      In HFPEF animal models, dietary sodium restriction improves ventricular and vasc
128                                              Dietary sodium restriction in animals enhances the chron
129                               By comparison, dietary sodium restriction instituted during pre- and po
130  and identification of communities for which dietary sodium restriction is most likely to be benefici
131              Previous work demonstrated that dietary sodium restriction may induce these early functi
132 D receptor activator paricalcitol (PARI) and dietary sodium restriction on residual albuminuria in CK
133                                              Dietary sodium restriction or acute aldosterone infusion
134                                  In WT mice, dietary sodium restriction or ANG II infusion increased
135 e during basal conditions and in response to dietary sodium restriction or infusion of Ang II.
136 ni nerve section or sham section followed by dietary sodium restriction or maintenance on control die
137                      In conclusion, moderate dietary sodium restriction substantially reduced residua
138                                        Thus, dietary sodium restriction throughout pre- and postnatal
139 xpansion (VE)] or chronic stressful stimuli (dietary sodium restriction vs. supplementation) in consc
140                                              Dietary sodium restriction, which activates RAAS, unique
141 hat these factors may become evident through dietary sodium restriction.
142 significant downregulation was observed with dietary sodium restriction.
143 he solitary tract (NTS) as a result of early dietary sodium restriction.
144  The 2010 Dietary Guidelines emphasized that dietary sodium should be limited to 2300 mg/d, with a lo
145  appetite and the blood pressure response to dietary sodium through a mineralocorticoid receptor-depe
146                          The relationship of dietary sodium to blood pressure was modified by age, ra
147 es and the epidemiological research relating dietary sodium to BP and cardiovascular health outcomes,
148                               Evidence links dietary sodium to hypertension and cardiovascular diseas
149  within food groups that contribute the most dietary sodium to the US diet.
150          We examined the association between dietary sodium, total fluid, and SSB consumption in a na
151                      The highest quintile of dietary sodium was associated with an increased OR for a
152 to study changes of renal AT(1) receptors by dietary sodium was developed that uses positron emission
153      Across quintiles of sodium consumption, dietary sodium was inversely associated with CFR (P-tren
154 was used to determine the effect of race and dietary sodium with calcium intake as a covariate.
155 nces ADRB2 protein expression independent of dietary sodium, yet the haemodynamic consequences appear

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