


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gly agree) or negative (disagree or strongly disagree).
2  that annotations from different tools often disagree.
3 hould be provided OPRx on request, while 56% disagree.
4 get article or made statements with which we disagree.
5 concile computation and experiment when they disagree.
6 cedures, ask for and give opinions,agree and disagree.
7 w to arbitrate between the systems when they disagree.
8 -being of the growing fetus, some scientists disagree.
9 ree, both correct; agree, both incorrect; or disagree.
10 ely on models and proxies but often markedly disagree.
11 assessment in cases where the two approaches disagree.
12 ates of their contribution to sea level rise disagree.
13 ional information where experiment and model disagree.
14 iscuss rare situations when the two measures disagree.
15 oints for mutants for which existing methods disagreed.
16 ry was reviewed when MTD and culture results disagreed.
17 e was reached through consensus if reviewers disagreed.
18 sonographer's and the radiologist's findings disagreed.
19 ians agreed and 75.3% of nurse practitioners disagreed.
20 d between 1 [strongly agree] and 5 [strongly disagree]).
21 evolved uniquely in humans [1], while others disagree [2].
22                             When iFR and FFR disagreed (4 cases, or 7.7% of the study population), HS
23 t level (1 = not at all comfortable/strongly disagree, 5 = very comfortable/strongly agree) of managi
24 aries, and other population scientists often disagree about cohort effects' relative importance.
25                 In humans, different studies disagree about the borders, sizes, and possible subdivis
26                                      Experts disagree about the causes and significance of the recent
27 ion ages conflict, and proxy interpretations disagree about the depth, origin and even existence of t
28                             However, studies disagree about the influences of stem density, elevation
29                       However, these reports disagree about the magnitude of dimerization, which make
30 ily tree, and recent cladistic analyses have disagreed about its exact phylogenetic position within t
31  to avoid blood exposures, were uncertain or disagreed about the importance of sexual contact, and di
32 ce Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace disagreed about the matter, whether natural selection pl
33                 Earlier theorectical studies disagreed about the relative electronic conductivities o
34  outpatient care is clinical skill, but they disagreed about the relative importance of other aspects
35                        Previous studies have disagreed about whether prostaglandin EP1 or EP3 recepto
36 nd, but previous perceptual experiments have disagreed about whether these two dimensions are process
37                 Severity measures frequently disagreed about which hospitals had particularly low or
38 ituations in which the two criteria agree or disagree and show that J is the only "optimal" cutpoint
39 med consent requires discussion of OPRx, 34% disagree, and 26% feel that patients should be provided
40                       However, other studies disagree, and so the role of microsaccades remains uncle
41 , results from British vegetarians presently disagree, and this needs explanation.
42  research suggests that fetuses yawn, others disagree arguing that is it simple mouth opening.
43                                  Researchers disagree as to whether irritability is a diagnostic indi
44                               Recent reports disagree as to whether this interaction sensitizes or de
45 appropriate behaviors, previous reports have disagreed as to the role of the ventromedial prefrontal
46 astructural criteria, but investigators have disagreed as to whether these are distinct cell types or
47 multiple institutions, averages, mean(SUV)s, disagree beyond chance expectations.
48      Not only do these two methods appear to disagree, but also the models derived from them have dif
49 me cases, gene annotation and in aqua assays disagree by describing gene annotation without enzyme ac
50 ial enrichment recorded in sediment and peat disagree by more than a factor of 10.
51 e estimates of mtDNA mutant fractions, which disagree by orders of magnitude.
52           When results between cobas and HC2 disagreed, cobas tended to call more women HPV positive
53               The results of the two methods disagreed for one strain (4%).
54 greed with opioid use and 52.4% of those who disagreed had in fact prescribed opioids in the past yea
55 plastic lesions for which pathologists often disagree in classification.
56 ons, and Fourier and Zernike expansion might disagree in higher order aberrations.
57 ee with existing experiments in 82 cases and disagree in only 17 cases, a validation rate of 75%.
58 tend to agree in the cortex and thalamus but disagree in the caudate-putamen.
59      Conversely, the two approaches markedly disagree in the NMF case, where the MC data indicates a
60                       However, these studies disagree in their conclusions of how scale influences pr
61 The two techniques agreed in 92 patients and disagreed in 91.
62                Notably, 4.2% of pathologists disagreed in their analyses of duodenal morphology-a rat
63 01 participants in whom visual and SUVR data disagreed, interrater reliability was moderate (kappa =
64 ctivated by NF-kappaB family members, others disagree, leaving the identity of the transcription fact
65 of X-ray structures, and the PDB and PQS BUs disagree on 18% of entries.
66 gnitive functions, though competing theories disagree on how dopamine contributes to reward-based beh
67                        However, current ESMs disagree on how GPP responds to environmental variations
68      However, empirical and modeling studies disagree on how this affects the propensity for precipit
69           Regarding ideas, community members disagree on how to address and publicly position the pro
70                       Psychological theories disagree on how we attribute emotions to people.
71  depths thought to coincide with the LAB but disagree on its cause, generally invoking either partial
72 n the temporal dynamics of the gradient, but disagree on its spatial limits.
