


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  standard deviation uncertainty in the final digits).
2 increasing predictiveness (in-between target digits).
3 ts and the positioning of joints within each digit.
4  polydactyly or syndactyly or missing a hand digit.
5 sis including varying numbers of significant digits.
6 tics, requiring neural signals of individual digits.
7 anscoding numerals from dictation to written digits.
8 ) are often limited to impacts in the single digits.
9 dius and ulna, and outgrowth of the anterior digits.
10 received afferent inputs from the stimulated digits.
11 death (PCD) contributes to separation of the digits.
12 y nociceptive heat or tactile stimulation of digits.
13 edian nerve, but not ulnar nerve, innervated digits.
14 nd third) and ulnar nerve innervated (fifth) digits.
15 vasculature in the eye, and 50% have webbed digits.
16 neuron subtypes parallels the elaboration of digits.
17  that allows dexterous extension of the four digits.
18 me degree of coordinated control of multiple digits.
19                               Stimulation of digit 2 in humans far below the detection threshold elic
20 e conduction latency) and in the brain (i.e. digit 2/3 cortical separation distance).
21 ch the right index and right middle fingers (digits 2 and 3) were adjoined with surgical glue.
22 ex using vibrotactile stimulation over three digits (2, 3 and 5).
23 r (digit 5) and away from the middle finger (digit 3).
24  with the representation of the ring finger (digit 4) shifted towards the little finger (digit 5) and
25 (digit 4) shifted towards the little finger (digit 5) and away from the middle finger (digit 3).
26 atic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has single-digit 5-year survival rates at <7%.
27 nt ellipsoid band on OCT and additional mild digit abnormalities.
28 al nervous system (CNS), cardiac, renal, and digit abnormalities.
29 h were characterized by shifted and expanded digit activations at week 4 after lesion, which then shi
30 recorded while humans listened to two spoken digits against a distracting talker and decided whether
31 ve important insights into how the number of digits and phalanges has diverged during the evolution o
32 ls and macroevolutionary diversity in limbs, digits and somites.
33 e vertebrate limb include the positioning of digits and the positioning of joints within each digit.
34 two or five digits, or coarse grip with five digits) and used representational similarity analysis of
35 lex verbal stimuli (e.g. longer words versus digits); and (iii) it is involved in spontaneous retriev
36 ating patterns, such as hair follicles, limb digits, and intestinal villi, during development.
37 , which leads to flexion contractures of the digits, and is associated with other tissue-specific fib
38  with individual tissue specificities in the digit anlagen, growth plates, skull sutures and fingerti
39 eads to obesity, photoreceptor degeneration, digit anomalies, genito-urinary abnormalities, as well a
40 e-examination of available data suggest that digits are actually patterned as evenly spaced spots, no
41 eristic features of limbs is the presence of digits at their extremities.
42 critical role for the nail epithelium on the digit bone during homeostatic regeneration and show that
43 ly the nail plate but also of the underlying digit bone.
44 ed to defective regression of the underlying digit bone.
45 t have a uniform distribution of the leading digit, but conform to a very particular pattern known as
46 les that manipulated the tarsometatarsus and digits, but the timing of these changes is unknown.
47 give rise to three morphologically different digits by a self-organizing mechanism with Turing-like p
48 ently regulates more posterior Hoxd genes in digit cells.
49 ensitive detection of Shigella on the single-digit CFU level suggests the feasibility of the direct d
50 la in stool and blood matrixes at the single-digit CFU level.
51 od1 together with Bmp2, a critical player in digit condensation in amniotes.
52  showed significantly less effort in the six-digit condition relative to consumers with mild defeatis
53 urons, emphasizing the specialized status of digit control in the evolution of skilled motor behavior
54 MRI, the cortical representations of the two digits costimulated above-resonance shifted closer, pote
55 classification tasks based on a hand-written digit dataset and by learning several Atari 2600 games s
56 ased from low (three-digit) to moderate (six-digit) demands in healthy control subjects and consumers
57 l activation of Hoxd genes during vertebrate digit development involves modifications in 3D interacti
58  a role that may be important in early-stage digit development.
