


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a minimal impact or no impact on the payment differential.
2  activity when exposed to viral strains with differential abilities to downmodulate HLA-C.
3                      These mAbs also exhibit differential abilities to inhibit early biofilm events a
4                                        Using differential abundance analysis, we identified gluten-in
5                                              Differential access to transplantation, increased posttr
6          Understanding mechanistically their differential actions may advance our understanding of ne
7                  These depletions identified differential actions of ILP7 and ILP8 in lipid homeostas
8  the PPAR isotypes distinguish themselves by differential actions on lipid and glucose homeostasis.
9                       Previously we observed differential activation in individual columns of the per
10 fic expression of ankyrin isoforms relies on differential activity of positive and negative regulator
11 pendent orientation of the spindle drove the differential activity of the SPBs in astral microtubule
12 onsevere asthma (NONSA) may be confounded by differential adherence or incorrect use of corticosteroi
13 which contrasts with the previously proposed differential adhesion cell sorting.
14 ome cases, domain boundaries sharpen through differential adhesion-mediated cell sorting.
15 imulate phosphorylation of KaiC, and how the differential affinity of KaiA for the different KaiC pho
16 racterizes successful ageing and may explain differential ageing trajectories across cognitive domain
17 at the strength of the TCR signal results in differential Akt enzymatic activity.
18 o differences in CTD charge distribution and differential alignment of the CTD with reference to tran
19 y take into account the local dependency for differential analysis, in which differential states are
20              Together, these findings reveal differential and cooperative roles of SOM and PV inhibit
21            The voltammetric profile (cyclic, differential and square wave) obtained for each type of
22    Binary encoding of peptide sequences into differential antimicrobial mechanisms is reported.
23 dividual T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotypes in differential antiviral CD8(+) T-cell function, we perfor
24                                              Differential ASS1 gene-body methylation correlated with
25 , and CRT history did not show significantly differential associations (P-interactions >/= 0.64).
26                                          The differential associations observed for various factors m
27 glycerides).Choline and its metabolites have differential associations with cardiometabolic risk fact
28  weighted longitudinal models accounting for differential attrition, survival, and time-varying confo
29 uld have been avoided had there been no cost differential between the median-priced and minimum-price
30              Median cigarette prices and the differential between these and minimum cigarette prices
31 -specific promoter and enhancer activity and differential binding of HNF4alpha, a key regulator of ex
32 nd define key MOB1 residues mediating MOB1's differential binding to Hippo core kinases, thereby esta
33 yl-glucuronide are found to exhibit markedly differential binding to these GusR orthologs.
34 lso under investigation, such as prehospital differential blood pressure management, reversal of warf
35 ivity on chromatin and classify TFs by their differential capacity to alter chromatin and promote exp
36                                              Differential cell counts, microarray analysis of cell pe
37 ingle well without the confounding effect of differential cell migration.
38 n be quantified with molecular resolution by differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS).
39 red cells using two methods for EV recovery, differential centrifugation and polyethylene glycol prec
40           The immense diversity coupled with differential clinical effects of this diversity suggest
41 ntine and ketamine and help to explain their differential clinical effects.
42 amounts of Cys and glutathione, as well as a differential composition of glucosinolates.
43                                        Using differential conditioning techniques, we show that bumbl
44 ystems, are made possible by an approach of "differential-conductance mapping", which allows us to su
45                        Our results show that differential connectivity analysis can provide new insig
46 sponders, the network of good responders has differential connectivity and distinct ontologies (eg, p
47                                          The differential contribution of the two FMOs to chlorinatio
48 om milliseconds to seconds but also, reveals differential contributions of temporal channels across v
49 aim being to consider if there is an overall differential control of fR and VT that applies in a wide
50 dingly, context-associative learning induces differential CRTC1-dependent transcription of c-fos and
51 CT immunogenicity and adjuvanticity, and the differential CT responses in IgA(-/-) and wild-type mice
52 ous laboratory tests including ESR, CBC with differential, D-dimer, fibrinogen, C3, C4, IL-6, etc.