73  to call variants from human sequencing data disagree on many of their predictions, and current metho
74 ix guidelines agree on some safeguards, they disagree on others.
75                                           We disagree on several counts.
76                  Three retrospective studies disagree on survival benefit.
77 fference in the corpus callosum, though they disagree on the direction of difference; our findings in
78 orts from animal and clinical investigations disagree on the extent of myocardial renewal in adults,
79  and indicates that different QBRs may often disagree on the gender distribution of the benefits from
80 icies between rich and poor countries, which disagree on the implementation of mitigation measures.
81           Theoretical models and experiments disagree on the in vivo determinants of elongation rate
82                          The cryo-EM studies disagree on the position of SPRY domains, which had been
83  ensemble of land models to show that models disagree on the primary driver of cumulative C uptake fo
84                             Previous studies disagree on the relative importance of intrinsic and ext
85           This study identifies where models disagree on the relative responses to climate shocks and
86                                      Experts disagree on the significance of post-Lyme borreliosis sy
87 alcium-induced conformational changes of CaM disagree on the structure of the linker between domains
88  climate during that time, but the proposals disagree on whether increased frequency of El Nino event
89                               Recent studies disagree on whether musicians have an advantage over non
90                    However, current theories disagree on whether OFC directs reversal learning in the
91 tiveness of screening is lacking, guidelines disagree on whether people should be screened for osteop
92 g receptor down-regulation, previous studies disagree on whether phosphorylation is actually required
93 ll-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments disagree on whether Protein L collapse transition occurs
94 ants have divided editors and scientists who disagree on whether such policies can improve the integr
95 ore participation in competitive sport, they disagree on which findings are associated with increased
96  Tests for human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) often disagree on which individuals are infected.
97                          National guidelines disagree on who should be screened for undiagnosed diabe
98 ame appropriateness category, and 14 (20.9%) disagreed on appropriateness.
99         However, these six assays frequently disagreed on individual sera, particularly for blood don
100                    Physicians and the public disagreed on many of the underlying causes of errors and
101                                      Experts disagreed on the stage classification in 620 of 1553 com
102 shared with methane, and recent studies have disagreed on whether reduced fossil fuel or microbial em
103 itive (agree or strongly agree) or negative (disagree or strongly disagree).
104 iewers recommended acceptance than when they disagreed or recommended rejection (Journal A, odds rati
105 lection has predicted how workers and queens disagree over sex ratios, how potential queens struggle
106 to gain by interacting with one another, but disagree over their preferred course of collective actio
107  in arousal ('automatic alerting'), but they disagree over whether the facilitation is localized to a
108 m birth (PTB) and low birth weight (LBW) but disagree over which time frames are most sensitive, or i
109  early 19th century, but leading taxonomists disagreed over basic matters, such as how many species t
110  published studies based on outgroup rooting disagree regarding the position of the archaeal root.
111                               Both observers disagreed regarding the presence of macular fluid in one
112 tions on a 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree) scale, explained ratings of less than 5, and o
113                               These findings disagree sharply with an earlier conclusion that ganglio
114    Existing models for neuronal polarization disagree: some predict that neurons with more neurites p
115              Surveys contained simple, agree/disagree statements about attitudes toward sanitation us
116 ments yielded INDELs that agreed strongly or disagreed strongly with reported INDELs.
117 us subsets of genes on which the two methods disagreed suggested that the noise sampling method is li
118 of the proteins for which the two approaches disagree suggests that at least some of the automated as
119 -level properties are important; however, we disagree that current approaches, especially culture-gen
120                                           We disagree that the research experiments on a microsporidi
121 s (N=104), and a trend was noted for them to disagree that they needed hospitalization.
122                          Twenty-four percent disagreed that periodic recertification was desirable.
123 greed, one-third were neutral, and one-third disagreed that the patient prognosis would be unfavorabl
124                    Twenty percent of parents disagreed that their children were comfortable in their
125                                   Most (85%) disagreed that they "should sometimes deny beneficial bu
126 were on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree).
127 ted on a 5-point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
128 allenge, as the actual predictions appear to disagree tremendously and vary dramatically on the basis
129 ll-world" and "scale-free." However, studies disagree whether ecological networks called food webs po
130                   Although panel discussants disagreed whether the biodiversity crisis constitutes a
131  as an arbiter to determine when iFR and FFR disagree which index is most representative of the hemod
132 se branchings by using molecular clocks have disagreed widely.
