


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  were high in crude fibre and thus were less digestible.
2 active microassay which measures collagenase-digestible and collagenase-resistant radiolabeled protei
3 e results, the taro corms' starch was highly digestible and higher than the 50% of the starch was com
4 glucose, apparent amylose, resistant, slowly digestible and rapidly digestible starches of the variet
5 mposite blends had significantly more slowly digestible and resistant starches.
6 cteria, Prochlorococcus) may be more quickly digestible because they present more surface area, and w
7 ver time collagen becomes less soluble, less digestible by collagenase, more stable to heat-induced d
8 , by the same sets of hostplants, protein to digestible carbohydrate (P:C) ratios, or allelochemical.
9 ith the lowest (median: 188 g/d) quartile of digestible carbohydrate intake showed a mean adjusted hi
10                                    Moreover, digestible carbohydrate-C comprises a small fraction of
11 cordingly increased requirements for dietary digestible carbohydrate-C to fuel-heightened energy dema
12 he human gut microbiota ferments dietary non-digestible carbohydrates into short-chain fatty acids (S
13                           Maternal intake of digestible carbohydrates was associated with the offspri
14  concentrations and sources of protein, fat, digestible carbohydrates, and indigestible carbohydrates
15 he ill-effects of feeding diets with rapidly digestible carbohydrates.
16 e lower gut by microbial fermentation of non-digestible carbohydrates.
17     We found that the fluorescence of pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links decreases immediately fo
18   We also found that the intensity of pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links in vivo increases linear
19 olet-induced fluorescence decrease of pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links is wavelength specific.
20 effect on the in vivo fluorescence of pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links shows a distinct maximum
21                As the fluorescence of pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links was found to increase wi
22 uorescence excitation spectrum due to pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links.
23  to epidermal tryptophan moieties and pepsin-digestible collagen cross-links.
24 sportable form, but also it made milk a more digestible commodity for early prehistoric farmers.
25         These results suggest that apple non-digestible compounds might help to re-establish a distur
26 ace area of the protein bodies of the highly digestible cultivar appear to account for its high in vi
27                                          Non-digestible dietary fibre derived from plant material is
28                                          Non-digestible dietary galacto- and gluco-alpha-(1,6)-oligos
29  feeds had reduced levels of total lipid and digestible energy, and different levels and proportions
30                           Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that have a specific stimula
31                 Today, development of slowly digestible food with positive health impact and producti
32 em in the production of hypoallergenic, more-digestible foods.
33 onment and transformed them into more easily digestible foodstuffs in part through cooking them, sugg
34 mes that degrade certain sugars, making them digestible for humans.
35 ish peroxidase), we found that only the less digestible forms were immunogenic, inducing far more eff
36 acterize peptides present in common bean non-digestible fractions (NDF) produced after enzymatic dige
37 ll-associated enzymes to hydrolyze them into digestible fragments.
38 rins within the protein bodies of the highly digestible genotype were similar to the normal cultivar,
39                                  The average Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score of red lentils
40                                              Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) was c
41 ents is the absence of readily available and digestible input data to inform such analysis.
42 cient almost 4.5 times higher than the least digestible Low GI rice.
43 in from a low value source to produce highly digestible, low molecular weight peptide powders that co
44  A, 63, 2013 and 126) using DMI, and dietary digestible neutral detergent fiber and fatty acid conten
45 s highest when they were encapsulated within digestible oil droplets with the smallest size.
46 ligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS) resembling non-digestible oligosaccharides in human milk reduce the dev
47 ause that dose had the highest proportion of digestible organic matter.
48 is critical review is to provide a broad but digestible overview of mechanochemical synthesis, i.e. r
49 ores accordingly becomes more constrained by digestible plant C than by total plant C:N.
50 ated by trichloracetic acid) and collagenase-digestible protein (radioactivity released by collagenas
51 ity, showing potential for the production of digestible protein drinks with good consumer visual appe
52 as the uptake of 3H-proline into collagenase-digestible protein.
53 r their dietary fiber, total starch, rapidly digestible (RDS), slowly digestible (SDS), and resistant
54 tal starch, rapidly digestible (RDS), slowly digestible (SDS), and resistant (RS) starch for nutritio
55 nt throughout the waste rock dumps at a mean digestible (SeD) concentration of 3.12 mg/kg.
56 ake a direct approach and find that the high-digestible sorghum phenotype is tightly linked to a sing
57 igested starch (SDS) and little inaccessible digestible starch (IDS) (70:22:8%).
58                            The terms rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SD
59 he 50% of the starch was composed of rapidly digestible starch (RDS) fractions.
60                                  The rapidly digestible starch (RDS) level was lower in the 40% WSF a
61 h samples showed increased amount of rapidly digestible starch (RDS), while cross-linking with 5-7.5%
62 h (RS) and final viscosity and lower rapidly digestible starch (RDS).
63 s rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS) along with the associated analyt
64        A positive correlation between slowly digestible starch (SDS) and insoluble beta-glucan and to
65 vel pea ingredients for enrichment of slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) conten
66                                       Slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) increa
67                                   The slowly digestible starch (SDS) correlated positively (R=0.816,
68 bs, resulting in a 96.81% increase of slowly digestible starch (SDS) from 75 to 45% dough hydration.
69  postprandial glycemia, products with slowly digestible starch can have beneficial long-term effects.
70                                       Slowly digestible starch content decreased at all temperatures
71 essing into injera and porridge, the rapidly digestible starch content increased by 60-85% and 3-69%,
72                                      Rapidly digestible starch decreased and resistant starch increas
73 tion of chia seeds also increased the slowly digestible starch fraction of rice flour, commonly known
74 (16%-60min) caused an increase in the slowly digestible starch in the rice flour.
75 o 1:2 were found to be optimum for SDS (slow digestible starch) product development.
76    At 2200, the subjects were given 100 g of digestible starch, and glucose and lactate were measured
77  significant influence on rapidly and slowly digestible starch, in vitro starch digestibility and val
78  resistant starch, RS (by 61-71%) and slowly digestible starch, SDS (by 56-84%).
79 o identify and develop varieties with slowly digestible starch.
80 the LMWDF contains still not fully converted digestible starch/malto-oligosaccharide fragments with D
81 se, resistant, slowly digestible and rapidly digestible starches of the varieties ranged between 66 a
82 y, whereas red rices were significantly more digestible than black rices (p<0.05).
83 mologous and heterologous polymers were less digestible than untreated proteins, but the peptides rel
84 ork to the general public in an engaging and digestible way through the use of whiteboard videos.
85  also confirmed that emulsified corn oil was digestible, whereas emulsified mineral oil was indigesti

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