53  the physiological traits underpinning these differential demographic responses.
54  of ever-changing learning environments, and differential developmental trajectories.
55 tention bias, but may also in the future aid differential diagnoses in disorders of spatial attention
56 g modalities in a case of POC as well as the differential diagnoses which can mimic POC.
57 hinopathies, which represent the most common differential diagnoses.
58 c and therapeutic challenge due to the broad differential diagnosis as well as common utilization of
59 r liver transplantation is rare, and a broad differential diagnosis has to be considered.
60 inference-control loop, may be used to guide differential diagnosis in computational psychiatry and c
61  reactivity measurements might be useful for differential diagnosis in dementia to determine the vasc
62                          Therefore, accurate differential diagnosis is crucial for correct patient ma
63 elastography-based strain index ratio in the differential diagnosis of malignant and benign breast le
64                 AH should be included in the differential diagnosis of solid-cystic pituitary masses
65    The tremor stability index can aid in the differential diagnosis of the two most common tremor typ
66 ility that should be considered in the early differential diagnosis when screening results are positi
67 ients and might therefore be of interest for differential diagnosis.
68 ethod of polymerization control in which the differential diffusion distance of unreacted cross-linke
69 n use, an instrumental variable was used-the differential distance to a high noninvasive ventilation
70       Our calculations highlight the role of differential distortion of the anhydride-methanol comple
71 s or copy number variants, respectively, for differential distribution between piperaquine-resistant
72 ound that METH-addicted rats did indeed show differential DNA hydroxymethylation in comparison with b
73         Investigation of these DMRs revealed differential DNA methylation localized to a 600 bp regio
74 found that residual cognition was related to differential DNA methylation of UNC5C and ENC1 (false di
75                                              Differential DNA methylation was found in only a small s
76 als from Colombia, we identified sites where differential DNAm levels were associated with the local
77 parent modulus, which could be attributed to differential down-regulation of Runx2, and up-regulation
78  of APOE-e4/e4 individuals, missing data and differential dropout, limited ethnic and racial diversit
79 CB1 transporter variant were associated with differential drug response in CAE.
80 perties of distinct AML subclones, including differential drug susceptibilities of KRAS mutant and wi
81  occur in D2L-expressing neurons, indicating differential drug-induced plasticity between the variant
82                             The technique of differential dynamic microscopy is extended here, showin
83 ed on water can enhance our understanding of differential ecosystem sensitivity to precipitation extr
84     These findings indicate that Abeta has a differential effect on hippocampal proliferative cells b
85                         This study documents differential effects among four critical stages of devel
86 ts provide a framework for understanding the differential effects of chromatin and lamin A/C in cell
87                             In addition, the differential effects of estradiol and progesterone on th
88                 We generated predictions for differential effects of litter nutrition and secondary p
89  sex differences have been attributed to the differential effects of male and female gonadal secretio
90        Taken together, these findings reveal differential effects of MD and BD on synaptic connectivi
91 y, PV- and SST-enriched transplants produced differential effects on behavior, with PV-enriched popul
92             In addition, these domains exert differential effects on spatial and contextual learning
93 hat eventual deficits in inhibition may have differential effects on the excitation/inhibition balanc
94 nt5a and retinoic acid were found to exhibit differential effects on the growth of axons from retinal
95  that enantiomers (R,R)-68 and (S,S)-68 have differential effects on the radioligand used for the bin
96  suggests that the central NPY system exerts differential effects on the sequential phases of non-soc
97 omplex formation while having no substantial differential effects on the thermal properties of starch
98  identified new genomic loci associated with differential emphysematous destruction throughout the lu
99 te of ARID5B, that alleles of rs7090445 have differential enhancer activity and influence RUNX3 bindi
100 e protease enzymes enables quantification of differential enzyme activity resulting from endogenous c
101 ogether, our results support the notion that differential epigenetic marking may facilitate long-term
102 de speedups relative to a CPU-based ordinary differential equation integrator.
