


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  combination of cloning, complementation and directed mutation.
2 latory and catalytic phenomena by studies in directed mutation.
3 ymes where key residues were altered by site-directed mutation.
4 in DNA translocation activity caused by site-directed mutations.
5  of Asp-40 of VCAM-1 through the use of site-directed mutations.
6  was investigated through a series of target-directed mutations.
7 e (PhoA) fusions, precise deletions and site-directed mutations.
8 null allele and Trbl transgenes bearing site-directed mutations.
9 ly control gene expression or to induce site-directed mutations.
10 pressing A beta class II molecules with site-directed mutations.
11 ent viruses were confirmed by analyzing site-directed mutations.
12 amples, and (iii) env clones containing site-directed mutations.
13                              Additional site-directed mutations affecting this interval commonly impa
14 e results underscore the difficulty of using directed mutations alone as a means of mapping the activ
15 hat affects dimerization as shown by limited directed mutations along the transmembrane domains.
16                                         Site-directed mutations also revealed the electronic quenchin
17                    In vivo deletion and site-directed mutation analyses confirm that one GATA element
18 n sites into two different peptides and site-directed mutation analyses of acylation sites, often ser
19 n sites into two different peptides and site directed mutation analyses of acylation sites.
20                 Sequential deletion and site-directed mutation analyses of the VEGF promoter demonstr
21 promoter, gel mobility shift assays and site-directed mutation analyses suggest that the putative NF-
22 re, we present a series of deletion and site-directed mutation analyses to identify amino acids in RI
23                                         Site-directed mutation analysis identified Arg(205), which is
24                 Sequential deletion and site-directed mutation analysis of the CD1 promoter have iden
25                                   Using site-directed mutation and with femtosecond resolution, we ex
26              Using an infectious clone, site-directed mutations and 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) ex
27 rved residues, we generated a series of site-directed mutations and analyzed their impact on AL1 func
28 spontaneous mutations as well as constructed directed mutations and deletions in ppsR.
29 UNX site (+526 to +508), as revealed by site-directed mutations and exogenous expression of RUNX fact
30 n and related ansamycins, a series of target-directed mutations and heterologous gene expressions wer
31                           Here, we used site-directed mutations and molecular dynamic simulations to
32                     Through a series of site-directed mutations and phage display selections, the seq
33                                         Site-directed mutations and small internal deletions made in
34 ates of random mutation, the specific stress-directed mutations are also enhanced.
35 of many nucleic acid enzymes, the first site-directed mutations are made at conserved acidic active r
36                                       A site-directed mutation at Lys-1016 significantly decreased WR
37                                         Site-directed mutations at Arg(662), Pro(667), and Pro(670) w
38 xygen of biotin has been conducted with site-directed mutations at Asn 23, Ser 27, and Tyr 43.
39                           In PS II, the site-directed mutations at D1 His198 affect the P(+)--P-absor
40 il arrangement was disfavored by adding site-directed mutations at F241 and F243 in the CH2 domains,
41  previously reported making a number of site-directed mutations at five sites located in the cofactor
42  intermembrane loops and of a series of site-directed mutations at hamster MFT residues highly conser
43                                         Site-directed mutations at multiple positions along the RNA-b
44 unction of Ctr1 containing deletions or site-directed mutations at the C terminus indicates a structu
45                                     The site-directed mutations at the conserved amino acid residues
46              We constructed a series of site-directed mutations at the dimer interface, and tested th
47                               By making site-directed mutations at these positions and analysing the
48                                         Site-directed mutations at these residues reduce the rate of
49                            We have made site-directed mutations at these residues, measured thermodyn
50 g loss-of-function mutations of EF3 and site-directed mutations based on the homology of the edema fa
51                     A structure-guided, site-directed mutation-based inquiry of the catalytic contrib
52                                         Site-directed mutations betaE197C, betaE197D, and betaE197S i
53 ionally, this approach enables not only site-directed mutations, but also the insertion of DNA strand
54 ricus strain 98/2, a popular strain for site-directed mutation by homologous recombination.
