


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d a significant portion of them are probably digestive enzymes.
2 The digestion was performed with and without digestive enzymes.
3  normal postprandial synthesis of pancreatic digestive enzymes.
4 nitiating the activation of other intestinal digestive enzymes.
5 gut, the region responsible for secretion of digestive enzymes.
6 ol administration on pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes.
7 f phenolic interactions with proteins and/or digestive enzymes.
8 need to produce and secrete large amounts of digestive enzymes.
9 egraded by both the Lactobacillus strain and digestive enzymes.
10 plant biomass that is resistant to mammalian digestive enzymes.
11 e, reducing growth of mice and production of digestive enzymes.
12  pancreatitis via intra-acinar activation of digestive enzymes.
13 e used to investigate their capacity against digestive enzymes.
14 ubmandibular gland function and secretion of digestive enzymes.
15 d to the production of very large amounts of digestive enzymes.
16 ty and exposing the pancreatic parenchyma to digestive enzymes.
17 , which normally prevents basal secretion of digestive enzymes.
18 resulted in reduced starch susceptibility to digestive enzymes.
19 fic genes, including those for the secretory digestive enzymes.
20 erential rates of processing by lepidopteran digestive enzymes.
21  in vivo pancreatic secretion and pancreatic digestive enzymes.
22 ality from impaired production of pancreatic digestive enzymes.
23 he compartment of the pancreas that produces digestive enzymes.
24 enzyme content resulted in poor secretion of digestive enzymes.
25 cretagogue stimulation with the secretion of digestive enzymes.
26 as recently been shown to involve pancreatic digestive enzymes.
27 dedicated to the production of the secretory digestive enzymes, a highly attuned surveillance of unfo
28 levated, including NPC1 and NPC2 and several digestive enzymes (acid lipase, beta-glucuronidase, and
29 cytoplasm where it can lead to intracellular digestive enzyme activation.
30 tracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis and premature digestive enzyme activation; however, the molecular mech
31 er understanding of pancreatic intracellular digestive enzyme activation; the pancreatic inflammatory
32  secretion and exposure of the parenchyma to digestive enzyme activity lead to organ damage and pancr
33 participates in the regulation of intestinal digestive enzyme activity.
34 ors (InsP(3)R) is the primary signal driving digestive enzyme and fluid secretion from pancreatic aci
35 holecystokinin (CCK) stimulates secretion of digestive enzyme and promotes cell growth, whereas acety
36         Despite the high lysosomal levels of digestive enzymes and acidity, the absorbed particles re
37         Despite the high lysosomal levels of digestive enzymes and acidity, the absorbed particles re
38 quences are less likely to be broken down by digestive enzymes and are thus more likely to be active
39 ereas the chief cell predominantly expresses digestive enzymes and glycosylation-associated proteins.
40      Mutant mice had reduced serum levels of digestive enzymes and overall growth impairment.
41 diverse ethnicity showed similar profiles of digestive enzymes and proteins involved in translation,
42 irectly induces expression of genes encoding digestive enzymes and secretory and mitochondrial protei
43  reduction in the synthesis of several major digestive enzymes and succumbs to massive apoptosis afte
44   Given the resistance of the oocyst wall to digestive enzymes and the ability of oocysts to cause pa
45                                    Different digestive enzymes and transporters are present in the du
46 opment, is not expressed and cells producing digestive enzymes are rare.
47 n against attack from inflammatory cells and digestive enzymes, as well as against microbial infectio
48 d by changes in the content and secretion of digestive enzymes, as well as the phosphorylation of dow
49 ths at 18 degrees C), the genes encoding the digestive enzymes begin to be expressed as the female pr
50  studied against both gastric and intestinal digestive enzymes but to different extents.
51 tablish a positive feedback mechanism in the digestive enzyme cascade of humans.
52 om the left ventricle of adult rabbits using digestive enzymes (collagenase and protease).