59        The survey was performed via a random-digit dialing process that selected respondents via both
60 d 2 components of data: 1) dual-frame random digit dialing telephone survey data from 3,806 adults in
61 e used incidence-density sampling and random-digit dialing to recruit control participants ages 13 to
62                                       Random digit dialing was used to recruit adult participants who
63 ts with asthma were recruited through random digit dialing.
64  metropolitan area were identified by random-digit dialing.
65 artners or individuals identified via random digit dialing.
66 re sampled from ambulatory clinics or random digit dialing.
67          We have found that, while the first-digit distribution for the entire record follows Benford
68  to the distal phase, forming an autopodial (digit) domain.
69  limbs), palaeontological data indicate that digits emerged in lobed fins of early tetrapods, which w
70                            By contrast, HOXD digit enhancers are conserved in pythons, and HOXD gene
71 c overgrowth disorders ranging from isolated digit enlargement to more extensive overgrowth of the bo
72 t part consisted of 10 procedures on cadaver digits followed by dissection to analyze the effectivene
73                 A reduction in the number of digits has evolved many times in tetrapods, particularly
74       The extrinsic muscles of the wrist and digits have good function.
75 ally resolved estimates of QTN for all eight-digit hydrologic unit (HUC8) watersheds within the conti
76 ish Medical Birth Register using a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to all live births and new res
77                Each patient has a unique ten-digit identifier, the Community Health Index, enabling u
78 ate entries and are given unique, stable six-digit identifiers (MIM numbers).
79  of phalanges and joints are key features of digit 'identity' and are central to limb functionality a
80                        These markedly curved digits in combination with an otherwise human-like wrist
81 of NRG1-soaked beads rescued regeneration to digits in denervated limbs, and pharmacological inhibiti
82       The search for antecedents of tetrapod digits in fish has remained controversial because the di
83 aster than binary search for six significant digits in growth rate.
84  of very stable fine-grain somatotopy of the digits in human S1 and raise the issue of population var
85 ctile versus nociceptive heat stimulation of digits in lightly anesthetized monkeys.
86  The resulting fine-grain maps of individual digits in S1 reveal the stability in this fine-grain fun
87 ce of highly reproducible maps of individual digits in S1, sharply contrasted by a striking degree of
88 d to an impairment of the independent use of digits in skilled manual actions, similar injuries in hu
89   Our findings suggest that the emergence of digits in the limb is matched by distinct mechanisms for
90  counterpart of the autopod (wrist/ankle and digits) in living fishes.
91  it remains unclear how the specification of digit-innervating motor neuron subtypes parallels the el
92                                 We show that digit-innervating motor neurons can be defined by select
93 is sufficient to induce the specification of digit-innervating motor neurons, emphasizing the special
94 ations, and inpatient costs calculated per 3-digit International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Re
95 n patients over the age of 18 years with a 3-digit International Classification of Diseases-Ninth Rev
96 cal change of the HoxD cluster in developing digits is associated with its position at the boundary b
97 s have proposed that the iterative series of digits is established by a Turing-like mechanism generat
98 , which is an anterior repressor of tetrapod digits, is expressed in the posterior half of the pector
99 odel, and the molecular mechanisms governing digit joint specification remain poorly understood.
100 crophages and T regulatory cells in skin and digit joints as well as by increased expression of matri
101 MT5 have severely truncated bones with wispy digits lacking joints.
102  apply Benford's Law (also called the "First-Digit Law") to the traveled distances of tropical cyclon
103 and case studies exploring the mechanisms of digit loss in tetrapods.
104                                              Digit loss occurred three times through at least two dis
105 the ancestor of extant jerboas, we find that digit loss, metatarsal fusion, between-limb proportions,
106 f T-box3 in posterior limb mesenchyme causes digit loss.
107 judgments of sound location as a function of digit magnitude (1-9).
