


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                    We examined agreement and disagreement between 2 biomarkers of beta-amyloid (Abeta
2                                              Disagreement between alternative and reference laborator
3                                    There was disagreement between clinical examination and the consen
4     Previous studies demonstrate substantial disagreement between clinical registry and administrativ
5               This dispute reflects a larger disagreement between cognitive neuroscience and ethology
6 ments were highly associated (P < .001) with disagreement between CTA and QCA in multivariable analys
7 nions and cations are discussed and eventual disagreements between different sources are critically r
8 furthermore, it is noteworthy that there are disagreements between different studies on the observed
9 els can be equivalent, and that the apparent disagreement between direct and indirect measurements ca
10                              The significant disagreement between first and second readings for LSM a
11                                          The disagreement between gene expression and reproduction re
12              An apparent explanation for the disagreement between geological and molecular time-frame
13                             From analysis of disagreements between in silico predictions and experime
14          In conclusion, we found substantial disagreement between information from the CMS Medical Ev
15                                              Disagreement between interpretations of reduced- and ful
16  (AB, 55%; TC, 41%; AD, 46%) and the highest disagreement between kits (kappa value of 0.63).
17 e negative ignores the fact that much of the disagreement between liberals and conservatives is over
18                                              Disagreement between low or deficient serum and intake l
19       Logistic regressions estimated whether disagreement between measurement methods was systematica
20 for amino-acid insertion have been made, yet disagreement between most experimental and theoretical s
21                                              Disagreement between observers was found in four cases o
22                                    While the disagreement between observers was recorded in two cases
23   The most noteworthy source of error and of disagreement between observers was the confusion of peri
24                         There is substantial disagreement between OCT and FFA findings in detecting a
25 lude addressing sources of and legitimacy of disagreements between orthology calls, the context depen
26 n the Southern Hemisphere, and by persistent disagreement between paleo-data and models concerning th
27                                              Disagreements between parents and doctors about the seri
28                                              Disagreements between patients and families about the us
29  Good end-of-life care may be complicated by disagreements between physicians and patients, difficult
30  secondary outcomes were rates of recall and disagreements between readers.
31 )/6-311+G**) were carried out to resolve the disagreement between recent experimental and computation
32                                    Of the 15 disagreements between results of large and smaller trial
33                                              Disagreements between reviewers abstracting and checking
34              Our results thus argue that the disagreement between SAXS and smFRET is statistically si
35                        There is considerable disagreement between self-reported and claims-identified
36                       There is a substantial disagreement between SPT and sIgE for diagnosing allergi
37  significant positive findings, but there is disagreement between studies on their locations, and no
38                                    There was disagreement between studies with regard to cardiac outp
39                                              Disagreement between the 2 sources was not significantly
40  This finding suggests that the agreement or disagreement between the aligners' called INDEL and the
41        This finding eliminates some apparent disagreement between the computational results published
42 consequences are best examined in cases with disagreement between the current and new tests.
43                                            A disagreement between the gravimetric and the spectrometr
44              This suggests that there can be disagreement between the maternally and paternally deriv
45         A previous in vivo study found gross disagreement between the observed promoter activities an
46  abdominal radiologist for examinations with disagreement between the original report and the researc
47                             In 17 cases, the disagreement between the physician and the patient or su
48 ences, which suggests, for example, that the disagreement between the predicted and observed fluxes o
49                                              Disagreement between the self-reported and performance-b
50  to describe the situation in which there is disagreement between the signs of the estimated regressi
51 , S(2), are also lower, although the overall disagreement between the simulation and experiment is le
52 results for substituted compounds revealed a disagreement between the structure-activity relationship
53 to four groups according to the agreement or disagreement between the thallium tomographic and corona
54 hs were more likely than term births to have disagreement between the two estimates.
55                                The amount of disagreement between the two experiments provides anothe
56 d had significant independent effects on the disagreement between the two measures, regardless of ges
57     The new structure reconciles many of the disagreements between the minimal hammerhead structure a
58 different definitions, resulting in frequent disagreements between the two documents (i.e., different
59          We also identify several aspects of disagreement between these empirical results and the pop
60                                          The disagreement between these patterns can be partly explai
61                Some studies have suggested a disagreement between these two methods, and little is kn
62                              The significant disagreement between these values and Barbour and Karty'
63                                  Significant disagreement between two readings was defined as >95% li
64  segmental motions; they resolve an apparent disagreement between two sets of high-resolution crystal

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