55               To test this possibility, site-directed mutations by alanine substitution were introduc
56  instability in Friedreich's Ataxia is a DNA-directed mutation caused by improper DNA structure at th
57 id-targeted RET/PTC1 mutants carrying a site-directed mutation changing tyrosine (Y) to phenylalanine
58 ylate a recombinant Rpg1 inactivated by site-directed mutation confirmed that Rpg1 autophosphorylatio
59                                   Assays and directed mutations confirmed this activity and showed th
60 scopic measurements in combination with site-directed mutations constitute one important source of in
61                                         Site-directed mutation constructs were expressed in Xenopus o
62  of the mathematical issues arising from the directed mutation controversy, thereby offering alternat
63                        Structure-guided site-directed mutations converted SLAC1 into a SLAH2-like nit
64                                         Site-directed mutations D262C, D262H, D262N, and D262T were m
65                        In conclusion, a site-directed mutation designed to improve the stability of p
66 obacter sphaeroides are investigated by site-directed mutations designed to alter the electrostatic e
67                         Introduction of site-directed mutations designed to disrupt the hydrophobic f
68                                    Some site-directed mutations did not exhibit suppressor activity a
69 nt with previous reports, we found that site-directed mutations disrupting the protein-carbohydrate i
70 Kcv-like channels will be used to guide site-directed mutations, either singularly or in combination,
71 ion of recombinant viruses containing a site-directed mutation, encoding an amino acid substitution,
72                          The results of site-directed mutation experiments established that icIL-1RaI
73 Isl-1 in overexpression, knockdown, and site-directed mutation experiments.
74                Furthermore, analysis of site-directed mutations found two putative Mg(2+)-binding res
75                                     The site-directed mutations H82A and Q222A (residues near the hem
76                          In this study, site-directed mutations have been introduced to the human CSB
77 lar, we explored the effects that these site-directed mutations have over the enzyme kinetics with va
78 of new evidence that supposedly supports the directed mutation hypothesis has accumulated.
79               Within the latter region, site-directed mutations identified a consensus sequence "acac
80                                   These site-directed mutations identified a novel negatively charged
81  establish an example of transposon-mediated directed mutation, identify the protein responsible and
82                                       A site-directed mutation in a putative gene that resides downst
83 cted COH1-GT2, a strain with a nonpolar site-directed mutation in glnQ.
84 f CS-B-null cells and mutant cells with site-directed mutation in the motif VI of the putative helica
85  but not with an orf4 gene containing a site-directed mutation in the putative zinc metalloprotease m
86 ze the peptidyl transferase activity of site-directed mutations in 23S rRNA at positions G2252, U2506
87  (EAL) from Salmonella typhimurium with site-directed mutations in a conserved arginine residue (R160
88 activation of ARD1 activity was tested using directed mutations in a loop near the substrate-binding
89                                         Site-directed mutations in BadR and the presence of phosphory
90                       Using a series of site-directed mutations in both the genomic and cDNA context,
91 In this study, we generated a series of site-directed mutations in conserved sequence and structural
92                     These are the first site-directed mutations in CP 43 to show such an effect.
93             Naturally occurring variants and directed mutations in DaaE have been generated and analy
94                                         Site-directed mutations in GIV's GEF motif disrupt its abilit
95                                         Site-directed mutations in irp6A, a gene previously reported
96                                         Site-directed mutations in its putative dimerization interfac
97 is approach promises to permit generation of directed mutations in many types of cells and organisms.
98 f1 interaction surface on Rpo41, making site-directed mutations in Rpo41 at positions predicted to re
99                                   Using site-directed mutations in SP-A, we determined that both the
100                               Moreover, site-directed mutations in specific Ikaros-binding sites redu
101 l cis-acting elements were selected for site-directed mutations in the activation domain.