108 nitive performance relative to PD- on Symbol-Digit Matching, Verbal Category Fluency and Delayed Reca
109   Patients were matched using an optimal 1:1 digit-matching algorithm.
110 affinity (Ki = 38 pM), coupled with a single-digit micromolar activity against Trypanosoma brucei bru
111 ded the 4-acylpyrrole 6 which shows a single-digit micromolar affinity for the CREBBP bromodomain and
112 96-well plate technology and consumes single-digit milliliter volumes to generate multiple PK profile
113 in the abductor pollicis brevis and abductor digit minimi muscles, was reduced to a similar extent du
114 t Walk Test, 9-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT), Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Brief Visuospatial Memory
115 tract (beta = 4.6 x 10(3); P < .001), Symbol Digit Modalities Test score by radial diffusivity along
116 Battery), and attention/mental speed (Symbol Digit Modalities Test).
117 tor score, total functional capacity, symbol digit modalities test, and Stroop word test.
118 come measures: Modified Rankin Scale, Symbol Digit Modalities Test, PDQ-39 Summary Index, Schwab and
119 with subsequent decline in cognition (symbol-digit modality test r=-0.374, p<0.0001; Stroop word read
120 ask and slower cognitive speed on the Symbol Digit Modality Test.
121 icate greater impairment), cognitive (symbol digits modality is the total number of correct responses
122 e mechanisms underlying BMP signaling during digit morphogenesis.
123  show that adaptation acquired during single-digit movements transfers to the hand opening when subse
124 is a combination of two goal-directed single-digit movements, each directed at a specific position on
125 l changes such as coordination of individual digit movements, increased pronation/supination, and knu
126 on a combination of two goal-directed single-digit movements.
127 inst the IL-23 target, resulting in a single-digit muM hit and suggesting that a collection of librar
128 are potent Sirt2 inhibitors active at single-digit muM level by using the Sirt2 substrate alpha-tubul
129  for specifying motor neurons that innervate digit muscles.
130 ture design, wafer-scale fabrication, single-digit nanometre channels, reliable fluidic sealing and l
131 hips with complex designs and down to single-digit nanometre dimensions over 200 mm wafer scale.
132 potent inhibitor of this series exhibits two-digit nanomolar affinity and represents, to the best of
133 ide moieties with improved stability, single digit nanomolar antiferroptotic activity, and good ADME
134 analogue was found to have double- to single-digit nanomolar antiproliferative IC50 values and showed
135 rboxylic acid inhibitors that exhibit single digit nanomolar binding affinity to Mcl-1 and greater th
136  aldosterone synthase inhibitors with single-digit nanomolar cellular potency and excellent physicoch
137   Our initial macrocycles, which were double-digit nanomolar FXIa inhibitors, were further optimized
138 hopping exercise rapidly led to a low single digit nanomolar human vasopressin 1a (hV1a) receptor ant
139 ular, compounds 46, 49, and 50 showed single-digit nanomolar IC50 values for in vitro inhibition of K
140    It inhibits tumor cell growth with single-digit nanomolar IC50 values, superior to many clinical c
141 ntaining compound ACT-451840 exhibits single-digit nanomolar inhibition of the Plasmodium falciparum
142 mization of the cyanopyridones led to single digit nanomolar inhibitors of Mtb TMK.
143 and characterization of a novel class of one-digit nanomolar NAMPT inhibitors based on in vitro chara
144 cyclic pyridone inhibitors exhibiting single digit nanomolar potency in both biochemical and cell bas
145 sition 18, that produce peptides with single digit nanomolar potency on NaV1.7 and 500-fold selectivi
146 ellular assays, the compounds exhibit single-digit nanomolar potency toward VEGFR2.
147 eries of quinazoline derivatives with single-digit nanomolar potency.
148 tors with IC50 values down to the low double-digit nanomolar range at both enzymes were identified.
149 nanobodies possessed potencies in the single-digit nanomolar range but lacked complete efficacy at hi
150 esulting compounds have Ki values in the two-digit nanomolar range, are not cytotoxic, and inhibit vi
151 O inhibitors, with IC50 values in the double-digit nanomolar range.
152    The decahydroquinoxalines 5-8 show single-digit nanomolar to subnanomolar kappa-opioid receptor af
153 lower limit of quantification goal of single-digit ng/ml (low pM) at a signal-to-background ratio gre
154  of benzoxazepine 52, a molecule with single-digit nM binding affinity for the EP2 receptor and signi
155 s and informing a critical process in single-digit-nm lithography.