133                     Although our data do not disagree with a role for actin or cell polarity in aggre
134                      Whereas our data do not disagree with a role of GPR17 per se as an orchestrator
135              As a result, docking modes that disagree with an observed crystal structure but maintain
136                                           We disagree with both arguments of Sharma and show here tha
137                                           We disagree with Dixon et al. by maintaining that prejudice
138 ymmetry, averageness), people also routinely disagree with each other on the relative attractiveness
139                              These fractions disagree with earlier estimates.
140                                These results disagree with earlier studies using the two-electrode vo
141 sitive to species loss [5, 6]; however, they disagree with field manipulations showing a cascade of e
142                                           We disagree with Guala's proposal to shift the focus of the
143  models using the revised element abundances disagree with helioseismic observations that determine t
144 e-based assay generate values of K(FA) which disagree with older values obtained from calorimetry and
145 ations from different nuclear techniques can disagree with one another and the relationship of these
146                   Some readers will no doubt disagree with our choices; however, if this disappointme
147 limitations of our work, some clinicians may disagree with our injury classification and sensitivity
148 o foreseeable dilemmas arising when patients disagree with public health recommendations.
149                                These results disagree with several previous theoretical studies and c
150         The coupling constant data seriously disagree with the A-tract DNA bending model of Crothers,
151 cide with rigidly moving fragments and often disagree with the CATH identifications of domains.
152 proliferation of medical defense experts who disagree with the commonly accepted tenets of abusive in
153 a sets from two different studies, but often disagree with the KEGG pathway databases.
154 ffer between the various model organisms and disagree with the observed intron phase distributions.
155  support was found for individual genes that disagree with the phylogeny of the majority, implying ge
156 nt safety is of primary concern, the authors disagree with the Subcommittee on several important poin
157                                Further, they disagree with the suggestion that such invariance would
158                                   These data disagree with the suggestion that the world reached an e
159                                           We disagree with their interpretation of key fossil data an
160 ring public health emergencies when patients disagree with these measures.
161                                           We disagree with this claim and present arguments based upo
162                                           We disagree with this conclusion.
163                               Most observers disagree with this view, pointing to the negative impact
164                           Some other studies disagree with this view.
165 ed levels of lesions, double mutant analysis disagreed with a simple epistatic model for HSP90 and AG
166                 Only two respondents clearly disagreed with both personal and general exception from
167 models initially generated by the server all disagreed with both published nuclear magnetic resonance
168                                  Our results disagreed with established models until we incorporated
169 atment effects were considered, large trials disagreed with meta-analyses 10% to 23% of the time.
170         Thirty percent of those who strongly disagreed with opioid use and 52.4% of those who disagre
171 nd offspring to calculate Bateman slopes and disagreed with our contention that predation on offsprin
172 racterization of synaptic potentials in vivo disagreed with prior findings in vitro This study will i
173                             The cardiologist disagreed with the computer interpretation in 60.9% (28
174                       Two, however, strongly disagreed with the conclusion that the evidence consiste
175                 Residents neither agreed nor disagreed with the notion that the creation of the medic
176 ian's perception of the patient's preference disagreed with the patient's actual preference in 24% of
177  modified the document until <10% of experts disagreed with the recommendations.
178                    Fourteen physicians (67%) disagreed with the statement, "I am aware of how often m
179  whose sole purpose was to end my life," and disagreed with the statement, "I would never request or
180 ggregation and binding data either agreed or disagreed with the steered molecular dynamics prediction
181                      Although most residents disagreed with the suggested rationalization, exposure t
182 ation, both when physicians agreed (29%) and disagreed with the surrogate's likely decision (44%).
183 ead?' Several United States experts not only disagreed with the United Kingdom criteria, but claimed
184                               However, 59.6% disagreed with the use of opioid analgesics for treatmen
185         However, recent comparative work has disagreed with this paradigm, reporting little connectio
186 itical care skills or education, whereas RNs disagreed with this statement.
187 ighbor-joining phenograms, however, strongly disagreed with those based on allozymes, chloroplast DNA
188 and electronic calipers) and area thresholds disagreed with those obtained with volume in 34 (37%), 2
189 iding percutaneous coronary intervention, it disagrees with coronary flow reserve classification 30%
190 p values for solvating hydrocarbon gases and disagrees with DeltaCp for breaking peptide hydrogen bon
191 s with nonvolumetric measurements frequently disagrees with growth assessment with volumetric measure
192                                  This result disagrees with much larger angular displacements reporte
193  confirms certain published observations but disagrees with others.
194                           The lack of effect disagrees with persuasive data obtained from rodent mode
195   This challenges the amyloid hypothesis and disagrees with previous work showing that PSEN1 FAD caus
196 econdary triplet is not a common process and disagrees with previous work suggesting that electron tr
197 nd that their model for embryonic patterning disagrees with prior data.
198                                         This disagrees with published assertions that multistate kine
199                          This finding, which disagrees with some literature statements, is important
200 d lipids in comparable micellar topology and disagrees with some recent interpretations of mobility n
201 opically substituted carbon is reactant-like disagrees with the conclusion that would have been deriv
202                               Our conclusion disagrees with the previous report that Rj4 is the Glyma
203                                  This result disagrees with the previously proposed fold of AS fibril
204                                   This value disagrees with the results of other observers who have m
205 ous production of fingertip motion and force disagrees with this commonly held notion.
206  that when the ML and earlier ad hoc methods disagree, YN00 recovers the results described by the ML

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