102  dependent functions of VP1, we created site directed mutations in the B3 domain that disrupted DNA b
103  is diminished in constructs containing site-directed mutations in the Cbfa1 site indicate that Cbfa1
104                                         Site-directed mutations in the conserved residues of the chro
105 f a defined series of p9 truncation and site-directed mutations in the context of a reference infecti
106                             Analysis of site-directed mutations in the CSF-1R further suggests that a
107                                         Site-directed mutations in the cytoplasmic domains of betaPS
108  multiple bands, known as A states, and site-directed mutations in the distal pocket of myoglobin.
109        Furthermore, we demonstrate that site-directed mutations in the esc protein previously shown t
110                                         Site-directed mutations in the Escherichia coli ssb gene were
111                               Spontaneous or directed mutations in the gene that encodes citrate synt
112         Homologous recombination can produce directed mutations in the genomes of a number of model o
113                                         Site-directed mutations in the IBS indicate a probable cis-ac
114                                         Site-directed mutations in the most highly conserved region o
115             We then created a series of site-directed mutations in the OccR-binding site.
116 tosystem I (PS I) is investigated using site-directed mutations in the phylloquinone (QK) and FX bind
117                                         Site-directed mutations in the pore-lining M2 helix allowed t
118  characterized VP6 activity by creating site-directed mutations in the putative functional helicase d
119 n contrast, the debilitating effects of site-directed mutations in the single nuclear localization si
120              We analyzed the effects of site-directed mutations in the SUC2 promoter of Saccharomyces
121 r-reporter genes with 5'-truncations or site-directed mutations in the TGA elements showed that both
122                                 Several site-directed mutations in the transposase abolished activity
123 erized the effects of combinatorial and site-directed mutations in the two beta-turns of peptostrepto
124 basis of this association, we generated site-directed mutations in the various domains of CD82 and us
125  competence-based method for generating site-directed mutations in the wild-type fimbriated A. actino
126 tes in U3 sequences of MCF 247 and that site-directed mutations in these sites greatly diminish this
127                                         Site-directed mutations in this pocket impaired intracellular
128 expressing Flag-tagged CCR2B containing site-directed mutations in this region, 21-26, including a co
129  863-nt region and serial deletions and site-directed mutations indicated that the most distal PPRE (
130 n the enzyme active site as a result of site-directed mutations, inhibitor binding, and changes in pH
131 l ATPase, we have introduced equivalent site-directed mutations into the ATPbinding motif of each RPT
132                                              Directed mutation is a proposed process that allows muta
133 etermined by escape mutant analysis and site-directed mutation, is located in a non-aqueous island.
134                  Functional analyses of site-directed mutations (K68D, K68E, K68N, K68P, and K68R) in
135                                         Site-directed mutations made in ori and Asn10 of Rep protein
136        Here we describe a novel mechanism of directed mutation mediated by the transposon, IS5 in Esc
137                                     The site-directed mutations modify the protein environment of the
138  the "helical cap" by evaluating single site-directed mutations, namely, L29A, I32E, L35A, L35E, L35R
139                 Therefore, we conducted site-directed mutation of 15 amino acid residues of NuoM and
140        Deletion of the kinase domain or site-directed mutation of a subset of known PKCtheta phosphor
141                                         Site-directed mutation of AKT at T430 and T479 decreased O-Gl
142                                         Site-directed mutation of amadoriase II (R112E, R114E) result
143                                         Site-directed mutation of each of these conserved residues in
144                             Deletion or site-directed mutation of either or both GATA sequences resul
145                                         Site-directed mutation of Glu92 to glutamine had a detrimenta
146                                         Site-directed mutation of His-309 to Asn and Asp-210 to Ala r
147                                         Site-directed mutation of His30 to alanine destroyed its phos
148                                         Site-directed mutation of individual nucleotides within these
149                               Moreover, site-directed mutation of Leu-219, the conserved leucine resi
150 eventing the FAM83B/EGFR interaction by site-directed mutation of lysine 230 of FAM83B suppressed PLD