156                        Thus, T-box3 controls digit number upstream of Shh-dependent (posterior mesenc
157 ted on large datasets of faces, hand-written digits, objects, newswire articles, sensor readings from
158 that the formation of anterior and posterior digits occurs together within the autopodium resembling
159 porter gene expression in both the wrist and digits of mouse embryos in patterns that are nearly indi
160                              The tips of the digits of some mammals, including human infants and mice
161 nection between the fin rays of fish and the digits of tetrapods and suggest that digits originated v
162 nsable for the development of the wrists and digits of tetrapods.
163 bony fish are homologous to the wrist and/or digits of tetrapods.
164                 However, as four of the five digits of the mouse limb are morphologically similar in
165 nted with weakness and clawing of the medial digits of the right hand (main-en-griffe) and a few skin
166 42 participants (84.3%) provided the first 7 digits of their PSSN, and among them 5,141 (6.1%) had di
167   Total folate was associated with 2.56 more digits on the DSST (95% CI: 0.82, 4.31; P-trend = 0.01).
168  was significantly associated with 3.92 more digits on the DSST (95% CI: 2.28, 5.55; P-trend < 0.01)
169                          We costimulated two digits on the hand synchronously at, above, or below the
170 f some intrinsic muscles associated with the digits or the acquisition of additional muscles that int
171 sory cortex, activity related to movement of digits or whiskers is suppressed, which could facilitate
172 ive viewing, precision grip with two or five digits, or coarse grip with five digits) and used repres
173 and the digits of tetrapods and suggest that digits originated via the transition of distal cellular
174  isotopes; the lowest LODs are in the single digit parts per million for single-shot LA signal from a
175 hat control embryonic axis specification and digit patterning.
176 Although most tetrapods have limbs with five digits (pentadactyl limbs), palaeontological data indica
177 s goals of high analytic sensitivity (single digit pg/mL), high selectivity, low sample volume, and a
178              Prior chick work indicated that digit phalanges and their associated joints arise in a d
179 tics with inhibition constants in the single-digit picomolar range.
180 e transfer of prism adaptation during single-digit pointing movements to grasping movements.
181 ieved a tracer detection limit at the single-digit ppb level (down to 1 ppb concentration of nanopart
182 redictiveness (the degree to which the first digit predicted the second) varied orthogonally.
183 th increasing acoustic detail (during target digit presentation) but also with increasing predictiven
184              Participants attended to spoken digits presented to one ear and ignored tightly synchron
185 and ignored tightly synchronized distracting digits presented to the other ear.
186 evelopment of the wings, combined with their digit proportions, strongly suggests that the remains re
187                     Characteristics of their digits provide evidence of roosting behaviour, as in der
188 eras, that can detect the presence of single-digit pW of radiant flux intensity.
189   The human (and australopith) high thumb-to-digits ratio required little change since the LCA, and w
190 sterone-to-estradiol ratio, second-to-fourth digit-ratio (2D:4D ratio), influences effects of testost
191                   Moreover, extension of the digit rays and the patterning of the joints occur simult
192 stripes, which then elongate into rod-shaped digit rays by incorporating new cells at their tips.
193 w the 15th percentile on either the Backward Digit Recall or Mister X subtest from the Automated Work
194 nnel junction) can be used to achieve spoken-digit recognition with an accuracy similar to that of st
195 ready be used for tasks, such as handwritten digit recognition.
196  that this may be an important constraint on digit regeneration.
197 Costimulation at-resonance did not shift the digit regions, but increased the functional coupling bet
198 edded in a cortical sheet, mimicking the two digit regions, were costimulated at different frequencie
199 areas within the topographically appropriate digit representation in the primary somatosensory cortex
200 a-high-resolution fMRI at 7 T to map sensory digit representations in the human primary somatosensory
201 nance frequencies, reproducing the spread of digit representations seen with fMRI.
202  extent, and relative position of individual digit representations.