103 tures intracellular dynamics through partial differential equation models.
104 works): it builds dynamic (based on ordinary differential equation) models, which can be used for mec
105                                     Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with polynomial derivative
106 unctional response, we here analyze a set of differential equations as well as simulations employing
107 tiotemporal dynamical evolution from partial differential equations.
108 amic techniques can reveal insights into the differential evolutionary pressures acting on virus subt
109                                              Differential expression analysis following nuclear RNA-s
110  can therefore improve the interpretation of differential expression analysis of transcriptomic data
111 through bootstrapping, while IsoDE2 performs differential expression analysis using the bootstrap sam
112 ractive and customizable functions including differential expression analysis, profiling plotting, co
113                                          For differential expression analysis, voom with quality weig
114  data using this library, yielding sensitive differential expression analysis.
115 ustering of cell types across samples, while differential expression and coexpression network analyse
116 ss all three -omics levels, confirming their differential expression in human disease.
117 varying stress tolerance profiles, and built differential expression library of their transcripts und
118  as two distinct cell populations defined by differential expression of 412 genes and of multiple pat
119                                         From differential expression of bacterial transporter systems
120 ly, characterization of enhancers exhibiting differential expression of enhancer RNAs pointed a centr
121                      Further analysis showed differential expression of Epr3 in the epidermis and cor
122  Pathway and gene ontology analysis revealed differential expression of functionally important genes;
123 ivisions, characterized by largely conserved differential expression of gene markers.
124      Gene expression analyses suggested that differential expression of nuclear receptors involved in
125  as a transcriptional regulator and revealed differential expression of STAT3 signaling-related genes
126        The time-dependent, melatonin-induced differential expression of VEGF-A isoforms culminates in
127 ecular pathways and interrelated genes whose differential expression was associated with asthma contr
128 entifies outliers efficiently, and evaluates differential expressions at biologically interesting lev
129 arthropod HSP70-like molecule contributes to differential fibrinogenolysis during tick feeding.
130 VA), since it focuses on the variance of the differential frames, obtained subtracting images at diff
131 bulin binding affinity, and the reduction in differential functional activity against the sensitive a
132 e clusters within individual genes that have differential functional associations: these include PTEN
133  in defensive reactions via the demonstrated differential functional connectivity.
134            However, in this study, we report differential functional effects for these ROCKs at the e
135 me PSD3 haplotype was also associated with a differential functional magnetic resonance imaging signa
136 n dys-1A(-/-) provide the first evidence for differential functional roles for dysbindin-1A vs dysbin
137 vity was shown to be primarily a function of differential functionalization of enantiotopic arenes, a
138                           Transcriptome-wide differential gene expression among obese asthmatic child
139                   The proposed network-based differential gene expression analysis algorithm dwgLASSO
140 tion, and motif identification for ChIP-seq, differential gene expression analysis for RNA-seq, nucle
141 ed when comparing dwgLASSO with conventional differential gene expression analysis method.
142 achieve better performance than conventional differential gene expression analysis methods by integra
143 -specific networks and perform network-based differential gene expression analysis to select biomarke
144 eks after birth are particularly dynamic for differential gene expression and alternative splicing tr
145 A methylation, genomic segment distribution, differential gene expression and tumor suppressor gene s
146                                              Differential gene expression by SFRP2(+), FMO1(+), and C
147 sive transcripts and the characterization of differential gene expression during flower development.