151                                         Site-directed mutation of lysine to glutamate at position 72
152                                              Directed mutation of P1 was used to locate regions that
153                        Importantly, the site-directed mutation of raptor at one phosphorylation site,
154                                However, site-directed mutation of sequences located between -35 and -
155  confer an aggregation phenotype, (iii) site-directed mutation of specific residues can abolish recep
156                                         Site-directed mutation of STAT binding sites on the COX-2 pro
157                                         Site-directed mutation of T91 to alanine abolished PKA-mediat
158                                         Site-directed mutation of the -533-, -759-, and -773-bp GREs
159                                         Site-directed mutation of the -564- to -558-bp sequence resul
160 armacologically, by leptomycin B, or by site-directed mutation of the ALX NES, impairs CD28-mediated
161 ther species, this study introduced the site-directed mutation of the ATPase motif II in the human CS
162                                         Site-directed mutation of the CRE-II element caused a marked
163                                              Directed mutation of these residues supported this regio
164 ket, and we had previously found that a site-directed mutation of this amino acid resulted in a loss
165                                         Site-directed mutation of this AP-1 binding site eliminated t
166                                         Site-directed mutation of this HRE substantially reduced the
167 47 to catalysis is investigated here by site-directed mutation of this residue to His (Y447H), the fi
168                                  Single site-directed mutation of this TonE site led to a 54 +/- 5% (
169                                         Site-directed mutation of three consensus PKA phosphorylation
170                                         Site-directed mutation of two putative NFAT binding sites bet
171                        Analysis of nine site-directed mutations of -246/-99 region reveals that both
172              Alternative substrates and site-directed mutations of active-site residues are used to p
173                                         Site-directed mutations of both OCT-1 and CAAT motifs abrogat
174                                         Site-directed mutations of both OCT-1 and CAAT motifs substan
175                                         Site-directed mutations of conserved residues in the first RR
176     The effects of several other single site-directed mutations of conserved residues of HlyC on diff
177                   The effects of single site-directed mutations of conserved residues of HlyC on diff
178 coli MG1655 to its derivatives carrying site-directed mutations of genes for enterobactin synthesis (
179                                Specific site-directed mutations of individual N terminus residues wer
180                                         Site-directed mutations of key residues within the hydrophobi
181                                         Site-directed mutations of neighboring conserved P1 residues
182 a series of other tumor-associated, and site directed mutations of NFKB2.
183                           Additionally, site-directed mutations of particular amino acid residues in
184 n heat capacity by means of a series of site-directed mutations of PwTBP.
185                                 We show that directed mutations of residues at a particular corner of
186                   We explore the use of site-directed mutations of scytalone dehydratase to study inh
187                                         Site-directed mutations of serine-303 and threonine-494, pote
188  deletions of halpha(1C)1b promoter and site-directed mutations of the 2 CREB binding cis-elements in
189                                         Site-directed mutations of the conserved C93, C109, C116 and
190                                         Site-directed mutations of the human insulin promoter mapped
191                                   Thus, site-directed mutations of the pocket and lid loop led to sig
192                                   Using site-directed mutations of the redox-active tyrosines at the
193                                         Site-directed mutations of the residues involved in recogniti
194      Through the combined strategies of site-directed mutations of these amino acid residues and cati
195                                         Site-directed mutations of this region did not affect TCL1 se
196              With the two rat isoforms, site-directed mutations of two locations within the lipid bin
197              Functional inactivation by site-directed mutations of two Smad binding sites on the RON
198 s new evidence of a secondary effect of site-directed mutation on a RC chromophore.
199 studied to investigate the effects of a site-directed mutation on bound substrate conformations.
