


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ieters than in subjects without a history of dieting.
2 ults whose weight loss did not occur through dieting.
3 ass index, pre-enrollment weight change, and dieting.
4 n superior and more durable weight loss than dieting.
5 withdrawal, an additional component of human dieting.
6 used overweight that was preventable by mild dieting.
7 ividuals repeatedly regain lost weight after dieting.
8 ight-loss diets on metabolic profiles during dieting.
9 ive effects of restraint, disinhibition, and dieting.
10 nt, dietary disinhibition, and self-reported dieting.
11 pse to maladaptive food-taking habits during dieting.
12 pse to maladaptive food-taking habits during dieting.
13  to weight loss, its levels should rise with dieting.
14 res of disinhibition, restrained eating, and dieting.
15  increased training and prolonged periods of dieting.
16  would help preserve both FFM and RMR during dieting.
17 indicates that BMI report cards may increase dieting, a risk factor for both increased weight and eat
18 acute 3-d isocaloric 25% energy depletion by dieting alone or by aerobic exercise alone differently a
19        Low body mass index, high stress, and dieting also influenced bleed duration, but the effects
20                                        After dieting, although weight loss was similar between groups
21 he average weight loss was 10% after 2 mo of dieting and 9% and 6% after 3- and 10-mo follow-ups, res
22 roximately 1 kg/wk) through a combination of dieting and aerobic exercise appears safe for breast-fee
23 yrin-mediated photosensitivity or decoupling dieting and fasting from disease pathogenesis.
24 not been able to sustain weight loss through dieting and is now considering having weight loss surger
25 s was no longer present after adjustment for dieting and parental weight-related concerns, which sugg
26 ificantly higher C-peptide levels after both dieting and refeeding (P < 0.05).
27 ide levels were similar between groups after dieting and refeeding, despite the lower glycemia and CH
28                                        After dieting and refeeding, fasting C-peptide increased 204 +
29 health status, pre-enrollment weight change, dieting, and body mass index.
30 appears to be poorer in periods of exercise, dieting, and dieting plus exercise than during control p
31 ts of diet-induced obesity (DIO), subsequent dieting, and GIBP surgery on ghrelin, peptide YY (PYY),
32 e inversely related to ever dieting, current dieting, and previous weight loss of 10 pounds (4.5 kg)
33 t weight fluctuations caused by unsuccessful dieting are hazardous to one's health.
34                   Highly palatable foods and dieting are major contributing factors for the developme
35 back on workout effectiveness that can guide dieting as well.
36                           Women who reported dieting at study entry were heavier at study entry and g
37 ferable to weight loss achieved primarily by dieting because the latter reduces maternal lean body ma
38 ociations between self-image, body size, and dieting behavior among black women, the authors assessed
39                       The formulation of the dieting behavior characteristic of anorexia nervosa as a
40 tion (BIS) score (range, 2-11), and reported dieting behavior in a population-based sample of 1,143 b
41 ed disorders and implies that addressing the dieting behavior is critical, especially early in the co
42 l characteristics associated with pathologic dieting behavior may also be associated with menstrual i
43  adjustment for covariates, only obesity and dieting behavior were statistically significant.
44 In univariate analysis, female sex, obesity, dieting behavior, and a family history of alcoholism, dr
45 ation) is critical to the persistence of the dieting behavior.
46            This study suggests that maternal dieting behaviors involving restricted food intake durin
47                          Among four reported dieting behaviors involving restricted food intake, diet
48        The authors examined whether maternal dieting behaviors were associated with increased neural
49     However, many women engage in pathologic dieting behaviors without meeting the current diagnostic
50 ss portion sizes, adolescent maturation, and dieting behaviors.
51 appear to contribute to the onset of extreme dieting, binge eating, and purging.
52 significantly reduced the loss of FFM during dieting but did not prevent the decline in RMR.