148 eduled feeding, c-Fos brain mapping revealed differential gene expression in entrained versus arrhyth
149 n the thyroid cancer subtypes were linked to differential gene expression in JAK-STAT signaling, NADP
150                RNA-seq analysis demonstrates differential gene expression in Lsh-/- NSPCs and suggest
151        We analyzed LBS mutation information, differential gene expression network, drug response corr
152                                              Differential gene expression was validated using NanoStr
153 al clustering demonstrated an association of differential gene expression with dysregulated gBcyt-med
154                                              Differential gene-expression analysis has allowed us to
155 sent results generally support the view that differential growth and actomyosin contraction drive for
156 uring apical hook development by controlling differential growth.
157  capabilities in strong responders, based on differential gut microbial composition (e.g., Lactobacil
158             To investigate the potential for differential habitat use among migratory marine vertebra
159                                Comparing the differential heat of adsorption of 2-pentene on silicali
160 ng into the subsurface layers, which induces differential heating in the upper ocean that affects ver
161 wnregulation impairs the acquisition of such differential histone modification and expression pattern
162                             Many ASHCEs show differential histone modifications that may participate
163 ition 9 as a subtype-specific determinant of differential HLA-A versus HLA-B downregulation activity.
164 ombined this motion-cancellation system with differential illumination focal filtering, a variant of
165 estruction and behavioral abnormalities with differential immune-mediated involvement.
166 sue-derived MSC (AdMSC) display and induce a differential immunologic profile, upon ongoing AdMSC sup
167          Structural studies suggest that the differential impact of the CTD on topo IIalpha and topo
168                Here, we used two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis to analyze hepatic c
169 on) and competitor densities result in steep differentials in survival, which in turn drive hybrid zo
170                                         This differential infection led to contrasting effects of sti
171                     Full length rAhAI showed differential inhibition against alpha-amylases from huma
172 m Myt1 and establish the structural basis of differential inhibition by the widely used Wee1 inhibito
173 es, an optimized molecule was generated with differential inhibitory activities against DprE1 and CYP
174 s in child development that might arise from differential investment in child health, nutrition, and
175  to sparse firing of granule cells, suggests differential involvement in pattern separation.
176 mic reticular and myofilament sites, reveals differential kinetics and amplitudes of localized cAMP s
177 nal space can be used to better leverage the differential lateral movement of particles with differen
178             Real-time qPCR has confirmed the differential life-cycle stage expression of a set of sel
179                                         This differential localization also correlates with their ass
180 Most notably, the fatty acyl chain-dependent differential localization of phospholipids and triacylgl
181  Mass spectrometry-based imaging indicated a differential localization of triterpenoids to the peride
182 ts, and more recently in adult animals using differential looking time experiments.
183 ntribute to host defences to Leishmania in a differential manner, by actively taking up these pathoge
184                                     Disorder-differential mechanisms appear to drive overlapping phen
185                We further explored potential differential mechanisms of local versus distal acupunctu
186 hod for incorporating purity information for differential methylation analysis.
187 anscriptome and epigenome signatures to find differential methylation and expression of ARID5B to be
188 ed novel and previously reported BMI-related differential methylation at 83 CpGs that replicated acro
189 eritance of methylation states in regions of differential methylation between the parents of genetic
190 and F4 TBT groups that overlap with areas of differential methylation in F4 adipose tissue.
191  that replicated across cohorts; BMI-related differential methylation was associated with concurrent
192 ed across species, and could be confirmed by differential migration behavior of protein fragments in
193 RNome analysis shows that PDAC and IPMN have differential miRNA profiles with respect to C, with a la
194 t-spiking and non-fast-spiking INs displayed differential modulation by glutamate and 5-HT.
195  propose a method for estimating the rate of differential mRNA decay from RNA-seq data and model mRNA
196 we present an approach for quantification of differential mRNA expression by targeted resequencing of
197        We apply this strategy to demonstrate differential mRNA trafficking behaviors governed by RNA
198  had a thinner mucous layer and demonstrated differential Muc2 and Muc5ac mucin gene expression.