53  regrowth of the pancreas but did not affect digestive enzyme content or secretory capacity.
54 ation of aberrant Ca2+ signaling and reduced digestive enzyme content resulted in poor secretion of d
55  of the Golgi apparatus and markedly reduced digestive enzyme content.
56                            Here we show that digestive enzyme (DE) treatment of sporadic CJD brain ho
57                                          The digestive enzyme decreased the number of days with moder
58 the blunted increase of pancreatic and serum digestive enzymes during acute pancreatitis.
59          Rgs proteins inhibit the release of digestive enzymes evoked by G-protein-coupled-receptor a
60                                There are six digestive enzymes for starch: salivary and pancreatic al
61  attributed to a profound down-regulation of digestive enzyme genes and trypsin activity, upon exposu
62   The magnitude of the effects on individual digestive enzyme genes correlated with the developmental
63  transcriptional activation of the secretory digestive enzyme genes.
64                        Astacin, a crustacean digestive enzyme, has been proposed to carry out hydroly
65 pancreatic inflammation, and intrapancreatic digestive enzyme (i.e., trypsinogen) activation.
66              Trypsin is usually considered a digestive enzyme in the intestinal lumen.
67 ity of Lf is limited as it is susceptible to digestive enzymes in gastrointestinal tract.
68                              The majority of digestive enzymes in humans are produced in the pancreas
69 as trypsin and chymotrypsin, are the primary digestive enzymes in lepidopteran larvae, and are also i
70  that control the physiological secretion of digestive enzymes in response to stimulation via the vag
71 njugates, can protect promastigotes from the digestive enzymes in the gut and, second, that LPG is re
72     Chymotrypsin is one of the most abundant digestive enzymes in the gut where it cleaves food prote
73             Thus, the presence of pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic gut appears to be invo
74  examine here the hypothesis that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine may be invol
75         The results indicate that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine serve as an
76  the intracellular activation of proteolytic digestive enzymes in the pancreas and reduces the severi
77 (CCK) is known to stimulate the synthesis of digestive enzymes in the pancreas at the translational l
78 ats, is to protect the parasite surface from digestive enzymes in the tsetse fly gut.
79 ciency (PEI) reduces pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes, including lipases.
80 tion to synthesize and directionally secrete digestive enzymes into a central lumen.
81                                  An array of digestive enzymes is incorporated into the cellulosome t
82 n experiences a decline in production of the digestive enzyme lactase-phlorizin hydrolase during matu
83 plains CTRC selectivity in regulating active digestive enzyme levels.
84 types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones.
85 n wheat ATI and two representative mammalian digestive enzymes, namely trypsin and alpha-amylase.
86 ted to producing the traps, attractants, and digestive enzymes needed for the carnivory.
87 ession (as much as 99%) of genes that encode digestive enzymes or proteins of regulated exocytosis an
88 ed proteins such as mucins (all tissues) and digestive enzymes (pancreas) in a soluble and/or inactiv
89 -toxic genotype with Alcalase as well as the digestive enzymes pepsin and pancreatin.
90 l, methylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione and the digestive enzymes (pepsin and pancreatin) were studied.
91 asmalemma, culminating in the release of the digestive enzyme pepsinogen into the lumina of gastric g
92                Additionally, the presence of digestive enzymes positively contributed to antioxidant
93 adults consistently regulated genes encoding digestive enzymes, possibly to complement channel resist
94       Cells of the exocrine pancreas produce digestive enzymes potentially harmful to the intestinal
95 been reported in animal genomes, but are key digestive enzymes produced by wood-degrading fungi and s
96 models appear to recover via regeneration of digestive enzyme-producing acinar cells.
97 sphoglycans, which protect the parasite from digestive enzymes; production of chitinases that degrade
98 ystokinin octapeptide and reduced pancreatic digestive enzyme protein and mRNA levels, thus suggestin
99 ortant for the stimulation of translation of digestive enzyme protein in rat pancreas by CCK.