200 f posttranscriptional modifications and site-directed mutations on both the structure and function of
201 ied to investigate the effects of these site-directed mutations on bound-substrate conformations.
202  assessed with regard to the effects of site-directed mutations on class I and II activities.
203 clear import, we analyzed the effect of site-directed mutations on IE1 subcellular distribution.
204 pA promoter by measuring the effects of site-directed mutations on promoter activity.
205                      The effects of the site-directed mutations on residues within the active site of
206 ere assessed by studying the effects of site-directed mutations on the binding affinity of (125)I-ASI
207 distribution that could be abrogated by site-directed mutations or treatment with the nuclear export
208                                However, site-directed mutations predicted to impair ATP binding or hy
209 on with other studies in crystallography and directed mutation, puts the phosphate regulatory site at
210                                         Site-directed mutations R177A and R177K in the gene encoding
211 eptide synthetase cores, as well as the site-directed mutations, resulted in derivatives that retaine
212     Considerations of a large number of site-directed mutations reveal that two distinct regions, nam
213                             Analysis of site-directed mutations revealed stereochemical and volume-de
214                          An analysis of site directed mutations revealed that chaperone dimerization
215 ysis of transposase proteins containing site-directed mutations revealed the importance of the conser
216 the basis of these results, a number of site-directed mutations (SDM) were designed that were intende
217                                     The site-directed mutations studied here enable the individual is
218 ains of hmGlu2 and hmGlu3 combined with site-directed mutation studies has clarified the underlying m
219 ed by earlier X-ray crystallography and site-directed mutation studies.
220 ied in the screen as well as additional site-directed mutations suggest that the mode of DNA recognit
221             A series of domain swap and site-directed mutations, supported by structural comparisons,
222 between permease orthologs, a series of site-directed mutations targeted at residues within the two c
223                                         Site-directed mutations targeting the N-deacetylase catalytic
224 an active-site cysteine, we constructed site-directed mutations that altered each of the three cystei
225      In this study, we constructed four site-directed mutations that changed aspartate 205 to alanine
226 mants that express ESC proteins bearing site-directed mutations that disrupt ESC-E(Z) binding in vitr
227                              Similarly, site-directed mutations that disrupt this site reduce promote
228                              Additional site-directed mutations that disrupted ethylene binding in ye
229                                         Site-directed mutations that made the coupling sequences comp
230 mic caspase-3 cleavage with and without site-directed mutations that mimic phosphorylation at Thr231/
231 yll-protein interactions by a series of site-directed mutations that replaced residue Leu M160 with h
232     Removal of the Env aa from v-Rel or site-directed mutations that revert the three mutant residues
233                                         Site-directed mutations that strongly impair transport or tha
234                                   Using site-directed mutations that substitute minK and KCNE3 residu
235                                         Site-directed mutations that substitute Phe for Trp241 and Ty
236                              Additional site-directed mutations that were predicted to further streng
237  beta, and, using chimeric analysis and site-directed mutations, that the central region of PP1c beta
238 n enzyme catalysis were investigated by site-directed mutation to alanine.
239 -159 was shown by deletion analysis and site-directed mutation to be critical for promoter activity.
240  of hexokinase I, specifically engineered by directed mutation to block dimerization, remains monomer
241 nt work, we constructed four individual site-directed mutations to change each of these two residues
242 emical denaturant, mechanical force and site-directed mutations to demonstrate the presence of multip
243                            We then used site-directed mutations to identify directly repeated sequenc
244                     In addition, we use site-directed mutations to identify the most important antibo
245                                         Site-directed mutations to individual cysteine residues in ea
246  proposed active site were subjected to site-directed mutations to investigate their possible functio
247 ical analysis of PLZF-BTB/POZ harboring site-directed mutations to probe structure-function relations
248                       In this study, we used directed mutations to show that all six blades of the HC
249                                     The site-directed mutations, W352C, W352L, and W352A, exhibit an
250 en these paired nucleotides, one set of site-directed mutations was constructed at positions 690:697
251 ional activation of gltBDF, a series of site-directed mutations was generated.