203                The evolutionary emergence of digits represents a specialized adaptation of limb morph
204 ntation began when we first exceeded the two-digit resolution of panel meters and chart recorders and
205  subterranean golden moles in having reduced digit segments as compared to the ancestral phalangeal p
206                             The reduction of digit segments can occur in mammals by fusion of the pro
207 e. radius/ulna) and then autopod (i.e. wrist/digits) segments during limb development.
208 itively correlated with the second and third digit sensory discrimination accuracy (r = 0.50, P < 0.0
209 entify 25% more words in spoken sentences or digit sequences presented in high levels of background n
210  investigate the intersubject variability of digit somatotopy across participants and the stability o
211 and experience-dependent changes in cortical digit somatotopy, relatively little work has considered
212                        For each participant, digit span and continuous performance testing were perfo
213  showed the strongest effect on time-varying digit span backward test followed by time-varying nodal
214 affected frontal-executive function decline (Digit span backward test, unstandardized beta = -0.05, P
215 xecutive function (Trail Making Test Part B, Digit Span backwards, and Digit Symbol Task, all -0.5, S
216 ociated with performance on the Trails B and digit span backwards, mildly associated with Trails A pe
217 er (digit span forward, Trails A) or higher (digit span backwards, Trails B) executive demands, and l
218          Next, we assessed tasks with lower (digit span forward, Trails A) or higher (digit span back
219 e and was not associated with performance on digit span forwards.
220 Reasoning Q = 0.008), SLCO2A1 (IQ Q = 0.043; Digit Span Q = 0.006; Block Design Q = 0.076), and COMT
221         Among female participants, the total digit span score was lower in the MTBI group than in the
222          Female patients with MTBI had lower digit span scores than did female control subjects, and
223  left IPL was positively correlated with the Digit Span Test scores but negatively correlated with Hb
224 ecutive Function (Trail Making Test, Stroop, Digit Span), Processing Speed (Ruff 2 and 7 Test, Digit
225 Color Trail Making Test, FAS verbal fluency, Digit Span, Hooper Visual Organization Test, and Stroop
226 ry dilation responses were recorded during a digit-span task with three-, six-, and nine-digit spans.
227           Nontrained near-transfer WM tests (Digit-Span, Spatial-Span), self-reported executive funct
228  digit-span task with three-, six-, and nine-digit spans.
229 the well-known association of HLA antigen (2-digit specificity) MMs with kidney graft survival, estim
230 eyond those MMs assessed at the antigenic (2-digit) specificity.
231 ent was released with a diagnosis of a fifth digit sprain.
232                                       Letter-digit substitution (HR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.22-2.04), verbal
233 cores (Mini-Mental State Examination, Letter Digit Substitution Task, Word Fluency Test, Stroop test,
234  Trail Making Test parts A and B, the Letter Digit Substitution Test (LDST), the Digit Symbol Substit
235 administered (Stroop color word test, letter-digit substitution, verbal fluency, and word learning) a
236 ental State Examination, Stroop Test, Letter-Digit-Substitution Test, Word Fluency Test), mood (Cente
237          This study determines prevalence of digit sucking and gingivitis, and association among age,
238 e was no significant relationship among sex, digit sucking, OHS, and presence of gingivitis.
239                                            A digit-sucking habit did not increase chances of having p
240 e, sex, socioeconomic status, and history of digit-sucking habits were collected.
241  age, sex, socioeconomic status, presence of digit-sucking habits, oral hygiene status (OHS), and gin
242                                   The second digit supports a massive, hooked claw.
243  included cognitive function measured by the Digit Symbol Coding (DSC) task subtest of the Wechsler A
244 Object Learning Task), and processing speed (digit symbol coding task).
245 e Letter Digit Substitution Test (LDST), the Digit Symbol Substitution Task (DSST), semantic and phon
246 ping test, simple reaction time task and the Digit Symbol Substitution Task.
247 tal State Examination (3MSE) 4 times and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) 5 times.