53 (n = 35) to a structured meal plan approach (dieting), but this arm of the study was discontinued whi
54 hour glycemia decreased in both groups after dieting, but the MUFA group had a greater decrease than
55 d with food deprivation; thus, unlike forced dieting, cessation of CNTF treatment does not result in
56 nd BIS scores were inversely related to ever dieting, current dieting, and previous weight loss of 10
57 ods can reduce appetite throughout an entire dieting day.
58 tients were studied at I) baseline, 2) after dieting for 6 weeks on a formula diet enriched in either
59 , marital status, physician's health rating, dieting for medical reasons, use of psychiatric medicine
60                       Studies of individuals dieting for weight loss or maintenance suggest a weight-
61    In mixed-weight populations not primarily dieting for weight loss or maintenance, 2 short-term ran
62                              In participants dieting for weight loss or maintenance, a randomized con
63  and video viewing, total energy intake, and dieting for weight loss, lower initial total eating freq
64               Long-term weight management by dieting has a high failure rate.
65             Interactions of EmE with sex and dieting history were assessed.
66 estraint, body mass index, eating frequency, dieting history, and education were the best predictors
67    We used an fMRI food choice task with non-dieting human subjects to investigate whether exogenous
68 ial contributions of the stress state during dieting in long-term behavioral modification.
69 r into the developmental origins of obesity, dieting-induced weight gain, and anorexia nervosa.
70  Relapse to maladaptive eating habits during dieting is often provoked by stress and there is evidenc
71  Relapse to maladaptive eating habits during dieting is often provoked by stress.
72  which a 10-15% weight loss similar to human dieting is produced, we examined physiological and behav
73 and suggest that management of stress during dieting may be beneficial in long-term maintenance.
74 GIBP, whereas relative PYY deficiency during dieting may compromise weight-loss attempts.
75 ater proportion of energy from protein while dieting may improve sleep in overweight and obese adults
76                 Some investigators fear that dieting may precipitate binge eating and other adverse b
77 t is not known whether restrained eating and dieting moderate the influence of disinhibited eating on
78                                        Among dieting obese patients, cholesterol gallstone formation
79           The effect modification of sex and dieting on the EmE score and on the association of the E
80 d weight status and the influence of sex and dieting on this association.
81 irregular menstrual cycles, are smokers, are dieting, or are African-American are likely to reach men
82  poorer in periods of exercise, dieting, and dieting plus exercise than during control periods.
83  and weight gain appeared to be explained by dieting practices.
84 sk for abnormal hydration because of extreme dieting practices.
85 inking of weight variability to unsuccessful dieting raise serous questions about whether these findi
86 uit of muscularity, substance use and abuse, dieting regimens, and muscle dysmorphia.
87  possible adverse behavioral consequences of dieting should not dissuade primary care providers from
88 action between restraint, disinhibition, and dieting showed that restraint moderated the effect of di
89 f the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, and dieting status data were collected.
90 nd weight status in most categories of sex x dieting status.
91                              When aroused by dieting, the experiences of out-of-control eating, incre
92                                              Dieting to control body weight involves cycles of depriv
93 ed and disinhibited eating and self-reported dieting to lose weight as predictors of weight gain in w
94 d diet to become vegetarians; others take up dieting to lose weight or develop an eating disorder.
95 e participants (23%) reported that they were dieting to lose weight.
96 ants were also asked if they were "currently dieting to lose weight." Multilevel modeling was used to
97 re, diuretics, pre-enrollment weight change, dieting, total energy, and body mass index, the HR was 1
98                                   Adolescent dieting, unhealthy weight-control behaviors, and binge e
99               Increased degree of pathologic dieting was associated with a significantly lower intake
100          We evaluated whether weight loss by dieting, with or without aerobic exercise, adversely aff
101 ociation between disinhibition and weight in dieting women.
102 bjective of the study was to examine whether dieting would elicit binge eating and mood disturbance i

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