252 engths from the visible to the UV and a site-directed mutation we unambiguously determined that the p
253 tive site, and based on the analysis of site-directed mutations we conclude that an active-site cyste
254                                   Using site-directed mutations we have examined the contributions of
255 bination with a series of deletions and site-directed mutations, we determined that the first 22 bp o
256                            With various site-directed mutations, we identified all possible electron
257 f AAV2-AAV8 hybrids and the creation of site-directed mutations, we mapped the domain that directs th
258 om both hydrogen-deuterium exchange and site-directed mutations, we suggest structural differences be
259                                         Site-directed mutations were also created in specific surface
260                                         Site-directed mutations were also made at residues (Phe479 an
261                                         Site-directed mutations were constructed at Glu-23 to assess
262                                         Site-directed mutations were constructed to inactivate one or
263 h pyrimidine dimer-containing DNA, four site-directed mutations were created, the mutant enzymes expr
264     An extensive series of deletion and site-directed mutations were evaluated for their ability to r
265 ocyanin/cytochrome c6 and the PSI core, site-directed mutations were generated in the luminal J loop
266                                    Nine site-directed mutations were introduced at residue 117, using
267          In the studies presented here, site-directed mutations were introduced at two other conserve
268                                         Site-directed mutations were introduced in motif III S5 regio
269 n Qin-induced oncogenic transformation, site directed mutations were introduced in the winged helix (
270                                         Site-directed mutations were introduced into each of these RR
271                                         Site-directed mutations were introduced into HA-tagged Gag to
272                       For this purpose, site-directed mutations were introduced into the full-length
273 incorporation and nuclear localization, site-directed mutations were introduced into the vpx gene of
274                              Random and site-directed mutations were introduced into this segment of
275                                         Site-directed mutations were introduced to replace D1-His198
276 obic nature of this portion of p6(Gag), site-directed mutations were made at the minor protease cleav
277 ns between 23S rRNA and aminoacyl tRNA, site-directed mutations were made at the universally conserve
278 tions between Rubisco activase and ATP, site-directed mutations were made at two species-invariant as
279                          In this study, site-directed mutations were made in the carboxyl-terminal nu
280  resected the full D-domain; therefore, site directed mutations were made to attribute precise sequen
281                                         Site-directed mutations were made to the phosphate-binding lo
282                                         Site-directed mutations were made to the phosphate-binding lo
283 to elucidate the function of subunit E, site-directed mutations were performed at the amino terminus
284                                         Site-directed mutations were prepared in a series of residues
285                                         Site-directed mutations were produced in the distal segments
286 ys (denoted pathway 1) are sensitive to site-directed mutation, whereas residues in the other propose
287                    Here we observe that site-directed mutations which eliminate the dyad symmetry of
288                             Moreover, a site-directed mutation within the PilZ domain of CelA, the ca
289                   By using mutants with site-directed mutations within a predicted C-terminal process
290 s, performed with an extensive panel of site-directed mutations within each of the six kelch motifs,
291                            We show that site-directed mutations within either the -10 or the -35 regi
292 ities), a series of 16 alleles carrying site-directed mutations within FAT1 were constructed and anal
293                                         Site-directed mutations within Ll.ltrB, either in the catalyt
294  insertionally inactivated construct or site-directed mutations within the active site, demonstrated
295 s of Swi6, we generated both random and site-directed mutations within the ankyrin repeat domain of S
296            We then created deletion and site-directed mutations within the conserved PI 3-kinase doma
297  this ectoenzyme, human CD39 was modified by directed mutations within these ACRs or by sequential de
298                                              Directed mutations within these so-called eIF4G homology
299  Ca(2+) concentrations demonstrate that site-directed mutations within this region interfere selectiv
300                            Deletion and site-directed mutations within this region revealed that the

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