248 Learning Test (RAVLT) for verbal memory, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) for psychomotor sp
249                          The NHANES measured Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) score and relative
250 as used to assess general cognition, and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) was used to assess
251 rmance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), and Timed Up and
252 ated cognitive function at year 25 using the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), Stroop test, and
253 or the change from baseline to week 8 in the digit symbol substitution test (DSST)-number of correct
254 g Test (TMT), Rey Auditory Learning Test and Digit Symbol Substitution Test before and after treatmen
255 l: 0.28, 0.56) points/year faster decline in Digit Symbol Substitution Test score compared with perso
256                                          The Digit Symbol Substitution Test score was used as a conti
257  Span), Processing Speed (Ruff 2 and 7 Test, Digit Symbol Substitution Test), and Verbal Memory (Verb
258 -Mental State Examination orientation items, Digit Symbol Substitution Test, and Category Naming Test
259 on with the Trail Making Test Part B and the Digit Symbol Substitution test.
260                         Delayed word recall, digit symbol substitution, and word fluency tests were u
261 aking Test Part B, Digit Span backwards, and Digit Symbol Task, all -0.5, SE 0.2).
262 re of averaged Trailmaking A and B tests and digit symbol test [DST]) from >/=2 measurements.
263  Examination) and performance on subtests of Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test B, and Block Design, con
264 utive function with which to deconstruct the digit-symbol substitution task and characterize discrepa
265 Substantial impairment in performance on the digit-symbol substitution task in patients with schizoph
266 ve functions were further evaluated with the digit-symbol substitution test (DSST), Trail Making Test
267 We identified three neurocognitive measures (digit-symbol substitution, facial memory, and emotion re
268 al Memory delayed recall, Boston Naming, and Digit-Symbol Substitution.
269  significant departure from the typical five-digit tetrapod limb.
270 goal, we developed a software pipeline named digit that implements a novel measure of mapping ambigui
271 ongation) and the motor dimension (number of digits) that are more strongly coded in ventral and dors
272 ed, constricting bands encircle the tail and digits, the footpads are thickened and scaled, and loric
273 ing development results in a pattern of four digits, three of which can have the same number of phala
274           Here, using the regenerating mouse digit tip as a mammalian model, we demonstrate that macr
275                                              Digit tip regeneration following amputation is an innate
276 to this dermis, but not the blastema, during digit tip regeneration.
277 direct role for Lgr6-expressing cells during digit tip regeneration.
278 ing has been shown to be necessary for mouse digit tip regeneration.
279                                         Full digit tip was regenerated only in the MSX1/2 group and w
280 onjunction with phalangeal precursors at the digit tip.
281 mBMSCs) to regenerate a proximally amputated digit tip.
282 ological analyses indicated full regrowth of digit tips in the Msx-overexpressing groups, particularl
283 ss and can rescue regeneration in denervated digit tips through secretion of pro-regenerative factors
284 l ridge, and this also allows the additional digit to arise from the Shh-producing cells of the polar
285 perovskite solar cells have gone from single digits to a certified 22.1% in a few years' time.
286 ffers from other tetrapods in that the first digits to form are the two most anterior (preaxial domin
287 he processing load increased from low (three-digit) to moderate (six-digit) demands in healthy contro
288 an hand, from the palm, to the middle of the digits, to the distal fingertips.
289                  The discovery of persistent digit topography of amputees' missing hand could be expl
290 sation was done with computer-generated four-digit treatment assignment codes allocated to random dos
291 the amino acid level to achieve 99-100% four-digit typing accuracy for both class I and II HLA genes,
292 ect to grasp, which along with the number of digits used, is represented within both ventral-stream a
293 a 6-month follow-up visit, where the trigger digit was evaluated clinically and the Quick Disabilitie
294 on was reported to disappear when the middle digit was lifted off the thermal stimulator, suggesting
295 acting talker and decided whether the second digit was smaller or larger.
296  cortices coded preferentially the number of digits while ventral-stream and dorsal-stream regions co
297 which allows dexterous control of individual digits with some degree of coordinated control of multip
298 , self-organization can then produce several digits with the same number of phalanges.
299 er semantic long-term memory (e.g., letters, digits, words), sensory, or motoric.
300  location was determined by the last known 5-digit ZIP code for each child, which was linked to the c

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