199                        Network comparison or differential network analysis has become an important me
200 monstrate that JDINAC provides more accurate differential network estimation and lower classification
201                     The results also support differential neurobiological susceptibility theory, sugg
202 r, these findings support the notion of FMRP differential neuronal regulation and strongly implicate
203  now aligning ion channel formation with the differential neurotoxic effect of Abeta(1-40) and Abeta(
204 d whether these effects are mediated through differential or synergistic signaling pathways.
205 ys an important role in the formation of the differential p210 and p190 Bcr-Abl signaling networks.
206            Furthermore, cadherin-10 exhibits differential participation in complexes with PSD-95 and
207                               The regionally differential pattern of prestimulus predictors of phosph
208                  More important, we describe differential patterns of FMRP distribution in both corti
209 sing density functional theory indicate that differential pi-pi and C-H...pi interactions within a sc
210  were twofold: (i) to identify the source of differential population responses to climate (genetic di
211  that different types of carrion may lead to differential pressures.
212            Genetic mechanisms play a role in differential progression to CCC, but little is known abo
213 cates manifesting expression alteration, and differential propensities to lose BCGM by the higher- an
214 storage, we investigated the hypothesis that differential protein content of PLINs and their distribu
215                            Consequently, the differential pulse anodic stripping transduction was rea
216 etect 3-NT and discriminate it from Tyr with Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) as it is a very imp
217 on of electron transfer resistance (Rct) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) current were releva
218                                              Differential pulse voltammetry reveals detection limits
219 ed and quantified by measuring the change in differential pulse voltammetry signal of a redox probe (
220  as use of RA medication, selection bias and differential RA diagnosis.
221 highly reproducible across mice resulting in differential rates of in- and out-of-frame mutations.
222 n phylogenetic integration, thus influencing differential rates of skull-shape evolution in these two
223 The OsPCS2 exhibits root- and shoot-specific differential ratios of alternatively spliced transcripts
224 al neurogenesis, providing an example of how differential receptor usage spatiotemporally controls an
225           AGO2 RIP-Seq analysis revealed the differential recruitment of a subset of expressed miRNAs
226                We examined whether there was differential reduction in ADHF events from intensive blo
227                               We demonstrate differential regulation by two distinct mSWI/SNF assembl
228                    Expression array revealed differential regulation of 13 miRNAs.
229 s work provides a novel mechanism indicating differential regulation of Cyp27b1 in renal and non-rena
230 th during early age correlated well with the differential regulation of ER stress sensors, in particu
231                                 Furthermore, differential regulation of HDP-induced mast cell degranu
232 med to elucidate the underlying mechanism of differential regulation of IL-12p70 and IL-23.
233       Tavakoli et al ( 1 ) hypothesized that differential regulation of macrophage glucose metabolism
234 ional evidence to the emerging view that the differential regulation of the molecular clocks underlie
235 kisspeptin cells is required for appropriate differential regulation of these neurons and for neuroen
236 on of the SigB-dependent stress response and differential regulation of translation, fermentation, an
237 es in the ventral pallidum could explain the differential regulation of VP activity.
238                Further understanding of this differential regulation will enhance efforts to improve
239 sed a reductionist approach, perhaps masking differential regulation.
240            The results revealed a pattern of differential relations between prosocial traits and game
241                                          The differential relationships observed between aortic pulse
242 BUB1B(R) versus BUB1B(S) isolates revealed a differential reliance of genes enriched in the BUB1B(S)
243 copy, we found that AML progression leads to differential remodeling of vasculature in central and en
244 n 2H-NbS2 superconductor exhibits a negative differential resistance (NDR) transition from a steady f
245 e-long controversy over whether the negative differential resistance is caused by a relatively low-te
246 sistors, at large drain-source bias negative differential resistance is revealed.
