


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                              By coassembling dilysine (+2) and carboxylate (-1) amphiphiles of variou
2 ulsion resulting from the protonation of the dilysines at lower pH may be the trigger to open the cle
3  connexin constructs containing a C-terminal dilysine-based ER retention/retrieval signal (HKKSL) tra
4 tro binding and results in mistrafficking of dilysine-containing cargo in yeast without compromising
5                    Recently, we identified a dilysine endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retrieval signal and
6 th a net loss of 44 amino acids, including a dilysine endoplasmic reticulum retention motif.
7  bronchitis virus (IBV) contains a canonical dilysine endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal (-KKXX-C
8                       Domains that contained dilysine endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signals bound t
9 or a GFP chimera that contained a C-terminal dilysine ER retention signal and entered the recycling p
10 ent with the presence of a carboxyl-terminal dilysine ER retrieval motif, although we find that mutat
11 r by expression of exogenous APP bearing the dilysine ER retrieval motif.
12 lly linked to the COP I-dependent C-terminal dilysine ER retrieval pathway.
13  (S) protein that was similar to a canonical dilysine ER retrieval signal.
14 e N-terminal lobe of ovotransferrin create a dilysine interaction and suggest that this is the trigge
15 eaction specificity for the second lysine in dilysine (KK) motifs, and this may be a common character
16         The unique structural feature of the dilysine (Lys206-Lys296) pair in the transferrin N-lobe
17                                   Retrograde dilysine-mediated transport also appeared to be ineffici
18 plasmic reticulum (ER) retrieval signal, the dilysine motif (KKXX), that functions to localize the hu
19 gradation was confirmed, but surprisingly, a dilysine motif adjacent to thr-61 proved not to be the u
20 mic domain (CD) of the alpha-chain carries a dilysine motif at positions -3/-7 from the C terminus th
21 n proliferating mammalian cells, a canonical dilysine motif at the C-terminus of Sac1 is required for
22                     Targeted deletion of the dilysine motif at the C-terminus of the protein resulted
23 eporter protein in the ERGIC, similar to the dilysine motif in IBV S.
24                        We also show that the dilysine motif in OST48 functions as an ER localization
25                                Mutation of a dilysine motif in the beta sandwich core of the domain e
26  bound to Golgi COPI coat proteins through a dilysine motif in the carboxyl terminal domain consisten
27      This study analyzed the function of the dilysine motif in the context of infectious molecular cl
28 action with MHC-I and MICA/B molecules and a dilysine motif in the cytoplasmic tail that confers retr
29                         We conclude that the dilysine motif is responsible for ER sorting of the FV g
30   HFV glycoproteins encoding seven different dilysine motif mutations were then expressed.
31 t as COPI and that GAP binds directly to the dilysine motif of cargo proteins.
32                         We conclude that the dilysine motif of HFV imposes a partial restriction on t
33 nner and is proposed to involve masking of a dilysine motif present at the cytoplasmic C terminus of
34 ic reticulum by introduction of a C-terminal dilysine motif prevented complex carbohydrate processing
35                                              Dilysine motif recognition involves lysine side-chain in
36 he results indicated that disruptions of the dilysine motif resulted in higher levels of forward tran
37 , the Erv25p tail sequence, which contains a dilysine motif, bound COPI more efficiently.
38 for type I transmembrane proteins carrying a dilysine motif, specific retrieval mechanisms have been
39 oplasmic reticulum (ER) retrieval signal-the dilysine motif-in the glycoproteins of all five foamy vi
40  clones of HFV that encoded mutations in the dilysine motif.
41 ng of beta'-COP to RGS4 occurred through two dilysine motifs in RGS4, similar to those contained in s
42                                  Cytoplasmic dilysine motifs on transmembrane proteins are captured b
43 -type virions but not in ones containing the dilysine-mutated variant of MA.
44 gistic anion for metal binding) and then the dilysine pair form the driving force to loosen the cleft
45 nter has also led to the suggestion that the dilysine pair is an anion-binding site for chelators.
46 dependent iron release studies show that the dilysine pair is part of an active anion-binding site wh
47                            The fact that the dilysine pair is positively charged and resides in a loc
48 s comprehensive evidence to confirm that the dilysine pair plays this dual role in modulating release
49  recycling of membrane proteins containing a dilysine retrieval motif.
50                             By contrast, the dilysine retrieval signal, which competes for the same b
51 alanine-scanning mutagenesis we identified a dilysine sequence (Lys(212)-Lys(216)) proximal to the tr
52 d their infectivity, but viruses lacking the dilysine signal budded at the plasma membrane to a great
53  have further explored the role of the -3/-7 dilysine signal in controlling steady-state alpha-chain
54 ytosis signal (in combination with a mutated dilysine signal or alone) could not be recovered, even t
55 he Lys(212)-Lys(216) residues with the -3/-7 dilysine signal produced a dramatic increase in alpha-ch
56 the motif was less potent than the canonical dilysine signal.
57 n, the most susceptible being Lys351 and the dilysine site Lys413-414.
58 rning a GTPase discard pathway that excludes dilysine-tagged proteins from one class of COPI-coated v
59 glutamate residue and the disruption of the "dilysine trigger".
60 ing motif, in concert with the action of the dilysine trigger, elicits iron release from the N lobe.

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