100 ute to the high specificity of CTRC-mediated digestive enzyme regulation.
101 r cell homeostasis required for secretion of digestive enzymes relies on SNARE-mediated exocytosis.
102 ivo and in vitro hydrolysis by human/porcine digestive enzymes, respectively, was examined.
103  epithelial neck cell, the progenitor of the digestive enzyme secreting zymogenic (chief) cell (ZC).
104 astric epithelial mucous neck cells (NCs) to digestive enzyme-secreting zymogenic cells (ZCs) involve
105    Ca plays a central role in the control of digestive enzyme secretion and is largely mobilized from
106 s and prevented the pathologic inhibition of digestive enzyme secretion at supramaximal agonist conce
107 e the role of serine proteases in regulating digestive enzyme secretion in pancreatic acinar cells.
108 ed ethanol-induced stimulation of pancreatic digestive enzyme secretion may play a role in the events
109                        Their GAP activity on digestive enzyme secretion was examined by adenovirus-me
110 ne trafficking events that are essential for digestive enzyme secretion.
111  3, p < .005), suggesting that the increased digestive enzyme-specific activity reflected differentia
112   Numerous studies have shown that GP2 binds digestive enzymes such as amylase, thereby supporting a
113 inin (CCK) plays an important role in normal digestive enzyme synthesis after feeding.
114 he signal transduction mechanisms regulating digestive enzyme synthesis and secretion as well as panc
115 d understanding of the mechanisms regulating digestive enzyme synthesis and secretion.
116 protein modulates pancreatic growth, but not digestive enzyme synthesis, via CCK-independent activati
117 n chitinase (AMCase) can function as a major digestive enzyme that constitutively degrades chitin sub
118        Pancreatic ribonuclease (RNASE1) is a digestive enzyme that has been one of the key models in
119 nse to lipid intake; it regulates pancreatic digestive enzymes that are required for absorption of nu
120  the earliest protease molecules were simple digestive enzymes that gained complex regulatory functio
121 ights on the binding preferences of malarial digestive enzymes that were used to design specific meth
122 s of the intestine are polarized and express digestive enzymes, the hepatocytes secrete bile, and the
123  and indirectly by impairing the activity of digestive enzymes, the latter event causing the accumula
124 a complex process consisting of intraluminal digestive enzymes, the unstirred mucus layer, and a syst
125          The resulting easy accessibility of digestive enzymes to alpha-kafirin, the major storage pr
126 astroduodenal digestion alpha-DCs react with digestive enzymes to produce carbonylated proteins.
127 h an animal gut (replete with its associated digestive enzymes) to disrupt the barrier and permit ger
128 Human cationic trypsinogen, precursor of the digestive enzyme trypsin, can be rapidly degraded to pro
129                  Recombinant SLPI attenuates digestive enzyme (trypsin)- or leukocyte proteinase (ela
130 ol, repeatedly exposing proteoliposomes to a digestive enzyme, trypsin, was developed and compared wi
131    Premature intracellular activation of the digestive enzyme trypsinogen is considered to be the ini
132                On incubation of Ara h 1 with digestive enzymes, various protease-resistant fragments
133                       However, maturation of digestive enzymes was unaffected.
134 ioxidant capacities and abilities to inhibit digestive enzymes were characterized.
135  the chosen food samples on lipid and starch digestive enzymes were determined by evaluating the lipa
136  The exocrine compartment makes and secretes digestive enzymes, while the endocrine compartment, orga
137 ion characterised by premature activation of digestive enzymes within acinar cells, followed by necro
138                   Continuous regeneration of digestive enzyme (zymogen)-secreting chief cells is a no
139              Intra-acinar cell activation of digestive enzyme zymogens including trypsinogen is gener
140  the premature intrapancreatic activation of digestive enzyme zymogens.

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