247                                 However, the differential response of human leukocytes to MPLA and LP
248 icochemical and molecular indexes to unravel differential response of nine commercial wheat cultivars
249 ting ICS by establishing whether there was a differential response to budesonide versus placebo for s
250 ic and endometrial epithelial cells revealed differential response to inflammatory cytokines and othe
251 o separate randomized controlled trials with differential response to positive end-expiratory pressur
252 x4 while immobilizing GOx as a result of the differential response to the microenvironment induced by
253 educed circulating triglycerides, but showed differential responses in total and low-density lipoprot
254 y it to understand the mechanisms underlying differential responses to influenza vaccination.
255 ity and constraints in these modules suggest differential responses to selection arising from fluctua
256  poorly understood, but it might explain the differential responsiveness of patients to specific ther
257                                         This differential RHOA activity determines polarized NC morph
258                                The degree of differential RNA editing in epileptic mice correlated wi
259 euron projection" and "seizures." Genes with differential RNA editing were preferentially enriched fo
260   We present QNB, a statistical approach for differential RNA methylation analysis with count-based s
261  are among the major factors contributing to differential RNAi efficiency reported among insects.
262                                              Differential role of pannexin-1/ATP/P2X7 axis in IL-1bet
263 ange among magnetic fields, Rossby waves and differential rotation of the solar interior shear-layer
264 the thermal properties of starch depicted by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
265                We used pressure perturbation differential scanning calorimetry (PPC) that studies a s
266               Complete characterization from differential scanning calorimetry and (1)H NMR and UV-vi
267                                          The differential scanning calorimetry studies demonstrated t
268 -glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE), using differential scanning calorimetry, and sequential (2)H a
269  nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, together with dye lea
270 ar function of the heat capacity measured by differential scanning calorimetry.
271  magnetic resonance and thermal behaviour by differential scanning calorimetry.
272 sition melting temperatures derived from the differential scanning fluorimetry experiments indicated
273 ported membrane-based electrophysiology, and differential scanning fluorometry were used to character
274 and gain are tumor-type specific, suggesting differential selective pressures on the two tumor cell t
275                                         This differential sensitivity could be due to an unrecognized
276   Herein, we investigated factors underlying differential sensitivity to IgG-mediated arthritis in 2
277                  How do neurons process such differential sensory inputs at the dendritic level?
278 lection of the most relevant information for differential sensory processing and decision making.
279 gs identify a unique function for Themis2 in differential signaling and provide insight into how B ce
280                                              Differential signaling by mGluR1, depending on its activ
281                                  Given these differential signaling results, we sought to further elu
282  (EsxB) SOMAmer yielded the most significant differential signals (P < 0.0276), particularly in TB pa
283 el, Random Effects for the Identification of Differential Splicing (REIDS), for the identification of
284                                              Differential splicing of the VEGF-A gene produces multip
285 '-end-focused library approach cannot detect differential splicing, but has potentially higher throug
286 utperformed other popular methods, while for differential splicing, DEXSeq was simultaneously the mos
287                        Microtome sectioning, differential staining and fluorescence microscopy were u
288 pendency for differential analysis, in which differential states are embedded as hidden variables.
289 verexpression of cIAP1 and cIAP2 and observe differential subcellular localization of the two protein
290                              This pattern of differential survival, with N. macrotis having a consist
291 of restriction factors may contribute to the differential susceptibility of CD4(+) T cells to SIV inf
292 n the prion protein gene have been linked to differential susceptibility to the disease in many speci
293 rties were investigated by thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis and release studies were p
294                      The signals controlling differential translation are poorly understood.
295  X. gardneri vs. XgDeltaavrHah1 revealed the differential up-regulation of two basic helix-loop-helix
296                          We call this method Differential Variance Analysis (DVA), since it focuses o
297 he carcinoma antigen-125 was accomplished by differential voltammetry technique that demonstrated exc
298 ive-like locomotor behavior is also based on differential VTA innervation.
299 een surprisingly little exploration into the differential vulnerability among neuron types and the ci
300                                              Differential warming of tropical and temperate biomes co

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