コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 samples is challenging because of chromosome diploidy.
2 followed by massive gene loss that restored diploidy.
3 n is not followed by nuclear fusion and true diploidy.
4 l hypotheses on the functional importance of diploidy.
5 e-nucleotide polymorphisms while maintaining diploidy.
6 ex; disomies X, Y, or 21; or meiosis I or II diploidies.
8 ely 5-fold increases in sperm with disomies, diploidies and complex genotypes involving chromosome X,
10 an insect with social behavior and/or haplo-diploidy and are an indication of the unique nature of t
11 males in an age-structured population under diploidy and autosomal inheritance, the total reproducti
12 XY, disomy X, disomy Y, disomy 21, and sperm diploidy, and (b) examine the association between the fr
13 e, imprinted genes discard the advantages of diploidy, and for this reason the rationale for the evol
15 positively correlated with low tumor grade, diploidy, and low S-phase fraction, all biological param
16 ercondensation, chromosome breakage, loss of diploidy, and premature sister chromatid separation.
18 Given that high-frequency MSI (MSI-H) and diploidy are correlated, we determined whether they are
21 a model in which induction of SirA enforces diploidy by inhibiting replication initiation as B. subt
24 [DI] > 1) was clearly superior to those with diploidy (DI < or = 1): younger than 12 months, 83.7% +/
25 sperm with immature chromatin, aneuploidies/diploidies, FGFR2 mutations (Apert syndrome), or sex rat
29 It also demonstrates that the effects of diploidy in gene networks can have counter-intuitive con
30 to evolve: selection is more likely to favor diploidy in host species and haploidy in parasite specie
32 By doubling the copy number of each gene, diploidy may increase the rate at which adaptive mutatio
33 nostic biologic findings included tumor-cell diploidy (n = 2) and unfavorable Shimada histopathology
34 or arbitrary modes of inheritance, including diploidy, polyploidy, sex linkage, cytoplasmic inheritan
36 Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids ar
37 are predominantly diploid, the prominence of diploidy varies greatly among eukaryote life cycles, and
40 lear genome was destroyed by irradiation and diploidy was restored by blocking the first embryonic cl
41 usion of two meiotic products to restore egg diploidy), whereas workers of other honeybee subspecies
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